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£17M Superyacht Tour : Sunseeker 131 Yacht

May 04, 2020
I ended up canning in the old harbor and have walked here many times, there are some fabulous big super


s and I always wondered if I would ever get the chance to take a look at a proper full test deck super


. today is that day because I have been granted access to Zozo, this is a 1:31 sun seeker now, this is a royal super yacht, a full test deck, a proper super yacht and this excites me very much and I think you will need it. to see so this is the ship he is on he is the first officer and he kindly arranged for me to come on board Halloween Nick thank you very much yourself you are very kind thank you right let's start with the main deck now there is a lot to cover here because this is really a big boat but this is a great place to start because it's absolutely fabulous it's a classic Sunseeker here with the joinery and the way they finished it is absolutely stunning and one of the nice things is these huge floor windows to the roof on both sides now we have baits on both sides at the moment of course so we're not getting the full impression of that but you can imagine when you go out to zdenka the views when you leave here are just tremendous and plus there's a dining area and one of the things I like about this is this amazing chandelier that they have above it which is something extraordinary and then of course you have to dine here for up to ten people and I also love the background behind it , they've done it beautifully, it looks magnificent, okay, let's move on.
17m superyacht tour sunseeker 131 yacht
No, as you would expect on a boat of this caliber, it has the main deck main cabin and it is a great cabin, but before we get there, a couple of things to mention, one is the fact that here you have a day that people can use if you have guests on board and there's a really neat crew route on this as well. The ship at this door here won't go in there right now, but that takes you to the crew area so they can come and go through there, but we'll get back to the race in a moment because it's pretty interesting, but this.
17m superyacht tour sunseeker 131 yacht

More Interesting Facts About,

17m superyacht tour sunseeker 131 yacht...

It's the main cabin and it's absolutely palatial, so you've got closets right there, but you've also got big walk-in closets, one here and one here, but this is the full beam of the boat, so what have they done? They have taken the side decks along the side and then up and over this area to get the full width of the boat. There's a huge TV here, of course, and you have this beautiful desk here as a dresser. table or whatever when I use it for the width as you can imagine fantastic views when you don't have pieces next to you this is one of these dressers look the size is just amazing.
17m superyacht tour sunseeker 131 yacht
I've seen entire cabins on boats that are smaller than that walk-in closet which is really impressive and then you have your bathroom here now there's a huge rain shower right here you have his and her sinks there look that's just tremendous and then on this side you have the real to itself and that's there, okay, so we've come back from here, so there are two doors here, you can enter from either side into this area right here, that's fantastic, really nice. Okay, let's get out of here and take a look at the guest accommodation that's on the lower deck, so accessed from here.
17m superyacht tour sunseeker 131 yacht
There is a staircase. There are two stairs here, as you can see, the other one takes us up to it. another deck we'll look at shortly, but let's go here to this lobby area. Now you have two cabins ahead. These have single beds, but they have tracks so you can slide them around. you'll see the one in this cabin, they actually did it and then they put a proper double mattress on top so you don't have the crack in the middle, it's a proper double bed when it slides out and you can see that the table that's between them then goes sideways.
You have there these as you would expect, your private bathroom and they have televisions, vanities, etc., and the bathroom is like that, so to a really very high standard. Come back from there, these little guys here, by the way, these iPods, sorry, iPads, I should say they control all the lighting, the entertainment systems and the music, and even things like the blinds are controlled by them. Okay, let's come back here and see. The other two now, the two rear cabins, are dedicated doubles and of colossal size. I already like the lighting on this boat. They've done a great job, so they put in a lot of roof space like this.
It looks very good, there is a lot of light, but there is indirect light. Another thing to mention here is that these have their own changing rooms. It gives you an idea of ​​the cabin of the ship when the guest cabins have those and of course their bathroom is here, it's very high quality, beautiful, it's very well made, so that's the one in the guest cabins and it's mirrored, of course, there's another one, then when we come back here, there's just the same kind of standard and bathroom, of course, in the far corner it's exactly the same and again you can see the iPad controller next to the bed, it controls everything great, okay, let's get out of here and now we're going to go up to the decks, so we're on the lower deck.
It goes back up the main deck and this is what makes this boat a three-deck super yacht, because as we go up this staircase, it takes us to another habitable deck and a very nice one, so up here we have things like Here's a pantry with a big refrigerator and in fact, there's a dumbwaiter here that takes you right down to the lower deck, into the galley, so the food can be moved without having to have people going up and down stairs. the time and then there's another appointment, very good sized heads right there, but this area here what they've done with this if they turned it into a much more informal lounge area, so you've got these lovely, big, comfy SETIs and seats right here.
There's a huge TV on the wall, so it's a great area to watch a movie at night or whatever you want to do, and then on the other side you have a bar in the corner, but it's also pretty cool, they've I've put a desk area in here, so for people who want to get some work done or who are out at sea and just staying on a boat for a long period of time, this gives them a suitable area where they can work and get on with it. business, but this leads directly to the aft deck dining area.
There are huge doors that open wide that really connect these two areas and you have this huge table here and another bar area right here. and what they've done with this area is they brought the overhang all the way to the back of the table so there's a lot of shade here, then these areas were left in the sun at the back right here and actually, what? what you can do is there's an awning that extends electrically from here so you can pull it all the way out so if it's really hot and you want to be able to shade this area you can certainly do that but of course this. it's not the main outside sunbathing area because there's a sunbathing terrace upstairs, this boat goes on and on, so if we go up this staircase here, this is the sunbathing terrace and it's a fabulous area, so There is a large bimini top. right there, but then it's open at the back, so you have these wonderful Baptist sun loungers here completely open air and then you have another great social area right here, so if it's sunny, part of it is in the shade , but actually again you put in an electric awning that comes out of here, so if you want shade in this whole area, you can do that and then again another bar area so that it can be served completely separate from the rest and what's really nice is this. jacuzzi on the border with these fabulous views from here and what I really like is that unlike a lot of these talks, they haven't brought the jacuzzi right to the front, they've actually put a walkway around it, so if you're boating or you're imported like this and you want to come here and stand at the front, you don't have to climb up the cushions, you can walk right up to the front of the ship here, at the front of this deck, and look out. over the front like this, good morning, it can be absolutely stunning, okay, let's take a look at that area from time to time, we could take a look at the actual areas and the business end where you drive the boat from, so we'll continue forward.
Go back from here, cross this terrace and go down these steps right here. I also notice, obviously, we went up through the accommodation, but there's another staircase right here and it connects this directly to that half cabin that's there so you can connect these areas. We had to go through the boat, but we're going to come back here and move forward again. You get a real idea of ​​the size you are here. This is a lovely and comfortable area. Well, let's go. Continue this way and this takes us to the bridge, but we're not going to look at the bridge right away.
We'll take a look outside to see the deck area because it's worth a look. We'll come back to this in a moment so we back up to here now this is where the side decks go up so you have lower decks there and then these steps take you up and that's what takes you over the top of the cockpit main and that's what gives it the full beam and it works brilliantly because what you have here is there's a rescue Dingley hidden underneath which is separate from the tender slit which will also take a look and then you've got this big dining room at the front of the ship right here, so if your birthstone, like we are right now, you're against key and you want to have a view over the front of the ship where you want a little more privacy or just use it as you have a room of being different on the outside of the boat that you can use and it works fantastically well and that is completely separate for the four decks from the four decks that are down in this lower area right here and down here this is a work area. so you have your winches and your cleats and everything you need to handle this end of the boat; in fact, underneath there is a huge storage area that goes down so that all your cables and those types of fenders, etc., can be stored. down there, out of the way and easy to access.
I think we'll come back from here and take a look at that bridge because it's worth seeing, so again, here you can see that big sunbathing area in the front, back there. down this side and this gives access to the bridge before, agent on this side, you have the side decks that take you to the back of the ship on the outside, so the way they have managed the flow on this ship is great, you can really move around without necessarily having to go through the guest areas. Well this is the bridge, this is the captain's domain and in fact the captain has his own cabin here again, this is a real super yacht touch. kind of things that are done on boats that are becoming almost like small boats, so he has this area, it's a really fantastic area, it's guest accommodation style rather than cruise ship style in terms of the woodwork and the desk area large finished there where he can function and a double bed there are only large windows and there is a private bathroom hidden just behind that door, but of course the interesting area is to come back here, this is the bridge area, it is a small ship adequate, so there is a seat. area in the back here so people want to come here and watch the ship work or if you have a crew that wants to join in on the right as you pass between ports, this is the place where people can come, but this is where from you drive the boat from now on these are all the systems for the boat you have screens along here three screens there and another three screens there and then down here you have things like boat radios intercoms radar control this incident everything will be covered if so you want and then the thrusters accelerate the wheel everything is there and in another area right here so the other interesting thing to talk about here is these monitoring systems because the whole boat is monitored through one of these and it gives you aspects of every element of the boat, so anything you want to control, if you want to monitor the engines, if you want to control the wind, this is a lot of electronic circuit breakers, everything is accessed from there and in front of such an impressive system.
I think we'll probably do a separate video on that instead of trying to go too deep into this one, so stay tuned for that, but we'll continue with the walkthrough and go back to the gallery and the actual areas and again the way the flow around works. this ship, you don't have to go to the accommodation, you can go back out this door and go down these steps right here like this and this takes us to the crew area, so as we go down here we have a pantry right here and there's a door here and what this door does is it takes you directly back to the dining room so when the catering team has direct access to that without having to walk directly through it.
You can go out that door and there's a silly waitress here too who takes you up to the upper deck so when you come back to attend to that you can turn the food right on, but the kitchen itself is over here and this is reallyimpressive and of course, as you would expect, what you have here is an all-male catering team and it's duplicated, so you have double ovens there, there are huge double freezers in the back, there, the hobbies, there and then on this side, you have double professional dishwashers, you have a microwave there and these are all refrigerators, these four here, that's it. the refrigerators for the boat so that it can really cater to the type of people and in the style that those people would like to be used to and here again you are the door to the crew cabin again, the crew areas flow very well , so you can come. to this lobby area right here this port here and then it doesn't go over to the main deck opposite that day so we passed that on the way in and then down here is the crew area so when we come down here it's a really nice crew area on this ship, there is the actual dining area right there, the huge tv on the wall, neither here nor there is your own kitchen area, so they put in a combi oven and microwave, they even have a dishwasher here so they have completely supplied themselves in this area but the good thing is these cabins are fabulous they all have ensuite bathrooms so there is a single cabin with a private bathroom then there is a double cabin right here with private bathroom and then when we come back There are two more cabins, both doubles and both with bathrooms, those are back here and here is the other thing they put here.
I mentioned before that the monitoring system is mirrored down here so the crew here can monitor all aspects of the ship, they can even let the anchor chain in and out if they want, if they're a tanker and they're doing that they can monitor CCTV, they can keep an eye on everything, every aspect of the boat in one brilliant system, as I say, we'll get back to that, but for now we're going to go back and we're going to go back and look at the engine space and the tender garage, so we'll come back this way, we'll go through the galley like this and this is what I mentioned before about the flow of this ship because the crew can move around here without having to keep accumulating guests if they don't want to, which works very well, so we come back to this deck side.
Now, one thing worth mentioning is you notice these bolts on these huge windows and their function is that you can put hurricane shutters in there, so if you're looking at some serious offshore or offshore work, you wouldn't use them on normal day to day life, but you can close that if you want and protect those windows, so if you are in serious and strong conditions, the boat can handle it, so this opens like this and this takes us to the engineering area, so we have steps right here and We'll come back here first because all the circuit breakers or electronic devices are down here, but also hidden in the back to do the laundry again.
It's men's equipment, it's duplicated, so you have washing machines, it's twin and twin dryers. Down there, by the way, the other thing you have here is accessed through the tender garage that's right there, but we'll go there for a minute because we're going to open the back and wait and look at that properly. at the end of the talk, so let's come back here and take a look at those motors, as you can imagine, it's full height walking engineering and these are the motors here now, these are 12v 4000 m93 motors, there are two thousand three hundred forty horsepower each and will give the boat speeds in excess of twenty knots.
It's a fast boat, but in reality, when the extended fuel tank this one has also has a range that spans the last 1,500 miles, according to


s, so it covers both ends of the envelope, it got performance toward the mid- 20, the speed was not spit out, but it also has the variety of comments on the works, so this boat can cover both aspects, transport distance or reduce time, these engines are absolutely huge, I mean, they are for more than waist height, they're almost shoulder height and look at the size of the turbos here when this is proper serious engineering here their generators are in the back so there's a generator hidden down there and there's another generator right down on these here and then there's a pump room in the back right here and it's worth mentioning that all these generators and motors that I have, the PTOs say things like the hydraulics for the anchor windlass and the stabilizers They can pass over any of these motors or generators, so even in the case of a dimmer of one of them, you still have full control over everything, also this boat that has cold water air conditioning, so it sends the cooled liquid around the ship which then takes to the air.
The handlers provide air conditioning in the boat and the practice engine room has its own separate air conditioning if needed anyway, that's that area, let's go back and take a look at the fender garage to get back to the skid pad. We'll take a quick look at this area because we passed by here pretty quickly, but this is the aft area of ​​the main deck and it's completely shaded because the upper deck runs right to the back, so there's a lot of shade here but a lot of light . The ventilation makes it a really nice area when anchored and then back here this takes us to the tender garage which the crew are very friendly and is open to me and here lives the Williams diesel tender which is a 565, it's a really good size, let's go in and you can see for yourself that there is a big boat there and there is also a jet ski, the jet ski lives here, it's a CD and that hides the scientists there, now these They leave along the tracks that come.
Go to this area right here and this drops down hydraulically, so it allows for them to be dropped, but it also means that you can drop this and use it once, so you have kind of a little kiddie pool, so we have kids in the boat, it means you have access to the water, but with a deck just below the water, so that's it, it's a 1-3-1 Sun seek yacht, it's an absolutely magnificent piece of equipment, it's been a real honor A look. I hope you enjoyed the


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