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12 Unusual But Brilliant Vampire Movies - Hidden Gems Of This Genre!

Jun 03, 2021
You'll have to kill me before I stop hunting you like a fish with dirty fangs. Twelve





films. Hidden





. Vampires exist in all the folklores of the world and various mythologies have given them different shapes and sizes. The creature was never meant to go unnoticed by filmmakers almost a century ago, in 1922, fw myrno made one of the first


films called nosferatu and since then vampires have been a staple in all eras of cinema, they are probably as old as the films themselves, but when countless films focus on the same theme and run the risk of becoming monotonous and repetitive, that is why we have compiled a list of vampire films that can be called



12 unusual but brilliant vampire movies   hidden gems of this genre


images are actually like vampires patiently waiting to scare the next viewer. are not your typical vampire


, each of which feels unique in the theme of its story and its cinematization, fasten your seat belts or just get cozy under the blankets because


one is going to be a little scary before get into our explanation, we have a small request if you want. our content please support us by subscribing to our channel this is a small click for you but it means a lot to us thank you let's start the hunger 1983 miriam blaylock has lived for more than 2,000 years constantly drinking the blood of young men who promise them eternal life as their Vampire lovers What she does not reveal is that eternal life does not mean eternal youth.
12 unusual but brilliant vampire movies   hidden gems of this genre

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12 unusual but brilliant vampire movies hidden gems of this genre...

Her current vampire boyfriend is a Frenchman named John from the 18th century. By day, Miriam and John pose as a rich couple who teach music and live in a large house while it sets. the sun visit a local New York bar to pick up the young men they take home, cut their throats and drink their blood when John suffers a very accelerated aging process that ages years in a matter of days, he half remembers the truth What Miriam had told John visits Dr. Sarah Roberts, a specialist in the social and biological aspects of aging. As Jon becomes frail and weak, Miriam places his undead body in a coffin with other coffins containing aged lovers. strangers, sarah and miriam build a sexual relationship and miriam points her out as the next partner this is a bloodthirsty love triangle that we do not want to be part of directed by tony scott ridley scott's brother yes, the same this film is elegant, erotic , visually rich and has a perverse sense of attractiveness, how many vampire


have we seen with shades of lesbianism or love triangles back in the 80s, when exploitation films and irrational gore were the bread of every horror, hunger hound it feels like a breath of fresh air that distinguishes between gore and fear.
12 unusual but brilliant vampire movies   hidden gems of this genre
However, the climax could have been developed better as it was in the book of the same name by Whitley Streiber from which the film was adapted. We believe it is a unique film that combines the politics of love with eroticism, deception and twisted vampirism. Am I not everything you are? I thought it would be Nightflyer 1997. Richard Dees is a cynical tabloid paparazzo working for an insider when his editor-in-chief, Martin Morrison, brings him the story of an unusual airfield murder. Richard dismisses the story and Merton names another journalist, Catherine Blair, for Merton's case she tells him that the body was found without blood and it seems to be the work of a vampire.
12 unusual but brilliant vampire movies   hidden gems of this genre
Catherine begins working on the story and soon similar murders arise in and around the airfields, this attracts Richard's attention and he competes with Catherine to solve the problem. case in which the two finally work together, however, when her help is no longer needed, he abandons her and continues on alone, discovering a plane soaked in blood, but that is not the answer he is looking for. Richard's motto is never believe what you publish and never publish what you believe and Catherine follows his motto to write her legacy. You must have already guessed that this movie is an adaptation of one of Stephen King's short stories of the same name.
It's a vampire movie, yes, but it's also a version. the blood-sucking paparazzi and the media that harass people for stories even when there are none and exploit those involved for personal and selfish interests. The blatant hypocrisy, so to speak, is that Stephen King and director Mark Pavia have bathed in the glory that the media and paparazzi have. Despite this irony, the film produces shocks but also manages to make you laugh a couple of times. One of the main reasons this movie made this list is its climax, which is unlike anything you'd expect from a normal vampire movie.
It will leave you shocked and surprised. Chronos 1993 In 1536, an alchemist constructed a device that could give eternal youth to the owner of it by creating a small wound. The downside is a vampire's resulting hunger for human blood. Four and a half centuries later, the device is found by an old religious antiquarian Jesus Chris. When Chris accidentally activates the device, his body regains a youthful charm but develops an insatiable hunger for blood to the point that he is ready to lick it off the floor, without However, the device is sought by a rich and dying man. the tycoon dieter of the guard who appoints his nephew angel of the guard to recover it at all costs if the machine is destroyed its owner dies gray will submit to his enemies the film was written and directed by the legendary master of monsters winner of a guillermo de toro academy award when watching kronos we realized that this is not just a film about horror mythology and religious images, it is an excellent piece of artistic cinema that surpasses all the limits of conventional commercial films, the balance between Horror and drama is perfectly complemented by excellent performances from Federico. lupi as jesus chris and ron perlman as angel of the guard if you have even the slightest knowledge of del toro then you will know that he relies heavily on practical effects in his films, a strategy that has won him several oscar awards for his works kronos is a classic bull movie with visually rich sequences and a story that is equal parts dark and emotional.
Some scenes in which Griss speaks with his granddaughter highlight the empathetic substance of the film, giving a brave variation on screen vampirism as we know it. We definitely recommend this one if you're in the mood for a smart, stylish vampire movie that tells a grotesque gothic horror story from a relatively modern angle. Dusk of the Vampire in Retreat 1989. Under the leadership of the ancient and powerful Elder Mardulak, a colony of vampires has sought to live a peaceful life. life and coexist with humans they settle in a small desert town in purgatory feeding on a machine that produces artificial human blood when the machine stops working the carefree vampires call their engineer and designer for some unknown reason the engineer thinks It would be good to bring his wife and two young daughters on their business trip to vampire city, while a vampire named Ethan Jefferson is mobilizing a group to spark a revolution in the community, returning to the old ways of killing humans and drinking fresh blood. .
To increase the conflict, a young descendant of Van Helsing is in the city with the goal of massacring all the vampire friends. We present to you an epic version of vampire civil war horror comedies that are fun but have a lot of ingredients and even a great cook. and spoil the broth however anthony hickox did a great job bringing to life this group of vampire cowboys who put on sunscreen to save themselves from getting sunburned and find themselves in the middle of a civil war we're really sad they stopped making these types of films, as they are not only humorous but also quite sophisticated and intelligent, bruce campbell, who plays robert van helsing, is a goofy vampire hunter and other characters exist for purely comedic value, so although The movie contains a lot of love and In the story there is also an extremely uplifting moral at the end, it may not make you angry, but it will leave you smiling when the credits roll.
Mr Vampire 1985 Master Yam believes that the procedure of removing his father from his grave and burying him again will do it. To bring prosperity to his family, he hires a priest called Master Cow whose expertise lies in controlling vampires and evil spirits. When the Cow digs up the grave of Yam's father, he discovers that the corpse has not decomposed and has developed blue fingers like common ones. to vampires, he brings the corpse of the undead to his house for further investigation, but his incompetent choi and sang students somehow let the vampire come to light and this is no ordinary vampire who sucks blood and Moves by leaps in its quest to claim victims, naturally, the leaping vampire aims. kill everyone who was involved in digging his grave, if you grew up watching or reading about Western vampires who wear black leather clothes and have fanged teeth, then my friend, you were in for a real treat in this movie about a vampire director chinese jumper Mr Vampire by Ricky Lau is based on the Chinese fantasy folklore called jiangxi, which has a rather macabre history in ancient times.
The transport of corpses was carried out using long bamboo poles, the bodies were tied to two men who lifted each end of the pole on their shoulders and as they walked the bamboo flexed giving the impression that the corpses were hanging this strange transportation process gave rise to The idea of ​​jumping vampires was a concept that Lao exploited in his horror comedy. The film was so successful that he was commissioned to direct four sequels between 1986 and 1992. Mr. Vampire has basic visual effects and a decent soundtrack, but the dialogue is rich with humor. and the film is liberally painted in horror colors.
See it to believe it close to the darkness of 1987. On one night, Caleb Colton takes a beautiful homeless man out. It may be almost dawn when he asks her for a kiss but instead she bites him and disappears later that day in the light. of the sun burns Caleb and he realizes what the bite meant Sarah and Loy Colton Caleb's sister and his father witness his kidnapping by a mysterious The Caleb group meets May's family of vampires, led by a former vampire named Jesse, and discovers that he has been turned. Jesse allows Caleb to stay with a gang so he can learn to hunt and survive, but Caleb can't bring himself to kill and drink blood.
You can kill for it and feed it. The two fall in love, but Sarah and Loy show up. He will have to choose between his love for life and his loving family. This movie was at least a realistic and modern take on the famous blood-sucking creatures. For the 80's considered by few as a satire on rampant drug addiction near darkness it manages to woo its viewer with a vague possibility of hope and healing, the film never mentions the word vampire and the creatures do not turn into monsters. flying like in gothic stories. You have heard of them, however, they maintain a credible attitude and credit goes to director Catherine Bigelow for this, when it was released, the film did not do very well at the box office, but it earned positive reviews from critics and, to Over the years, he has developed a Die Hard Cult following everything about the film that is psychologically painful.
Bigelow doesn't have her vampires kill innocent virgin girls or anything. Prey are probably just as sinful as predators. No Van Helsing comes to save the day with his crossbows and this realistically made film. vampires love family justice and of course sexual desires night watch 2004 since the beginning of time the superhumans are called the others have walked the earth alongside humans the others are divided different groups follow the forces of light and darkness many centuries ago these two sides met in a devastating battle but both sides were equally strong with no clear winner in sight, the elders of both sides called a truce and it was decided that the days would be governed by the vision of light and the knights would be governed by the forces of darkness, however the elder of light created a police force called the night guard to control the evil vampires and prevent them from ravaging the city of Moscow in current times.
Anton has joined the night watch and seeks to prevent a legendary prophecy. According to this prophecy, the other most powerful. He will be born and sign with the forces of darkness, ending the stalemate. Director Temer Bechmonbitov intended this to be the first part of a three-film trilogy. The reason this movie made it on this list is not just because of the elegant carnivorous vampires of a gothic setting portrayed fighting an eternal war, this one is on the list because beck mombatov took a very American story of a supernatural fight between good and evil or light and darkness in this case and integrated the story into Russian culture and theme.
FromAt first, the film looks American but feels Russian, which betrays a kind of experiment that has never before been carried out in a vampire film. Furthermore, the line between good and evil is blurred several times and the viewer is often given the choice and freedom to make their decision. In our opinion, we believe that this is one of the best vampire trilogies of any Russian director and it came at a time when Stephanie Meyer's famous saga had not yet been adapted to the screen, so you still enjoy it, he even told me your name, Judy Glassberg, 1977.
Rose and her. The groom's heart is involved in an accident. The heart suffers a fracture and a dislocated shoulder and Rose's body burns. The couple is taken to a hospital where Dr. Dan Kelloyd performs new skin graft surgery on Rose. The operation somehow changes her appetite and she begins to crave. the taste of human blood the people she feeds on become zombies she infects many and turns them into zombies only to run away with her friend mindy in montreal while hart searches for her david cronenberg became the legend he is after a few films, but even in his early efforts as a Rabbid, he shows off his knack for gruesome yet sophisticated body horror that will scare you and even make you nauseous.
A unique vision of vampirism and zombification. This film simply mixes the two, unlike other films of the era. Cronenberg uses science as the cause of zombification instead of bloodthirsty fanged vampires, it is also noteworthy that Rose does not attack from her mouth, but instead sucks blood from a newly developed orifice under her armpit, which is equipped with a red stinger-like organ, it's a little disappointing that all these exciting concepts and novelties weren't developed as much as they could have been, most of them serve a purpose in the film but are otherwise left underdeveloped. However, this is still a visual masterpiece that can horrify any layman and quench Gorham's thirst for the unpleasant and grotesque Martin.
Marty from 1978 looks like a young man in his twenties, but claims to be 84 years old and that he is a vampire. He sits his victims down tightly and cuts their bodies to drink his blood. Somehow she goes to live in a small town in Pennsylvania with his Great Uncle Tatekuda and his cousin Christina Tate fear Martin and refers to him as the ancient vampire Nosferatu while his cousin promises to save his soul. of the. The lonely Martin finds love with a local housewife and his need to drink blood reduces, but he soon develops withdrawal symptoms. He kicks and gets angry.
What awaits him is anyone's guess. George A Romero was really an expert at romanticizing the horror


and using it as social commentary, but he is awful. This movie is not only horrible and scary, but it is also suspenseful. Looms throughout as it is never revealed whether Martin really is a vampire or if his actions are the result of mental illness. As the audience struggles to discover Martin's history and evolution, Romero adds captivating action and scare elements to keep The film is true to the horror genre, Taylor's character is a peculiar vampire who needs needles and razor blades to quench his thirst for blood, we don't remember Count Dracula having done such things, Van Helsing never had to fight vampires so unpleasant and those people are the beauty of this acclaimed film, even four decades after its release, still has all the necessary ingredients to scare, traumatize and make viewers question reality and myth.
The idea that the most logical explanation is that Martin is a bloodsucking serial killer leaves me quite unsettling. is a sensitive, unhappy, bully 12 year old boy living in los angeles, new mexico, with his mother, to his surprise and delight, he sees an old man, thomas, and his daughter, abby, move into a property, as her neighbors, the girl is captivatingly beautiful and the two. He will soon begin speaking in Morse code, however, she is not what she seems. Abby is an ancient vampire who lives off the blood brought to her by Thomas, who was once her boyfriend, when Thomas is caught by the police.
Abby resorts to killing to satisfy her hunger. Abby reveals her. owen's true identity and he is afraid but at the same time he loves her let me see is an english remake of the swedish romantic horror film leave the right one is an unusual fairy tale between a boy and a vampire the horror elements and The fear is captivating and at the same time the chemistry between the two protagonists played by Cody Smith Mcphee and Chloe Grace Moritz is attractive. It's a simple story of young love that is both dark and sweet. The movie is redone.
There's a good chance it won't. Please neither audiences nor critics simply because it exists under the hanging sword of comparison, yet director Matt Reeves was efficient enough to make improvements to the plot and action. Cody and Chloe add quality to the film, their naive innocence and teenage charm enchant the waiting audience. for a happy ending, but if that happened, Owen would end up like Thomas. A psychologically disturbing thought. This unique take on vampirism ultimately raises a simple question in love. How far is enough? Please give me another chance. 1979 Kate Davis's life took a turn when she is kidnapped by a group of shady individuals who claim to be vampires and think she is a direct descendant of Elizabeth Bathory Bathory was a 16th century countess known to the world as one of the first assassins in series through which he sent more than 100 girls to the afterlife.
Acts of sadism, the group calls itself a brotherhood and takes Kate to a farm where they collect human blood from bodies and feed on what they extract to preserve her youth and vigor. Kate is forced to wear dentures with metal fangs and is brainwashed into drinking blood. Despite her resistance, how long can Kate fight her urges? We have grown up watching vampire movies and almost all of them are known for killing vampires and some unlucky or motivated people try to put an end to this ongoing massacre, there is always a lot of blood and usually some fight and horror sequences of High octane for good measure, though, how many movies have you seen that explore how a vampire is formed?
This unusual and horrendous transformation from a human being to a bloodthirsty beast must be physically and psychologically tormenting. Thirst shares that untold story Chantel Contouri as Kate Davis has given a phenomenal performance and her expressions


ly display the trauma she is going through, having said that the film has its flaws, but as a film that combines genres with elements of science fiction and horror , emerges as an exciting watch for movie lovers in general and essential for horror fans and if you liked our content don't forget to leave a like and subscribe if you haven't had a good one yet and stay safe, thank you all.

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