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127 Ways to Make Your Friends Laugh in Minecraft

Jun 16, 2024
This is the whole way to





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wanted to live by the sea, then here's a way to bring the sea to them or at least part of it, since boats are entities, which means that if we want, we can place a bunch. of these and cover your friends' entire house and boats, let's be honest, it's not exactly an expensive Brink, especially if you have a tree farm or even just a nice ax and a tiger tree and while it's annoying that they can't be accumulate in your inventory. placing them is a really easy setup and then when your friend wants to get rid of them they are also easy to clean up and they will probably want to do that too considering a lot of entities might lag a bit and really that's the most destructive part of this prank is the lag and the only thing I would warn you against doing anything too bad would be to


sure none of the ships get too close to your friend's animal pen while they are easy to break on their own when you have to look at the proper hit boxes to make sure you're not killing your pigs and sheep, then it gets annoying, this is my friend's house and this is my house.
127 ways to make your friends laugh in minecraft
Note any similarities, as a great prank is going to happen. and copy your friend's base word by block and place it right next to theirs and, after all, I've heard that getting inspired is a great thing, so I stop at just getting inspired and take all of their base too, and if You can install a mod that allows you to preview the schematic so you can do it right away. That can really add to the detail of getting this joke right. If you want, you can even put a glass wall in the middle and have it.
127 ways to make your friends laugh in minecraft

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127 ways to make your friends laugh in minecraft...

It looks like the mirror image. I think that would be pretty fun too, a little wax goes a long way so if you manage to have beeswax that you can use on your friend's copper blocks whether they are trying to let them rust or not just check and wax a A couple of blocks here and there could be enough to make them think they are going crazy or it could also allow you to include a hidden message if you want, and this is probably the definition of a slow burn since oxidizing copper already takes a long time and with that wax it will take even more, which at that point might be good for you too, you can basically forget about the joke and then be surprised when you remember how badly you did them.
127 ways to make your friends laugh in minecraft
Minecraft science isn't the easiest thing to read anymore, especially when you have glasses like me, but we can make it a lot worse by just using the right color of tint, so for example, if your friend has white text on a dark background of a sign, just going past it and changing it to dark text on a darker background basically becomes unreadable, so unless they want to deal with something like Glo ink sexs and let's be honest, no one wants to deal with glow squids, then it's basically They will be left with this and the ability to edit your friends signs, you can also change that new darker text to a hidden message for them to see and hidden is the right word as when it's that hard to read you really have to put it in under a microscope before you know what the joke was in the first place, this rug gives us the perfect coverage, because while this rug may look exactly the same at all times, the truth is that if you place a wall or fence underneath some of the carpet blocks like this, then your friend won't be able to see it's there, but he will definitely notice when he walks over the carpet and it will occasionally sway up and down, and if your friend has a low ceiling, This could also be even more confusion there, since they won't even know why they can't walk on parts of the floor, at least until they check underneath and realize they were hitting their heads the whole time. being watched even when no one is around, well in this case, that's not exactly a conspiracy theory since what we did was we broke through and hid a secret face inside your friend's base and this is an illusion which I loved when we showed it. in the past but the idea of ​​putting it on your friends base to make them think they are going crazy I mean if it doesn't make them


it at least makes me laugh and it doesn't have to be just a face.
127 ways to make your friends laugh in minecraft
This way you can also check and change the glazed terracotta on it to make it look like there's actually a penguin sticking out like we've shown here. When you notice it, it's pretty fun, but it's also pretty easy to fade into the background, especially when you're familiar enough with a place that you're not exactly checking every detail, you just want to open your chest and leave it, which is perfect. For a prank like this, if you and your friends start a new world together, then that's your cue to make. They laugh and an easy way to do it is just when they are going through a tree.
Today, few know that you are actually standing on top of those logs so that when they mine the soil beneath you you will fall. falling on them giving them a surprise, I mean, it's much better than having an anvil fall on your face like we've shown in other pranks in the past, so if I had to choose between being greeted with death or the face of my dude, it's It's a tough choice, but I think I'll have to stay with my friend there once your friend goes AFK. That's your cue to bring out the Redstone knowledge, as with the help of a suitable flying machine you can relocate that static player to a completely different location on the map and I personally like to shoot them straight into the sky and leave them there .
I mean they'll be pretty safe up there, it's not exactly like the mobs are going to show up and as long as they don't get scared. too much when they return to their computer, it could be a pretty silly surprise for them to see and a good opportunity to practice their water bucket clutch. I mean, come on that point, it's just reflective here on that classic TNT exploding. The sound is scary and it should be. Normally it means you're in serious trouble, but here we get the whole scare without any damage or cleanup, since all we're using here is a spotter to spot a red stone. sign of your friend mining a block or interacting with something and that's all we need for him to ignite the TNT, but that TNT fell into the water, so when it explodes there will be absolutely no damage to anything around him or your friend , which is a It's a good way to scare them without giving them a reason to get revenge, which gives you one less reason to look over your shoulder and be paranoid, so I think it's worth imagining the situation in which you built this great dining room and then call. of your friends for a meeting, each of you sit in carts of mine because there's really no other way to sit in the game and when you get them all there for that emergency meeting that's when you finally reveal why they're there, you reveal yourself . these few center blocks that break the floor beneath you and you all fall into what is now what you discovered, the ancient city and credit user sco for the creativity with B.
It's really an awesome joke, I mean, no you just have to do everything. of the setup of taking your friends there and building the dining room, but you also have to mine all the pieces that you actually drop in the ancient city, so you only have one chance to make it work, but when you do it's difficult Let's just say the results don't speak for themselves, spawning a Wither is a rude awakening, but spawning a Wither like this isn't primarily because it doesn't spawn a Wither, even though we build the Wither structure the same way we normally would. for the simple fact that we have an airless block under Soul Sand that won't appear no matter how many withered skulls you place on top of it, as long as you build this T shape on something as simple as a torch rug or snow under that weather no is going to appear but it could still be a scare if you want to terrorize your friends and the way I would love to do this is go mining with your friend and then when they are turned over they place the te-structure and then , when they finally turn around they place the final skull only for them to panic and know why it's not even spawning in the first place, server errors are annoying until you use them to your advantage since although it's usually Frustrating if you can't see your friend, if you are smart enough to think on your feet then we could follow Grean and use this to scare your friends while they can't see you. and either placing signs or blocks to break them up.
Let's face it, you get just as much versatility as you would if you were normally invisible, but without all the particles it's a dead giveaway if you're lucky enough to get around this or even smart enough to force it and then take that golden opportunity to scare or laugh at your friends. I'll let you choose. Finding good real estate on the server is a difficult thing to do, especially when your friends can rebuild an entire cliff just to hide behind. your house yeah something like that seems like real estate market manipulation to me but it's a good joke yeah follow this red user who literally rebuilt his friend's house inside a cliff in Ravine and I don't know if it's the shaders in these screenshots, but honestly, looking at this, it doesn't look that bad, I mean, maybe it's a little awkward, but that's what water bucket savings are for, if anything, it's just good practice, so What if you have something like light madaka that allows you to recreate your friend's block-by-block construction with a suitable schematic that is really all the excuse you need to be able to recreate something like this and get a good joke out of it if you can get your friend to download a package of random resources.
That's basically a blank check to annoy them, because while they think it's just about doing simple things like changing textures for a minigame or all that, the truth is that we change the texture from lava to water and suddenly explore in the bottom. The caves become much more attractive and much more dangerous and the nether, especially, looks pretty ridiculous when you see it with this package. At best, they'll get confused, and at worst, they'll end up losing their stuff. that water inside nether bamboo and sugar cane are some of the fastest growing crops in Minecraft, although my friend's bamboo farm will never grow another plant again and the reason for this, although almost invisible, is that if you place a rope just above the stock of bamboo past that point it will no longer grow, which will definitely be a way to confuse your friends when they wonder why they are farmers and produce like before and considering that bamboo is much more useful In recent updates, this could be their invitation to sabotage your bamboo farm so that they have to buy it from you or charge you a fee to come and fix it because after all, if they aren't looking closer, they might have thought that they planted in the wrong place. block and as long as you make sure not to hold onto any threads when they come to ask questions, I think you've been clear: if everyone has a big enough ego to go around building statues of themselves, they honestly need to be torn down. a peeg, I mean, sure they're impressive, but are they impressive enough to need a statue?
Who is to say that you definitely deserve a statue and in that case you should check and replace the statue's skin with your own? I mean, they already gave you. You are the template for the proportions, now it's just a matter of finding the right block palette to match yours. I mean, I'm lucky, I just have to get red concrete and I'm basically 90% done and really, as this commoner on Reddit points out, if someone is willing to change a statue like this, that takes a lot of dedication at that point, you should leave it the same way to applaud it and honestly I'm inclined to agree that ender pearls can be a great escape plan, but what if you're not in danger but just looking to confuse your friend?
Even then, an Ender Pearl Stasis Chamber does the job perfectly, as with one of these set on a timer you could appear in your friend's room. house out of nowhere or disappear from their eyes in an instant and that will definitely be enough to confuse them, especially if you can goad your friend into chasing you and then flip a switch so that halfway through the chase scene you are knocked out of the scene . script in its entirety, you can do a lot of awesome things with map art and we've shown that in previous videos, but while you can use a lot of detail for these, I don't even think we need to be that difficult, in fact, just replicate. one of the normal Minecraft paints and then changing subtle things and placing this on your friend's base will be all you needto alter the normal art and you'll be able to see if they even noticed your subtle prank and if they did, they should be impressed. one of these maps costs 128x 128 blocks so you're willing to go the extra mile just to prank them and honestly it's subjective.
I think this looks better anyway, as my friend Bry showed, you can definitely use goats to kill your friends, but that's a little harsher than what we're going to do right now, so how about Do you prank your friends with one of these goats and for that purpose it is difficult to get? It is better to annoy someone than a screaming goat and hide one of these inside your friends base, would be all it takes to drive them crazy. I've heard of The Telltale Heart under the floorboards, but I think there's something to The Telltale Goat.
It would be even quicker to get it over with and publish the story, it would be just one sentence, just be careful the goat doesn't turn on you while you try to trap it in the house, her screaming isn't the only part of them. That's annoying. I never understand people who log into a multiplayer server and then decide to play it as a single player, completely isolating themselves from the rest of the group, and if your friend tends to do the same, why not do them a favor? in fact, segment them by placing a giant glass dome around their base.
I mean hey, they wanted a quarantine, it's hard to do better than a giant glass dome and if you do this during the holidays then it works as a barrier and a snowball. Well, isn't that just lovely? Yeah, maybe they don't think as much, but hey, they tend to stay alone anyway, if they start arguing you might as well leave them if you ever walk into your base and something feels off, like I swore. that oven used to be there or that chest doesn't seem to be organized the same way, well usually it's just your brain playing tricks on you but today we call ourselves your brain because we're going to play the tricks ourselves and just doing Subtle changes to your friend's base, like swapping paints or even adding random blocks in various places they haven't been before, is all you need to see if your friend notices your little experiment and, like I said, If you're able to get your friends a little resource pack, one of the funniest ones you can trick them into getting are the new villager animations.
Now the new animation pack is cool, but it's hard to argue that the villagers don't look a little silly and since the green shows off the kind of strange looks you might start getting from villagers when you get your friend to download this. It's good enough to make me laugh. I hope he can make them too once your friend gives his pet a name. That is not the end of the story since with a tag with our name we can review and change the name of that pet to whatever we want, so instead of your friend's pet being called Fluffy, it is now yellow and is more of an anagram than anything else, but hey, he didn't kill his dog, all he did was just play a bit of a word search and it's easy enough to read and replace with a tag with his own name for the cost of one level. clear I think it's a pretty safe prank to play on your friends and it could still be pretty funny if your friend likes to decorate their Winter Wonderland with a couple of snow golems then how could you help them turn it into a The real Winter Wonderland is to take a pair of scissors and remove all the pumpkins from their heads.
Let's face it, this forgotten texture for the original snowman looks pretty fun and also fits the snowman's aesthetic a little better, so there you have it somehow. you're helping them achieve their vision and in others you're giving them a laugh, it's really just for them to choose which one it is. Here's a fun trick to show your friends what you can do with mobs now if you get a mob in. the back of their boat and then lands them both on the ice and then when they start spinning on the boat all the momentum will give the mob a lot of Whiplash and their heads will start spinning in a rather strange way. which seems painful to me, but the chicken seems to be having fun, so I guess each of them maybe loosens their neck a little more than me and any passerby watching I can only imagine this looks even sillier, maybe Have you heard this before but you can't sleep now there are monsters nearby but when you look around you don't see any the monster comes in under your bed see if you dig a two block hole under a bed add a daylight sensor and then place a armor stand on top, you will be just high enough to see the eyes of the monster's head.
It makes it this far, which is a good way to scare anyone who enters your guest room, once you take down the Ender Dragon, there's not much to show for it. your victory, I mean, there's the egg, but there's only one for everyone and that doesn't seem fair for a group effort, so if you want something to show everyone involved in the server, this dragon skin rug seems perfect . Also choose, it's a pretty funny psychological joke so it doesn't hurt either and by adding little details like buttons for scales, there are subtle


to make this a really solid addition to your living room floor, so if you're not already using your dragon head as a piano, this must be the next best use for them.
I would like to introduce everyone to my new pet berries and yes, you heard me right. I have berries as a pet or at least that's what it looks like. Look this. The user discovered that by trapping a fox and making it invisible, all that's left in sight is the bushel of sweet berries in its mouth, and in fact, I'm sure you could use this to guide any of the other items a fox It can be carried in its mouth, but regardless of what you use, you'll want to keep this pet away from your CE chicken or else, you've probably heard of headless horsemen, but what about the disembodied Steve that sees after placing some path blocks? we can throw a pig into a mine cart, climb up and fall to the ground like this with only our head to peek out from the top of the road, which can scare your friends or lend you to the strangest game of football yet, and any option you choose. choose just make sure you don't disassemble the pig while you're down there otherwise you'll go from an awkward situation to something much more awkward when you're idling on a farm in


there's not much to do i mean most of us would do it . just go out and do something off screen, but if that's out of your reach, then we're going to have to find another way to be productive now to start getting out of the book and Quil and no, this is not for taking notes. or anything, that book is actually our project, you see the way Minecraft scrolls through different pages, it's actually possible, in some strange way, to make flip book animations in the game, it's limited, but remember that someone remade Star Wars and asked for art, so the possibility is pretty high, so if you're going to kill time anyway, then you might as well make yourself a magnumopus.
Traps are a queue as old as Minecraft itself, but while there are plenty of flashy ways to imprison or blow up your friends, this might be the best option. The best way to hold them responsible, since with the drip spikes we can make a kind of functional guillotine for our use in our Minecraft worlds. Effectively you hide the culprit under the trapdoor and have a system of letting the spike fall enough and then you can have quite a public display, so while I wouldn't recommend it for any kind of quick attack, this could be an way to keep hackers at bay, as long as they don't wear a helmet with just a bed and a hood.
You can gather all of our villagers that way and it really is as simple as just placing the bed in the middle of an area and then you will see them all flock towards the bed, giving you all your villagers gathered together and then you can use it to turn them all into witches with the Trident or turn them all into zombies with this method. Whatever the point, I'll let you decide, but now at least you'll know how to collect rap chives, thankfully Java Minecraft. it doesn't have much for microtransactions but that leaves us behind in terms of Cosmetics or rather it would be if we had this command, you see with the /item replace command we can put blocks and items in our armor slots that we couldn't Normally, I'm sure that Steve usually doesn't have a mohawk, but put an anvil on your helmet and the problem is solved or you can add an emerald to your head and look like a Sim.
Really the possibilities here are quite open, so now it's all up to you. To find your favorite, here we explain how to convert your Pistons from this to this and the secret behind this is not to do something like the MCM Stein mod, although it is cool, but to simply use the set block command with different parts of the Piston. You can separate the head from the body and then place the fence post casing in the middle and there you have a giant piston and if you really wanted to you could even make it the sticky variant but don't expect it to retract. anything, there's no off switch for this one, using just a sail and a chainmail helmet we can get a pretty convincing mouse and keyboard setup and hey, for an added bonus, enchant the helmet for effect RGB or, if you're more of a console gamer.
Don't worry, a plaque stone wall is the trick for that and potions are a common obstacle in Minecraft travel, but luckily ships offer an easy solution for that. These simple boats could really use an upgrade though, so if you're looking to become a proper captain in the seven C's, maybe use the second seat of your boat to give yourself a boost, like maybe bringing a witch along to offer you extra artillery support because, luckily for us, their potions arc in such an arc that they'll never hit you, or maybe you're trying to move house, in which case a llama brings some extra storage spaces for your belongings and actually Whatever you choose, I'm sure it will be better than just having a solitary trip through the deep blue, I don't think so.
Any of us want to get on a being's bad side, they're just so adorable you probably don't want to hurt them anyway, but that's not to mention they can also carry a big stinger to change their offensive capabilities to defensive, how about we do a b army with this swarm? All it takes is for one enemy to be hit by a bug and the damage will be done and friends, if you can believe it, these things can even defeat the Wither, now you'll definitely need it. a lot of them and it would probably help to splash them with a strength two potion, but the point remains that this Buzz Battalion can destroy anything you throw at them and maybe next time they will want to get on your good side with the help of the new ones.
Mang Grove planks we can build something like this. I'm really sorry, but if you want to build this suspicious statue in your own world, all you need is some Mangrove tiles, two doors, and a rag to cover the block. the center visor and also if you combine this with the new skull blocks that will really make this look out of this world, why do these armor stands fight well? When you make these statues spin on a detector rail, we can animate them like this, which means we can use our own STS armor to recreate something like a sword fight and then if you have the rails lined up in a row, we can throw them at the mine carts and start the show, which, if you ask me, could really help liven up. your next Colosseum build just don't expect your fight to end soon by stacking about 20 villagers in a hole like this, we can make it so that when we fall into the hole we can also jump with our lightra and use all the combined force of their pushes to launch ourselves into the clouds and there you have it, you have an entity launcher that doesn't use any rockets, making this not only fun but also quite effective, but be careful if you want to build this brand.
Make sure there are less than 24 villagers in the room, otherwise you might hit the entity overcrowding limit and then this layout will take you to the skies, take you to the sky. Let's be honest with the way we are treating the Villers, we are probably going south of Pear Gates, this Building Act is a violation of the Geneva Convention and now that I have your attention, let's talk about how we built it because, fortunately, What's actually happening here isn't as cool as it sounds, but by placing a villager in his place in a cauldron and then using a Dinnerbone name tag, we can turn it around, but because it's a cauldron, we can't. will drown inside that block, not to mention the fact that that's not how etiquette works with theDinnerbone name anyway. and then with a couple of chains on top to keep it in place we make it look like it's hanging inside the pot and although fortunately the villagers paid the actor and no one was bothered in the process, the armor stands not only allow us to show our armor. but he also uses that armor as decoration and this is my favorite instance.
While this looks like a normal chest to the outside world, when you open it we are treated to a suitable golden treasure inside and the setup is surprisingly simple. What we need to do is place our armor stand on a block with a shorter HIIT box, in this case an enchantment table, and then push a normal block on a chest into place with a piston and from there , what I like most about this is that the helmet fits perfectly into the place of the chest texture, almost as it should be to ensure that our villagers are safe when they follow our orders, we have to defend ourselves from raids and the easiest way To do so is take a mob of looters that you might have spawned by a patrol, put them in a prison and give them a name tag so that when you pass by with the bad omen effect, the raid never starts because they think Larry is the only raider. that I should send. and then after a few days in-game the Raid will end and your base will be completely fine, oh, without having to worry about things like evocators or ravagers, and if that means I have to enslave a Pillager so I can keep enslaving my villagers.
That's fine by me, bad traps stick out like a sore thumb, so if you see a random pressure plate outdoors, most of us know not to step on it, but that's the point of this. You see, we want our victim to hope that she is trapped. Break the pressure plate and then the real trap is set in motion. Then the mine cart, sucked up by the hopper, enters an actual hopper and then a comparator triggers a signal and the rest is history now, although you could be crueler here by adding more TNT mine carts. I think this could actually work very well in a rigged desert temple that would surely be a surprise to people, one that would probably leave them with no items to their name.
Sometimes in m incraft it can be easy to forget that your actions have consequences, so give your friend a quick refresher course and then how? about us designing a trap with that karma in mind now I don't know about you, but in my world exposed target blocks are a rare thing, which means as soon as someone sees one, they can guarantee an arrow will go straight to it. center, but this time, instead of a target, they will be treated according to Newton's third law of motion, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and in this case that reaction is a poison.
Arrowhead straight to his torso. Is it cruel? Well, it's hard to say they did. I'm not asking for it and maybe now you'll think twice before acting, we can wait for this build trick to load but the truth is it never will because that's the point and by mixing an invisible element frame with a horn of goat. This way we can use a command block that constantly updates it to spin and create this loading screen animation we see here, which could be great for making your friends think they have a bad internet connection or it could just be Useful to have for the next time you set up a new map and need something for the players to see while you set things up, and actually, very few of Minecraft's textures are animated, so it's nice to see us making do where we can throughout the years.
Minecraft has done this consistently. Added new pets to choose from while everyone else opts for a dog or maybe the new Axel. What if you want something a little more unique? Well, there is a solution. Now I will beat a stranger, of course, the main thing you are looking for. because with a pet it's loyalty, so why not go straight to the source with a Loyalty Trident 3? No joke, this thing lacks a pulse, apparently it makes up for the company, so just throw the thing away, fill the slots in your inventory and then you can check it out, follow it if you're a Mapat, you'll want to pay attention to this one because as you can see, We put some familiar animatronics in Minecraft like the Beasts and Uglies channel and it shows that all we need are some armor stands placed in the right way. way to make one of these creepy characters right in vanilla just make sure you sleep after building them.
I wouldn't want to risk a night shift with these. Here's why we use a hoglin in our build if we were to summon a hoglin using this. The tag is immune to zombification, so we can keep it alive long enough to play dead and then after adding the dinner bone name tag with some N rods over Top Lane horizontally, we get the perfect pig in a spitting illusion that will be ready for our next Hawaiian Li. Did you know you can do this with bubble jets because apparently if you throw eggs directly into the water those projectiles will bounce and bounce along the bubbles and functionally this is very similar? an Ender Pearl stasis chamber, but we're using a lot more momentum when we throw it, which means if you make a couple baskets, you might be able to set this up for your own basketball game and, hey, since it works with others entities with the right amount of strength, this could be an awesome addition to your next TNT cannon in Minecraft.
It's often easy to accumulate a good amount of trash, and while throwing that stuff into a fire is a fun pastime, what if you really want to get rid of it? from something like, say, by chance, you came across a particularly tricky piece of Netherite, well, if you don't have a cactus on hand, then there's one option we tend to neglect: items are entities like you and me, and that means these things have an off switch, so if you take a Skyhigh anvil and drop it on an object, it will remove the material from existence, it's almost like we're creating our own kind of item execution system, but if you really want to get rid of it. from your friends, then this will work and then some.
I think we all know that a person learning how to use an MLG water bucket and then using it non-stop, as I understand it, is a practical skill, but I don't understand how to use it to get off a four-block drop, so it's Well, if we're both sick of it, why don't we teach them a little lesson? But the question we will have to solve is how does the water stop? because really, unless you're at the bottom, there aren't many ways to stop a cube of water unless we go one step further using this step backwards, since half slabs can get flooded with water when they try to land, they will be welcome .
Their bucket empties and there's no prayer to save the clutch, leaving you victorious and them totally confused about what just happened when the ban does its swinging animation, clipping inside certain blocks, which looks like a glitch, but we're going to use it as a cheat feature. doors in this Banner pattern, we can make it look as if this face is actually blinking or at least checking its surroundings before going back to sleep. This user on Reddit shows if we were to throw a drowned mob with a tridon into this. The system throws the tridon at us and that tridon will catch on fire, which we can then use to light a piece in TNT and that will cause all these villagers here to die on the spot and coincidentally, they will all turn into zombies and well, we have Se showed in the past using a similar version of this to make a record.
Farm. I think this design ends up being a lot more practical but also a lot crueler, so maybe check your morals at the door. Armor stands can be used for something pretty. amazing stuff and with the help of command blocks we can push that even further, see all these NBT data changes that we like to be able to automate with repeated commands, which means we can turn a truss stand like this into a ceiling fan so it works. I admit it looks ridiculous, but I can't argue with the results either, and while this sword option perhaps takes the term propeller blades too literally, we could also use shields like this example if you've played around with map creation.
We are very familiar with the concept of custom gamer heads and while they can work well on their own, they become even cooler when we combine them with armor stands and my favorite example would be this Tiki Totem as shown by this user on Reddit. We can mix in placed heads and armor stands to add different scales to our Tower, which I think provides a really interesting option for decorating the base of your next jungle temple. Come to think of it, this technique could also be used for some really convincing snowmen. Look at this. Fish close because in the Bedrock edition, if you place a fish inside a moving water feature like this, if it stays in the same idle spot long enough, its swimming animation will speed up infinitely until, as you can see, we get Some pretty surprising results, but it's worth mentioning that no matter how much speed you build up as soon as the fish actually moves a block, its animation returns to normal, so if you're trying to increase speed for 12 hours, it's possible.
You may want to look elsewhere if Falling from a High Height Water is the All-Star choice for safety and we can use that idea to our advantage. See if you are looking to get revenge on someone on the server. This water illusion is a solid candidate to do so. We'll notice this by making several custom maps with a water layout so we can create a compelling place for them to land only once they're in that puddle they'll just break their legs on a couple of item frames and that should be a no doubt , a rude awakening, while the remains of the engine have many interesting uses, I think its resistance to lava is particularly interesting and allows us to see this new type of foundry, since our elements will not melt in the flames, we can pour lava over the top of the super foundry and have our Hopper entrance hidden in The Inferno, then when you need to sniff out the scrap metal, throw a couple of rubble and accept your lava forging reward, which is way cooler than a simple furnace when see lime terracotta, your first thought is probably it's not lemonade but when it's arranged like this you'll reconsider with this we already have the perfect sign for a lemonade stand and then we can use this trick with a golden helmet armor stand placed on five layers of snow and pushing a glass block on top for a jar of lemonade and with a final trapdoor in a coral block, we'll be sure to have grapes in case any ducks come by.
Here's how to take your boat from the ocean to the sky's edge from Bedrock. edit, if you place your boat on top of a platform of slime blocks and then jump on top of it, once we finally get in, there will be so much potential energy locked in that boat that it will shoot into the sky, giving you a nice party trick to Show off to your friends or who knows, it might even be a cheap way to get into a light caster. Shields are a very useful tool, but once you have one of these, speed is the last thing on your mind.
Bedrock Edition might have an interesting solution for that. Here, when your friend is holding a shield, we can hit him multiple times and still take the knockback, which has led some in the community to discover a technique like this. Here we can alternate the use of the shield between the two players. and essentially create a ladder of sorts, no joke, you could even use these six blocks high in some cases and not to mention using it correctly could also help you clear horizontal distances and make these shields much better to break through than any of us .
I thought that Redstone timers can be a bit complex to build and while I'm sure there are comparatively simpler options such as Hopper clocks and the like, if you're really looking to make a Redstone or brainless clock this is your candidate as you'll see that our solution here is Gravity and a violation of the Geneva Convention, having mobs stand on top of some turtle legs, there is a certain amount of time before they break, so since there is a theory that I could form some kind of timer using Turtle XS, is it immoral? I guess it doesn't seem like the best thing, but if you're really looking for a timer that goes on in Redstone, this one works, so maybe keep it behind closed doors and don't let your visitors know how the sausage is made.
Okay, I'm mixing a whetstone with a new crafting block. Then if we look in front, here we have what appears to be the face of a wheel mounted robot, adding some levers for the arms like in this example or placing it on top for an antenna, there ismany things you can do here. I mean, if you've seen the movie Wall-E, just think of any of them and you can probably do with the crafting pigs and Saddles are kind of a laughing stock when it comes to Transport, but with a lack in terrain they more than make up for In Disguise, it turns out that with the right technique we can tie a leash between an elytra and a saddle pig and essentially create a carpool for two people, is that practical?
I have no idea, but it's clearly a sight to see, so if you have both cables and pigs to spare, this is worth trying out on the server, and if you start from the right height, you might eliminate a few things serious distance with your friend, which I think is just fantastic. Minecraft has blocks and mobs and many times you don't see the two sides mix, but that changes today as with the help of cleverly coated Falling Sand entities and armor is this Reddit. the user was able to animate a proper functional jump piston mob and friends, this is not done with any mods or resource packs, but in fact it is completely possible using only command blocks or data pack and vanilla, and the results They are equal parts ridiculous and impressive to watch. and honestly, this feels like a Pixar reference waiting to happen now that this wolf's tail is spinning, but why answer that we should first know that a tamed wolf's tail is linked to its health, so how much The lower your health, the lower your tail will be and vice versa? if we use commands to make it have higher health, yes the tail starts spinning, so if we used the effect commands to give the dog both a health boost and a regen, we could see its tail spin in real time, but don't get dizzy when you try to watch him build a house it's a queue like the earliest era in Minecraft, but having the game build a house for you is a little more exciting, that's why this display of a house built entirely out of blocks It's so wild to see what's happening here. that we have a perfectly timed array of command blocks to throw each and every block into its respective place finally giving us our final result and full disclosure for this to work you will need a flat surface otherwise those blocks of construction will simply collide with each other. and get off course at some point.
I think we've all wanted to be astronauts, but without a billion dollars in the bank, that's a pipe dream for most of us, so it leaves us with two options: either we sit back and get depressed or we start working on the science of Minecraft as it stands, we don't have much rocket fuel, but what we do have is TNT and a lot of it, which means if we grab a bunch of TNT mine carts we can pack enough of these suckers. into a small space to launch straight towards the Moon, although maybe we bring some explosion protection and the totems don't die from doing this, otherwise both you and your dreams will go up and smoke, stop using fireworks for your elytra.
Instead, try a dolphin, no joke if we take this user's example, all we have to do is attach a leash to a dolphin, start swimming in the ocean and then once we get enough speed with the effect of a dolphin's grace potion, we can go straight from swimming to launching into the sky and well, that's ridiculous enough on its own, it's fun to realize that we're not the only ones taking flight, so make sure of you and your dolphin friend landing in a safe place dropping seeds for a villager, regardless of which type you are walking towards, and pick them up, and this blew my mind when I first heard it, I thought it would have just worked. with the farming villagers, but there is indeed a way to get them to follow the trail of breadcrumbs.
If you're not prepared, Wither can be a difficult opponent, especially on harder difficulties, I mean, at least with 300 HP to his name, taking one down. It's usually not a quick experience or so you thought, but it turns out that while we waste time using swords, tridents and axes to kill the boss, there is actually a much stranger option for victory by creating a piece of these fireworks totally powerful. Rockets, so that's all you need to defeat the beast in about 10 seconds, although I should know that for safety's sake it's probably best to spawn under a rock fountain as such, but after doing so you can simply hold down the right button. and get ready for the hard-earned bottom star.
My personal favorite use of these hanging signs so far is that if we do something like what this user did here, we'll have to build towards the sky first and then with a couple of these. iron hatches as fans, we can place blinking lights at the bottom and finally add our hanging sign with the face design of your choice and we have a little robot face, just add a red die and it's much more of an attack drone than I would also be angry if someone came and broke my buttons. Minecraft blocks have the same shape and size as today.
By using distance and a clever step like construction, we can make it look like the block we placed is actually quite small and this way we practically guarantee that any visitor will be left with a question mark about how it works, but besides a joke , you may find yourself using this on a larger scale and we'll really leave the finer details up to you. but I will say that this could be a really awesome entry to your next base. Turtle eggs don't seem to function like any baby. These things are a big responsibility until they grow up, but that might be our biggest asset since then.
These eggs break under the simplest pressure, we can make an extremely easy trap, just hide one of these little guys under a rug and then as soon as any zombie or Nar walks by, you are in for a surprise. jump and that's it and they will start falling to their doom, you will avoid less hooligans to worry about and now you don't have to worry about the egg or the fool, so if you have the silk touch on hand this might pave the way . the path to perfect possibility, as is clear, Minecraft is a game made of blocks, that's why it's such a damn sight to see a circle like that, but even if it breaks Mojang's unspoken rules, there are a lot of cool things we can still do.
What we do with this is the way we achieve them is we summon a bunch of armor supports around a relative position and then to give them that subtle curve we have them face towards the center point and then they give us that smoothed area and while we mystify has shown how to turn one of these into a puddle of water, we could also make a tire swing with these and they are both very interesting to watch. Minecraft stairs should be simple, but as demonstrated in the past, there are many strange stairs that we can use in our worlds and this is no different, what might look like a random mix of blocks and food is actually the traversable staircase. fastest in the game.
The truth is that the way these boxes are impactful. It is designed so that we can stand in the middle and climb these stairs without problems and sure a proper spiral staircase would look much better but if you want speeds as you go up your mountain this is hard to beat as even if you can . I don't see it, if you use a dispenser to shoot armor at a villager, they will actually equip it in their secret inventory and make no mistake, even if you can't see it, they are definitely using it, they will take much longer to kill and they can even use the enchantment Thorns, so if you have an awesome villager that you are trying to keep safe from your zombies, this is definitely a useful trick to keep him alive or if you are looking for more live entertainment, then you can Give a Villager Frost Walker and send him to the ocean.
You'll have to zoom in to see this one, but that's the point, because by placing a button inside an invisible element frame like this, we get the perfect amount of texture. and details to turn us into beetles that crawl on your oak trunk and, while it is true that they are much smaller than the spiders and bees that we already see in the game, let's be honest, I feel like this looks more realistic anyway and if you build one of these with a glowing item frame you might also have a firefly on one of these logs which is good because they're not in the game otherwise beacons are a site we're all over. familiar, but maybe not like this, even if this seems damned, the technology to achieve this is surprisingly simple: beacons are transparent blocks, which means that beacon beams can pass through other beacons, so if you have the spare blocks by hand, you can make something like a custom, vanilla beacon, and while this ends up being a pretty expensive façade, the results are definitely unique and could be the perfect prank for your next friend's visit now that when bamboo was released by first time, the first thing many fans noticed is that it looks a lot like spaghetti, especially the Mosaic block, so why not?
We just accept it, since with an invisible object frame and a tile block like this we can put a heavy pressure plate back on top and get some spaghetti noodles. If we take a villager to a mine cart like this, his hat will still remain. pierce the floor so with enough slabs on a shepherd villager we can make our own mobile Roomba that moves around the floor and the coolest thing about this is that the villager can still pick up things like bread, carrots and potatoes so help to. you clean up your food scraps after the 5 second ru, unfortunately we can't link villagers with wires and I doubt Minecraft is going to change that anytime soon, but we can't link wires with cows, so if you had a herd of cows and put a a villager in their midst, it's true that we can use our cattle equipment to essentially drag the villager with us, which is more than a little touchy, but if you really need the solution, this could be a problem and, hey, even it can help. you take them across bodies of water.
Do not tell her. Mojing allows us to use chains to carry the villages to the other side. This is our best option. Don't go near this composter. I warned you with a sticky piston and a slab we can. add an armor stand like this and take out any mob we choose from our composter and then the really interesting thing is that if we fill the composter with something like hay, all that compost can completely hide the head inside or rather. We'll hide it until it's too late. When we press the button, we will be able to open this store, but not in the way you think.
The way we do it is just retexturing different things to look like our iron doors, so for the first time. in one we have trap doors and then in the next we use a TNT to make our way through and my personal favorite is seeing this Sandor press the button and instead of falling he actually just rises into the sky, is gravity wrong? Wrong, I honestly don't know, but they did it in a behind the scenes video where we can see how this really happens. In the original video, very good, if not obviously confusing, okay, be honest, what render distance do you play at 12 16 or 48?
Since this mod is called slide, you can move the sliders in the options menu completely off the bar and I honestly think just the slider clips like that is pretty fun, but it could also be useful. I mean, if you want to take a screenshot of the entire final island you transformed, you can't really adjust it to low FOVs across the entire render distance, so with this it becomes a little more useful, if not a lot. slower, and yes I'm going to try this. I should say that the developer of the mod says that you should never change the target resolution outside of its slider, otherwise the game will crash.
I mean, if that's your goal, go ahead, but you can't say "I." I didn't warn you now that if you get hit by a falling anvil, it has to hurt and while that's true for us, it's not so true for the villagers or at least if you compare the two in Rock, if you drop an anvil on a sleeping villager, he will not suffer any damage. Minecraft has plenty of mobs to witness in the base game, but once you've played as much as we have, these things are old hat, so if you're tired of foxes that look like this, then maybe it's worth a try.
By using armor stands aligned in this way we can use much smaller versions of the blocks to create our own special sculptures and the best part is that all of this is possible without using mods, so while the complexity on display may be seen clearly. vary, there's still a lot of creativity to be seen, and while I can only imagine the headache it would take to painstakingly design every piece of this tiger, I also can't argue that theresults are quite special. Crowding entities is an often forgotten Minecraft rule for those. who doesn't know, the idea is that if you get more than a set amount of mobs in a location one by one, then the game will apply constant damage until that number drops below the threshold, but unless you're doing crazy spawn .
As for your cows and sheep, most of us don't even realize this, although it could be surprisingly useful, particularly through Minecarts. In this example, we have a bunch of Hopper minecarts that can completely crush a Wither's bottom star. I'm serious, even one of the biggest bosses in the game could be hopelessly crushed by the limitation, proving that sometimes the most powerful weapon is just some well-maintained guidelines, okay, the next one was told to me as a surprise, so yes it's still a surprise but unfortunately for all of us these bamboo blocks look too much like faded yellow wallpaper and what I will also mention is that if you use some of the bamboo signs and don't write anything on top of them then with the horizontal bar The lines they have at the top look pretty cool for Vents and now I'm wondering how you're not supposed to leave the back rooms, oh there you go, here's how to make your Drift Stone even more lethal, use a fishing rod, fool.
As that might sound like, as this user shows us, it's entirely possible if you find yourself in a situation like this, place the droplet under the block and then when you break its supporting block you can grab the droplet as an entity with your cork and use it. That thing about throwing it at your enemies, so while getting the space can still be quite difficult to do, when you do it and kill your friend, it really is something special and this might be the only stalactite kill that can top the who got the green. about the double life, this is how to do a moonwalk in a ship, all we need is some elytra, first we are going to fly to the ocean and then we will hold down the space bar to push ourselves back to the surface of the water and then from there we can simply start walking backwards, which is a fun place to be sure, but remember that this will consume some of the durability of your elytra.
It's been proven that even the best dance moves have their expiration date at some point. It's a queue as old as update 1.3 when When entering a desert temple, you must deactivate that stone pressure plate and failing to do so could easily be the end of your career, but even knowing that errors in the plan can occur, already whether you were a friend or perhaps the rabbit that activated the plate. The fact remains that we need to fix this and fast and to do so there is actually a simple solution, as you will notice, by breaking the pressure pad and the block it is on we can fill that space with a bucket of water to flood The explosion. chamber and from there the TNT detonates, but it doesn't remove the blocks or cause any damage here, allowing us to claim those treasure chests anyway.
Getting the sniper duel achievement is no easy task, but that's nothing Redstone can't help with here. instead of shooting at the skeleton's head, we shoot at a target block placed directly above it and then install a sticky piston, we remove it when ordered, which means that after walking 5050 blocks away we can turn the lever, activate the piston and get the achievement no problem and hey this will work for the target achievement too, just swap the skeleton for a target block. If you want to play Minecraft Survival without the added challenge of surviving well, then peaceful mode is an obvious choice, or so you thought.
You see, although this mode aims to eliminate all dangerous mobs, a spy seems to have escaped while playing in peaceful mode, the Flame is the only mob capable of harming the player. I mean, I know spitting is gross, but is it really that bad? be the only harmful thing in the mode, well luckily these animals only attack when provoked, so in the meantime maybe just stick with the truly passive cows for your hide, okay water, isn't All That Bouncy a statement Bold, I know, but that might be unfortunate because as you'll soon discover, these fish love to bounce and to prove it, let's set up a slime block trampoline here on dry land, then all you need is to generate a catch in place. and you will see.
That fool takes off towards the Moon from behind, looks like he's having a lot of fun, but if you're going to do this, maybe give the fish a health boost or something so this party doesn't turn into a murder mystery, like this Although these fish don't like dry air, I think this could make their stay a little more pleasant. Here's how to beat the guardian using just a few wool blocks. As you may already know, wool can be used to muffle the sound that comes from vibrations, which we take to the logical extreme by then placing wool around it. a guardian as it comes out of the ground as it spawns, we'll be able to leave it trapped and oblivious to what's going on around it, which at that point means we can walk around the perimeter and then it will disappear after a while when it doesn't.
If you don't get any encouragement, it's a bold move, but it can work if you have the right skills. Instead of placing all of these flowers by hand, we'll do it with an arc, oddly enough, using the place function command. We can change an entity to a decoration, so if we set the run command like this in a command block, we can turn our set of arrows into a beautiful flower garden and if you want to do this whole process. Even faster, I would recommend using a multi-shot crossbow so you can spray even more at the end, just make sure you don't shoot anyone while they're enjoying the Roses.
How do we make these minecarts fly well? The reasons why bees If you summoned a mine cart that was riding as a passenger on top of a bee, it will actually still allow mine carts to fly and they will still be functional and then if we take this user and make the bees invisibles, we have enough Miname to get to the top of the base, just make sure you don't press the sneak key, otherwise you will be in a much worse place than the last place. The guardian is a difficult mob to kill and that is why he cannot drown. or burn alive, so if you put him on top of a platform of magma blocks he would never die, but if you put those same Maga blocks underwater he won't be able to escape either because his movement speed is too slow to escape the current. he just spins in a circle on those bubbles, which is fun to watch, but still don't get too close to them, otherwise he might still use the Sonic Boom attack and make it a lot less fun to watch.
Let's face it, no one wants to wait. at your desk for hours, which is why going AFK is such a beautiful concept, but what seems like a time management dream could easily be a nightmare and I've seen too many times where an AFK trip ends in an unattended death and a loss of life. items, so to fix that let's go somewhere safe to wait and for that I think these safe deposit boxes are a brilliant addition. By throwing away a composter with a rag lid, we can get into its place and then close the box for safety.
This way, no monsters that appear nearby can come and ruin the operation and then when we're done, we can jump in and reap the rewards just as we planned. Minecraft treats certain hitboxes in strange ways and that can best be seen when we talk about entity stacking. In certain cases it is possible to place one entity on top of another, and while I personally use this to allow me to use a mine cart as a hat, it can also allow us to crowd surf if you ride in a boat on top of a bed of entities.
We can ride it the same way we would in Ice, although it may not be the most popular method of travel, but I'd say it's definitely worth trying at least once for the screenshot, although the Snow Golems do the best that they can, are not exactly what they need. the best defense, I mean, unless they're fighting a fire, these guys don't even deal damage, they just retreat and that's not exactly enough for our purposes, so to make these Frosty friends a little more fierce, we need increase the heat and so I'm actually serious in Bedrock, also if you put fire in front of their projectiles, then we directly mix fire and ice, we get something they have to fear and from there everything you have to worry about is to keep things safe, but As long as you use something like honey blocks to stop baby zombies from jumping out, these should keep your villagers safe while also violating the laws of physics.
If we cross multiple armors and place their arms in a certain way, you can then add leaves to get something resembling a smaller tree and while this is much easier to achieve in Bedrock where they have the arms by default with a pack of data, this is very possible in all versions, death and loading screens are a staple of Minecraft and are so common that at this point no one is surprised by them, but we can use set to our advantage. After this user we can create a giant version of the respawn screen in our creative world and with the help of the map bar we can This can make this even more convincing, after placing them in the spawn place we can cheat anyone who respawns to see another respawn screen when they least expect it, allowing us to watch from the sidelines and laugh while we do it.
It's no End Portal, but from a distance it can fool you and up close it's still a pretty fun conversation. But just by using the new skull blocks we have a texture that matches the void we see at the end, so if we line up a 3X3 grid with a couple of final stone blocks and the Eyes of Ender. You may have the perfect artificial piece to display in your next museum. The villagers do a lot of trading but don't pay a lot of taxes and now with only one name. tag we can change their name to taxable and start receiving part of that real estate tax and the best thing yet is that the higher the skill level of the villager, the more rent they will pay, while a newbie villager only pays one emerald per day for living on your land, if you take them to a master, then you will earn five rales per day, but be careful because all you need is for the villager to get slightly injured and then you won't get paid.
More taxes because they have to cover their health, but if you have a healing potion, you can get them back and start making profits just like you did. I know rotting meat is a bad food source, but I doubt your beak. it's better but well with the help of this mod not only food is edible but in fact every item in the game comes something that we can eat and I think the best way to use it is to put it in a mod pack . with other things that you give to your friends so that when they download it you can confuse them when you start eating your shovel in front of them and really that's the only purpose you would do this for, it doesn't restore hunger. it just gives you the nauseating effect and probably also makes it really annoying when you try to place a block only to eat it in front of you, maybe it's more irritating than confusing with a mix of rugs and wool blocks we can place. the perfect picnic mat and then by using pressure plates for the well plates we can really make this look like it's lived in and for my money the best part of this whole façade is using an element frame invisible to add a small shovel instead of spoon, that's just perfect, what's the quickest way to escape from a maze instead of breaking blocks of course, well there can be good tactics, like always staying on the left wall , etc., with the way spify built it here, even the best.
A series of tips, hints and tricks will be able to get you out of this, since with the help of the creation mod it is possible to make a maze with moving sections so that the player never escapes and to me this feels like something out of the ordinary. a fantasy novel almost like the Labyrinth and Greek mythology and at this point I feel like the only way I'm going to get out of here is if I'm literally allowed to get out of here. I mean, if the maze is changing, why can't I? changing the rules seems fair did you know that villagers are afraid of sponges because apparently they are now, from this user's data pack we can make it so that dry and wet sponges can scare our villagers which could be useful to keep certain remote areas? limits, otherwise, they could enter and find something much more terrifying on the other side, with the help of a golden block and a piston, we can completely break Piglin, exposing Bedrock, which with just a simple Redstone clock like this we can have an adhesive. the pistonpush a gold block back and forth and for some reason that completely messes up the piglins AI where they are now exchanging every possible tick, but in jav if you did this you would run out of redstone a bit, it's more.
More of a noise complaint than anything that's going to fill your pocket, this skin is only possible in Bedrock Edition since in Java, if you had transparent pixels in the first layer of the skin, they would simply turn black, but in Bedrock that's not the case. is the case. and the only requirement for Bedrock is that you have only one visible pixel to get this perfect camouflage skin. Steve's technology isn't exactly high-tech, so if you're tired of the Middle Ages and want to bring your kingdom into the information age, will you? If you try this by throwing a gradient banner like this on a shield, you can get a pretty convincing cell phone when placed in an item frame, and while I doubt T-Mobile has coverage on your server, this could be a nifty detail to add .
On your next desk, did you know there are half slabs of hay bales? Well, because if you get a distant villager like this and then stick it under the slab or ladder, the hat on top might actually blend in with the texture of the hay bell, which is pretty ridiculous, but yeah you have a villager breeder, I think it's worth a try because as we all know nothing is cheaper than villager labor, just make sure you don't look too closely into his eyes when he's asking for help. What if Minecraft? It wasn't made of cubes, I mean, it sounds like a silly question, right?
Would it really still be Minecraft? You just need to take a look at the cubeless mod to try to find out for yourself. I mean, I'm sure I can still recognize the terrain. and all, but I don't feel comfortable looking at it that much, but what's really impressive here is that because this Mod is so optimized, it actually works better than the blocks we're used to in Minecraft, but when you start getting into a cave and explore. Over here I'm glad Minecraft works on a grid system. I couldn't solve this any other way. How to turn your villagers into a fully functional army.
First you will need to create some white banners and then. Place one of the white banners on your field and that will immediately add an army of 20 villagers to fight for you, as well as putting a banner on your head so you don't get confused, but be careful because when you take that banner away. You're simply going to disband the army, and then by placing your other White Banner on the seventh, eighth, or ninth slot on your hotbar, you'll be able to choose the formation the villagers will take, at which point we can use them to attack.
For raids coming at us or even fighting our friends in vanilla Minecraft, there is no way to change your size, but with the stable you will think we saw it if we open this trapdoor to crawl inside because of the invisible. item frames we use, we can place specific items to make them appear to be placed within the world and, well, they might fall apart if you look closer, things like the bed on the shelf on the wall look pretty cool, giving you a very cute build and a very mild case of claustrophobia and when you finally get tired of trading with your villagers, with the help of this data pack we can achieve that if you place a hopper under a villager's bed, when they sleep, their items will simply pour out in the chest, which finally gives you a good reason not to sleep in the village at night.
Ultimately it has been proven that when they sleep they lose and the rest will be our gain unless one time they decide to use a macro or us. pressing a key on your keyboard AFK players aren't the most active, so to fix that, one of my favorite things to do is put my AFK friends inside an AFK loop-de-loop machine like this one with the help of slime block pistons and ice blocks, you can make them cycle around this perpetual motion machine, giving them enough movement to make sure they don't get kicked for being AFK and it's quite a sight to see them while they're trapped, let's say your friend is a big fan of the ocean, but they foolishly built their base right in part of a desert biome, obviously, that's a pretty dry place, so thanks to you they cleaned it up and turned their entire house into an aquarium and friends, I'm talking about The Whole Nine Yards Water Source blocking fish everywhere from seaweed, whatever, and speaking of which, we don't exactly want them drowning here, so why don't you give them some kind of air pocket with a sign or a door that way, this joval redecoration isn't exactly becoming a hit, the different mob heads you get from charged creepers are great trophies in Minecraft, but they're not exact and they do a lot there, so yeah you decide to take off the creeper. your rack and instead put it on your head, then let's prepare to scare your friend when he comes back online by making a setup like this, all you have to do is drink an invisibility potion, get right in his line of sight and prepare to scare When they log back in, they might be so shocked that they don't know what to do, which means if you're super mean, you can use them to try to escape and go straight to another trap of your design. kill them everyone knows that when you break all the trunks of a tree the leaves should disappear but that does not explain why they are still standing hours after the trunk and no, this has nothing to do with the update. deletion or change of the random tick speed, but instead we simply replace the leaves of our French trees with our own and then once we put them back, these decorative blocks can no longer fade over time, which not only gives them sore eyes but which also grants them a couple of tasks to clean up now using sea lanterns and snow covered maps it's already a famous way to catch your friends an infinite room a matrix room whatever you want to call it it's been done before and although I still love this design , there's still more we can do with this, like what happens if we trap them in a different color, suddenly that white Infinity Room out of nowhere turns into a blue screen of death?
Anyone who plays on Windows is already pre-programmed to get a shock of horror when they see the blue tint on their screen, so it's a really good way to give them a jump and a scare when they return to the server. Catching your friends in Minecraft is a real joy, but in a game where even Bedrock could be destroyed, how can you prevent them from exploding well? According to the evil brains of the community, we have a solution like this to do the trick. See, when we put it like that, even our best tools are practically useless. take us out and I guess your friend gives up on escaping before any of these give up, maybe it's just me but every time I plan an S SMP one of my friends always turns into a ruthless businessman so yeah some of you are the same and you are looking to fulfill that business lifestyle, this is the one for you, you see this friend AFK, well that is a supplier, all you have to do is kill them, collect their stuff and then put them in a store in spawn, just like that.
I have a lot of stuff to sell and luckily for you, a customer who lost all of his items, which means when you try to buy them back, you can sell them at the most absurd prices, so either you buy them back, or they could buy them back. just start at point zero, we all know that person on the server who has too many animals on the farm and at this point it's starting to look like a problem, so cut that down and give them a lesson on the importance of free range. Why don't we do them a favor and continue raising those animals that they see crowding their pigsty?
We guarantee that at a certain point the Entity activates and that ruins your fun and with those people YouTube thinks you might like this video. So see if they are right and have a good one.

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