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1920’s garden makeover - 3 year timelapse!

Jun 13, 2024
Welcome back to my very amateur


ing channel. I thought before we start talking about our current plans for this


, it would be a good idea to catch you up on what we've done so far. We bought this house about 3


s ago and knew it needed a LOT of work, but we immediately fell in love with the backyard. At around 10m wide and 50m long, it was around 500 square meters of overgrown wasteland that had not received any care for around 50


s. So we spent some time identifying mature plants worth keeping and then got to work pulling out years of overgrown brambles, dead trees, blackberries and a pretty major bindweed infestation.
1920 s garden makeover   3 year timelapse
This is just the beginning of a long journey to turn this garden into a functional space that future generations can enjoy and we are looking forward to sharing this journey with you. Friends, that's about 3 years of work in about 20 minutes. There are more detailed videos on many of these projects on this channel and if you would like to know more about the actual renovation, check out my Gosforth Handyman channel; There is a link at the end of this video. I know many of you came to this channel from my Gosforth Handyman channel, but this channel has actually been around for much longer.
1920 s garden makeover   3 year timelapse

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1920 s garden makeover 3 year timelapse...

Tell me in the comments how you came across this video! Anyway, it would be great to join you on this journey, so hit subscribe if you haven't already. Next time we'll look at our planting plans in a little more detail and I need to figure out how to use our shiny new greenhouse. For now, as always, take care of each other, be kind to each other and we'll see you next time. Goodbye Tattie!
1920 s garden makeover   3 year timelapse

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