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12 Proven Remedies to Prevent Hair Loss and Regrowth Regrow hair

Jun 08, 2024
Today we are going to talk about the 12 simple and very powerful home


that will not only help you




but also help it grow back. You know that losing your


is a devastating experience and you want to try natural things first. before you try medication just because there are side effects, so I'm going to show you 12 very effective and cool things that you can do that are pretty inexpensive and don't cost you a lot of money, so grab a piece of paper and write them down. Now the first two things I want to talk about are very important, very significant, but very few people are aware of this, so if you think about what your hair is exposed to on a regular basis, you take a shower and you are exposing your hair. hair to water Did you know that fluoride in water creates significant hair


and skin acne?
12 proven remedies to prevent hair loss and regrowth regrow hair
Yes, this is true, fluoride, the flora that is supposed to be good for our teeth, actually destroys our hair, so the first bit of advice I'm going to give you is to stop showering. I'm just kidding. What you really want to do is get a simple shower head that filters out the fluoride. Okay, I found a good one. I'll put the link below. Now I am not an affiliate nor do I receive any kickbacks from this company, but it is a pretty good shower head that will filter out the fluoride. That could be the reason you are losing hair.
12 proven remedies to prevent hair loss and regrowth regrow hair

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12 proven remedies to prevent hair loss and regrowth regrow hair...

In fact, fluoride also blocks your hair. thyroid and a hypothyroid condition can very easily stop your hair growth, the next thing you need to know is that the sulfates in your shampoo, sulfates destroy proteins and your hair is made up of 91 proteins, so if you are exposing your hair to sulfate shampoos on a daily basis, you are literally creating all kinds of problems and inhibiting hair loss, so you really want to make sure you get a sulfate-free shampoo. Those are the two things you should avoid now to understand hair loss, let's see first. In the mechanism by which most of the best hair loss medications work, they basically block an enzyme to inhibit DHT, which is a powerful form of testosterone that tends to burn hair follicles, so testosterone becomes into DHT, a very powerful form of testosterone through this little enzyme, and so on.
12 proven remedies to prevent hair loss and regrowth regrow hair
These drugs inhibit that enzyme, the enzyme is called 5-alpha reductase and people who have too much dht suffer from this condition called androgenetic alopecia, which is a pattern of hair loss in both men and women, so now the question is: Are there natural things that can inhibit it? this enzyme because of course medications have side effects and the answer is yes so there are a couple of things you can do with onion juice. I posted a video on this topic. It is a powerful natural inhibitor of that enzyme, so you dilute it in water. in a ratio of 50 50, rub it on your scalp and let it sit for 15 minutes and then you will wash your hair.
12 proven remedies to prevent hair loss and regrowth regrow hair
I put a link below the video I made on this topic. Okay, green tea. You would do the same with green tea. Dilute it to 50, rub it into your scalp for about 15 minutes and then wash it off with shampoo. Now the next powerful inhibitor of this enzyme is rosemary oil. There is a study I found that showed this oil is comparable to rogaine in terms of effectiveness. to


hair loss, then you would take rosemary oil, rub it on your scalp and let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes and actually leave it on overnight and then in the morning you would shower with shampoo for your hair, so rosemary oil is a powerful inhibitor of five alpha reductase now another inhibitor of this enzyme is just zinc.
Okay, maybe you're zinc deficient like a lot of people, so the best food for zinc is oysters. Start eating some oysters several times a week, but also zinc. in red meat, so you may need a little more red meat, it's also found in seafood, it's also found in eggs, but red meat and oysters have the most zinc. Okay, now we have five traditional home


like apple cider vinegar that you don't want to put in concentrate. apple cider vinegar on your scalp, okay, I'm just letting you know now that it's going to burn your scalp. You want to dilute it like 1 3 cups of apple cider vinegar in a quart of water and you can rub it into your scalp and it will actually help clean out some of the pores that may be filled with sebum, which is an oil that could prevent the follicles grow properly and, in addition, apple cider vinegar gives a very pleasant shine to your hair, in addition to the fact that apple cider vinegar is acidic. and so is your scalp, so apple cider vinegar can help reset the ph of your skull, which can actually support the friendly microbes or microbiome on your scalp.
You don't want to create an environment where the outside of your skin is so sterile. because you have millions of microorganisms living on the outside of your skin that help you and when you sterilize or clean your skin too much you can end up with all kinds of problems, including hair loss, so you should minimize the amount of chemicals you expose your skin to. , let's go to number six, what happens if you follow the ketogenic diet and start losing hair? What does that generally indicate? It usually means you're not getting enough protein, that's the number one cause, so up your protein, okay?
Some other things you want to consider as well are number one trace minerals, especially if you're doing intermittent fasting or fasting on your keto plan because we're very deficient in trace minerals in our foods. Trace elements are minerals needed in very small amounts, but they are very, very essential, so consuming foods rich in trace elements such as seaweed, shellfish or ocean fish, and sea salt is a good option, or simply purchasing a trace element product from plant origin that will add more trace elements to give the hair what it needs. It needs to be built well.
The other key vitamins that are needed in higher quantities when you are on the ketogenic plan are the B vitamins, so there are many links between vitamin B deficiency and hair loss, so you need to make sure we are taking enough vitamins, so nutritional yeast is a very good remedy for that, just make sure that when you're using nutritional yeast that you don't fortify it with synthetic vitamins, okay, cruciferous vegetables number seven, if you have too much estrogen. It can affect your hair, this is the reason why women when they go through their menstrual cycle tend to lose hair.
This is an excessive amount of estrogen, so one of the natural ways to help regulate estrogen is to start consuming cruciferous vegetables. Another great way to regulate estrogen would be to take seaweed because when you take seaweed you get more iodine and iodine also regulates estrogen. Now, one more additional note, let's say you're menopausal and you start losing your hair, which generally has higher levels of cortisol related to stress and If that's your situation, I put a link below about cortisol because it's a very topic. , very important, let's talk about selenium number eight. The next home remedy would be something to help a hypothyroid condition.
If you have a slow thyroid, you will often lose. hair and one of the key trace elements for the thyroid to support it and help convert t4 to t3 is selenium and the best food for selenium is Brazil nuts, shellfish and seaweed or look for seaweed now if you see seaweed, you will also get the iodine which is also good for the thyroid and a note about you may have a hypothyroid condition for other reasons that are not related to selenium, for example you may have high estrogen levels, too much estrogen inhibits thyroid function, you could have fatty liver or liver damage that can prevent your t4 from being converted to t3, you could suffer intestinal damage from antibiotics from eating the wrong foods, especially gluten.
I would say that of all the foods that damage the thyroid it would be grains, specifically gluten in grains, okay, so if you have hashimoto's, which is usually 90% of all cases of hypothyroidism, you should definitely avoid gluten like plague because that's going to keep your thyroid inflamed and you're going to have a hard time fixing that problem, so we've got nine increases in vitamin D that you want to get. You sleep more and want to start exercising to reduce stress. Stress is a big problem with your hair. In fact, a lot of people, if you ask them, when did you lose your hair after an emotionally stressful event because you're raising cortisol and cortisol is very damaging to protein now, a couple of things you can do if this is your situation, start taking more vitamin D, in fact you just need to be in the sun more if you can do it now, if it's winter it will be a difficult time, but more.
Vitamin D can greatly help your hair and reduce stress. Vitamin D3 may act like a natural cortisol hormone, but without the side effects it does very similar things. It is an anti-inflammatory, so to reduce stress you should increase your vitamin D or expose. yourself in the sun you want to sleep more I have a lot of videos about that if you are new to my channel you want to start taking daily walks and you want to start exercising to reduce stress it's okay number ten in a lot of hair in the formulas they add silica, it's Well, silica gives hair strength and most spring water has silica like pellegrino and even most other types of bottled water that comes from a spring will have silica.
You can even buy water rich in silica, which is really good for your hair, in fact, you will probably notice that your skin, hair and nails will start to grow and become very strong if you start consuming silicone. 11. The ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting if you are a woman and If you have polycystic ovary syndrome, you should realize that one of the big side effects is hair loss because you have this androgen spike and that comes from insulin, so That just by understanding that simple relationship and reducing the amount of insulin you can help reduce androgens and help prevent hair loss, so how does that happen?
Start following a low carb diet called the ketogenic diet, along with intermittent fasting and lastly 12. If you look at many remedies for hair loss supplements, they always add biotin. this biotin biotin helps the proteins in your body, especially hair biotin, it will help your hair grow back and prevent hair loss, but biotin is a very key B vitamin for the manufacture of these proteins that give the hair its structure and biotin is produced by bacteria. Your own gut produces biotin and many people after losing the gut microbiome start to lose hair because they no longer have the microbes to produce biotin, so take some time to guess which food is loaded with biotin and can increase your own friendly bacteria for make your own sauerkraut with biotin Sauerkraut has a hundred times more probiotics than most probiotics and the good bacteria in sauerkraut survive stomach acid, plus it provides you with massive amounts of vitamin C, which is also necessary to help make protein, specifically collagen and keratin, so sauerkraut on a regular basis can help you tremendously reset your microbiome in your gut, help give you vitamin C and give you more biotin now, if you have a receding hairline, I made a very specific important video about that topic and I put it here, check it out. you

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