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#1607 OMG! The BEST Resin 3D Bloom I Have Ever Made

May 04, 2024
Thank you, good morning guys, welcome back, it's Bloom's day, yes, and it's purple Bloom's day. I


some purple ones for you today, I love purple. Now I'm going to try it again to get that shine on the outside. I


this beautiful purple. glitter glitter and I put a little bit in there, almost nothing, just a little bit and we'll put a little bit in there, probably just a quarter full, it's a little four ounce cup, 120 mils in there now, if you're doing this.


s and you're still struggling, make sure you keep all the


in the cup for the allotted time, like for me, this is the table, a primary table, and I know I have to leave it there for 10 minutes, okay?
1607 omg the best resin 3d bloom i have ever made
The room is 25 degrees Celsius and I know I have to leave it there for 10 minutes, there is no point or if you are using say Platinum 360 plus you have to wait until it gets to 40 degrees and then you can decant and then you can put. You've got the


there for your blank, okay, don't put it in too soon because it's not a very deep cup and it won't heat up at the same time as the resin in the deep cup, if you know what I mean. So it's 30 grams there, an ounce of the rest is still here now, so I'm just looking at the time.
1607 omg the best resin 3d bloom i have ever made

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1607 omg the best resin 3d bloom i have ever made...

I have one, two more minutes before I have to cat. Now this is just white titanium resin and all I have. What I'm going to do is just dip my little, this is my stick, I'm just going to dip it in, give it a little swirl and wipe it off, that's all I want. I think a lot of people still struggle with how much to use it's too strong like it's too dense, too heavy, you don't need much so it's going to be for your target. If you make it heavier, I mean, you can, it just means you can run the risk of your target falling backwards. to the other side and then you get those spots and you also get quite thick and dense petals instead of the very delicate and wispy petals.
1607 omg the best resin 3d bloom i have ever made
Let's start with a little bit first. You can always add more and change it from my stick. You can always add. more, but be careful now with the other thing, this time I'm not going to put any center in the middle, I'm just going to make a swirl, I'm just going to make a swirl today, and I'm going to put a little bit of glitter on it. the outside if you want your glitter to spread from the outside first pour the rim around and then pour the clear and it will spread more but I don't want it to do that so I'm going to pour this now and That's my 10 minutes that I invented It is a one-to-one resin.
1607 omg the best resin 3d bloom i have ever made
This is not a two to one resin and as always I have found A to be heavier than B. I have 112 grams of A and 102 grams of B and that is enough for my 8 inch poinsettia tray I have here . If you want to apply a top coat of background afterwards, you have room to do that too, so don't fill it all the way, it's probably only full, it's probably only half full, actually now I'm just making sure there aren't any little bubbles trapped abroad. I can't see any, okay, now we're going to place this silver glitter around it.
On the outside it's going to be a little tricky to get into all those little spots and things try to get you in there. I didn't want it to be too heavy, just a little bit of silver, a silvery purple, it's purple and I know where the silver came from. around we go on Saturday today the husband is playing golf the house is nice and quiet I can record videos in peace, quickly, little torch, be very careful when you touch yourself. I know I've said it before too and I'll tell you again because I still fuse molds, naughty, naughty, okay, now I have dark indigo resin one two three, see how it goes and then purple, around, here we go.
I think it will be enough. You already know me. I like to have a little white. around the edges and the glitter is going to flow anyway, so I don't want there to be a lot of purple now, what's the time? eleven, thirty, six, okay, no, I still have a few minutes. I have to channel. at 11 41. so I'm going to let it sit for a moment. I think I'll put a little more darkness in the middle, another two droplets in there. Check my white, it's quite translucent. Transparent, I can see through. but um, I don't think I would want anything darker than that, so my little one and I have a little notebook in there, my little page that I wrote says: stop stirring 11 24. decant 11 34, that's 10 minutes pipe 11 41.
So I've got another three minutes to wait, so I'm not going to just turn them around a little bit to get that kind of faint outside, it could probably use another drop, right? And then we will do it. just twist these two together and clean my little silicone brush, okay, that looks good. Two minutes left. I'll get back to you in two minutes. It's okay, I just used a minute or so to clean and wipe the resin off my stirring rods so I can use them again tomorrow. Place the white in our small pastry bag. I buy the piping bags only on eBay.
They come in three different sizes: a small, medium and large. I just buy the small ones and then Trim the top too because they're not very long, don't trim them too much otherwise they won't fit in your cup, okay, clean up that bar too, which you probably don't need right? I'm piping today I'm not digging today I'm piping today, okay, I've got my little piece of paper towel folded up and it's 11 41 nice and warm, try not to make the hole too big, it seems okay, it's probably about three millimeters thick. wide today I think my last ones are a little too wide, now make sure you get that end in there, okay, here we go, placing petals, concentrating, concentrating, try to make sure that all your little paper lines are about the same thickness, no .
Don't go too fast otherwise you're stretching the resin coming out of the bag and it gets pretty thin and then nope they just don't


properly guys if they're too thin you might as well just do it. They are a little thicker and it's up to you how close you want to make them to each other. If you make them a little further apart, you can probably get a little more color in the background if you decide to make a background color. but I'm making them pretty close to each other so once they spread out I'm not going to see much bottom, just stop and roll my little bag up again and then continue, oops!
I had to glue it into the resin. Why does it stop? Come on, we're trying to follow the shape of the mold a little bit, yeah, that's what's left a little bit, my goodness, it's always stressful, isn't it when you have pipes? Oh, I find it funny, but it is. It's always a little stressful in case you're going to refill something right now, as usual I just go through and break up any large masses that I can see that might want to be heavy and fall. By scraping the top of the resin I try not to disturb the petals below.
I don't want to touch the purple because I don't want the purple to get into my target. I like having the white background now with the glow on the outside, sometimes good. Almost all the time if I use glitter, when the glitter hits my white petals, they're like "ah, you hit me and they break a little bit, it's like the glitter turns white and forms these fun little pockets like." a bit strange design, I quite like it sometimes, other times I don't like it if I try to use a very fine glitter, but yes, that can happen with your glitter, so if you don't like that kind of petal look broken glitter, don't use glitter, okay, so all I have to do now is make a little swirl.
I'm going to do that in a minute, although I give it another little torch and I found that with the resin inks I get like a Variegated Leaf Petal on the other side because it's just the way the ink moves, you get some that are really quite transparent, some are more opaque and you get this very pretty variegated color, because I don't have glitter or anything in the In the middle I can swell wher


I want and that will be my middle because when you put something there and then you turn it on top, if it's a little outside, you can really notice it, so I'm going to turn like this. it has a hair so what I like to do is start in the middle without touching the bottom go outwards and then back in and then up so it should be pretty dark in the middle it looks pretty dark , No?
Yeah, I think if you're going to do this, use a very pigmented alcohol ink like resin alcohol ink, so that's it, I'm just going to give it a hand with my heat gun on low. to warm it up a little bit get it moving sometimes I do it sometimes I don't it just depends on how fast it moves but yeah see how that goes now like I said it might all shut down if you don't . I could put a really dark purple in the background so you can see through those little gaps there, but I think they're going to close, it's usually like that, um, yeah, we'll just wait and see.
Should we make a background or should we just leave it because even if we make a background like we probably don't need to make a background because it has glitter on the outside, if you make a background you're going to be hiding your glitter so I'll just decide once Let him know if


ything is going to close or not. I think it will depress you. I usually do it unless I wait too long and then I don't. Here we go so I guess I'll come back in about 20 minutes or so and see what it's going to do, see how the watch is just opaque you can see through it that's what I like and you can see there that's what I was telling you about those various inks.
See, there's a very pale faint at the end and then it gets darker and you get all these different colors or different shades. I must say it's really pretty. Okay, leave it at that and come back tomorrow. for the stripping or the top layer I'm not sure yet see you soon stimulation time is the next day and we'll just remove this loosen it completely okay, it's exciting, isn't it so exciting? Okay, so I've got my little piece of black card there just so we can take a first look with the black background and then we can move it around and see what it looks like without this little dot there, I need to sand it, okay? we're ready, okay, here we go, oh, I should wonder why I'm so nervous when I do this, all right, here we go, ah, oh, close the front door, oh my God, look, oh oh, I think that's the one my new favorite.
Look, I told you what it is. much better without glitter in the middle, but you get that beautiful 3D swirl, oh wow, and look, that's it without the background, oh wow, I wanted to put a dark purple background on it, now you can still do it, there's a little lip. there because I didn't fill it all the way, there's also a little lip for the resin to go up the side of the coaster mold or whatever mold you're using and then it sticks and as it dries it gets smoother. de shrinks back a little bit and leaves that little lip there so it's pretty easy for you guys to just apply a little thin layer there and it won't leak out so we could do that oh my gosh guys I'm so excited. ah, look at it, look at that, oh wow, and look, it matches beautifully with My Little Flower, oh my god, I'm so excited that it worked to achieve this, oh, this has to be my favorite, I'm so excited, can you say I am? excited oh wow let's get you down oh wow wow wow I don't have enough wows actually I wonder if I have a piece of another card um a different color it's just that with the black you don't really see the shine that much I mean can you see a little bit but not much oh wow wow wow I can't get enough whales I love that center so it was the two different purples that I used and you can see how I still have the white around the outside which I really love.
I love having the white on the outside and then that pop of color in the middle and then if you wanted to, you know, put a little bit of glitter or something on the edges just to tie it in, oh gosh. Oh my god, guys, oh I have no words, I have no words, this is simply the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life. Oh wow, I'm going to take a look and see what other color card I have. It's my little envelope. My different colors I have some pink and some navy blue, something light, I don't think green would work.
Yellow, let's try it. I think navy blue will be the


. Try it with navy blue and see. I have a pre cut to that size, good idea to do that look, oh look, you know what I was thinking a purple, but this navy blue is like a blue violet, it has captured the blue tones in that center, oh. I love it. I don't even look at the other colors now or will. I'll do it for you, but no, I don't want to. Okay, the pink still looks good, but the white. it gets lost a little bit because it's a light there's not a slight hint of white and then you have a light background so it's better with a dark background and there's some light blue so yeah you can get a card like this and then put it behind your pieces and you can decide what color top coat you want to make, you don't have to decide while your resin is wet and as long as you haven't done that before unmolding, you can do what I'm doing. and then just put on a little top coat afterwards, okay guys, I'm really excited, can you tell I'm excited?
It's the


thing I've ever created. Okay, I better go. I have a lot to do today, but um. I'll definitely see you again in the next video or you'll see me. I will not see you. I hope you enjoyed my video. I certainly enjoyed making and unmoulding it and will see you again very soon for the next one. The video is so 3D. I'm going to show them that I'm going to put this out and show my husband that I loveDave. Look what I did and you can see those varied colors I told you about before.
I think that makes Aren't those colors just the variation of those colors because you can literally see the little stripes in the colors so pretty so delicate? I'm in love, okay, I better keep talking, thank you so much for watching I love you, take care everyone, bye for now.

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