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12 Habits That Made Me A Millionaire In My 20s

Apr 06, 2024
From a very early age I was very clear about the type of woman I wanted to be and as I developed my character trait I developed it with exactly that aptitude in mind and in my late teens I


the decision that I would spend the next 15 years of my life refining my character traits and emulating the positive values ​​and examples I saw around me and I did so while preserving authenticity by creating my own unique brand image. I learned to present myself in a particular way, more elegant and classy than trashy and sassy. I wanted to speak in an assertive and authoritative way but with such humility that it


me identifiable.
12 habits that made me a millionaire in my 20s
You see, in doing all these things, my rock stars, I was aligned with the woman I wanted to become and the woman I wanted to become. When I decided to be a teenager, I could walk into a room so confidently that I would not only be noticed but remembered. He wanted respect, not attention. Also when I was a teenager I aspired to be the type of woman who was fearless. to fail the type of woman who would embody high standards and never have a bad attitude. I was hell-bent on being the kind of woman who would enable other women to up their game and not the kind of woman who would put them down.
12 habits that made me a millionaire in my 20s

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12 habits that made me a millionaire in my 20s...

Over time, I learned to be the kind of woman who wasn't affected by people's perception of me, especially when I made mistakes or made a fool of myself, which was very often. In fact, I have to say it's very common because I still do that. To this day it was important to me to be the kind of woman a man needs and not the kind of woman a man needs and the kind of woman who believed in herself when absolutely no one else did with those character traits I I became the kind of woman who got up every time I got knocked down, no matter how many times it happened, but you know, my rock stars.
12 habits that made me a millionaire in my 20s
I wasn't born this way. I had to become like this because excellence is not a skill, it is an attitude, welcome. Back to the channel, my rock stars, what I just shared, I heard a lot of it, I wrote it in my book and believe me, I come from far away, I come from a place where they called me a redneck because I grew up. in rural Saint James and no one and never see come see and just someone who has evolved from a place of poverty that many would not want to be born in, but you know what he did for me, my rock stars, he showed me that doesn't matter. where you come from who you are what you stand for with the right amount of hope and faith you have everything within you to live your best life and be the best version of yourself and I am an example of that in every way. the term and today I'm going to talk to you about the 12


that helped me achieve financial success when I was in my early twenties and those


continue to help me to this day to achieve my big goals, which include being debt free and achieve financial independence. and now, being on this journey with you, my rock stars to achieve financial freedom, I thought it was the ideal time to share them because I have been sharing many strategies and many initiatives that you can use to achieve financial freedom and sometimes , I get stuck on what to do without remembering that to be successful you need to be a certain type of person and that is a person who believes that you are capable of achieving the impossible or the improbable because, frankly, if everyone knew how to achieve financial freedom, this channel would have absolutely no viewers, so it is something that is considered unrealistic or unlikely and you need to develop certain character traits to be able to achieve it and that is why in my book there are no regrets, there are only lessons. quite a lesson in character formation because if it were not for those principles, those values ​​and those character traits that I decided to embody at an early age I would not have been able to achieve many of my goals, one is that I was never afraid of failing and although I believe that the reason for this was how I grew up, let me give you an example when my uncle and God bless his soul, this is my uncle Rufus, who died prematurely when we were children, you know how my uncle taught us to swim.
12 habits that made me a millionaire in my 20s
He took us to the river, picked us up, throws our throw or throws it to the bottom of the river and says sink or swim, what options did he really have? He had to live, so I had to swim and that's how I learned to swim. and listen guys, I don't want you to misunderstand this and think that he was abused, he did this out of love and I'm so glad he did it because what he taught us that way is that he left us with no options but to succeed and when that becomes part of your DNA or your way of thinking, you treat life exactly the same way now it was this no fail attitude that when Forex trading was a thing in the past I decided that I was going to learn Forex trading for myself account and I walked into the bookstore I remember I was traveling for work and I walked into the bookstore I bought this book I decided to teach myself how to trade forex and I took a thousand US dollars back then, that was a ton of my hard-earned money gain. and I started trading and you know what my rock stars are.
I repeatedly failed when I finished before making a dollar. I probably lost, I would say probably about five thousand dollars before I started making money and every time I lost. money the people I was talking to around me were saying why don't you stop you're losing money but somewhere in my brain I thought sink or swim and I know if I didn't swim I wouldn't have mastered it and I would have felt like I I would have drowned in Forex Trading and that for me, my rock stars, it just wasn't an option and you know, in the end I couldn't get my money back.
I was able to earn a lot more money. Because? Am I sharing this with you my rock stars because in order for you to achieve much of what I am sharing on this channel you must understand that failure is just a part of life it is temporary the only thing that lasts forever is quitting smoking and if I would Quit to do Forex because I was failing. I would have left with a loss and when you develop an attitude of accepting that failure is a part of life, my rock stars, you become unstoppable because some of these strategies that I am sharing on this channel will not work for everyone and because of many obstacles They will get in your way but you have to develop an attitude that is not afraid of failure and that will not give up and will continue to move forward until you achieve your goals and feel proud.
Now, the second habit or character trait I had to embody to make millions of dollars and achieve massive financial success was that I had to accept that money was a tool, understand its value, and treat it exactly the way most people would. we were educated to think. that money is taboo and talking about money is a good No-No, you know for a long time in my life I did that and it didn't work in my favor the moment I accepted that money was going to be that tool that allowed me to achieve my greatest aspiration which is freedom, financial freedom and I started to think about it that way.
I was no longer afraid to tell someone that I'm motivated by money or talk about money at the table or share too much about what I'm doing, like I do many times on this channel, my rock stars and every time I started talking about money that way I realized that I started to attract it to me because sometimes I would share something about money with someone who invested in something I didn't know and now I can take advantage of what they are investing to make money on my own. The key is my rock stars. I never got to a place where I worshiped money.
I saw it exactly for what it is. It is the tool that would allow my freedom and that is exactly how I used it, how I talked about it, and how I used it to motivate my actions. There are a lot of people out there who often say oh money isn't everything and money isn't this and Money doesn't buy happiness and money won't keep you from dying and they'll add something like look at Steve Jobs. Money couldn't keep me from dying, but let me say this to all those people. Money won't buy you. happiness, but it can certainly create an environment that increases your likelihood of being happy much more than when you don't have money.
Happiness is an inside job so I learned to be happy long before I had money but one thing I can tell you is that having money makes me a lot happier my rock stars and I'm not ashamed to say that and it may not save me life, but you know what it will do, it will give me a lot more options when it comes to experience and knowledge. live longer or even prevent you from dying because I can afford the right medical experience so let those people hit money and talk negatively about money because anything you talk negatively about will not attract you to yourself and if you don't , Don't respect money and what it has the potential to do for you, why are you working for money?
Forget it, continue living without money and tell me in the comments how it will go. We need to recognize money exactly for what it is, treat it. With all due respect, don't worship it, talk about it openly and don't be afraid to say that we are motivated by money because, frankly, if it weren't for money, many of the things I have done in my past I wouldn't do today. I'm lucky enough to turn my passion into my salary so these days I just do the things I love to make money, but there was a time in my life where I had to do things I would never do if it weren't for money but If I hadn't done them I probably would have died of hunger so let's not underestimate money because we pretend to be on this pedestal of money it's not all Odetta, you are out there on your channel talking about money all the time but money is not life for me the money is life I know how to be happy money makes me happier I am taking care of myself but money will make me better and I want to learn and learn more to be more and be my best self and money helps make that possible never allow anyone, my rock stars, shame you or tell you that you are greedy because you want to make more money, a lot of people tend to do that and it is because I discovered how to use money as a tool and I understood that it is important why I was able to figure out how to make my money work for my.
It led me to understand the value of money. How to grow money. How to make money while I sleep how to invest money how to make money online and I was able to do it because I accepted and respected the importance of money in my life so I took time to learn about it and develop financial knowledge that is the only reason I can Even being on this channel sharing what I know with you, is also the reason why I was able to develop multiple streams of income at a very young age, starting when I was 20 years old and continue to do so to this day, and it is also the reason for which I developed emergency funds, retirement funds.
I invested in insurance and everything else that would allow me to live my best life when it came to money. Now, the third character trait or habit that I was able to use to make millions is the fact that I was frugal when I needed to be. I remember when I was building my first mortgage and free loan and I couldn't buy, let me say I couldn't buy because I could afford to buy. He was working as a vice president at a Fortune 500 company and earning a six-figure compensation package. I chose not to buy clothes, shoes or anything for three years to the point where my shoes were falling off my feet because they were rotten or rotten whatever the term is.
It's because I'm frugal when I want to be, why even when I was. By earning minimum wage I was saving 50 percent of my income each month if I had to eat ramen noodles instead of rice, peas, and chicken. I did it because I needed to because I know I had a bigger dream and goals that I was chasing recently. Someone came to our house and asked for water and I had to go get a big bottle of water and pour some because they wanted room temperature water and they said why wouldn't you buy single use water and store it in your Odetta refrigerator , so it's easy to carry, do you know why I don't buy single-use water because the cost increases?
I'm very frugal when it comes to those things. I only buy in bulk, I only buy in bulk for the most part and I don't do things like buy single use water or anything single use so it looks nice in my fridge or grab and go for convenience when I can pick up a big bottle and pour some water into it and possibly save 50 off the cost that I'm spending on water and continue with this video here where I did the math on toilet paper and explain why I use the toilet paper that I use and how it saves me money by end of the day, so because I am Frugal, what I have learned to do is make the money I earn count or matter or stretch it as much as possible and by doing so I can save and invest fifty percent of my income every month since Since Since I can remember and listen to my rock stars, if there's ever a month where that 50 percent is in danger, I cut it somewhere else to make sure I have it to save.
I don't just say okay, I can just save. 40 percent this month, I'll say 50 next month or maybe 60. Tomorrow is not promised. Find a way to achieve your budget savings goal every month, even if it means you need to demonstrate some frugality in some other areas. in your life because the moment you start is when you start goingdownhill and soon you'll only be saving 10 percent and making excuses for why you're no longer saving 50. Now the fourth habit, and I guess this one isn't so It's both a habit and a character trait and it's the fact that I had faith and I had to learn to believe in myself.
I guess I wasn't always as confident as I am today, I actually grew up as a kid, although I was very talkative. and assertive, he was still shy. In fact, I still think I'm shy, although many of the people who know me would probably disagree, but like me, I grew in faith and embodied spirituality. I realized I was naturally more confident because I knew it was almost like I knew God had my back or that I would always get through this because someone was there looking out for me, guys I don't know how to do that.
Explain it, but one thing I can tell you is that on my way to the top of my career and my achievements I met God, but I came to know God when I was falling down failing or my marriage was ending and I had to turn around and go back. but that faith that I had in that God that I knew is the faith that sustains me every day and has led me to believe that not only do I deserve every good and great thing that is happening to me or is about to happen. for me, but also that I have everything within me to make it happen and when you have developed that level of belief and Faith, absolutely nothing stands in your way of achieving your big goal, so my rock stars when I'm here speaking.
Taking a thousand US dollars and turning it into a million dollars in five months is not for everyone, but it is for those people who have the temerity, who will be persistent, who believe in themselves, who think they deserve it, who know that They have what there is. them to make it possible and this is not technical knowledge or specific skills, it is just a belief in yourself that translates into your value and those are the people who will achieve success with what I am sharing on this channel, now what to believe in me same. What it allowed me to do on my financial journey was take more risks listening to my rock stars I put money in places where sensible people wouldn't put money there were times in my life when I knew that what I was putting money into wasn't like that necessarily an approved investment, let's just say that, but it was offered by a legal and reputable financial institution or organization and I invested money in it and made a lot of money;
The average person wouldn't have done that, but I believed I could. Do it and you would be victorious now. The fourth character trait or habit that helped me on my journey to making millions and that still helps me today is the fact that I don't have much ego, probably if I have any, I guess we all have egos but I have very little ego. in everything I do in life and I learned to accept very early on that it's okay to look stupid in the short term so I can achieve my goals in the long term and that my rock star is a part of emotional intelligence that I will talk about more ahead in this video.
I'll give you an example. I remember when I was selling products from my vehicle in front of my workplace, right at the door, and people would come up and say why is the vice president doing that, she needs the money, why is she not satisfied with what she is earning? , but you see my rock stars, the ones who say they didn't understand the value and power of having multiple sources of income now If I had a big ego, I would never drive from my workplace, go to the door, open my trunk and I would sell clothes and shoes to my own employees, sometimes that would report me to the other sellers, absolutely not, I wouldn't drive from there.
From parish to parish I sold my products out of my trunk and made money doing it, no, and you know, one of the things I wouldn't have done was start this YouTube channel. I remember sharing with someone that I was going to try using YouTube to promote the business. and since I can make money from it, I will use it to make money too and his response was: do you really need that? But you know, YouTube is for people who are trying or for people who have nothing or I don't like this, I try to give the impression that YouTube was for nobody and I guess they're talking about all these nobody like Graham Stephen who wins 200,000 US dollars per month and 300,000 US dollars per month or people like a Steve Harvey who is already established in his career and now decided to have another source of income and create a YouTube channel where he posts content and earns money or for example the love of God, CNN or Fox News, which are established networks that have decided to share content on YouTube. and monetize that content to make money, who am I, little Odetta, to think that YouTube is better than me, at all, but there are people who look down on YouTube, especially many corporate executives who think they are better than the content creation and me?
I want to tell you the news that many people on YouTube are making a lot more money than them and yes, money is not everything, but believe me when I tell you that what they are doing is for the money. In doing so, imagine if I had a big ego and because I got that feedback I said, you know what? I'm not going to bother with YouTube, there's no way I would have made 10,000 US dollars in just over a month from one video, not from the Over 200 videos on my channel in one video, so my stars of rock are one of the character traits that you will definitely need to be successful with many of the strategies that I am sharing here and initiatives is that you cannot have a big ego because some of them will require you to get out of your comfort zone and do something different your peers will be critical your family members will be critical you can't let them use that to hurt your ego and subdue it so let's move on now we move on to the six character trait that you must embody to make millions or that I embody to make millions and this again is a habit, but it's more of a character trait and again I talk about these as There's a lot in my book and it's humility and gratitude because gratitude, my rock stars, no matter what it is, they have enough when I won the minimum wage and had to be drinking ramen noodles.
Gratitude 24 hours a day made it enough and allowed me to focus on my most important goals. I didn't compare myself to other people. I didn't envy other people or try to do things that were illegal or unethical to make money because the opportunities were there to do that, not at all when you learn to accept. what you have as enough those Temptations go away, you can see people on social media and you never feel the need to compare yourself to them in a negative way because remember you know there is a difference between comparison and inspiration if I see someone on social media. and they are doing very well and I am inspired by Aspire because of what they have, which is a positive emotion.
I'm attracting her to me, but when there's a comparison that's negative, it turns into envy and that's when it's dangerous when you're I'm grateful that doesn't happen, my rock stars, and you have no desire to keep up with the Neighbors instead become the neighbors that people want to keep up with because they are no longer competing, they are dominating. Humility is also key. They must remember where. you come you need to understand who you are you need to treat everyone you meet with respect and love despite their position in society and you need to remain strong no matter what you achieve in this life and it will be difficult because there will be many temptations out there but every time When that temptation comes, remember that the only thing that separates you from the man who has nothing are the few opportunities you had and that they didn't have, and the moment you accept them. so it is you will realize that you are no better than anyone else when you are humble and grateful the sky is no longer the limit when it comes to what you can achieve the universe becomes your platform now the seventh habit and this is, In fact, the habit that I developed that allowed me to earn millions and achieve financial security is the fact that at one point in my life I made the decision to read a book every month, today I will listen to most of my books or watch documentaries, I will do a course or I will watch videos on YouTube, but I dedicate myself to learning, whether it is financial education or simply increasing my knowledge every day of my life that I can and many people on YouTube will tell you to read a book a day, that is not it, my rock stars, you need to take what you're reading in that book and implement it in your life or what you're hearing from what I'm sharing or from the course. that you just did and you need to make it a part of your life, otherwise what's the point of reading what you love to read?
Remember I said before, I bought this book and myself Forex Trading, continuously learning, my rock stars is something you should do. a part of your life when I read Rich Dad, Poor Dad I didn't just read it and put it down, I bookmarked it, developed an action plan from it and started manifesting based on what I was reading, that's what it took me to earn passive income because before Rich Dad Poor Dad, I felt like I had to work to achieve the wealth I sought. After reading it, I realized that the best way to be rich was to earn passive income without trading time for money.
If I hadn't read that book and exposed myself to reading different financial literacy books, I would possibly still be working nine to five and probably doing so until I'm 65 and old and tired, and maybe if not careful even retire. Poor or broke Rich Dad Poor Dad led me to what at the time seemed like an obsession with finding ways to make money while I slept and when I started implementing it in my life I decided I was going to make a taxi. service and I didn't want to have anything to do with that and that's why with that taxi service I made an agreement with each driver that after two years the car was going to be theirs which meant that they had to take care of it they had to repair it they brought some money my uncle helped me run that business I wasn't there I didn't have to be there and I kept making money while I worked my nine to five job I knew how to do nails and hair I could have done a little hair salon on the weekend and earned some extra money, but no, because I was obsessed with passive income, I opened a salon and rented the barber and hair salon and they paid me.
I worked and earned passive income. It also led me to invest in bonds and other portfolio income, such as stocks, especially dividend stocks, where I would only earn because I hold that investment annually. It led me to index funds and other types of investments. To include Forex investing and real estate investing later in life, my rock star thing is that financial education is not taught in schools and many of our parents don't have the foggiest idea how to earn. money or how to manage it, so how can they teach? We have a responsibility to educate ourselves when it comes to financial literacy and one of the best ways to do so is to read books or consume content that provides that knowledge.
Now the eighth habit I embodied to earn Millions was acquiring qualifications. and skills in a field that paid a lot of money now I grew up, everyone in my community because I did well in school and you know I didn't have to study, I didn't have to work hard at it, everyone said kuti boy, which is what they call me mother, your daughter is going to be a doctor or a lawyer, because in their minds that is success, those professions were aligned with success, but I lived to see the doctor of my childhood die without money and leave his family with absolutely nothing and Almost every lawyer and doctor I know has to trade time for money because if they don't show up to their practice or court they don't make any money.
I didn't want that for myself, but I eventually realized that the richest people in the world were entrepreneurs or business-minded people and I started gravitating toward business in school and wanted to learn how to be an entrepreneur. What I liked about business was that, unlike being a doctor and lawyer, the time I spent studying or in school was not as much time, but the propensity to win was significantly higher. Now, don't get me wrong, there are doctors and lawyers who become entrepreneurs and they have doctors and lawyers working for them and they are making money. while they sleep, I am not talking about those, I am talking about the professions that are exchanging time for money by obtaining a qualification that can be easily monetized and that has the propensity to create wealth in the shortest possible time. able to set myself up to make millions of dollars at a very young age, the ninth character trait that I had to embody to achieve financial security and eventually financial independence and now on the path to financial freedom is an important one: emotional intelligence and speak.
There's a lot about this in my book now, when you're emotionally intelligent, we demonstrate greater awareness of our emotions as well as the emotions of other people around us, the ability to understand and influence other people's emotions and to manage your emotions. own emotions. significantly increase your chances of success because if I can find a way to get into your mindset so that you do these things that I am sharing on this channel that will allow youachieve financial freedom, I would have done my part in your journey and that is what happens when you are emotionally intelligent, you will not only understand how people think but you will also be able to influence their actions by evaluating and understanding their thoughts.
Now my rock stars, it's getting dark, you see how I love you. I'm here from morning to night trying to talk to you so we'll have to go fast so the tenth trait or habit of your character that you will need to develop to make millions is to be more self-aware and this is when you understand your strengths and weaknesses and makes the decision to lean on your strengths and outsource your weaknesses as a result, many of us try to be jacks of all trades and we are juggling a lot of things and we are not successful at any of the things I want you to do while I share different strategies to make money.
Especially to make money online on this channel is to determine two, no more than three things that you are going to do or you can even start with one and put everything into that one thing and master it, make money from it before moving on to the number. two or number three in my coaching sessions, one of the things that I have everyone do that has a bunch of different projects or strategies or initiatives that they're focusing on is what's called priority metrics and with this metric basically you write three columns. the first is the initiative or the strategy the second is the passion the third column is the payment and you are going to write down all the things, all the dreams, all the strategies, everything you have in your arsenal that you can use to make money.
We'll put them on that list and then you'll say on a scale of one to ten, 10 being the highest, how passionate I am about this, how much money I'll make and when you're done, you'll be able to figure out exactly where you need to focus because those are those initiatives that have a score high in terms of passion and remuneration, so by being aware of yourself, my rock stars, you will be able to strategize better because you are aware of your strengths and weaknesses and can manage them accordingly. Number 10 is appearance and I'm not going to talk much about this because I have this video here that talks about how appearance changed my life.
The thing is my rock stars that I have always dressed for. the job I wanted not the one I had that is because I am aware that we live in a materialistic world where we are judged first and often even beyond the first meeting based on our appearance or what we have and because I understood that I had two options : I was going to participate in achieving my goals and removing obstacles from my path or I would oppose it and go live in a cave and lock myself away somewhere and do my thing there with the Bears.
On your path to executing many of these strategies and actions that I am sharing, you must dress for success to not only attract it to you but to claim it when you walk into a room and are talking to someone who you are. are you going to need or what resources are you going to need to achieve these big dreams that we have on this channel for ourselves the eleventh habit is perseverance listen, did you know that I told myself that when I started this YouTube channel I was going to do it for three years and I was going to make at least 200 videos before I said, okay, this may not be for me, let me tone down my effort, not quit, but let me tone down my effort and put it in another direction, yeah , three years and 200 videos yes.
Most people who came to YouTube did that they would have achieved success, instead they come and say, "Oh, this is impossible. I have to get millions of views to make money. This is not for me and they abandon it in month 3, month 6 or even in the first year. and you know what happens sometimes in my YouTube family, that video they made the year after I quit smoking would have been the video that went viral when I'm sharing initiatives or strategies with you, they're going to be obstacles, they're going to be. People who get in your way, things will happen around you that will discourage you.
You have to get over it and be persistent. If I wasn't persistent, I wouldn't be here today, my rock stars and the last one I'm incarnated into. As a habit and now part of my DNA, I did my best to avoid debt. The first house I built was mortgage-free and I didn't start getting into debt, especially big debt, until I got to a place where my assets were paying off. for my obligations, which meant I had an apartment that generated income that I could use to pay the car payment or I had portfolio income investments like bonds that generated quarterly coupon payments that would be enough to pay my mortgage or to make the payment of my vehicle that's when I started going into huge debts and as soon as I reached a certain stage in my life I decided that I wanted to be completely debt free and as such I am buying everything in cash and just keeping it for much longer as my vehicle motor.
I'll probably keep it until the wheels start falling off. Why buy a new one if your current one works unless you get a great deal on it? My rock stars and I can make some. money, then I will sell it without a second thought, like I do with everything else in my life, if I get the right offer, so by avoiding debt I was able to save a lot more money because I wasn't paying a premium to borrow money. my rockstars that's it and it's almost night so I'm glad you're still here thank you for your loyalty if you learned something new in this video remember to like it and if you're not part of the rockstars family yet please subscribe join us I thank you for your patience I thank you for your time and I thank the real rock stars for watching these videos until the end until next time my rock stars my YouTube Family Walk good foreigner

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