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20 Minute Fat Burning Bodyweight Workout | The Body Coach TV

May 21, 2024
Hello and welcome to Body Coach TV. This is a 20






with no equipment. I have 20 exercises planned, each movement is different and we are going to work for 40 seconds on each exercise, followed by 20 seconds. rest, so all I want is maximum effort, do as many reps as you can per exercise, if you ever get to an exercise you go to, you know what I don't like, I can't do it, just skip it or change it to something else , like a star jump or a jug on the spot, you can adapt it, but I'm going to try to go really hard for 20


s and each exercise will be different, so the first move will be A nice, simple jog in place just to pick up the pace cardiac, increase our energy a little bit and then we will increase as we go through the training, so let's jump in place in three, two, one, come on, so let's log in, not too fast.
20 minute fat burning bodyweight workout the body coach tv
To start, just a gentle jog, get those arms up, knees high and let's do 40 seconds of overseas work, we'll still sweat well and we'll feel good at the end. 20 seconds left, let's choose. speed up a little bit a little bit faster now 15 seconds then we'll go down to the ground for a group of mountain climbers right in the last few seconds let's speed up now three two one come relax with that we're already starting to work out first move down the next path on the mat now, if you have one on the towel, we're going to do some mountain climbers, so straight into another cardio move, let's keep our heart rate up.
20 minute fat burning bodyweight workout the body coach tv

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20 minute fat burning bodyweight workout the body coach tv...

I just go. To start off my little thing, my tracker, here we go, so mountain climbers get on their knees to their chest, we go to such a high plank position and bring our knees up to our chin as fast as we can. Okay, we're halfway through 20. seconds then we'll get up again, come move your knees really fast strange number three on our feet, we're going to do some squats, so two options, you can do some kind of slow squats, simple and basic, or if you want to make it a little more difficult, you can do a squat jump a little more explosive.
20 minute fat burning bodyweight workout the body coach tv
For now I'm just going to do the normal squats, so sit on Hills back nice and straight, really control that movement as you sit low and stand up great. There are 30 seconds left and then we will get on the floor to do a plank variation trying to work a little on our call. 20 seconds left like I said, you can do these basics or if you want to make it a little more difficult. you land soft and you explode off the ground you jump a little faster ah great five seconds for three two and one oh right, they're


the quads are already on fire, plank position so high we're going to be on our hands and what we're going to try What to do from here, if we can, is to touch our shoulders to allow us to touch, touch without moving, if necessary, you can also do some knees.
20 minute fat burning bodyweight workout the body coach tv
Come on, so shoulder tap, sure, what is it? it happens that there is no movement, my hips don't move without having to engage very well because I lift that hand off the ground, so I touch the left shoulder, okay, we keep the outside. The next move we're going to do is going to be on the floor again we're going to do a series of push ups so we're really going to target the upper


now my next move I raised that hand up you really have to avoid turning so you have You have to really engage your core muscles and relax. correct number, these are pushups number five, so you can do box pushups on your knees and try to bend your elbows a lot, you can put your foot down and press up or do the full pushup, the same thing I'm going to try . do this nice and slow, we go nice and slow so as not to rush the reps, come down slowly, just hit the floor and push up, it doesn't work, you can't go all the way down, you can do only half the reps from the knees, Whatever works, just make sure you build that strength into a full push-up, you'll get there eventually.
There are 20 seconds left, but I'm already tired, I take the floor and press the last repetition, yes, I will stay on the floor. I'm going to do another ABS exercise on our mats by flipping onto your back, so what I'm trying to do here is a single leg crunch, we go up and try to hit the shin and we come back to the ground, we go up, we try to hit the shin three two one come on 20 minute work we go very fast so try each set let's do as many repetitions of good form as you can excellent touch the ground that's the joke laugh inhale as you lower X out while you squeeze we're going to stop putting our feet in the next exercise .
Let's get the heart rate up again. 10 seconds on this stretch. Stretch your shin and relax. Excellent on our feet. We are doing very well. It goes fast. The movements are fast. In the next exercise we are going to try to increase our heart rate a little bit, so we are going to run in place. What I'm going to do is raise my hands above my head as we do it, that's like a climb. Around the corner, so right on the spot, knees up, stretch your arms up, ready, let's go 40 seconds, this is number seven of 20. It's going fast, okay, stretch your knees up, Come on, lift those arms up, really, stretch that hard. ball towards your belly ah right 25 seconds a little faster now we're thinking about the heart rate we're trying to get it as high as we can in 15 seconds a little faster 10 seconds okay four three two a waste of water, oh, like this it's like me, next exercise we will do a single leg back along with the left foot forward, the right knee comes back up, okay, so it's 40 seconds on the right side, so step the right leg back.
Drive forward, which is on the side. there it goes back Drive forward, which is the 47 on the right side and we switch, drive that knee forward, that's it, lower your back and he lowers, you will feel a stretch through the hip flexor, the outside should be


almost there. I'm impressed with the standing legs doing the work and then by bringing the left one, you know the other leg up you're activating your abs a little bit, so lift the knee this time, the right foot stays on the ground. The left leg moves forward. Back here we go three to one, so step back, you can do it more slowly, if you find it difficult to lift your knee, you can just take a step with your feet together if you have a little more power to get your knee up. that's keeping the front foot on the ground Drive she's feeling this right leg doing the work drop the back knee drive ah 10 seconds left and we're going to the ground five four three two one to the right we'll be in the tank because we have a kind of bear, a bear called position, I call this, so from this position drive using the floor, stand up like this so that your knees are not touching the ground and then what am I going to do from there?
It's just jumping in, yeah, you can see the ABS works too, turn the feet out and in, I just kneel it right off the floor in an hour in just one on the mat if you feel the quads get too. really works, the cause of that, so you need them to be right off the floor, feet out, anyway, you can take them out, put them in, put them ten seconds on the clock, ah-oh, I found out that the claws really are good news halfway, 10 minutes. complete, we are doing very well, the next exercise we will be on our hands, sorry, standing, we are going to put our hands on the floor, walk to a high plank, jump with our feet inward, walk backwards and stand up. foot, so walk. outside walk towards a board one of the thrusters has feet come in now walk back stretch up repeat that so come out a thruster in and out walk backwards stand up repeat that walk those hands to the high back jump your feet in walk towards back ah it's strong in the shoulders jump feet in and out touch toes lift last rep last hang hang next exercise together what we're going to do basically we're going to hit the floor to get off the left foot like you're on the sidelines working those quads again 40 seconds left right that's it just touch the floor with your nose fingertips and then go to the speed where it says one two one two one two hold this come on the Push training is 20 minutes, that's not a lot of time, so really push this now. it's the higher you work during the day Let's make it count 10 seconds five four three two one oh, that's it, the next exercise we're going to do a lateral lunge now, so we're going to step up to the center step. come on, so we're really trying to step back into the middle, getting a nice low momentum through the foreign outside foot hill, that's great, this is number 13 of 20.
It's going fast, let's go down . the floor for another ABS exercise after this step with the feet together 10 seconds on the clock big step four three two and one more down we lie down on our backs we are going to do another ABS exercise to give ourselves a little moment to catch our breath and so we can We will have our legs if we can in the air, good, circuit in a V position, the arms pass, we are going to try to do crunches, we go so that the legs are nice and straight, as high as you can, ending on the floor it's touched, the fingers come together, they go over the knees, they really creak, ah, a little rest, it's quite a difficult hour, it comes in seven seconds, oh, bye, we're in a little foot position again, it What we're going to do is that's the center position of the bear, so we're not on the plank, we're kind of on our knees.
Let's turn like this from here like this, like this, we're just going to walk left and walk right. We go with the sword to the left. We walk with our hands. The knees are just. off the ground, so we're not in a plank position and these are slightly bent, oh, it's hard, so the bear walks curves to the side, so we go to the left, we walk through the house and these are just outside the accelerator, oh yeah, he laughs, so I think it's okay, ah, but come on, come on, this is number 15. just five more moves after this, oh, can you see it then because it's completely cracked, let's do quick half burpee so that they are not full burpees, are they the hands inside? the ground we kicked has been kind of a journey through 40 seconds of these colors get up squeeze your quads squeeze your butt at the top stand up let's drive we're almost there the last few exercises come on we're training hard let's push it ends in the high, let all the stress in your body, any negative energy that you have, let's replace it, let's be strong and Coach Carter, 10 seconds, you can, you can do a couple more, the last one for me, which is dumb, right in the ground again.
High plank position, this time we're going to do a Mountain Club, we're actually going to cross the body, so Ryan just comes forward, crosses the knee, come on, so knee, right knee, left elbow, crosses, ah , cross the body, these are harder, you sure work, maybe your obliques, even harder when you're slowing down, trying to make them a lot slower on this one, one back, two back, three back, come on, ah, I'm kidding with my abs, oh, that's so hard, I'm resting, oh. standing, three more movements to finish. I'm absolutely sweating now, so we're going to do some kind of dynamic exercise.
We're going to do this lunge, lunge, squat, so let the lunchtime squat be ready, so lunge, lunge, squat, lunge. lunge squat repeat lunge land squat land school oh that's hard that's hard for 40 seconds continue if you can well done if you're still going to lunch land squat come on lunge land squat 15 seconds ten ah last year come on oh well , last two moves now let's finish with two very high intensity cardio moves, all in a fast place, but not on the knees High, I need a little lower, it's fast, it's really moving your body fast, now maximize your heart rate, okay, come on, let's give it a little time. emergency fast no speed ah faster ah ah why is it so hard oh that's hard keep off okay last 10 seconds keep running very fast fast snake quickly can four three two one ow that's so hard ah I didn't like that oh my last exercise , we'll do it if we can, Barbies from chest to floor, so hands on the floor, let's try the floor, if you can jump, if you can't just do the Harper, please, we've done that before, this is the last. exercise, so I want to finish with a very high heart rate.
Come on, how hard can you work? Stay with me. 25 seconds left. This is the end. This is the end of the training. Last movement. Oh, I'm blown up. Ah, okay, the last 10 seconds let's go down the round togetherfinal one more here we go hand to the floor down jump ah oh give me strength oh there you have another example of how you don't need a gym or a lot of equipment to get really good full body strength cardio session which is fantastic thank you for joining I hope you enjoyed the


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