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$2,500 Boat Challenge Ep.3 - HIGH SEAS Totaled James Jet Boat and Left George Stranded..IT WAS CRAZY

May 16, 2024
Listen guys, the cold weather is upon us, it's 70 degrees in Florida, we're all freezing, we have a closed door in the store, listen, we have our winter merchandise, we have the Mcfarland racing hat, we have the new logo hats from Cletus, hats from Freedom Factory. Keep your head nice and warm New Cletus Flex Fit logo caps We have the new windbreakers back in stock These are cute They cut through the wind well Check it out, good for cold weather We have the hoodies with the Cletus logo on the front and rear Very comfortable hoodies and then I'm not sure if you heard that we now sell Dr Tuna Balls products on so we got the Moonshine t-shirts, they replenished the piston rods and the Dad Bodz t-shirts and then we brought the night lights and engine lights t-shirt too.
2 500 boat challenge ep 3   high seas totaled james jet boat and left george stranded it was crazy
We have some Christmas merch on the way. We have some new merchandising. You've already seen the hot blazer shirt. Think about that, George, oh, I'm excited. Switch it on. That is. Let's see the action live. Hell yeah, bro, you're with the cop. youtube channel well guys that's not a good start to the morning I'll tell you what though I guarantee this bad girl comes on every time you're ready come on baby oh yeah oh yeah I'm probably not going to drive Fire, hey, I just need you to push me back. a little bit so you can grab me a little bit, what would you do?
2 500 boat challenge ep 3   high seas totaled james jet boat and left george stranded it was crazy

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2 500 boat challenge ep 3 high seas totaled james jet boat and left george stranded it was crazy...

I don't know, dude, I'm an idiot, like, come around the front, push me back, damn,



, really, dude, I got a tackle box and everything, yeah, that, wow, let me borrow it. this. stuff wow, you stretched, maybe you're swimming a little today in the bathtub last night like that practicing for our


to sink, here's the deal guys, it'll be windy later today, we're going to the ocean and here's the The


of the situation is that we are going to go through the State Highway 64 boat ramp, then you have to drive to the Anna Maria Oyster Bar and back, here is the deal you have to make with the oyster bar and then you have to catch a fish first, whoever makes it to the oyster bar catches a fish and returns to the boat ramp where we started gets three points two points for second one point for third but whoever gets the biggest fish gets two extra bonus points and if it has to be towed back, the team that is towed has to subtract one point from their current score, James' team has seven, George's team has five and Alcaney's team has seven, so we are tied for first and second place, so if they tow you you must give one of your points. to the team that helps you, did you hear that?
2 500 boat challenge ep 3   high seas totaled james jet boat and left george stranded it was crazy
Yes, you heard Paul Ford, you can call. Look, if you want such


expectations for George and Zach, we'll see if they can actually fish. They are full of holes, yes, four. inch guppy you have to take them out very far, it's kind of a strategy here, I mean you can try to win the race with a small fish or you can go for big fish and the race will be tough, so Jack did it. you pour oil directly into our boat's gas tank, yes, enough for five gallons, yes, but then you just pour the oil into this gas tank, that's right, is there still a vacuum idiot?
2 500 boat challenge ep 3   high seas totaled james jet boat and left george stranded it was crazy
We just have to backtrack to the bomb, we'll take that one. If we can make it wobble when the wheel bearing is removed, the rig gets more and more expensive as the days go by, you got a rod there buddy, what have we got? What are we doing with um Abu GarcĂ­a is not coming? Back to We've Got a Fish, I bought you a new rod, George, here's a leash. Let's troll these pups a little along the edge of the canal. I don't know if that works or not, but I'm pretty sure. that works if that doesn't work try to catch a big channel catfish there's some weight there hey easy dude easy dude the wind is really blowing these surprises this thing even starts oh there she's nice oh she barely made it out dude , he almost lost traction for a moment, buddy, why is your bilge already breaking just as it goes down?
It didn't take long for you to pick up water there, buddy, oh, great day, buddy, great day, see if the speedboat is running a little better. James tuned it. Okay, remember if you don't come back with a fish, you won't get any points, period, no, if the answer is wrong and the fish has to be alive, it has gills and a tail, that's fine, that's all that matters, like this that there are no dolphins, no dolphins, no mammals. Dude wait no we're not bringing the fish back right no no you just have to take a picture of how long it is and then yeah the fish has to be alive well yeah you'll have a video Okay, three, two, one. alright, it's live, we're live, bro, we're live, alright, I'll go up and we'll get us out, even though we don't have a see you, reverse the old nightmare, dude, oh wow, that thing's even working, oh Oh my god, Dave might actually be. on fire, he's, he's smoking two minutes and we've got him, they take him, trouble, oh, shoot, we're in oh, it's so shallow, the ocean is a different element, sure, yeah, you gotta know these things, No way, James is dying. tire and we're fine, we have lights on, hopefully we didn't damage our propeller, we also hit the ground, I didn't hear anything like rocks or anything, all good, here we go, the nightmare is already about half a mile ahead of all of us.
No way, oh my gosh, yeah, it's in person, it's got the midfield on camera, oh, oh my gosh, I don't know if the competition is going to make it, oh wait, there's one of them, oh oh, the waves They've gone up probably two or three feet, oh. Oh my god, it literally went up, I don't know, man, I don't believe it, but you know, no, put it in neutral and accelerate there, turn it on, we have water. Oh no, this is not good, I guess now I have it on video too we were almost she's vertical 35 40 miles an hour oh my God, God, uh, Jake James, bleat, James is done, those points are hard, he's here up next to that shelf, okay, so we're neck and neck pulling up.
At the checkpoint, the most important thing will be who will catch a fish because they can follow us to the restaurant, but they will not be able to follow us and catch the same fish. We can only help them so much, just trim and roast them. oh, the shoes are soaked, I did it, checkpoint, done, it's time to catch a fist, my elbow is badly bruised by this rail, it's compressed, oh, you're shorter now, sure, you did it, this is the second cast, you had a little bait fish, sorry if he ruined your boy's place, oh oh, he got really lucky guys, so right now you can see George and Zach posted on the bridge, Alec and I'm about to throw some shrimp under here and see if we can catch like sheepshead or something it's getting pretty full, I think that's the closest we've ever come to sinking it, although we definitely made a hole somewhere in the hallway because this thing was legit about the sink it's a fader we got georgie what a great place to fish I'm sure it's uh one more fish and then the guys caught it already have it on video you gotta hold it uh what was about six inches?
Yeah, probably about six inches. I don't know about you, but the guys there right now seem to have done it. I haven't caught anything yet oh they're there now oh yeah you know he saw us and said we had to go for it so guys we just got the bad news that Zach and George caught a big fish and they're headed . back, so we're going to try to catch a little fish and drag it back and see if we can beat them. Monster Bay, man, we gotta bait, here we go, man, uh, eight inches, we'll call it eight inches today, not what.
I wanted to catch him today, but we're going to try to beat Jordan and Zach now, if we do that we can still get those points, at least we completed the mission, oh you sure kissed him, good luck, oh we have to do it right. The fish have been caught alright guys we have no idea where the nightmare is we can't find them but we are dragging them so hopefully we are ahead of them we will just head back fingers crossed that would be the back of the dock , brutal, yes, this. It's great, I really love sailing and bad weather, it's just fantastic, oh, the nutcracker is 3 000. almost there, shit, this is not a joke, okay, we're almost back, I really hope we're done, oh , I see it, yes, it's here, there, that's it.
They, yeah, no, we got our first place, honey, that's what we call winning, you see clearly, that was just down to the size of the fish, I don't think they would have come back before us if they had caught a good fish, you know, probably They did what we did. I just caught something so I mean the pinfish is huge as far as the pinfish goes it was a big pinfish so maybe there's a chain I think we have fish in the back but we definitely got they caught, so right now they're guaranteed three. points we got two points it's just who got the bonus for the fish prize for two points we need if we don't get it we're in second place so James no points today for James the jet boat couldn't take it.
I bought about the one with the fee, yeah, no, the fishing boat couldn't handle the ocean stuff, even though I told you there were waves involved, y'all knew, watch out for that treble hook, yeah, you guys didn't really catch a fish, I always did it. how big, yeah, how big is yours, seven inches, we got, come on, we caught an eight inch fish, but you'll have to look at the picture because we didn't actually measure ours on camera, you didn't measure it on camera. Oh. he's freaking out and you definitely can't win the bonus now hey you'll get that in those big jobs guys okay let's go to a restaurant so we can get in the shade and celebrate, see who the winner is.
I want to say we're both winners just because I know some people are going to complain. We set this date a week ago. We couldn't predict the weather. Here we are. Check it out. Look at them in my hand and look at them in your hands. Now let me measure your face and then I can cross reference, dude, look at your hand, yeah, look at your hand, dude, yeah, look how much bigger your hand is than mine, grab your fish, put it right there, I see you , buddy, wait, make them nice. they move away they are on my four knuckles take up the entire top of my fish your four knuckles take up the entire top of your fish do you have a video of me catching your fish?
Yes, this is great. Yes, I really have a lot. You have a lot more heads sticking out and you have a little more tail sticking out. The hand grip is pretty much the same guy you were in, buddy. You know, I heard your guys' boat suffered some damage. Can we check it? Yes Yes. like actual structural damage like total damage to the boat oh not so cool when you get out there like maybe I don't know what that is yeah that's all that's a crack around the top caps completely out of sight of this crack oh my god it's all the way, yeah, yeah, I mean, it's like there was nothing, I mean, it was like up to the top of the oil pan, it definitely didn't have that hard break for the old speedboat guy, the good one news is that the next challenge is on land in the trailer, so that's it, they're done with the water stuff, yeah, yeah, okay, bring it to Zach, we need to split the points, we check the size of the fish in Lunch, we were all there, boy, you didn't see it, but we. basically i caught the same fish i caught a pinfish they caught a spotted pinfish about the same size this is the situation even though they didn't measure theirs but there is an automatic image loss ah yeah so this is what we're going to do okay you don't get points because you didn't come back we are like the innocent bystanders you got three points for coming back first after catching a fish and reaching the checkpoint we got two points for coming back seconds after catching a fish and reaching the checkpoint and I am willing to split Bonus points since the fish looked pretty much the same.
It's the only thing I like to do that leaves Jackson and Ty with seven points, so now we're at ten points and you guys got four points, so now you're at nine points, so you're in second place, now you're going to have to catch up. a day, yes, ten, nine and seven until the final, which is on Monday, so that will be it for this third episode of the boat challenge. There is one more episode on the way. There will be some extreme backing and there will definitely be some jackknife trailers, but cross that street when we get there, that's all for now, thanks for watching, see you later.

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