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14 Day Leg & Inner Thigh Challenge ♥ This Workout's Results Do Jane Fonda Proud

Jun 06, 2021
Welcome to your 10 minute leg toning


. This 14-day


will allow you to tone and sculpt your



s, outer


s, and glutes to a whole new level. All the details of the challenge can be found below in the description of


video. or you can do


class on your own for a quick and effective leg-toning


. If you're ready to get started, grab your mat and let's get started. If you enjoyed this practice, check out our full digital programs, we have everything from yin. yoga Pilates yoga


s and even complete fitness programs designed specifically to give you incredible


on your body and mind, so if you're ready to get started, grab your mat and let's get started right friends, we'll start today in the center of your mat, so go ahead and get on your knees and the first exercise we're going to do is called candle kicks, so let's first extend our left leg fully, extending both arms toward the sky and then out to the side.
14 day leg inner thigh challenge this workout s results do jane fonda proud
Tuck your tailbone in, draw your belly button toward your spine, and then from here, you're just going to release one hand to the floor, kick that straight leg up, and then come back to center, so you're going to kick it up and toward the center, to You are shifting your weight to your hand and then back to your knee, lift it up and center it, keep those abs strong and kick your left leg high, lift it up and center it to see if you can point your toe at the same time as kick it and Center almost there, lift it and Center, lift it and Center keep those abs engaged, don't lose the strength in your core, beautiful, turn it up now, let's keep it there, flex your foot, just take another deep breath to want that leg to drop now. put your hand on your waist and let's start pressing that leg up two three four five beautiful six seven eight nine you have ten more ten nine eight seven six five four three two one incredible from here point the toes drop the leg by all the way down, reaching your upper arm to the front of the mat, stretch and then slowly work your way up to the mat on the side of the body, come up to the elbow and from here the top knee will bend and bring. that foot in front of you extend and grab that ankle starting to work the


thigh raise that leg straight raise it very well try to keep your body straight raise it and lower it now don't worry if you can't lift That leg stretched too high is not about about how high you can lift your leg, it's about the muscle you're engaging to make the movement beautiful, raise it and lower it, hold it there now, hold it, hold it, hold it, don't drop it. and when you're ready, just little pulses with that leg straight, inhale, exhale up, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, ten, more, ten, nine, eight, seven, six , five, four, three, two, one, beautiful, release, point, toes, and, drop it, I'll extend That top leg and the next exercise is called ballerina kicks, so all you're going to do is to raise your leg as high as you can and with control lower it up and down so imagine yourself as a ballet dancer you want to try and keep that leg straight and pointed engaging the muscles on the way down kick it up and down down keeping your shoulders straight towards the screen raise it and lower it up and down the last raise it and lower it let's lower it completely now resting your head on your hand now the same thing you are going to kick, stop almost at the end and then hit it with the bottom foot, take it towards up, stop and tap your foot to kick it and then lift your bottom leg to touch it. both feet together, kick, stop and touch, kick, stop and touch, so what we are doing here is toning the outer and inner thighs through this exercise, so continue, don't forget to keep your core nice and strong and get up almost at the end. and then you play kick stop tap kick stop tap great now from here bend your bottom knee and start bringing your top leg to the front okay extend the other arm towards the sky just touch your toes and go up, touch and go up like this now We're focusing a little more on the glute area, touch and up, touch and up, continue with just a gentle tap to the floor with your toe and then go up and up and up the same thing again, just four more to go. keep your core strong here.
14 day leg inner thigh challenge this workout s results do jane fonda proud

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14 day leg inner thigh challenge this workout s results do jane fonda proud...

Your entire body is engaged as we work on toning the gluteal muscle. Keep tapping your toe on the ground. Great, raise it higher and higher and that's it, release that leg all the way down once in a while and then release your body. up towards the knees, good job guys, what we're going to do now is do everything the other way, so let's extend the other leg all the way out, we'll start with our sail kicks and arms out to the sides. strong core, lower it, kick the straight leg up and then back to the center and up and do a big kick with that leg up and to the center, make sure your hips and shoulders stay square facing the screen, bring it out top and center.
14 day leg inner thigh challenge this workout s results do jane fonda proud
Lift it up and bring it up and the center of your shoulders is down, your body is strong using that outer thigh to kick and center and kick and center and kick, let's keep it there, just breathe, go ahead and flex your foot if you want. and then once you do it. You are ready, you will take the upper arm and bring it closer to your hip and now let's press the leg until three or small pulses six seven eight nine, you have ten plus ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one beautiful grip point the fingers of the feet and then drop your leg all the way down, go ahead and reach your upper arm to the front of the mat, straighten your body and then slowly move towards the mat with your hips and once you reach. down, let's go to the elbow first, we'll start by bending the top knee placing your foot in front of you, grab that ankle, let's start with the inner thigh exercise, lift it up and lower it two, three, four again, don't worry. about leg height, our goal here is to just wake up those inner thigh muscles, start toning, start strengthening that area of ​​the body, lift and lower, lift and lift and lift almost there, keep those shoulders square.
14 day leg inner thigh challenge this workout s results do jane fonda proud
You are doing a lot of lifting and lowering. lift up now hold it there no you won't drop that leg just breathe and then press it two three four five six seven eight nine ten plus ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one hold it there don't drop that leg and exhale let go good job , now we're going to extend the top leg all the way out, readjust slightly if you need to make sure you're right on the hip bone, you're going to kick it up and bring the leg down with a nice strong kick and then control the bottom kick and the lower high kick and the lower lower kick, so make sure that when you lower your leg you're not just lowering it, but you're actually using a lot of muscle strength to control the movement that this exercise is about. control the last one and go down, do a great job, let's go all the way down now resting your head on your hand, big stop almost at the end and then put those toes together, stop and hit both heels and toes, big stop and kick. hold and touch again kick, hold and touch kick, hold and touch kick, pull, touch both feet, you're almost done, just continue, make sure you're breathing, make sure you're also activating your core muscles, hold, touch both feet, use the inner thighs. here, touch, kick, hold, touch and then bend the bottom knee, bring the top leg forward, extend the top arm towards the sky, touch the toes to the ground and lift four, one, two, now let's aim to the glutes, four, five, touch your toe. and lift six seven eight nine ten continue lift and lift lift well make sure you breathe, never hold your breath here, even when you start to feel your muscles getting fatigued, just breathe through the last one and then release your leg completely. down, raise that arm and release it, great work, coming up to the center of your mat, sit up to your knees, let's take one last deep breath to close this practice, inhale together, raise both arms towards the sky, stretch hard.
Your body releases your arms down and once again breathes deeply, fills those lungs with oxygen and exhales through your hands toward your heart. Thank you very much for joining us today in this training. I hope you enjoyed it and I can't wait to see you again. Bye for now, thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed this video, please like it and don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more exercise and yoga videos like this, much love and see you soon.

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