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14 Years Of Tory Leadership | The Russell Howard Hour Compilation

Jun 28, 2024
under crazy pressure and what blew my mind was the way she relaxes it's yoga it's taiichi no Theresa May reveals how she keeps calm by eating peanut butter the jar must be eating it like a wolf the country is in tatters and she sat down behind his desk like this did you see Boris Johnson trying to convince us to take him seriously? Don't underestimate the deep sense of personal responsibility I feel for Brexit. and for everything that's happened don't underestimate how much I care about this, oh the only thing you care about is yourself, you claimed you're getting 350 million for the NHS, we're not going to forget that just because you cut your hair and no one wants to you will be prime minister.
14 years of tory leadership the russell howard hour compilation
Christ, I'd rather have peanut butter guts in charge. We're getting nowhere. Parliament cannot agree. We are in uncharted terri


, perhaps the only way out is to go back to the people because, whether you voted to leave or to stay, none of us were aware of the facts we have now, no We knew it would make us poorer. We didn't know it would ruin the economy and we certainly didn't know that everyone who pushed for Brexit would walk away and give up that peanut butter. Nutter to fix it. Nothing of that. None of that makes sense. Look at them, they're like the last four. sausage rolls at Greg's this is the brexit election and our options are do it wrong, do it for me, boil bad and grumpy and all of them, all of them, are bullish livm bar charts, Labor antisemitism on Boris Johnson.
14 years of tory leadership the russell howard hour compilation

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14 years of tory leadership the russell howard hour compilation...

We were asked if we could Trust him and this is the answer he gave, as I say when it comes to trust in politics and uh and and the facts of this election. What we need to know is a fact that we continue to pursue. There is an elusiveness. like the hunt for the snark or the search for the answer to Fermat's last theorem or the enigma of the Sphinx or the Bermuda Triangle uh, we are still the fat uh one that we wish to discover, the fat hard crouton that we seek in the politics of the great Labor minister on brexit what are you talking about we want we want the truth not croutons minister and sphinxes none of you talk like that are you having an affair?
14 years of tory leadership the russell howard hour compilation
Dorito cre tomato Grumpy Minister, you know? what we need in politics to stop the lies in every debate we should have a referee who says like this no, no, that's actually even better, they have to stick with their mothers, no one can lie in front of their mother, the conservatives will build a Great Brittany better. Oh come on you crazy Boris, you only care about yourself, not now mommy, we have to do something because the lies are getting ridiculous. Look what the Conservatives did on their Twitter feed last week: They turned that party's political information into what looked like a neutral fact-checking account. you can't do that you can't just pretend to be someone else or Prince Andrew would be walking around dressed like David atra I don't fuck teenagers so they apologized what do you think you fooled people?
14 years of tory leadership the russell howard hour compilation
M no no no no no, no, Twitter will have its own opinion and I respect Twitter's opinion, no, I don't agree, I don't agree, no one cares about social media a week before the election and they don't even know You can ask Boris Johnson to attend Tory debates. complain to ofcom about Channel 4 replacing Boris Johnson with a melting ice cube in their climate debate. They replaced it with an ice cube. Surely they should have gone for this. It gets worse. His father rushed to do it for him. What is 5


old? Boris, debate time, dad, dad, I don't want to, yes, yes, it's pathetic, we all do things we don't want to do.
I've been on a show twice. Who lets his father do his work? It's an absolute shame, he wasn't. It wasn't just his dad, he sent Michael Gove to her. A man who looks like he's having a permanent rectal exam. A man so dedicated to lies that he married a journalist. Did you see him trying to make his way waiting for you? Hello how are you? Hello, hello, could you put me in the debate room tonight? No, you weren't invited, just be prepared to do a TV show if you haven't been asked and thank Christ for it, or my mom would have done it.
It's been every episode of Luther Ho, don't mind me, I'll sit in the corner and watch your address, if you can't find the killer you can always chain me up, it was ridiculous, what inspiring choices are so elegant. alpaca or a dying turkey Uncle Bullit or anti-semite and the rest are just as bad look at them it's like the worst naked attraction of all time it's just me, it's just me I bet the great British public was enthralled I'm excited about it huh? December 12 uh, not particularly. I'm just like everyone else. Not really, no. I just don't like it at all.
I really don't understand much of this. I'm angry at everything you can understand why every party has been The terrible Boris spent the entire election avoiding interviews. Boris Johnson refused to say whether he would be interviewed by the BBC's Andrew Neil. We have been asking him for weeks to give us a date, time and place, while eight other party leaders have sat down for this series of interviews the Prime Minister has rejected what a coward what is incredible yes what is incredible he did not have time for the scrutiny but he did have time for selfies scon mson burners turkey small boats sweets Cutlery potatoes chicken nuggets where's Wally P? my football finger whatever this is and bestiality, I mean, Crush even had time to get this right, this is what it should have looked like, the conservative campaign turned deception into an art form, they attached footage of the position of K st on Brexit, they claimed homelessness had halved when it increased by 9%. since they were in power and they lied saying that not reducing brexit costs a billion pounds a month and some of the lies were just crazy, I mean Boris even claimed he was made of Gregs, yeah that makes sense, like You'll look at him closely, full of Fuck, it was all part, look at me, I'm a people's campaign man, he's never been to a Gregs in his life, I mean, look at how he pronounces his vegan, who else wants a vegan py ?
Who else wants a vegan py? vegan sausage rolls I have a vegan PTI and it sucks. I'm going to be the Prime Miner store. He does it deliberately. It puts emphasis on the wrong material so you don't notice. It's a screwup. We will deliver it. We will deliver it. We will deliver it to you well. We had three


of Captain Bumble's tits and now we have Dog Aunt Christ, unsurprisingly, MPS after a new job, said this, did it incredibly well, a very strong mandate and I'm really looking forward to it. sing as prime minister, but most of us felt that way, it's a bit unfair, butts are warm, armor is colder than our homes are going to be this winter, how are we in this position?
Six weeks ago, no one knew who Liz trusted, all we knew. She got very angry about the cheese, we imported 23 of our cheese, that's a shame, she only won because she was voted for by members of the conservative party. Her promises were like a daily Maale reader's wet dream. I would unleash the full potential of Brexit. a woman is a woman reverse the increase in National Insurance president macron friend Gold the jury is out crack down on illegal immigration grow our economy no new taxes no new I will cut your taxes I will slap Megan Markle I will bring back to Churchill and I'll get him To do it strictly, just give me the labor tax cuts.
Most people don't care about corporate tax cuts. They care about how they are going to pay their bills. The energy bills of millions of homes in England, Scotland and Wales will rise by 80% in October and shockingly, instead of making less profit, one energy company had the audacity to recommend that households save on their bills. heating this winter hugging your cats, just hug your cat, he has no food, he eats, your grandmother can't afford to take a shower, lie in a puddle. hug your cat that advice is deeply offensive and B not all cats a hug that's not going to warm you up it's like snuggling Gordon Ramsey's balls not only is she weird and beige she walks around in flip flops all the time you were a rest and now You didn't support the British to fight in Ukraine, then you didn't want to build in the green belt and now you didn't want to abolish the monarchy and now you don't, Jesus, she has changed her stories more often. that rebecca vardy is true i agree liz truss has been in politics for 12 years and according to one of her closest allies this is her biggest achievement for people who understandably care about the environment that was a important part of her agenda, she was the first. person who actually reintroduced beavers, boom, forget about the cost of living crisis, we have a lot of misfortunes, most people are so skin that they will have to eat them, it's ridiculous, she reintroduced beavers, what does that mean?
Is she handling a rodent on Tinder like they are there no, no, oh, yes, oh, she has teeth that last for Miles. I would float down the river with that, ah, that's very wet. Beaver Tor's budget was so bad that it would almost bankrupt the country if any emergency signal was needed. That's it, the Bank of England was forced to intervene to calm the economic crisis. Emergency help was needed, especially to protect. Pension funds today will be remembered as the day this conservative government lost its economic credibility. Yes, everything he touches makes me think about it since Liz trusts me. she took over, the economy collapsed, the Queens died and England was relegated from the League of Nations now.
I'm not saying she's a demon brought to destroy the world, but she has the same laugh that the country is on its knees. I give it a week before Big Ben collapses. Lorraine Kelly joins Isis and excrement falls from the sky. I mean, things are really bad, but journalists are asking questions like this. It's time to ask if it's okay to eat squirrels. Three weeks of trust from Liz. We are eating roadkill, how are we here? The Spring Watch is made to be a TV show, not a buffet. Do you think I'm surprised this guy couldn't believe it?
So did Liz apologize? No, she hid. Where is Liz TR? I have no idea what we have. You haven't seen the Prime Minister. You can run for Prime Minister, but you can't hide. At the moment she seems to be hiding. She checks your shed. You never know. Apparently I'm not making this up. Apparently they found her in her office like this. Please, she went that way. It's a disaster because of the budget, the pound crashed, mortgages were withdrawn, pensions almost disappeared and when the chancellor needed to reassure the country he did this, what are you having with the Bank of England sir?
Do you have anything to say about what's happening? continue Sir, say something, people are terrified and you are quieter than a man who has just been asked the question: do you prefer my hair up or down? When Liz Tross finally came out, she couldn't understand the basic questions, how many people voted for her plan, what do you mean by that she means how many people voted for your plan? She wasn't done, she hears this. I wake up every morning as Prime Minister thinking about how we can make our country more successful. I have an idea. Give up the Prime Minister's attempts. to save a new economic plan, but can it save his job?
Some Tory MPs are privately discussing Liz Truss' departure as leader after she sacked her chancellor. Her Interior Secretary resigned. She was suspended. She has announced a second major change to her economic plans for growth. Parliamentarians cannot. believe in the dysfunction they are witnessing what is Liz's point trusting no one knows no one knows it's chaos we've had four chancellors since July the government is as stable as a Kaner West tweet I mean, do you know that his approval rating is it 9? % and according to a recent poll, she is on the same level of popularity as Prince Andrew, that's right, she is on the level of sweaty pizza face M.
The only things below her are Ebola, Phil and Holly, I mean , Christ, this is a bad man, do you know how the day started? set up a live stream what will last longer liz truss or ace only in this country we would have a fight between our prime minister and a vegetable and most of us are back on the vegetable tax increasing recession and the biggest drop in disposable income in his


the chancellor imposes the highest taxes since the Second World War the outlook is bleak, that's right, we have the highest taxes since the Second World War think about our government having done the same thing to our economy as Adolf Hitler and if he were alive he probably would be At Tipping Point we have a 55 billion black hole and all Jeremy Hunt blamed was that these are global factors, partly because of what is happening in Ukraine, partly because of the pandemic , but doesn't mention the fact that Liz Truss's disastrous mini-budget cost the country. thestaggering figure of 30 billion, why don't they mention it?
It's like I go to A&E with my goatee stuck in a Christmas turkey and just say Jamie fucking Oliver, but they don't care, they're too busy making brilliant videos like this. help deliver the long term stability this country needs, a stronger, fairer UK, good luck with that. I think most people in Britain feel that way because

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