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1972: Behind the Scenes at LEEDS UNITED | I Love Leeds | Classic BBC Sport | BBC Archive

Jun 20, 2024
The other day the Club of the variety of protagonists extinguished the heroes' cup. Over the years we as fans have learned to live with its weaknesses and disappointments and now in its moment of Triumph and at the last moment I came in as a substitute to propose your toast. I can imagine my joy on Friday night after


2. I was sitting in the studio and someone came and said Don rev's on the phone. I thought it was my big opportunity. I said I'm gaining a little weight. I'm earning a little. but this is my chance. I went, hello Don, he says hello Colin, I said, I'm a player, he says no, I've decided to go with Jack, he's a little bit younger than you and I think he has the advantage, so I said, fair, he said. but I want you to speak at dinner, could you propose the United toast?
1972 behind the scenes at leeds united i love leeds classic bbc sport bbc archive
I thought it would be an honor and that's why I'm here. Hunter, the tough man, once came home with a battered, bruised and bitten leg, he was worried. I couldn't remember who it was for me not only are they great footballers but they are Billy Bremner with a spectacular Scottish wife who


s Yorkshire there is no explanation for Taste Paul Midley and the players who have created much of the spectacle and drama Big Jack who He looked at me after losing to the Wolves last season. I just didn't see you, you told me I was that strangler Eddie Gray, Alan Clark, Peter Laim and the rest, the legend about them is one of cold efficiency, but the truth. they are essentially human and their weaknesses and vulnerability to stress make my affection for them all strong men raise your hands all yorman here please all orman thank you are there any lancastrians present oh yes that should be enough it is for the benefit For those of you who are not from the North I have something to explain, you see the Lancer men only come to York in raiding parties, however I came to one of these raiding parties, I think it was to see Wigan and Leeds, you know, That's the game they play.
1972 behind the scenes at leeds united i love leeds classic bbc sport bbc archive

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1972 behind the scenes at leeds united i love leeds classic bbc sport bbc archive...

I walked and um, I looked around and I don't know, there was something about the place that you liked, something unique. You see, Leeds is a small city. When you think of Leeds, you can contain it, you can conceive it in your mind. In Liverpool or Manchester they are too big, they are too spread out, they are not leaders, but the problem with leaders is that, unlike Liverpool and Manchester, they can't believe in themselves, they can't think big, they can't believe they have at least Ellen Road, the best football team in England and in their purple patches, the best football team in the world, but they are less an orchestra than a marching band, players and men with their feet firmly on the ground, well, the city takes them in stride. but at least it allows them to live a normal life among their own people in the heart of the city they play in.
1972 behind the scenes at leeds united i love leeds classic bbc sport bbc archive
They're not one of your glamor teams. Imagine a p or a usabo or even the best playing dominoes three times a week in the pub. with the boys I saw them play football I saw them play dominoes the other day I even trained with them he's coming in the next Republican Party all down let's go it's no use getting in quickly Explosion and then ding it's no use to you the good thing is no use to you he , of course, let's all go up, la, a quarter, okay, come on, then prepare a section for him, don't run towards him, run further, go, well, keep going. in the middle, go well done, okay, last, go, come on, walk to the next one if you're done, it's hard work, it literally made me sick, just turn around, turn around, just bend your knees if you feel YES, just bend your Get on your knees and get up, come on, kneel, no, nael, bend over slightly, you feel better, feel better like this, more, that's it, come on, just kneel down, good boy, couldn't they do that to make it more fun?
1972 behind the scenes at leeds united i love leeds classic bbc sport bbc archive
So it makes more sense than just running away from the position. To post well, that's an idea of ​​why it makes sense because you go from post to post, we don't run straight now, it's all checks and turns and sprints, it's all short and precise things instead of every St FL must have explained it . Yes, but it's very mechanical, isn't it? It's just a series of damn EXCs. Well, you have to do exercises one way or another, so why not check directly the runs and the way you are playing a game? Were you sick at first? season no, this season two and three, but I've been sick of you, everyone's sick, kind of sick, so you gotta say, in other words, you can't enjoy the game unless you get into Peak Fitness.
I think the important years are between 15 and 20. I think your body develops in that time and I think if you take care of yourself primarily, I'm not saying you can let yourself go after that, but if you take care of yourself between 15 and 20 then you stay reasonable. after that body. You have your body in the right place as you mature and then when you're 26 you should just be doing your best so your body should get stronger not weaker most of the stuff we do is in competition you know I want say no. You don't realize it, but you don't just run alone, you run against someone, yeah, so it's all competition.
Competition is great. Everyone likes competition. I think you all tried to beat the other guy a little. I even received the traditional lead soap massage from the manager. there are a lot of R's here, yes, this, you know, yes, I tell you I might be good at football, but it has improved my sex life. As you go along, you treat your players like damn machines, you're really just servicing them, giving them an oil. change and keep them alert, this is it, you have to try to keep them alert and when I play two games a week, yeah, yeah, it's a good three hours this morning, as you know, and then I get this massage and the 10 minutes. on the S about a nice cold show on hot BS, yeah it cools them down, yeah how do you feel after?
Well, he was sick, the dog, you know something. Revy seems almost a policy of getting involved with his players in everything he likes to Gord. one of the guys to a certain point, you know it and then he doesn't even have to say it because it's enough, you know we take the M or something, you know it, but you know you hit a certain tone and that's it. I can't go any further because then it will come down on you like a ton of bricks, like you know the club is very much a patriarchal society. Revy directs him with an appealing mix of affection and soul-cleansing discipline that he has despite his demands for the highest professional standard.
Standards of a priestly serenity about him, like the father who manages the Bowy Boys baseball team, his character, his almost two quaint Victorian disciplines seem to reflect the SP of his players and hair styles, even when long, with a certain neatness precise, as if it were at his request, uh. air cuts, well, this is a bit fat of mine. I guess I don't like the short back and sides. I don't like to think that I'm too square, but I think that it is a professional


and professional athletes. and I think footballers should give the image to the Young School boys that this is the right way to look like professional footballs if you have long hair down, NE on a Saturday, saying it's raining or it's sweating some summer . late as it is right now it can't be comfortable it can't be that they can't be thinking as clearly as they would if they were nice and put together and looked and felt the part that I don't I don't believe it for a minute, but hey, you're la b Dam, you treat yourself like men, you know that, and I think that's how you earn their respect, but there are so many responsibilities that come with the job of a manager.
I think it starts when you first arrive. Let's take a 15 year old school boy away from home because we believe that if we take them out of the park then we will have the opportunity to do things right in the park and we will also educate them as good citizens. Like good football, for Revy it is a vocation, if I ever felt that they were going to slack off and not give all the answers they got in training and games for each other, as if we had always worked together and I think that this is something that Why would I leave this um this club but every year they come back bouncing back and then we all set off again and set off again all season after season the pressure Johnny Giles reckons it's the near misses that have kept them at the top fan his ambition kept him? hot I don't believe it for a minute yet, year after year, often, after bitter disappointment, they come back to resist the pressure, the routine, the seeming anticlimax, says of this run-of-the-mill midweek game this season against the switch IP B that we have.
We don't mind doing things right, you put a little force and you don't give him space and that's it, look, okay, a good cross for the second, right, all five, Great cross, D, everyone , more determination, more everything I felt. how to shout, they had a great team, give them a chance, well, when we told them, I was going straight and I hit him on the damn heel and I went like I did when I hit, they are lucky to get away with three goals scored against their home, knows? and you still have a point, I mean, look at it that way, yeah, but if you look at it from the other side, we scored three goals at home, we still didn't get two points, I mean, that's another way of looking at it, I think everyone The boys are sick tonight, are they really?
Yeah oh, there's plenty of time to get through the season of change. You have bloody, miserable faces, yes, but you don't expect a drop of points like T. You're only human, because God says you know. You're not a machine, you're animators, what are you working on, that would be John John, that would be a great game to watch from a spectator's point of view, I think it might have been cool to see, but the guys didn't think they were playing. Well, I didn't think we played well, I thought we played trash tonight. Well, let's put it this way, at the end of the season, if we look back and we've lost the league by one point, the crowd won't remember going home happy. tonight we'll remember the night we dropped the pine switch at home, ready, go, there's B, you've got him this time, come on, 5 minutes we'll have him dead, there's something intangible, something you can't put your finger on. finger. that makes him lead a great team but prevents the sky from becoming their limit there is something about them from the small town Wizard team and you can't do this maybe that's why they unknowingly feel a little insecure and inhibited Sometimes perhaps the continuous responsibility they feel not for the game but for the result suffocates even the team with such rare talent.
Take a look around, take a look, don't let people run after you, get behind the ball, come on Ro, let you know I can. I can't help but wish that Don Revy would lengthen the Reigns a little, that the training would be more humane, more individual, if they had won that triplet in 1970. I think they would have realized how good they are and would have cut it.

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