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#183. BEGINNERS—How to Create ShelleeArt Blooms. STUNNING RESULTS!!! / SheleeArt

Jun 07, 2021
Hello everyone, I'm Karen, waterfall acrylics, welcome to adventures in pink and in today's class we will do the shell patios to a couple of flowers and we will make a little bag box, fun, fun, and I will share all the products and everything I use. to make them, this would be the only time I make real flowers because flowers are not my bag. You understand, anyway, it's a very bad joke. Yes, flowers are in my bag and I prefer abstract, so we'll do this today. In the next video we are going to play with what other techniques can we use this pouring medium for?
183 beginners how to create shelleeart blooms stunning results sheleeart
Can you do it by raising and pouring with it? Can you maybe make a floating cup? Interesting, I don't know. I know you can flip cups and maybe I can. I'll show you how I do it, it's basically like everything in a cup, so the last video was the live auction preview video this Sunday in a couple of days at 3 o'clock EST. I hope you can join me here. However, I have to have an active YouTube account to participate and then in the previous video we did an experiment to see how to get rid of the caterpillars, which is the chain of cells that are connected and generally look like male body parts and I find them. under zyre some people like that personal preference, but if you don't want them to mix your paint, stir it well right before doing whatever technique you're going to do.
183 beginners how to create shelleeart blooms stunning results sheleeart

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183 beginners how to create shelleeart blooms stunning results sheleeart...

I had a habit of letting my paintings shake and other things. let it sit and what happens, it rises, so to me it doesn't matter if its consistency is thick or thin because ultimately when it cures, which happens, the oil rises, so of course it will rise in your cup like Of course, why didn't I do it? Think about that before anyway, yeah, here I ended up making one of them. I don't know if it was the first or the second. I think it was the first. I just didn't like how the colors turned out, the color scheme, so I took it out of the camera and just did another layer and did another one and it was this guy here and I'm much happier with this, they haven't cleaned up or anything yet, but there is the first one, it is very shiny with very nice gold and then here is the second one and it has a lot more gray, now my husband is crazy about it and I say that it is not my preference, but there are little gray cells everywhere , there are no caterpillars anywhere, only these colors simply are not. my bag so again bag anyway there's a mess on my counter because I already did three pours and I did the filming because their commissions and there are commissions are stressful enough without having to film them so I tend not to film them like that.
183 beginners how to create shelleeart blooms stunning results sheleeart
I have a mess on my counter. I can apologize for the products that I use, so ultimately the deal is that the pouring medium is house paint, like you know when you go to Home Depot or Lowe's and you pick out your little color sample and you're going to do the your kids room or your living room and you take your chip and you buy a little can, that little can is usually a deep bass over dyed paint and then a guy mixes it up and puts the color on it and gives it a squeeze and gives it to you. deliver that's the pouring medium that's that in tinted paint that's the base for all of this you want to buy cans and lately I've been looking for the Glidden premium and you want it to say base three this is to stop some of them will have a little thing that needs to be tinted, so that's your clue, like oh you want to put color in this right, don't buy matte, get semi-gloss or satin, those are the colors, those are the types that I want there to be a wide variety of brands that people have been trying .
183 beginners how to create shelleeart blooms stunning results sheleeart
This has worked for me so I have this and foundation 3 and then your puddle or your pillow. I've been using the same brand, the same thing and semi-gloss white and you Notice it says pure white and it says base 1, which means you don't add anything to it. This is your pillow. This is your puddle falling on your canvas. The one who always said: Let me put you down. I'll show you how I mix. so sorry for the mess but here are my colors that I take I take that base and I haven't used to measure now I just look at it and fill it up this is about half a cup so 4 ounces per ounces of house paint in this I added two ounces of varnish now that I tried the liquid text in the morning, it didn't work as well so I went down a line to order Joe sana chroma gloss varnish.
I found this works better than this glossy varnish you can. Get it from movie or drama juries. Amazon had it and now they are on order again, but this works great and 4 ounces of base 3 over tinted paint with 2 ounces of gloss varnish, you give it a mixture without silicone, without torch, this is That's your poor medium of a color. If I make another color, I'll make a color just to show you. So here is my little rug. They need very, very little to make flowers. So I'll just put it here. Wait, right? in the camera help with one that wasn't framed yet so I take this maybe half an ounce now you can use it for painting you can use High Flow use fluid soft body heavy body you would have to add a little water I've been using the Fluid Acrylic but since I think most people have to paint, I'm going to go.
I had some colorful boat folk art here that I did in my last painting. That's what this green is. I'm going to go get two more paintings, okay, sorry. about that, I literally reached for my pink box and couldn't decide so I grabbed this set of acrylics, this one is a heavy body, this one is cobalt turquoise, so it's between this green and my Magnezone magnet, acquitted a little bit. a little bit of this to paint here they appear, that seems like a lot, go ahead, get in there, that's enough and we're going to give this a stir and if in one course I forgot your stick, I took an extra one just in case and we're just going to mix it up this with the pouring medium and although it looks white it's actually in the can and it has a bluish tint and you can keep it like I just put it in the container with the lid and you can store it and it actually seems to get better with age it gets better in a day or two, so right now this is a little cloudy, so obviously I want my consistency to be more like that with something like that, so hopefully it leaves a trail for about half a second. you can see that before it disappears so that's the folk art here it is with the fluid acrylic oh no mistake yeah here it is next to the goal because the gold is fluid acrylic it's the same thing so I don't really mess with the consistency of that. which in tinted paint I would leave it, the only time I touch it up and add a little bit of water is when I'm using house paint because house paint, you know, has a heavy body so it's definitely thicker , so when you add maybe five six drops and give it a good mix, there's a lot of greens here until we get it more or less like this, so it's the same and that's all the color I'm referring to for what I'm going to do so I mixed a bunch of colors with my poor medium my colors ready to go I have a cup of paint from my house here ready to go and the cell activator you can basically use any color that I'm using today as my cell activator I'm in previous attempts I had I have been using Amsterdam Titanium White and today I am using Artist Law Professional Series Carbon Black.
Now this is separate from the rest of your mixes, so to my charcoal backing I added about an ounce of paint and a three to one ratio of float, all American float. raw to this so it's pretty runny and then you just give it a mix and that's it except if it's the US version of the float roll go ahead and grab some Minwax Pre-Stained Wood Conditioner since I'm always working with wood anyway, I had this on. hand and I add about two or three drops to the carbon black in the float roll and give it a good mix and that's it if you have the Australian version of the float roll, which has been an additional ingredient that the Minwax has the float roll look Australian. like this, then you don't need Minwax because it will have the same magical ingredients as this one, but today I used a regular floating roll and my black is already mixed so it's going to make me a little box so my boxes can be double taped. and I eat the tape I use, I actually know it's blue, but it's the service frog tape.
I bought it at a paint store, like a proper paint store, it's sherwin-williams and it's very, very thick and I do two coats, that's how I can get my crisp lines and nothing bleeds through. I remove all the hardware that the handles are glued to so they have to stay in place and I give it a good wrap, you'll also want to glue it underneath because if you put some support on it or something like I am and you happen to have paint on it, it will hold it clean. It probably looks like it's too low for my little cookie cutter, so I'm just going to put in one of my little measuring cups. like, so I was checking myself earlier to see if I had dyed my hair and I grabbed this pure white paint, the base right out of the can.
I only put a little bit in a cup because I have a gallon. I'll make a puddle. I'm going to pour a little bit of white on my edges because this is a very strangely shaped box, sort of. Just take someone stained. Now I try to leave it comfortable in the middle where I'm going to put my colors. they can be thinner at the ends this is something like that let me think about it now so have one in the middle now composition wise. I think they look better when you don't have a big old flower in the middle of something.
I like them. falling off the edge or where you can only see parts of the petal, so I think that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to add a little bit more paint right here to have some cushion as I like to call it and maybe some Here's the cushion and now I'm just layering the colors. I have a variety of opaque and transparent colors. Transparent colors. Everyone says they work better. I have had no problems with the opaque and cobalt turquoise I just took. This one is opaque. We're going to start with that and you're just going to make a little puddle on top of your puddle and I'm going to do both at the same time and I might do the third one right on the edge here, which is the biggest part. it's going to fly like this, that's color one, my next color that I have and I'll put them on the screen, this is indigo interact, it's just indigo, I can't breathe the rest, but this is gold, this is more. inky these are their high flow fluid acrylics and you just give them a little squirt a little goes a long way with the high flow stuff they barely seem to put anything in there so there's the blue maybe we'll do something idk if I want whatever was going to go and I thought I don't want it to be gold this time, something of that shade of blue.
I think I'm too close, we'll see. I probably should have had one right here. - yeah let me back up because everyone is too much in the corner let's do another one they're just a little guy giggling and then what I'm missing is the blue this is such a pretty shade oh my gosh let's do the green color change , they're all up there, oops, it's June blue everywhere a little bit there and then the cell activator goes on top and if you look, it's heavier, the carbon black is almost as heavy as the carbon white. titanium, so it wants to sink quite a bit. quick it's like oh I'm going to dive deep see you now hopefully guys too much black hmm you can see me blow up because the idea is to take the black and brush it through the colors like it's a lateral move let me do this in the corner and I hope you can see.
I'm going to let the rest get out of the corner. This is all off center for me. It is my favorite. I will do this well. Here I'm going to rotate this and then we'll remove it a little bit like this. This guy just adds a little bit of color in the corner that won't actually be blue, obviously, rotate it to see a little pop of color in the cells. there's something like that and then this one here the same thing and I'm going to let it sit before I move it because what happens when you blow is you get into your puddle and you need the paint to pick itself up again.
I really really like that composition, I'm just going to pour it out like the little ends, I'm going to try to save this a little bit umm and God, that's going to be a nice box, right? Let me hold it up so you can see what it looks like and we. I'm going to do the other one and this one can just hang out, you can just relax. Wow, it would work on the other one, so I saw that I usually wait. I wait a good five minutes before I start leaning because if you don't, the part that's in the center, in the middle, won't move with the rest of the painting, won't move.
My hands are dirty and this one is a little low, so I think I might put it on a cookie stand. Can you see that over there again? all taped to your friends below, if you do this that's the same deal, I'll just spread this out, I won't let it form a puddle in the middle as I'm going to go off center again, personal preference if you want make flowers touch in the middle those were beautiful too definitely check out the channel used by Erica, she's been making some amazing moves with her version of this recipe so let's add a little more there and here and here um, that's just her, her first movements are just phenomenal, beautiful, beautiful, okay, there is coverage.
Do I remember my order? I like that this one is also white because I don't like everything to match. Look, I forgot what I put first. We can usually tell it apart, so it looks like I put something light on. good with himcolor change maybe in the middle bottom middle it's time there and one right there that looks great we have it, let's do it I'm glad I didn't do the gold I don't like it without the gold This time we do the indigo man that I'm stripping, which is good for you, so go, we'll do the mapping Magnum means I'll never be able to say that word one, two, three and then, maybe, what else, my goodness, oh, the color or the assembly, a cobalt turquoise, let's throw a little bit of that in the middle, there's the cobalt turquoise? and then the black to make everything work, try not to do so much black, look what happens in that other government, if you can see right there, oh, it's off camera, but that other one that's stained too much black looks good , but I try. to be careful with the quantities, do a better job this time, okay number two, I want to do this guy first and try to get here a little bit, so I hope you guys let me, let me get him out of the way.
I'm going to try to get it. close with you so you can see me blow, we'll sit it there and I'll wake you up from my hands real quick. I'm going to see if I can play with my microphone here to get them a little closer. this way I'm trying not to get my headbands in my hair up I was too lazy to go look for it pick this up mm I don't like that and you could see everything like it was sucking towards the middle I'm going to see here a little a couple to run off like this and then this guy just a little this way I could feel it in my hair spin this just spinning pick it up again I see I like it with the black one in the middle I see how it went down with the last one, but it comes back rise when you take a small puff, twist it.
It was going to have the black center, so there's this guy or him, guys, there was that one, we're going to put it here. at this cookie stand, he'll relax for a minute or two, make sure he's level, go up, come in, why don't you want to go? Okay, Stan, there you go, let's take this first one now and get rid of just a little bit of paint. I'm going to angle it towards this corner. Kind of nice to get rid of some of that extra color. Have some of that white discharge on the edges. That's good.
Bring it back. I would have liked to have some. I'm too excited about the next one because I would have liked a little more negative space, but here's the important part to remember because I let it sit for a few minutes. Everything moves in unison. If you've ever seen any of the video clips on Shelley Carruthers' Instagram page always. she would use tilt remover or she would use a dustpan or whatever, the paint always moved in unison, that's really important if you start tilting in the middle part, you know, will you start blowing if it doesn't move?
Stop some people from hitting it to get it. to go, I find it, you know, patience, patience is everything here. I'm going to give this a little swipe, but otherwise, I'm kind of in love with this. I lost a little bit of my cells right next to it. which is a little sad, so I'm going to give it a little hit just to put it on, I'm going to bring a little bit back and then here too, but that's just removing the colors right there so one ends up seeing all the paint that I lost on the edges now.
All my sides are glued, it would be nice because it holds the cells very well. You could make one of these boxes and just let it run, that would look great too or on a canvas. You know, don't tape your sides together. My husband's house, so number. two here have been sitting now oh my goodness that's pretty Wow, I did a good job if I do say so myself, so here's number two, they go together. I have a blank space. That I do not like it? I don't like some of this white. over here, so I'm going to let that go, bye, everything is moving in unison, very, very important, take a little bit of that off this side, bring it back and then we'll get to this corner and we'll just take a little bit . a little bit and then come back because now that other parts are stretching, I like the way it looks like this, that's how I do it.
I love how abstract they look. I really do. I'm definitely a big fan. of that let me put two cookie cutters here and put this half of the bag here why it looks like it looks oh you know why because there are cutters stuck to the bottom oh now let me take that out come on oh well if you're stuck there I guess I don't have to worry about the other one is stuck at the bottom, so we leave it here again. I don't know why I keep forgetting my gloves, let me, I'll clean my hands and I'll have them finish for a closer look, but my goodness, I love the colors, sorry for moving so fast on that part.
I couldn't help it, my hands burned because it was totally disgusting and they don't want to touch my phone so let me. go down, get close to some of these, there's an explosion of color on that one. I'm tempted to explode, but I think I'll leave it alone, so here's number two up close, you can just see the cells and everything there, this corner here is amazing, the other corner we're actually going to be very pretty and then here it is the other and this is where I've had too much black. I'm going to leave it like this because I like white, so there They will dry in about a day, they won't cure, but they will be dry, so don't hang them for a week, obviously they won't be ready in time for the auction. functional art, so they will go up.
I will upload that box to my Etsy store once I decide how to sand it and resin the lids and everything, put it back together and put it up for sale, super cute. Hope you like. I will put all the colors in one recipe and everything in the video with a link to my previous video too and I hope to see you on Sunday, take care, bye

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