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Jun 01, 2021
days, it'll probably take me about two weeks to recover, so we're headed to Chesapeake, we're tapping, we've been so dizzy, Chesapeake is four


away, we're going in, man, he's doing better than any of us. except your dad, you and your dad, would be great together to vote, we really brought down the team, it's windy, it's bad weather here, dad, you're a trooper, you've been here manning the helm for the last 24


, basically. no it's basically just sitting around feeling your dog yeah that's all you do you sit yeah but there are waves out here if I was up here I'd be throwing up I don't even see it land yet , which is crazy, we are only 11 miles from the coast, it's fun, I want to see the land, I want the land, I told tj to remind me that I will ever suggest a race like that again when it's not necessary, for Please remind me of that.
115 hours at sea on our nordhavn
That's not what I want to do and I'll be there too, so an update on the five-day trip we're anchoring in the Chesapeake. It is currently 11:45 at night. It's completely dark. There is no moon, but yes. It's the fog that really adds to the excitement and we should be at our anchorage in about an hour and 20 minutes and be there for the night and then decide when we're going to continue on to Carolina so we'll leave basically tomorrow night or we'll be here for about a week. We will see that there is fog. It's not as foggy as before, but it's definitely foggy.
115 hours at sea on our nordhavn

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115 hours at sea on our nordhavn...

Hey, DJ, don't be so alarmed. We are 40 minutes from anchoring in the Chesapeake and if you get up and help drive. I think I'll do some camouflage with bacon. Let's anchor it. You did it. You did it. Camouflage. It looks like the weather. No, I don't think we'll do that because we'd have to leave tomorrow. I know it sounds miserable. I know, but it's over, do you hear those words? Come on, we're in for the same thing, so it's 9:30 and we're all getting out of bed. I didn't fall asleep until 5am. last night. I'm so happy here and I just wanted everything to be quiet, so I think I'm going to try to convince the crew to leave here later this afternoon and continue on to Carolina because I just don't like spending a week here.
115 hours at sea on our nordhavn
I think it's Rolly and I want to get south and that's my plan. We'll see if I'm successful or not. I have convinced the crew to leave Chesapeake and be ready for the last 35 hours that will take us to North Carolina. How are the spirits? Hip hip parade let's bring it in What's that? How do you feel? We'll see, we'll see you, at least feel good now, everyone's beard is up, everyone's feeling great right now, the beard is up, we have dolphins, oh my God, there are dolphins. dolphins yes they are, yes they are dolphins, it's just what we needed coming out of the camo, are you that excited?, there's dolphin camo, there's more coming in from the front camo, there's dolphins everywhere, there's dolphins everywhere parts, thank you very much, you have been waiting. camo have you been waiting for this oh yeah okay we have a beautiful monday morning here tj and natalie have a beautiful afternoon a beautiful day here good morning from the atlantic ocean good morning it's sunny outside it's nice and Don't worry, we are happy. look at these smiles you have to sleep I fell asleep and it was quiet last night it's beautiful outside the ocean it's happy I'm happy in its home area happy yes it's a sandy beach it's far this is beautiful this is the boat ride we need oh it's sunny , it's hot look, there are smiles everywhere I'm going to make some breakfast, I'm going to make breakfast and bacon and enjoy this beautiful day of cruising, you're on your way, you have camo taking a nap, tj is sunbathing and my dad is hitting the front of this guy. never sits down at any time has to do a task he will be doing a task finally warm sunny weather this is a good way to uh cross uh come around the cape never sits down it happens that he is always doing something oh you signed the project he says oh i I'm going to sundown five minutes later waxing something What did we find for camouflage?
115 hours at sea on our nordhavn
Another frozen puppy. Oh God, the eyes are already closed. Oh oh, don't shoot. There is no ice cream. Okay, we have to hold it. Put the legs together and. Wow, we have some fried rice here, we just paid for some vegetables and it's actually cauliflower fried rice, we have cilantro, we're going to do a little Asian dinner, what does it look like? Oh this looks amazing, does this mirror mean? keep slipping away from nothing, so it's 5:30 in the morning. I'm very sleepy. I've been awake for a few hours and we're two hours away from our docking.
In fact, we were very close to him all night, but we didn't want to. Is it a buoy we didn't want to dock in the dark so we've been hanging around here in the ocean and it's been really beautiful and calm all night but of course now there's a storm coming up it's a flash of fool ? a little close I have to go see that uh there's lightning striking uh pretty close to us I hope it holds out long enough for us to get to the marina and get tied up I'm not sure how that's going to go, but it looks like it's ending just like that started which is pretty interesting so we head inland into Beaufort and we're just starting to get some daylight and it actually looks like we have a blue sky above us which is exciting because it's supposed to rain All day today I eat thunderstorms all day until tomorrow morning, so I'm trying to time it for this weather window.
It looks like it's going to be calm until about 8am 630 right now, so we have about an hour to get in, strap in and get to shore before the storm hits, so we're running at full speed 7, 5 knots. Our race south took us seven days and more than 800 miles, but we made it north. Carolina and we couldn't be happier to be here right now, we learned a few things along the way that we wanted to pass on to you here are five lessons learned along the way, one of not taking off in sloppy weather during a multi-day weather window because if it closes it's all sloppy run two make shorter trips otherwise too many interesting places pass by three longer trips means the forecast weather is more likely to change four if it gets too tough anchor and regroup a schedule is the most dangerous thing on a boat and five , keep it fun, short trips are usually more fun, thanks for joining us on our long journey south, be sure to like, subscribe and join us next week as we explore the Crystal Coast and get up close and personal with some of his famous ones. wildlife

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