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12-Year Old Little League All-Star Sean Burroughs | Letterman

May 11, 2024
uh in this


's Little League World Series, look at this, this is very impressive, our next guest pitcher threw two, two no-hitters and hit three home runs. His efforts led the Long Beach California All


to its second consecutive championship. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome one of the heroes. Sea Burrows, 12, yes, Sean, it's good to have you here. Sean, congratulations. John Burrow, ladies and gentlemen, yes, sir. What's up buddy? Alright, this is your first time in New York City. Yes, it's the first time, are you having a lot of fun, what, what? Have you done it since you've been in town?
12 year old little league all star sean burroughs letterman
Last night we went to Japan or China, whatever city and yes, and we went to Mickey Manos, yes, Mickey Manels restaurant, that must have been exciting. Check it out, yeah, did they know who you were? Not really there, but you are like a celebrity, a sports


, yes, yes, good for you, congratulations, now I have the impression, uh, the last four or five


s, that it was always a team from Taiwan that won the World Series, what happened? Those guys, uh, they, they, lost, because they're 15, 16 years old and people in high school, actually, six teams from the Far East were disqualified and Sian was the seventh place team and they continued to come into the world.
12 year old little league all star sean burroughs letterman

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12 year old little league all star sean burroughs letterman...

Series because then you are saying that the guys from Taiwan said we are 50 and 60 years old, not 15 and 16 15 and 16 how old are you now? Now, last year, you guys won the World Championship because of a forfeit. that what you are talking about from the Philippines to the Philippines and what was the treatment there, that just like the Chinese guy this year, the Chinese guy would have come this year, but now they are too old, how did you find out that these guys were too old last year? uh, you can tell, I mean, last year in the Dominican Republic we saw him in the bathroom shaving, so I think the same kid that pitched for that team was also driving the team bus, yeah, and saying he had to leave early because your wife was having a baby, no, no, so it must have been uh, it must have been a pleasure for you to win last year, but also a


unsatisfying, wasn't that victory, but now this year and this is what should it be? kids playing baseball, it shouldn't be, you know, guys working full time and voting and stuff, um, so tell us a


bit about the experience.
12 year old little league all star sean burroughs letterman
Were they excited? Was it the thrill of a lifetime for you? Yes, our goal when entering. That World Series had to be won on the field because fortunately last year we couldn't do that because you know older people and it just wasn't fair how the World Series is different from the regular season. There are different rules for the series. Yeah, we have to be in at 10, uhhuh, we have to do it and during the season, all day, and there's a game at eight and then there's pin training there, it's just pins from different


s and we have to be there later.
12 year old little league all star sean burroughs letterman
The last thing is that there is a bed control, uh, yeah, in San Diego, actually, my mom saw that my mom brought pins to give to the kids that our dad in our


gave to us and after she gave them to our children the pins, we really have our clothes on. but we weren't in bed and then after she gave it to us we would go out and meet in the lobby and play get rid of them then we would go to B and watch but you play ditum how is that? Form team seven and like some people count and the other people go around and hide and then those people try to find you, but you're not out, like going from bar to bar, no, uh, and what's it like having your dad As a successful former Major League player as your coach, there's a lot of pressure on you to listen to what Dad says.
No, not really, because I mean, I'm used to it. I have been my coach for seven years, including all stars and minors. to and down so I'm used to it a lot now you're a successful pitcher and also a hitter what do you want to do? Do you want to be a pitcher or a hitter when you grow up uh, I'd rather be a hitter Yeah, that's where the dough is, that's where the money is, Buddy, look at that look, Berry bonuses, that guy's making some money, What's up with the girls, huh, are they around? Let's see, if we have time, let's go out into the street and try to break some car windows, okay, we'll be back here with Shan Burrows, okay, we're back, you ready, Sean, okay, be careful, You're ready now, do no harm.
Yo, okay, don't hurt me, oh, what are you doing, okay, here you go, there, cool, amazing box, there it is, oh, come on, Sean, here we go, come on, Davey, this is okay, here we go, there, there, oh, okay, one more. I have time for one more here let's get that one oh we have to go good night everyone who f

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