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12 Riddles to Check if You Can Escape from Dangers

Apr 10, 2024
Hey what's up? I'm here with a new test that will test your wits and survival skills. Try to solve the following 12


and write down your results. In the end you will be able to see how well you did, but I must warn you that you will. you must do your best to avoid all the traps good luck number one a problem in the jungle you are traveling through the jungle alone one morning you discover that you are almost out of water you can get more water from one of four sources a juicy cactus a pond with salty seawater a clear, calm lake or a silty stream which water source will you choose to fill your filtered water bottle with 10 seconds to decide that most cacti are toxic and instead of quenching your thirst they have a severe stomach pain salty seawater will dehydrate you stagnant water in the calm lake is full of all kinds of bacteria and drinking it is extremely dangerous so your best bet would be the silty stream, it contains nothing that your water bottle with filter cannot neutralize. two a traffic accident a truck a man on a horse and a motorcycle wait on the road the green light suddenly the trucker drops his cell phone on the horn the loud noise scares the horse and it bites the ear of the motorcyclist shocked and in pain the man he moves his motorcycle without knowing it and causes an accident but who really broke the law you have 10 seconds to find out it is the motorcyclist because he is not wearing a helmet while driving three a


from the forest you are lost in a forest it is It is getting dark and very soon the wild animals will start to hunt.
12 riddles to check if you can escape from dangers
There are four paths you can choose from north, southwest and east, but the northern path will take you to a super massive black hole ready to swallow you. The south path crosses a lake. full of huge whale sharks, if you take the western path you will end up on the edge of a huge hole in the ground that cannot be crossed even with the help of a rope and the eastern path will take you to a heaven. High mountain that is impossible to climb. You have 10 seconds to choose the path. You must follow the south path.
12 riddles to check if you can escape from dangers

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12 riddles to check if you can escape from dangers...

Whale sharks pose no threat to people and will allow you to swim across the lake without any problems. 4. Trapped by a psychopath. psychopath trapped you and let you choose where you would have to stay alone for the next three weeks if you managed to survive he will free you he gave you three options a desert full of cacti a sunny field with flowers a banana and a glass of water and a beach under a stormy sky Surrounded by sharp cliffs and hit by high waves, where do you have the best chance of surviving in a desert? there is no water and you won't last long.
12 riddles to check if you can escape from dangers
He won a banana and a glass of water will not help you survive for three weeks your only option is the beach the sea will provide you with food and since the weather is cloudy you will be able to drink rainwater 5. a scary castle one night you find yourself trapped in a old creepy castle you hear someone chasing you and you run faster and faster, but suddenly you come to a dead end, however, when your eyes adjust, you notice three doors in the wall, but behind each door are some horrible creatures, The first door hides zombies, the werewolves are behind the second and if you open the third door you will find yourself face to face with bloodthirsty vampires.
12 riddles to check if you can escape from dangers
What door should you open to have a chance to survive? Escape through the second door. The moon is waxing right now and werewolves only transform during the full moon. 6. an evil kidnapper, you are kidnapped and held in a basement by a crazy professor, but the basement has three doors and one of them leads to freedom, the professor leaves and you open the doors one by one, behind the first door there is a dense jungle full of deadly creatures behind the second door there is a gigantic dinosaur that breathes fire that could burn you alive and behind the third door you see a lake of frozen water that freezes everything in several seconds how can you


Walk through the second door dinosaurs I can't breathe fire number seven the attic mystery mark and james played in the attic where it was dark and dirty but when they came down alone mark's face was covered in dust while james's face was miraculously clean However it was James who went and washed his face you have 10 seconds to find out why James looked at Mark's face and thought he was dirty too at the same time when Mark looked at James whose face was spotless he decided he was just as clean number eight a treasure hunt that got a treasure hunter lost in a forest but after having been walking for a while he noticed a crossroads with a large stone in the middle there was a note on the stone that said four but not five, the man realized You realize that the sign was supposed to be showing the direction to the treasure but it was written in some complicated cipher.
Can you help the treasure hunter decipher the code? The man must turn the note over and then it will read towards the south, that is where the treasure is. 9. an escape from a closed house you were kidnapped and locked up However, in a stone house there are four doors through which you can escape, but behind the first one it is very cold and if you choose to go that way you will become a block of ice in a matter of seconds. The second door opens into water. tank full of hungry sharks behind the third door the sun shines so bright that it burns everything in a short time and the room behind the fourth door is full of toxic gas that doesn't let you breathe is there any way to escape?
You have 10 seconds to solve it, wait until the afternoon when the sun sets and escape through the third door. 10. One day he fell into a well, John was caught by a maniac and thrown into a 20 foot deep well, the maniac told him in five minutes. The well would begin to fill with water. John was horrified because he doesn't know how to swim. He looked around and noticed that at the bottom of the well there was a rope six feet long, a wooden barrel four feet high, and a metal barrel three feet high. Confident John was six feet tall.
How could he use these objects to get out of the well alive? You have 10 seconds to help the poor guy. John should hold on to the barrel when the water starts to rise, it will help him stay afloat. and bring it to the surface 11. a coffee robbery look at this photo 10 minutes before it was taken someone in this photo had stolen all the money from the cafe on the beach yet all these people claimed that none of them had visited the cafe in the last 10 minutes who is the thief the thief is the man with an ice cream if he had bought it more than 10 minutes ago it would have melted by now or the man would have eaten it by now 12. a prison escape matt escaped from prison by digging a long tunnel in the floor of his cell he had been crawling through the underground tunnel for three hours when he saw that the main tunnel divided into three smaller ones but the first was on fire and the second tunnel housed a nest of poisonous snakes the third tunnel was full of explosives, how can Matt escape?
Matt should opt for the first tunnel he can walk through after putting out the fire with dirt and now let's get to the part you've been waiting for, so if your result is zero to four correct answers. It's time to read some books that will help you master the art of survival or you can simply watch more videos like this and you will definitely improve if you solve five to eight puzzles. There is just a little more effort in practice and you will be able to get out of almost any dangerous situation and if you manage to get out of nine to 12 difficult situations unscathed, which of course is better than being injured, you are a master at survival and logical thinking when your Friends have a serious problem, you are the one they turn to for advice.
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