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20 Things You Somehow Missed In Pulp Fiction

Jun 04, 2024
Pulp Fiction is one of the most beloved films ever made, talked about and analyzed to death for the last 30 years, mostly on this very channel, but there are still some


you may have


despite watching it and see them again. and I rewatched this movie all that time, so with that in mind, I'm Josh from and these are 20


you probably


in Pulp Fiction, the 20th well-placed board game, one of the best Foreshadowing in Pulp Fiction appears in the foreground of the scene where Lance and Vincent are preparing Mia for her life-saving adrenaline shot.
20 things you somehow missed in pulp fiction
Here are two board games that are visible from operation and life and well, could there be any better place for props in a scene? where such an injection is about to be performed in this scene, of course Lance and Vincent had Mia's life in their hands and also their own as they would surely be killed by Marcellus Wallace if they were seen anywhere responsible for her potential. death number 19 black and white background of a butcher there are several key scenes in Pulp Fiction that take place in a moving vehicle and of course in each of these scenes the background outside the windows comes to life thanks to the classic movie Magic However, there is something very strange about Butch's taxi ride with Esmeralda that you may not have noticed even upon rewatching it and that's because if you just focus on the dialogue here or looking at the two characters in general , you may have missed that the background is completely in The black and white that is now sweeping the Internet is difficult to find any kind of explanation for this stylistic choice, but it is certainly not the last time that Quentin Tarantino would use black and white in his movie number 18.
20 things you somehow missed in pulp fiction

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20 things you somehow missed in pulp fiction...

Bad Things Happen When Vincent Goes to the Bathroom There are so many themes, trends and details throughout Pulp Fiction that it would be impossible to keep track of them all, however one of them is, of course, the repeated motif of That Vincent always seems to need the bathroom and this is a detail that you have surely noticed before and Tarantino has explained that the reason for his constant trips to the bathroom is because Vincent's heroin use actually causes him constipation and that is why he always tries to go However, what is more difficult to discern is that there is a common theme that links all of these trips to the bathroom and that is that every time old Vincent goes to small children's room, something bad is guaranteed if you don't believe.
20 things you somehow missed in pulp fiction
I just think about that Mia or the action while talking to himself in the mirror, Butch came home and shot him dead when he was done there and it was while he was in the restaurant bathroom that Pumpkin and Honey Bunny tried to rob the whole place, so yeah, it may be correlation and not causation, but every time this guy goes to relieve himself, something terrible happens. Number seven. Vincent's Bathroom Book. Now bad things can always happen when Vincent goes to the boy's room, but at least everyone. Every time he goes and does his business and I've said it too many times in this video, he always makes sure to be as comfortable as possible when bringing a certain book and the book in question is Modesty blase is spy. novel by Peter O'Donnell that surrounds the main character and may have served as inspiration for me as a character in Fox Force 5, but we'll talk more about her later in the film, albeit early in the chronological timeline of the film. movie you can also see Vincent reading this book when he is in restaurant number 16 Jody's love of needles Vincent Reviving Mia is, of course, up there with one of Pulp Fiction's most iconic scenes;
20 things you somehow missed in pulp fiction
However, despite how many times you have seen this infamous sequence, there is one detail that you may have overlooked and that is of course, Lance's wife Jody's involvement with the whole thing in the scene where she can't wait to see Vincent stick the needle into Mia's chest, which is quite a far cry from her initial reaction when the Odin woman was dragged into her house. to why she suddenly gets so excited about all of these actions, however, it's actually referring to an earlier conversation she had in this sequence and that's because, while some of us may shudder at the thought, Jody really likes it.
They love needles and she explains that she has had 16 piercings. in her life so far and maybe even finds it amusing, so watching this event unfold is like Jody's fantasy turned up to 11. Number 15 Marcellus was staking out the butcher's apartment after killing Vincent. The butcher's day goes from bad to worse when he jumps. in a car and immediately runs into the man who wants his head, Marcellus Wallace. This may seem like a really strange coincidence, however, it's a little more than that because Marcellus was actually carrying coffee and donuts when he was spotted, so it seems like he was actually there guarding the butcher's apartment along with Vincent when the latter entered the room. apartment to use the bathroom, he must have gone out to get them breakfast and then went out and caught Butch in the crossfire.
This coincidence was always easily explained, but with this in mind. It actually makes a lot of sense with the number 14, product placement in any universe, most blockbuster movies feature product placement in some way, but Quentin Tarantino is always trying to make this his own by including his own brands. in the universe in its different films, for example in the opening scene of Pulp Fiction the pumpkin lights a red apple cigarette of the same brand that Butch buys in his meeting with Marcellus Mia also smokes them in Jackrabbit Slims and they appear again in entire theaters as From Dusk Till Dawn Kill Bill the Hateful Eight and of course Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
Similarly, when Jules and Vincent go to visit Brett, they are eating the Big Kahuna Burger for breakfast again, this brand can also be seen in the entire room of Reservoir Dogs From Dusk Till Dawn and Once Upon. to Time in Hollywood number 13. Vincent's opening scene appears in



called Open with the Pumpkin and the Honey Bunny deciding to rob the same Diner that his reign is, of course, one of the most fantastic and iconic scenes in the entire movie, but initially seems disconnected from the rest of the story, until the end, where it finally returns to the player and interconnects with the other main characters we have seen throughout the story;
However, in the background of Pumpkin and Honey Bunny's conversation at one point Behind the latter you can see a man with long black hair wearing a white t-shirt and this is in the first scene, of course, it turns out that it's Vincent before he's formally introduced in the film, who's right in this. The dot looks like an extra silhouette in the background number 12. Steve Buscemi's cameo Both Tim Roth and Javi Keitel appeared in Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs, but there's another actor returning from Dogs making his way into Pulp Fiction, though in a much smaller format. way and that's because it's blink and you'll miss it.
Cameo by Mr. Pink in Tarantino's second film. This occurs in Jackrabbit Slims when Steve Buscemi played the not-so-great Buddy Holly impersonator who served Mia and Vincent, while Buscemi is usually there. Instantly recognizable, he was reserved enough as Dino's downtrodden worker that he didn't exactly jump off the screen and announce himself right then and there, and as a result, even the most die-hard fans managed to miss this cameo. I know I certainly did number 11 laughing. As a joke, before Vincent invites me to dinner, he makes up a plan and says that all he's going to do is sit in front of her, chew with his mouth closed, laugh at her jokes and then take her home, although initially This seems like a throwaway joke.
This actually has additional meaning seeing me as the failed pilot of Fox Force 5. The plan was for her to tell a corny joke in each episode, but since it was never picked up, she actually only had one in her Arsenal and was shy to say it. this joke right away, but after everything she and Vincent flew through over the course of the night, she finally breaks down and tells Vincent the corny joke at the end of this sequence and the joke itself was really terrible, but Vincent manages to release it. the smallest of pathetic laughs in response, so in a way her plan to just laugh at her jokes all night came true at the end of issue #10.
Fox Force 5 may have influenced Kill Bill, may that it is strange to understand it. but in the Tarantino Universe, movies like Kill Bill and From Dusk Till Dawn, you know, the genre pictures that Quentin Tarantino has created actually exist within the universe of movies like Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs as real movies, so what I want To say that are the characters. in Pulp Fiction could go to the movies and, in theory, be there to see Kill Bill, so since Uma Thurman appeared in both universes, the idea has been floated that she could actually be playing Neil Wallace in both Kill Bill as in Pulp Fiction.
Of course, we know that she plays Mia in Pulp Fiction, but if Kill Bill is a Pulp Fiction story film, then the suggestion is that Mia could be the star to play the bride and this has even been inspired from some way on the failed Fox. The Force 5 pilot she was famous for, Asmir, explains in the film that her character was Raven McCoy, one fifth of the titular team of deadly secret agents and claimed to be the world's deadliest woman with a knife and if you swap the facades of the knives and swap the corny jokes for a bunch of Gore, you might have the Kill Bill plot in there number 9, the Marcellus plaster or band-aid, if you're in the US, However, there are several mysteries surrounding Marcellus as a character appearing in the film. a very minor one of these is just what happened to the back of his head.
Mia Wallace's husband's first fantasy is through a shot that he simply places the back of her head in the frame and wears a larger cast over his head. The truth of why this detail was included in the film, although it has nothing to do with a narrative mystery, is the simple fact that Active Living Rooms had hurt his head and needed a Band-Aid on the back before shoot the movie. He just cut off his head while he was shaving and Quentin Tarantino thought he looked cool, so they said, yeah, we'll put this square in the movie and do a great close-up.
The number eight, Ezekiel 25 17, is actually not accurate. One of the most iconic quotes from Pulp Fiction is of course the passage linked to Ezekiel 25 17. A supposed Bible verse usually when Jewel says this passage out loud it means that someone is about to die and these words also greatly inform measure who Jewels is. a character, however, while Ezekiel 25 17 is an actual Bible verse and is similar to Jules' words, most of the passage was an original writing created to make the exact impact it had in movie #7. Danny DeVito is an executive. producer when you hear the title Pulp Fiction, a few names probably come to mind, obviously, you have Quentin Tarantino, you have Uma Thurman, you have Samuel L Jackson, you have Phil Lamar, you have Tim Roth, you have a whole series of people who are inextricably linked to this movie, however, one name that probably doesn't come to mind instantly is Danny DeVito, but it should when you talk about this movie in the future and that's because Danny DeVito owned it. from a production company in the early '90s and After receiving Tarantino's impressive script, he immediately passed it on to Miramax and the rest, as they say, is history.
He got a production credit and is now linked to this movie forever. Yes, he was instrumental in making it happen in the first place. I would have thought that the number six related characters in Pulp Fiction alone there are several characters that are related to other characters in other Quentin Tarantino films, some of them are quite obvious and you probably already know a couple, but there are others that are quite subtle, like Christopher Walken's. Superstar Cameo, for example, is in the film as a man who gives Butch his father's watch; However, it goes back to a character who only appeared in Django Unchained in print, with his great-great-grandfather being the crazy Craig, the most obvious connections between Tarantino's universes.
They will actually start with Jimmy Dimmick played by Quentin Tarantino himself in Pulp Fiction. He is the brother of Larry Dimmick of Reservoir Dogs, better known as Mr White. There are two Marl brothers between Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, plus, of course, Vic. Vega and Vincent Vega number five, when people get scared, that's when people get shot accidentally. If you take the statement from this title and replace people with an insult that Samuel L Jackson is better known for, you get exactly what his character Jewels said to Pumpkin and Honey Bunny when she was warning them in Dynasty when people get scared, that's exactly when people get shot accidentally, of course at this point in the movie there is anothercharacter we've seen get shot accidentally and it turns out he's sitting in the back of Jules' car, of course we're talking about Marvin who gets shot in the face by Vincent for seemingly no reason, as I mentioned there wasn't a reason real reason why Vincent shot Marvin in the face in the scene, however, if we think about Jules.
In other words, they could be implying that Vincent was really scared in the scene, but why would he be scared? At this point, Jules was absolutely certain that he had just witnessed a miracle, as four bullets that should have killed him completely missed. Vincent is absolutely convinced it's wrong, but maybe at this point in the car he's starting to think about the scenario and maybe getting a little scared that Jewels might have been right with what he was saying, this is a bit of a stretch, but it seems like too much of a coincidence that Jules mentions that someone was accidentally shot, but so soon after Vincent did that to poor Marvin, maybe there's something of a connection here number four Butch opened Vincent's car while he was buying drugs from Lance Vincent he complains that someone had just opened his car and that it would almost be worth it if he could have caught them in the act after the scene, although the detail is not mentioned again and Vincent, like the viewers, wonders who it really was. the culprit, whether it was someone random or was it someone else we've seen in the movie, well you can probably tell where I'm going with this, of course there have been many theories throughout the year, one of which has actually been confirmed by Quentin Tarantino, is the fact that Butch was the man who marked the casting of Vincent, so yes, there was a connection that was explained off screen number three.
Mir and Vincent actually stole her dance trophy. Arguably the most iconic scene of a slew of iconic scenes that litter Pulp Fiction's runtime is, of course, when Mia Wallace drags Vincent Jackrabbit Slims and convinces him to participate in the dance tournament taking place over there. I know it's not called a dance tournament and it's It's called a dance competition, but tournament sounds better, it's like Dragon Ball Z or something, or maybe it's dumb or I don't know, however, that's not the point. The thing is, did you know that they didn't actually win this competition and that they stole?
The trophy Instead, this is confirmed when Butch heads to his apartment to retrieve his watch and passes by the house with the radio on the news report confirming that the trophy he is seen holding was stolen from Jackrabbit Slims number two, lo inevitable. Foot Shot, aside from everything else Quentin Tarantino is known for in his films, you can't escape his association with the amount of foot shots he puts in his films and Pulp Fiction is no different, however, it is a that you may not have noticed. at the time, but watching it again is so incredulous that you can't believe he included it and that's because the last one comes when Esmeralda's bare foot is shown pressing the accelerator as she pulls Butch away from their big fight. prices quite a bit why the taxi driver is not wearing shoes in this scene, although it is never explained in the context of movie number one.
Vincent and Jules should have realized that there was someone else hiding in the apartment while Vincent and Jules grabbed their weapons. pull out of the trunk of his car, of course, wishing they were shotgun at the beginning of the movie, they do a quick rundown of what they know about the job ahead of them, specifically, they do a body count of what awaits in the apartment when They break in. According to their intelligence there should be four or five people in the apartment and that is pretty well established in this scene, four or five people, no more, no less, when they go to the apartment and only see three people, they should have rung the alarm. alarms.
When it rings, they go over the plan, they just announced how many people they expect, so when they walk into the room and they're men or even too short, they should probably check all the rooms to make sure there aren't any. If one or two of them hide it, it's one of those details that you might not even notice because you're caught up in the action that's happening, but once you notice it, it's like, guys, you should take a better hit than this, so that's it. our list I want to know what you guys think in the comments below, how many of these Pulp Fiction details you noticed and if there are any really interesting ones that I missed here, let me know and while you're there, could you please? give us a like, subscribe and visit for more lists and views like this every day, even if you don't know it, I've been Josh, thanks so much for watching and we'll see you soon.

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