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20 Things You Should AVOID In Stardew Valley

May 19, 2024
20 of the Biggest Glanders You Should Avoid at All Costs, from Farming Fiascos to Friendship, Time Fails to Clear Up What Not to Do in Stardew Valley. You already know that fairy roses are amazing. Placing these bee houses nearby will turn your regular trash honey into purely profitable honey, you can earn millions of gold with a honey empire on your farm or even your Ginger Island farm, however, not all flower honey is brewed. In the same way, almost all types of flower honey are worthless, however, this is much better than placing flour honey. in a cake to create Mead, never do this with flour, honey, it is almost never worth it, the only honey you


turn into alcohol is normal worthless honey and nothing else, leave a comment saying: I understand that at some point in your game you will get tired of your bland and maybe even boring because unfortunately there are many ways to decorate our farm and make it look amazing, mainly with furniture.
20 things you should avoid in stardew valley
You can buy furniture from Robin and the Traveling Trader and you can buy flooring and wallpaper from Pierre, but just don't don't do that, it's a terrible investment. What if you buy a couch and it just stinks? Instead, save up and buy Robin's furniture catalog and Pierre's flooring catalog. Yes, they are expensive but they are also worth it. These will give you unlimited. access to most of the furniture in the game, allowing you to really mix and match until you find true perfection. You just harvested 100 star fruit and turned them all into wine. Look at you below, you dropped every carambola wine you had into a barrel in your basement to age them and dramatically increase their value, why would you do that?
20 things you should avoid in stardew valley

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20 things you should avoid in stardew valley...

You know that it takes 56 days to fully age these two qualities of iridium, now you have no money and you can't buy any seeds, instead, age half of your wine and sell the other half, you will immediately get some money which later you can use to buy more seeds. Keep doing this until you produce more wine than you can age, then do whatever you want, remember it takes money to make money. Invest Wisely Fairy dust looks amazing, right? It can instantly finish anything, with the exception of old wine. You can use fairy dust to ensure you get a solar panel in the next one.
20 things you should avoid in stardew valley
He can instantly turn fruit into wine and even burn oars into precious metals. You can also use a single dollop of fairy dust on your cars to age them from gold to pace quality, saving you 28 days. This all sounds good, yes, until you find out how much fairy dust is worth, it takes a diamond and a fairy rose to create a. A single portion of fairy dust, although that may not sound so good, if you were to sell those items, you would earn close to 1,000 gold and at best you would earn 1,600 gold. Is it worth knowing how much money you could earn?
20 things you should avoid in stardew valley
I have had them let me know, so we have established that fairy roses can sell for a decent amount up to 640 gold each in the case of iridium quality, that is not bad, and what would happen if the If we were to plant them on our farm with the intention of selling them for profit, that will work fine. However, this is terrible and not for the reason you expect. Look at this. See how much space these idiotic flowers take up in your inventory. One space for each color and one space for each quantity. meaning that a single harvest can take up up to 16 inventory slots, which is ridiculous, not worth the effort in my opinion, the next one is going to sound over the top, but trust me, it's okay, there are many, many amazing items that you can only find within those. chests in the volcano, sometimes you will find a chest at the beginning of your adventure in the volcano and you are guaranteed to find a chest on the 9th floor.
Unfortunately, the volcano cannot be reset, so it will take you a while to find exactly what you're looking for, but there is a very simple way to increase your chances of getting some good loot. This is a golden coconut. Opening them will net you some pretty good loot; however, as soon as you open a single golden coconut you will start finding them in the volcano chests, if you never open one all the other items will have a higher chance of appearing, so don't open the golden coconuts until you get what you need of those chests. Simply put, your inventory is super limited, especially at the beginning of the game when I haven't upgraded it yet, yes 12 slots is nothing and will definitely hold you back, however you



buying the first upgrade, this sounds like horrible advice, but it's human, the 13th of spring is the annual Egg Festival, this festival is fun and easy to win, but wait, there's more.
You can buy strawberry seeds from this festival. If you didn't upgrade your inventory, you will have enough gold to purchase 20 additional seeds, which is a very good investment. You can upgrade your inventory after the festival. Spend your initial game money. Wisely, aside from the strawberries, the annual Egg Festival has a little game where you have to find some hidden eggs, but instead of winning, let's smash the enemies. Use this route to get 15 eggs. You only need 9 to win, but why stop there? destroying our enemies. The only way to win, the bigger the margin, the better the dragon teeth are hard to find, especially if you accidentally destroy them with bombs, defeat the lava stalkers with a slingshot and let the hot blows explode on them , even if you


all these stupid mistakes I make that are still kind of weird, so never, and I mean never create Island Walk totems, yes, using Willy's boat is tedious, time-consuming, and a waste of money.
Island warp totems are even more of a waste instead of just hoarding and hoarding those Dragon Teeth until you can build a warped island. totem now, this is worth every penny, get it sooner rather than later, you've caught a lot of fish and you've been forced to decide which fish you're going to throw into the water to have enough inventory space, yes, but don't do that, really sing. a fish returned to the wild is a waste, you could eat that fish or sell it to someone else to eat chests, that's right, just use chests, place them in your favorite fishing spots and never waste again why are you selling quartz, yes you could . sell them and make a small profit and yes you could double them very easily and maybe even make a decent amount of money but it's still a terrible idea.
Did you know that you can place them in a furnace to create three portions of refined quartz? I did not mention three portions of refined quartz that is simply incomparable. Regular chords can't compare and neither can recycling. Are you a hoarder? More specifically, a disorganized possessor who spends countless hours a day searching for something specific. There's nothing wrong with being a hoarder, but at least. be an organized hoarder, luckily you can fix this with signs, check this out, you will know exactly where anything is without any problem, this is the hoarder way, this is how I live, the growth speed is great, naturally you should take advantage Speedway to dramatically increase your production and potential profits, but never support Pierre and for his fancy speaker, he is a scammer who is trying to scam.
Rather, don't be fooled by Sandy's speaker at Desert Oasis for 80 gold on Thursdays. getting scammed controversial opinion incoming iridium sprayers are rubbish okay wait they're not bad they're just not as good as you think you might think they're twice as efficient as regular sprayers because that's what they look like however , if you were to use the same amount of land with the same square area then, in fact, they are only seven percent more effective than regular sprinklers. There's a ton of supporting math to prove this, so let me know if you'd like a dedicated video explaining that this crap isn't crap.
I'm serious. Don't just throw those trash items you collect from fishing into the burn, but put them in recycling machines. You can get wooden torches and even refined quartz. You know, it would be an amazing idea if we put a bunch of processing machines in the quarry mines. Jaws oven cake promotion just put them all in the quarry mines and while we're at it, why not put them on the elevator floors in the mines? Look, the game allows you to place processing machines here, don't do this. I'm just kidding. don't do this, this is a horrible idea, you should never do that, if you decide to do this, everyone will be destroyed when you sleep, yeah, I'm sad about so much wasted space in Quarry Minds, what the hell are there so many keys? special order requests, some of them are really fun, most of them will reward you hugely with lucrative key gems and then there are some that are just plain rubbish, yes the special order request that actually expects you to donate four prismatic shards avoids that mission like the plague just can't be worth it, it just can't, this is going to sound obvious but it's important that luck affects a lot of


in the game, fortunately it doesn't affect everything, however the mind is one of those


that is considerably affected when mining in a A bed like this will make you have a bad day, you will find fewer letters, fewer treasure floors, and most importantly, you will be less likely to land a critical hit.
Leave your minds for good luck days. Those are the 20 things you should never do. Value of history, but watch this video with 15 things you may not know about the value of the study. Thanks for watching, but for now I'll see you in the next video.

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