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15 Zombie Proof Houses You’ll Regret Not Seeing

Jun 02, 2021
Most people think


s are nothing more than imaginary creatures dreamed up by director George A Romero, but some people think a very real Walking Dead-style scenario is imminent and have been preparing for when the droppings hit. the room cooling device, some of them. Even doing your best to keep your home safe when the dead rise, these are





you won't



number 15. The safe house in Poland transforms into a fortress to call your expensive home the world's first zombie-


house. It seems tempting to swoon a little, but one Polish architect seems pretty confident in his creation.
15 zombie proof houses you ll regret not seeing
Architect Robert Kanye probably has a lot of time on his hands, but it's a beautiful house. At least Konnichine's house is actually a pretty nifty house designed for much more than just a zombie apocalypse built on the outskirts of Warsaw, the house is basically designed for any kind of apocalyptic scenario, from zombie apocalypse to post-apocalypse nasties. climate change and even nuclear war, the house is effectively transformed from a pretty villa to a complete fortress. with movable concrete walls and lowered metal shutters that can close windows and doors completely and as if that wasn't enough for you to be locked in such airtight lockdown protocols, the house also has a concrete wall outside to say that You won't get many door-to-door salesmen - although the house is definitely safe and would probably protect you from zombies for a short time - at least it doesn't look particularly fun and no one has really answered the two questions that plague all multi-million dollar bunkers: what happens when you run out of food and you really want to be the last one alive after a zombie apocalypse like this video, hit the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or slenderman will come out from under your bed when you are sleeping Now it's time for the juicy theme designed and built by billionaire and conspiracy theorist Tony Zanzu.
15 zombie proof houses you ll regret not seeing

More Interesting Facts About,

15 zombie proof houses you ll regret not seeing...

This remarkable structure has been prepared by Zanzu in the event of a zombie uprising convinced that the rising of the dead is coming. This house was designed so that he and his family could safely escape from earth to be fair to zanzu, he is not completely crazy, the house was not only built in case of a zombie uprising, it has also been designed to be the perfect hideout in case from other more realistic apocalyptic scenarios, such as extreme flooding. To be fair, it's a pretty nice place to hide from society and there's a sea view from every window.
15 zombie proof houses you ll regret not seeing
Remember to comment below with the hashtagjuicetopic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on the screen and now to the next topic issue. fourteen tonyechnes arkhouse the problem with most


these days is that they just aren't safe and why aren't they just don't have a drawbridge i have been saying it for years a drawbridge is the only way to defend yourself against the world Exterior just doesn't let any Trojan horses in. Obviously, architect Robert Konyechne, the winner of the 2016 World Building of the Year award, came up with a pretty ingenious design for a house in southern Poland in which his family could live. take advantage of the beautiful scenery that can be found in Polish nature, but Kognechne quickly recognized that there was a problem: building a house on isolated land is a security risk, that's where the drawbridge and sliding wall come into play when These two security systems are implemented measures the house is impenetrable it is a large safe room it is not a bad idea really, of course some people will have doubts about the house believing that it is somewhat ugly or useless, but if you think you have clearly never seen a zombie movie, these The kids are going to survive at least one day longer than the rest of us.
15 zombie proof houses you ll regret not seeing
House number 13 in York. Any of you even vaguely familiar with Bjork know this is going to get weird. This is a woman who dressed as a swan for the Oscars and whose music can only be defined as unusual, so to hear that she jumped at the chance to live in a small isolated house on a remote island is not surprising, to say the least. I don't think there is anything else about the Bjork brand, however, the Bjork rumor is generally unconfirmed, so we don't actually know if she lives or ever lived on the island, but here's what we do know.
Ella e is a small island located off the southern coast of Iceland and is home to a small secluded house on the side. of a green hill, that's all we know, so yeah, not much, but legend has it that the house was initially built by an eccentric billionaire who suspected that a zombie apocalypse was imminent and wanted a reliable place to escape in case of a possible outbreak, that is the story. True, we don't know, but it's as good a place to hide as any. In reality, the house on the island lacks electricity, running water and plumbing, so it is not a good place to hide, but heat and basic hygiene are not important.
For you it's as good a place as any number 12. Dunbar Rock If you were really planning on waiting out some kind of nightmarish zombie apocalypse, I'm not sure I could imagine a more beautiful place to do it than Dunbar Rock, a village located in Honduras, I honestly think any of us would wait there for the rest of our lives if we could afford it. Dunbar Rock is a four-story villa off the coast of Guanaja and it is beautiful, not only do you have the advantage of not being eaten, but you also have a swimming pool and several houses, a massage room where you can just lie down for a while, You obviously don't want any more people there and as for the old question of what happens when the food runs out, the island has a large number of fish living in the water around the villa, which means that a talented hunter will never will go hungry.
However, talentless hunters


it, thanks to the fact that it is literally isolated from the mainland, this village is the safest place you can go to wait. the undead, although there is no way to know if the undead will actually die, you better get a little practice hunting and then number 11. The Adirondack Missile Silo House, for one reason or another, seems to Some people in the world would love nothing more than to live in a cold old man. War nuclear missile silo, obviously we're not here to judge, but hey, it's a rare dream in life to have at any given time.
This beautiful house was actually the control center for an Atlas nuclear missile silo and once housed defense workers waiting for the Call to initiate what would undoubtedly have been a devastating ICBM attack and is now just a small and healthy private home in Adirondack State Park with a 3,900-square-foot underground complex buried deep beneath—wait, what if you're really worried. An impending zombie apocalypse that has a nuclear complex hidden from 1950s hallways is sure to ease your anxious mind or maybe scare you more. We should say that the house doesn't actually have nuclear missiles inside now, although much of the original Cold War equipment can still be found in the house, so it's probably not a good house for cocktails.
Three shots of the brown stuff and Phil accidentally bombed half of Europe. Nine forts of the Monsal army. These army forts may well look like remnants of some ancient episode. from doctor who or some kind of cheap british star wars copy, but they are actually one of the best places to hide in case of an apocalypse, assuming, of course, that you don't have a problem with living in a rusty box of fame. These anti-aircraft tower forts were built in 1942 and once formed a complex defense network that would protect the Kent coast and, by extension, the rest of the country from a possible German attack.
At one point, these separate forts were connected by walkways, although those days are clearly long gone. Using a walkway in these forts now would be like trying to walk a tightrope. The forts were dismantled in the 1950s and only three of the original five remain standing when they were in action. It would have been the ideal place to hide from some kind of apocalypse on the continent. Now they're still pretty zombie-proof, but hey, you might end up in the water at some point. They are not very stable. Number eight, the underground hideout, what happens in? Las Vegas stays Las Vegas unless what happens in Las Vegas is so incredibly cool that it ends up in a local newspaper or a national newspaper, then it's common knowledge and in the case of this house it's cool, it's a hobbit great, very similar to J.R.'s hobbits.
Tolkien, some people. He wanted to live in a hole in the ground and for Gerrard Jerry B Henderson that dream came true in 1978. Henderson suspected that the end of the world was around the corner and decided to build a house that would protect him from the imminent consequences. because I guess if a nuclear bomb hits Las Vegas, the casinos will still be open. Anyway, I don't understand it either. Henderson built a two-bedroom underground home, complete with a guest house, caretaker's house, a four-car garage and more than an acre of surface property. a safe little rabbit hole, the house was later put up for sale for 1.7 million, presumably because henderson assumed the world had regained some semblance of a man of peace in the long run, bet he looks pretty silly now hey number seven alive x period, it seems that life The cycle of a military base is quite consistent: they are used for operations until they are dismantled and abandoned, then they are reopened and sold as shelters for people with too much money who seem to think that a world post-apocalypse will be perfectly fine in your average life. cycle, so vivos x point is basically a sort of trailer park for military bunkers located in South Dakota.
This massive base was once used to store bombs and ammunition from 1942 to 1967, but when the Army sold the land to the city of Edgemont, it became its home. For a large number of farmers since the bunkers have been out of use until now, a company called Vivos decided to convert these 575 concrete and steel military bunkers into shelters for anyone with money who is terrified of dying alongside the common man or in Case of a zombie apocalypse due to the common man, Point If you want to delay the bite of a zombie number six, the Svalbard Seed Vault, we can finally answer a very important question, the flaw in all doomsday shelters is how to get food when your supplies run out, if you hide in The Vault of Svalbard seeds, that's not a question you should ask.
The Svalbard seed vault contains what is probably the most valuable resource on Earth. Seeds hidden in this large metal vault. 150 meters below the surface of Norway, there are more than 13,000 samples of architectural history with seeds. for 930,000 varieties of edible crops is basically one big food insurance policy, in case humans actually create the devastating apocalypse we've all been waiting for since the 20th century, or more likely, if the climate gets out of control to the point that our crops are starting to die, it is almost one of the safest facilities in the world given its absolutely inhospitable environment.
It's fair to say that very few zombies would make it far in the Norwegian desert of all the possible hiding places in the world. The Svalbard seed vault is undoubtedly one of the best. It's hard. To find a safer place in the world than a vault built into a mountain in an overwhelmingly cold area, of course you have the challenge of entering the vault, good luck with that number five, the igloo built into the earth, is a It's kind of an understatement, but the Lishmans are an intriguing couple - before you even get to their house, you find yourself in their driveway which is filled with pop art wind chimes, a huge glass sphere hanging from a tree. and several sculptures of pings, and that's before we enter the house.
Unlike most modern humans, fur designer Paula and her husband, inventor slash sculptor Bill, have decided to make their home underground in a unique house built on a hill in Canada, inspired by British artist Roger dean, bill came up with the idea of ​​building an underground house composed of interconnected igloo-style Domes in total, the house contains eight igloos totaling around 2,600 square feet in total thanks to its underground design, the house maintains a constant heat with underfloor heating and no outside heating costs, and if you're worried about your lack of vitamin D, each pot has a skylight, so you'll get some light even if you stay indoors.your pod all day, although it is true that there are no known zombie outbreaks on our planet, there is almost no chance of zombies penetrating the safety of a multipod. underground house this is the safest place in Canada if you forget about all the government buildings number four gervasuti shelter we should clarify all the things that this is not before we get into what it is it is not a train a spaceship a futurist a telescope a fallen space station an air conditioner a vacuum cleaner or a puppet however it is a shelter it would have been great if it was any of the other things although the gervasooti shelter is actually a temporary shelter designed for climbers who somehow manage to brave the 9,300 foot summit of Italy's Monte Blanc and need shelter from the uncontrollable elements made from high-quality sustainable materials, the shelter actually has to be moved by helicopters, which means this house is completely portable, but you know it probably won't be of much use.
Help during a zombie apocalypse. I imagine most of those helicopters will be busy with more important things, like putting out the flames from the many riots outside Krispy Kreme. Thanks to the solar panels on the roof, this is a completely self-sufficient rest stop and would definitely be a place for a promising option in the middle of some kind of global apocalypse assuming, of course, that you both went up the mountain and have some helicopters to relocate it, but we all have some spare helicopters, quadrant number three house. This one will really depend on your definition of zombie testing, but it's still a pretty fun place to hide the quadrant.
The house is unlike any other house you can see capable of something most houses could never dream of: movement and not in a VR form. Three clients who commissioned Polish architect Robert Konyechne kwk proms had only one request for their unique house and wanted him to react. to the movement of the sun and after what I imagine must have been an incredibly difficult period of brainstorming, the prom came up with this strange looking block-shaped structure that looks alarmingly unfinished; However, this is very much the finished product, which is just another example in a long list of things that make you say wow, rich people really have too much money, huh, the outside terrace moves with the sun allowing the amount fair of sunlight, so what's up with this place being zombie-proof?
Well, it really comes down to whether the zombies in question are allergic to sunlight, so zombie vampires watch, you can close the windows, what else do you need? Number 2. Urban vertical forest. If you have ever felt jealous of the birds and other animals that make their homes in the great natural embrace. Well, this could be the ideal home for you, and unless zombies can climb, it's not a bad place to hide. The vertical forest is actually a prototype for a completely new type of architecture that shifts the focus from humans to the relationship between humans and the other living beings on our planet.
This house is designed for both humans and plants and that's pretty impressive. . This first prototype can be found in Milan, Italy and is made up of two towers 80 and 112 meters high respectively that house 800 trees along the entire scale of the building, these houses are among the most environmentally friendly. environment of the world, since they regulate humidity, in addition to producing oxygen and absorbing the toxic CO2 vapors that are causing so much pollution around the world. It's a great idea, good news for anyone who wants it. The thing to avoid becoming a zombie snack is that, as far as we know from the movies, zombies just aren't good at climbing trees, so as long as no one opens the front door or hangs you off the balcony, you're probably pretty safe. in this number one.
Nike Battery we do everything possible to comply with the fundamental rules of human kindness. Everyone here likes what they like and that's fine if your lifelong dream is to live inside a former anti-aircraft missile base, who am I to call you a raving lunatic with a death wish, if that's your dream Of course, you may know the Nike Battery, a former anti-aircraft missile base built in 1958 during the early years of the Cold War, after it was dismantled in the late 1970s, a family saw this old The point hot bomb is the perfect place to build your future home, that's why we have this three-bedroom underground house with a patio pool and hot tub because even those living in a nuclear or zombie apocalypse prefer a small naked bath , am I right, unfortunately, the asking price?
This old bomb site is probably outside of their planned budget, coming in at a whopping eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars, but I guess it's a reasonable price since, removing all the bombs and keeping the zombies away, Which of these houses would you like the most? to be around during a zombie apocalypse, let us know in the comments and also check out our other cool stuff coming on screen right now. See you next time.

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