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2 PWR Pros vs EVERY Rank at Once!

Apr 23, 2024
guys, I'll be, I'll be like the director, guys, you guys want to get in here, just get in there, yeah, don't worry. I'm going to be a I'm about to be a problem 91 oh my god H he's got his revenge cute keep the spray up guys keep the spray up I think we have to play house I think we play house I'm not going to lie, oh , they are nervous Zen, don't run in. I'm flanking, I'm flanking, I'm flanking, I'm double flanking, I'm triple flanking, getting all the space I can, guys, you're hiding in the house.
2 pwr pros vs every rank at once
They're hiding in the house wait, we have, we have to go together, we have to group up, we have to group together, maybe I can kill one, oh no, they found me, I'm falling, I'm falling, wait here in here Box by box come come come dead they're playing this so sweaty now they're here they're outside oh they're outside there's one in the bush here 110 oh my god, they shot my butt I don't like that tell him no there no there my no no square wait he's right he it's here right here I'm going in I'm going in full box full box full box full box nice nice yeah with you with you nor you, he, do it again do 90, oh, they hit me 90.
2 pwr pros vs every rank at once

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2 pwr pros vs every rank at once...

I see a nice e like 180 in nor guys. I think we all have to jump on the marks, like really, maybe if we started running towards me, no. Don't let them REO go back to the re Alex is going up Alex is trying to get up dead come one oh I'm on top of the last two last two on me 100 in fil that's not very good that's not good at all I'm coming 102 one more , yeah, dead, oh, oh my god, no ma'am, I didn't have m, okay 100 no, Alex is actually just clipping now oh, that's not too much flash, come on bros guys one1 oh no 30 oh, they're all R, they're all F, we got play yeah, we do the same we just do the same spray team spray oh look my team 91 bottom left bottom left again bottom left they love one left we box in the restart so currently together guys currently together behind the rock Behind The Rock now get in the house we gotta get in the house Z is excited again 60 66 worth it they're burning mats right here I think they got in I think they got in Jesus Christ brother holy shit brother brother it's over, let's go into the house, let's go into the house, what is this same guy?
2 pwr pros vs every rank at once
Where is the? I'm doing the macarine oh can I join the macarine 40? wait, we need to help, we need to help, no, yeah, he's scared, brother, he's scared to death 200 right, nice, I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm leaving, I'm going out, take his card, reset, reset, guys I've got the card, I've got the card, I've got the card, I need I need to get to this reset van so they can't reset it yeah one is trying to reset fighting for it. I need help, I need help, I'm trying, yes 130 on lki 130 W, how is it rebooting?
2 pwr pros vs every rank at once
Huge reset Sam, huge reset, how do I do it? I don't know, I need help guys, I need help up Maybe in 40 what's waiting, huh, waiting in box in box in box what's waiting, wait, how are they restarting? I am the goat, I am the goat, I am the goat. the goat I'm the goat all the sacrifices behind you right here right here 200 I'm for the Beast I can't we kill three we kill three we're ahead right now we're ahead I'm Max Mrs now wait box in box in box box Dead Oh 60 cracked cracked radiant oh wait there the one here brother 100 100 100 yes why do that PE the little monster C him what the fuck dead oh no, let's wait is that 1 or that is 21 right that is 21 in each


until unreal couldn't eliminate these two


, but now it's time for me to participate if we don't win with all eight


I don't know what to say, we're still missing one, no, no, no. Goobs is with us in spirit guys, we just do the same thing bro. I think these are all of them. This is the unreal. I'm going to blend in. Why is Noski making m Strats? He's going to work, guys, trust him, he's okay. actually lowkey im gonna chop one up bro hey chill out with me real quick yeah yeah yeah im chillin' out with you bro oh 180 well kill one oh i almost chopped it oh yeah 150 in winter, nice, nice, nice, nice, cold, cold, wait, it's worthy, yes, yes.
W is on uh, me and more right now 140 box full box full of I'm dead I'm dead I'm already dead I lost two brother yeah 90 over 90 90 90 W I need help I need help I need help I need help nusky nusky you and me come on come on I've got it I've got it they're retiring I killed the winter I've been I've been I've finished the winter no I don't want to hear it I actually don't want to hear Why didn't they restart me? I'm back, baby, don't worry, don't worry, we don't need anyone else. Ni, that was a brave effort, you fought well, I think we can increase with this fire that he is going to generate, yes.
Yeah, yeah, keep spraying them guys, keep spraying them, where are these here? By the way I'm just trying to get angles brother one sneaking open brother 30ty I'm going to key nooski try to kill him can you can you cover me oh yeah? nooski they're pushing you, yeah, nooski Noki W King, no K, gone, gone, yeah I see him 30 60 dead 130 130 he's 130 help me help me help me help me help me help me


one will come to I don't have mats no mats no mats yeah , what 10 builds Alex doesn't have mats Alex doesn't have mats are hooking right left left left left left cracked cracked 51 oh, I'm outdoors I'm just going to go for a run Sil brother, you, really I think it's not like a I can try cover maybe yes cover I'm going to run, run, run, oh my God, where are they above me 60 yeah, oh, I made it, I made it, yeah, okay, yeah, I got math, I got math, oh, okay, Alex has you have all my calculations you have to come to me you have to come to me now I'm trying I'm trying yes, come here, box me in, box me in, wait, go on, go on, get in there, where are they dead?
Box me 100 no no oh hey I'm going to include you oh yeah no I didn't have shy ammo Yeah guys yeah come on guys that's one oh okay guys guys I actually have a strategy for this one


one enter the portal and just don't do it. move, okay, what do you mean don't move, okay, okay, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no, no, no, no, no, easy, easy, easy, are we going to have a team meeting? Now let's relax together, wait, they're all in a box, what are they all in a box a little bit? 2 for two, everything we do we must do together team, okay, we are already one, we can't throw this away, brother, what are you doing?
Everyone, get on, choo, choo, choo, oh uh, it's started, oh oh, game, face, space around you. Space around him fast, everyone ramp Rush, wait where we rampin' running from yeah, one's up high, yeah, yeah, dead, dead, I'm dead, I just got one pumped oh oh heit and 120 in fill, dead in F, okay, so we speed up, but no one else. R Rush, that's nice guys, go try it res I pretend no no shh sh sh Wait, I don't know where the body is, bro, it's, it's here oh no, oh no, oh no, I canceled it, I canceled it, yeah, Yeah. 9 130 in Zam hello what 188 are all me can you relax can you relax?
I'm calming down I'm out I'm out but I can't cancel anymore 130 on nooski I'm dead Yes tomato 33 on tomato M distract brother on tomato were you here oh Alex down come on no no no no he's one he's one on me dead no oh no It's not just one and then the other one is rebooting it's he's just rebooting one of them too I think it's a 1 V2 we reboot come to me fil no fil don't come to me come to me come to Nico yeah I just rebooted fil no that's all so stre just one V one oh no zam he's also alive Zam has two Health zam he's getting all the other resets cards 3 V one guys oh oh no oh no oh 2 V one yeah get me I got I got , be Mats Lo ra for nothing Lo ra for nothing you win this Z you give you win this I'll give you you, 10K v-bucks brother, I'm not even kidding and nice 80 down I want I want 10K I want 10K I want 10K okay why are you climbing so high?
Why are you going up? Come on, FCS champion, feel bad for me, oh my God, damn. you eliminated yourself oh come on um I forgot I had a HP guys it's 1 this is the decider here this is a decider yeah I'm Ling on the right I'm just going to watch the boxing here Zam I reached 160 in Zam. wait, I'm actually clipping it, bro, PR map, clipping it, wait, I'm coming after them, wait, oh, wait, they've already boxed the guys, they've already boxed oh, I got a hit for a hit for 90 hits for 90 kids. Guys, we really need to sweat this one, so they're not there anymore, how can you follow them?
I can't, I like these Bo, can they cool down? Yeah 90 on Nico I'm just sprayin' 'em bro waste the M y'all sprayin' I'm sprayin' I have no idea where they at oh my god what's wrong with these guys coming out? I'm going to key, yeah, go ahead, 110 oh, he's coming for me, he's F, he found the heart, he found the oh no, oh no, they tryna get the noo, what you doin' bro, he's all over you, They're aiming for the best person, they're aiming for the best, running away, wait your box dies oh no, he builds good, good, good, big? kill, they focus on the main threat, okay, wait 100 on Alex 100 on Alex, hit me 100 I need to go back, I need to go back, yeah, yeah, go back, go back, go back, wait, whoever wins this wins everything, wait, I fit one in the one who is. my box, wait, I don't know where they are, I'm afraid, come back to me, come back to me, I'm sping, sping, they have everything there, guys, move, move in pairs as much as you can, move in pairs. with something on the wall here yeah, I'm here, they're like here on this wall behind us box box box box full yeah yeah uhoh uhoh uhoh help me help me help me out m m stop running in circles bro how did you do it? you know how they knew bro cute cute cute I got mats I got mats I'm running backwards just running backwards yeah I'm running backwards worthy guys they were like 50 HP I'm going to box the reset too oh wait they're really short guys good job sneaking behind sneaking behind oh quick wait 120 120 oh I got to 100 come back okay okay I'm trying I'm trying go go oh my god go winter go winter fuck you oh no I'm not dead no bro, come in, come in, come in, come in, come in, wait we won this we won come in yeah oh my god bro cute we did it we did it distraction if you enjoyed that video check this one out but yeah I'd like to see some two Pro bonuses for each rank to the


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