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May 26, 2021
Israel is one of the most fascinating countries in the world, both geographically and culturally, the birthplace of five major religions, including Judaism, Islam and Christianity. It has become a major tourist destination not only for religious tourism but for anyone who wants more context behind the belief systems of billions. of people in the world today due to the complex cultural situation there will be some


you will want to pay attention to while traveling there here are 11


you should not do in Israel number one, don't be afraid to haggle now this This is especially true in the old city of Jerusalem, where vendors target tourists with exuberantly high prices knowing they could pay them, so almost any price they tell you in a market is open to negotiation.
11 things not to do in israel   must see before you go
I've heard stories of people haggling over prices. from 50 shekels to five, so keep that in mind if you want to buy something there number two, don't be afraid of the soldiers. Israel requires mandatory military service for those over 18, for both men and women. Conscription lasts up to three years for men and two years for women, which is largely due to animosity toward Israel from neighboring states and the numerous wars fought against it in the mid-1990s. 1960s and 1970s due to those two factors and the isolated attacks that are carried out even today. You will see soldiers almost everywhere in Israel, especially in Jerusalem, although there is a precautionary measure and to make you feel safer, so in no way should you be afraid of them and many times they will take pictures of you.
11 things not to do in israel   must see before you go

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11 things not to do in israel must see before you go...

Ask nicely, number three, don't get dressed. inappropriately now this is mainly for the religious sites you will visit while in Jerusalem, these sites will dictate that men and women dress modestly covering their knees and shoulders. In some cases you may be asked to wear a kippah which will be provided to you and women may be offered a shawl. His alpha doesn't reach code number four. Don't talk about politics now. It will seem like I'm contradicting myself because I fully support you having a political conversation with someone in Israel, but I can't. Stressful enough, the conversation should be about you learning from their perspective because the worst thing you could do, especially as an American, is tell them what you think they should do or what you think should happen, it just doesn't make any sense.
11 things not to do in israel   must see before you go
They are there solely to get your point of view and nothing more. Number five, don't be fooled. I generally don't recommend tour guides when I travel because I think there's something to be said about finding your own path and making your own mistakes. Because of how overwhelming the history can be, you will get more out of the trip if you choose to go with a guide and tour guides in Israel actually have to go to school for at least two years to get their license, so you should always do it. set one up beforehand never go with someone who approaches you on the street and offers to guide you and you will get the benefit of being able to interact more with the locals number six always tipping in Israel is very similar to tipping in the US with waiters paid a lower wage with the expectation that they would make that money back in tips, so, that being said, whenever you eat out in Israel, always make sure to tip at least 10 percent, with 15 being an average and 20 of it was an exceptional service number seven Memorial Days. these are special, remember it stays in Israel where people set aside 24 hours to remember fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism, the days are called Yamahas sakaram and yom hats debatable and although the date changes slightly from year to year , usually set in April.
11 things not to do in israel   must see before you go
There will be two sirens, one at 8:00 p.m. and the next at 11:00 a.m. The next day when you hear these sirens it is very important that you stop what you are doing and stay silent you will see that the whole country will do the same it is to commemorate the people who made it possible for us to be there today number eight they do not use Uber now this is easy because uber doesn't actually exist in


instead they use an app called get taxi this will always be the cheapest and safest way to get around


number nine stay on the road now this is especially true once you start to leave the big cities and that is because with so many wars that have been fought in Israel there are still several minefields that have not been cleared and even today there are stories of tourists, soldiers, civilians accidentally wandering where they should not and they get into trouble or even die.
Now, for the most part, you won't find this, or if you happen to start exploring, make sure you stay on your assigned paths. little one, that is not a door number 10 respect their religion now because Israel is such a religious place that you will meet a number of orthodox people while you are there and it is important to respect their traditions, for example orthodox Jews are not allowed touch people. of the opposite sex this means that if they change seats with someone or move away from you it is not because they are being rude it is because of their beliefs number 11 do your own research now I highly recommend that you do as much independent research as possible - hopefully painting the clearer picture about what this place is about, that means looking at Israel from both an Israeli perspective and a Palestinian perspective and gathering as much information as possible from both to make your trip more meaningful and the crater to take away.

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