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#10MinuteTalk - NFA Trusts with Silencer Shop — What You Need to Know

May 25, 2024
What's happening? Everyone, dial in the microphone here, Mr. Ruben Alexon, in front of me right now and we have Tyler from the muffler


from the great state of Texas here with us, welcome to Wisconsin today Tyler Walters, right, that's me , yes, you said that I. it was like


was your last one and then well if you just want to remember the first name and then I feel like I would have actually been scared yeah and I didn't want to go to the set that's my fault but Tyler Walters from the muffler


you guys traveled Yesterday a little bit, we were able to see a little bit of the place where we did it.
10minutetalk   nfa trusts with silencer shop what you need to know
It's a fantastic facility. I appreciate it, thank you for being here. Totally thank you for inviting us. This is fun. We're prefabricating a little bit and you guys nailed it. to uh I'm going to get to the uh the topic of conversation here in a minute, but you made a reference and I was wondering if you could explain it, you made a slight reference to the 300 WSM and I thought maybe you could expand on that. I have absolutely nothing good to say about that cartridge. I was just giving you a hard time to be honest with you and that's all I have to say about 3 wisdom and then


and then and then what. was my reply, you were kind and said how wise I was and you simply sang my Praises from the mountain tops.
10minutetalk   nfa trusts with silencer shop what you need to know

More Interesting Facts About,

10minutetalk nfa trusts with silencer shop what you need to know...

It was great. I really appreciated that I actually canceled the podcast as unbiased, but then I wanted to get the podcast to cancel it. I officially forgot about that part. I'm kidding, yes I'm kidding, boy, cartridges sure make the world go 'round, don't they? The topic of today's conversation is not the great 300 WSM, now we are going to talk surprisingly about suppressors. uh full disclosure so we did a podcast with uh with Dave M with the muffler shop. MH, uh, two years ago he gave us a lot of great information, about two years ago, and I was excited and he gave me all this. information and all the tools to select and choose a suppressor and the means to do so.
10minutetalk   nfa trusts with silencer shop what you need to know
I'm ashamed to say I still don't


. I just wanted to put this on the table right now. I


a guy who can help that's what I'm hoping for today and that's what we're going to talk about uh about me no uh we're going to talk about this is all about Mark what we're going to talk about uh we're going to talk about singleshot confidence in the suppressor uh, you guys also have a couple more styles available and the handy dandy kiosks you have and essentially just the ABC's of I've decided I want a suppressor and now what happens?
10minutetalk   nfa trusts with silencer shop what you need to know
Do I buy the suppressor first and then? Maybe I get an H trust or I go to the kiosk to get the trust, you know how this process is, one person says, you know what I would like to protect my hearing, like me, a reminder I had this year. I got into a shootout with a moose again and now my hearing is even worse because I didn't have a suppressor, so maybe let's start explaining what step one is, Tyler, and the way I often explain this, which is fortuitous. Because I'm sitting in an optics manufacturers facility, it's a lot, it's similar to buying an optic in the sense that you have to choose the optic and there are a lot of black metal tubes that you can mount to the top of your gun. of black metal tubes that you can also mount to the front of your gun, so figure out if you


1 to 10 or you


3 to # or 6 to 36 or whatever, it's the same kind of concept. with the


, we can get into that later, but other than choosing the product that will require some homework on your part or walking into a gun store and getting shocked by the guy behind the counter in his personal opinion.
Either one is as viable as the other. Choosing the product is only part of the process. We need two more things from you. Number one will be the payment of the tax stamp. That's your $200 registration fee with good old Uncle Sam, no way. around that and that's by serial number and that's one time upfront, it's not like a recurring fee or anything, it's like Reg in his car. I don't know if you guys do that here in Wisconsin if there's a fee for that or whatever, but let's say yes, there's a similar basic concept, right, you register it and then number three would be your registration information, how are you going to register it? like an individual trust or a corporation and then all the kind of ancillary information. that goes along with your demographic information height weight hair color eye color all those good things I have never ever asked I have never been convicted of this I have never committed to not being so indifferent to buying a rifle fill a 4473 similar so far , but also included in that demographic information is the help of your fingerprint cards on a government fingerprint card FD 258, in duplicate, and then in addition to a passport-style photo, that doesn't mean you have to get a photo of passport.
You can stand against a white wall, download our mobile app and take a selfie against the white wall, but there is your passport style photo, so not only do we need you to choose the


that will give you a serial number that you have to pay for. the muffler so we can put that serial number on the forms that go to the ATF payment for the tax stamp and then all your registration information goes into the kiosk correctly so the kiosk does all your registration information to include your fingerprints digital and to be blatantly honest. with you and pull back the curtain a little bit here um fingerprints are the hardest part and that's the purpose of the kiosk all those questions and height weight hair color eye color all those good things that we can get from you U through your customer account on our website there are other ways to do it, you can call us on the phone and give us that information, but fingerprints you normally need to leave the house for, and that's what the kiosk is for, well, and you're talking about fingerprints fingerprints. at the kiosk and these are not the traditional ones, uh, run them over the type of ink, right, yeah, it's the same basic concept at that kiosk that you'll go through and they'll do what's called a ribbon print that you put the fingers down. straight and then you do a roll print where you lay it on its side, turn it and lift it up so you make the same fingerprints you would make on a paper card, only you're making them digitally, the benefit of that if you make them once and we store them digitally in a file, so once you walk into a kiosk that's the hardest part of this process, then you can be home at 2 a.m. on your iPad, sitting on the couch in your chosen underwear.
Pull out a muffler, pick a dealer, ask around and we'll send the paperwork to the ATF. That's awesome, the first one is the hardest, but then we get you the first one, get it out of the way and then just add it to the cart. and obviously the ATF wait time for those of you who are not familiar with this process, all of that information is compiled into what is called an ATF Form 4, submitted to the ATF, and deposited with the ATF according to the ATF weight times at Right now we're looking at about five months.
Check the date on the podcast which will change when it is published. It probably seems like it's a little fluid, huh, and that goes up and down. Five months is very, very fast. for an ATF Form Four right now, it doesn't mean we've never seen it faster and it doesn't mean there are exceptions to the rule; Certainly some are coming much faster and some are taking much longer, that's what we generally do. We're seeing most of them coming in right now, um, but you know, sometimes it's 9 months, sometimes it's 6 months. Right now we're sitting on five, so again, don't quote me on five months, you probably won't do that, but but in that I mean I've talked to a lot of people who say it's not Mark, but you could use Mark as an example where it's like Mark doesn't have a silencer yet, idiot, but that's the excuse, right? the waiting time and it's like, well, it's the barriers, yeah, I'm sorry, my dad, I still intend to do it.
I think if you had done this, I know two years ago you would have two, yeah and they are barriers to entry, it's wrapping your brain around what is an ATF form four how is it different from an ATF form three and a form two and a form 9 and a form five and what is a class three license and I need one, not you Isn't that what we have and you have one? Yeah, okay, form four is the paperwork to get it from someone who has a class 3 license and an FFL for an individual trust corporation and then they have to check and how am I doing?
I'm going to record this. Will I do it as an individual? Well, that's how I buy my guns. This is probably how I should make my mufflers too. Do I call it a silencer or a suppressor? There are so many things to learn. This is not very obvious and there is a lot of information on the Internet, not necessarily wrong, but incomplete truths. The internet is exactly what it is, so I decide I want to buy a suppressor. I go to their website and select the right one. that I like, I'm like that, I can buy it on the website, yeah, um, but then I might go to a retailer and that's when I go into the kiosk process, so yeah, our website runs, you guys have seen this. on Like Home Depot and so on, you're on the Home Depot website and it has your local store selected at the top and you can change that same thing on our website, it's kind of a combined combination of Home Depot and Amazon.
You are purchasing a new pair of sunglasses on Amazon. The invoice comes from Amazon. Customer support comes from Amazon. Your shipping notification came from Amazon, but those sunglasses were shipped and fulfilled by Joe Bob. Sunglasses. Yeah, it's a little more obvious on the front end on our end. that on Amazon, which doesn't come from us, there's a distributor involved there and you have to go to that distributor to pick it up at least, um, if that distributor that you've selected has one of our kiosks, about half of our distributors. They have kiosks, but not all of them, you can select distributors that don't have kiosks, although the beauty of the kiosk is that it is a kind of one-stop shop.
Well, thanks, we give you a little more control. Yes, it's kind of a one-stop shop. buy, they can do all your registration information there at House, instead of knowing that you selected a dealer because it was the closest to you, but 20 minutes away there was a kiosk dealer and now you have to drive 20 more minutes and make a kiosk I will also point out that it is not necessary to use a kiosk to send us fingerprints. You can make fd8 FD 258 fingerprint card and send it to us by mail. We'll scan it with a ridiculously expensive FBI scanner and digitize it. them for you um, I would say a fraction of a percent of people do it, they just go to a kiosk, it's a lot easier, I mean, it seems that way, I mean the beauty of it, you know, we're talking here about the process. and ways we can streamline and simplify the process. um digital, digital is better.
Well, I guess I'm making an assumption here, but I've seen a person get fingerprinted before, uh, it's not like sometimes. You say, oh, that wasn't a good one, are digital ones a little more precise and easier to do right the first time or without getting nervous technically? um digital allows you to grade fingerprints, so you can have a poor good excellent very good there because sometimes they can be absolutely rejected. The beauty of the digital system is the fact that it gives you a score, it means it recognizes that it's a fingerprint, so even if you're getting a pore, it's still an acceptable fingerprint for all intense purposes, at least in our system.
I mean, I'm not like I'm sure I'm not a fingerprint expert, right? And I'm sure you could say it. Well, this was completely blurry like I couldn't even see a fingerprint, but beyond that, I'm sure there's some Nuance stuff in there that, as a person like you, you know, and if you had your fingerprints professionally taken , they are I'll be able to tell you too, but I don't know if it's 2024, guys, the computer is smarter than most human beings. They're right to stick their finger in there and slide it while rolling it and it comes. through the blob, the computer will go back and say Hey, you swiped, try to keep it aligned when you turn it, it'll walk you through it, yeah, yeah, even with the kiosk in mind, like it's thinking about this like Nos We were preparing for this and I'm going to look for it like we have one 25 minutes from here in a gun store, yeah, I went, I went to the old maero too and I thought, uh, yeah.
It's right there, mark right there, right on the way home, so close, it's on the way home, um, how are they, how are most people, uh, when they choose that suppressor, most people do it. Do they buy on the website and does that distributor fulfill it? Do they go to a distributor that has a kiosk and order it, whether they have it in stock or not, as long as maybe they have that brand? It doesn't matter because you essentially won't get it right away either. questions all and what kind of backup I'll back you up and I'll get into this um about 60% of our muffler shop uh shapes that go to the ATF the four shapes that go to the ATF about 60% of them give or receive.depending on the month, um, they're web sales and that's a customer that came to our website, maybe they hit a brick. and the morar merchant did their search, whatever at the end of the day pulled the trigger , so to speak, on the website, you selected your local distributor and transferred it there and about 40% of them are customers who walked into a brick and mortar merchant. um and I played and F I played and I felt excuse me um all the black metal tubes in there and hey, this is the one I want.
I bought it from that dealer, that dealer sold it from their own inventory or assigned it to that customer out of our inventory, there are a million ways to skin that cat again so as not to get technical nerdy, uh, but then we do the forms for that dealer in that case too, okay, so if you went into one of our dealers and bought a muffler from them, I didn't touch the muffler shop at all. We are still making the forms for you. Oh, that's really what we do. We offer our e-commerce Marketplace type of website to our distributors as a service to be able to sell online.
But really We are a paperwork technology company on the back end, we just sell silencers, if that makes any sense, yes it does. I bought the suppressor. I bought the tax stamp. That happens essentially at the same time. Great question, so to summarize. summarize for you again, uh, we need payment for the muffler that gets your serial number. The serial number must go on the form. Number two is the tax amp payment which is $200 for Uncle Sam's registration and number three is all of your registration information that I can. take those three things in any order out of order for however long you want to take to do them, but nothing goes to the ATF to start that way, whatever it is right now, ATF ATF D we- times um nothing goes to the ATF to start that weight time until we get all three of you home, we've checked it, we've made sure you got stitches in all your eyes and crossed all your shirts, you don't have a weird smudge on your fingerprints, your photo passport style, you're not wearing a hat or glasses or anything, um, we'll do some sort of cursory check and we're decently good at it, uh, and then we'll send it to the ATF, one more thing, just to add, we're on eforms now. and has been for a couple of years, there is a certification on electronic forms in the ATF e-filing system, so we are actually no longer printing paper forms and mailing them to the ATF, we are doing it electronically , and in that it is necessary to create an ATF Forms account, we will send you the information on how to do it.
It's stupid and simple, you just need to use the same email address that you use with us to create your Apfe forms account, you will do your little certification there and it starts with ATF, I got you, okay, perfect, now you mentioned or you mentioned a couple things that we talked about, uh, you make the purchase as you know, uh, an individual or a trust, yeah, the ways to register and the way, just the ways to register. So maybe let's explain a couple of those different ways and then, you know, maybe the advantages, disadvantages of each one and even when we like a trust, like why, why do I do what is a trust and why do I need one or why could?
I need one if I want to have a suppressor yeah so this is a great question too and I mentioned there are three ways to sign up. There are really only two viable ways for most retail consumers: it's individual or fiduciary. The corporation is an option. on the table if you don't know if you want to register through a corporation or you don't want to register through a corporation you'll know if that's how you want to register um it's kind of the redheaded stepchild if um so individual versus trust is really where it's at. conversation breaks down and I would say again, like I mentioned before, you know, I buy all my guns as an individual, I fill out that 4473 from the dealer as an individual.
I'm only purchasing my juicer as an individual. It's ok no problem. About 20% of all requests we submit to ATF are individual. That said, 80% of them are


. It is best for most people that there is no one size fits all. -All for this, although some people want to register an individual and have legitimate reasons to do so and some people, most people benefit from registration as a trust and the reason is quite simple, since an individual who suppresses the suppressor It goes to the ATF. the paperwork for that suppressor goes out, the ATF comes back approved and if Tyler registered for that silencer, I'm the only one who can be in possession of that silencer for the life of that silencer, so if you go two years, what's the first day. the new hasn't gone away from this yet, yes, I'm the only one who will ever be in possession of this, you guys will never be able to shoot my silencer, but two, three, four years later, the news is gone from this. thing at this point and you're going to hunt El or something and you don't have a 30 caliber rifle silencer um you can't borrow mine I have to be there with him is it okay if we're sitting in the same deer blind and I'm there with him, we're at the same static shooting range or something.
I'm standing next to you. You can absolutely shoot him. I just need to be there with him at all times if you want to take him. to the blind deer on the other end of the lease or something, look, I'd just say you have to take me with you in your Elon, yeah, there you go, so that's another strategy, you can be one of the 20%, yeah, so for a lot of people's registry it's a trust, even if you don't have anyone you think you want to share this with right now, it just opens up options for you in the future, you can add and remove people you trust who can use the items that are held within your trust on their own, these people must be responsible persons of the trust and you, as the grantor of the trust, must be aware of who you are leaving in the trust and who you are not. and to go back one step further, I'm not a lawyer, I'm not giving any legal advice here.
I'm discussing how I would do this and how I think about it correctly. Such a big benefit of trust is being able to add additional people. The second benefit of a trust is a bit morbid to think about, but it's worth thinking about because your suppressor will usually survive the barrel you're shooting it out of. He will pass it on to his children, if not his grandchildren. As? transfer of the suppressor after your death, in a truck trust, it is much easier to establish a beneficiary, someone to whom the trust would go in the event of your death, a trustee would be someone who can use the elements of the trust that a beneficiary would use. be the person it goes to in the event of your death, so we define some terms here, who owns it versus who can use it, right, yeah, okay, since, as written, the 99, 9% of


, the beneficiary does not have the right to use the items. in the trust, they are simply who the trust and items would go to in the event of the farmer's death versus a trustee, someone who can use the items and even use that trust to purchase their own items from the NFA, which is interesting , you know, depending on who your trustees are, you may or may not want them to do that, so, as a trust again, it opens you up to options that you have in the future that you never had to think about in title one, Common old weapons, you know? your grandfather is 30 of 6 or something like that it's just passed down from parents to children and so on versus an element of the NFA um and that's not to say that as an individual you can't pass on elements of the NFA, you certainly can, you can pass them on to people and they can be transferred in form five, which is kind of a separate topic for a separate video, but those are the two main benefits of trusts for most people, I understood that and I think you may have mentioned this, but you can add and subtract correctly if something changes. so it's not like, oh man, I added this person and in perpetuity you know you can adjust that all of our trusts, the way you add a person is their own 8 and a half by 11 piece of paper, which they sign. and I hereby add John Smith to my trust, um, if at any time that person needs to be out of the trust for any reason, just RI that page halfway and he's out of the trust, okay, I understand if a person at some point filed as an individual with a suppressor, can you transfer it to a trust in the future or are you stuck?
Could it be an extra $200? Basically at this point the individual is selling it to the trust as far as the ATF is concerned and transferring it to the money given by the trust probably didn't change hands because it's you and your trust, but you are re-registering it under the name of the trust, which costs a $200 tax stamp on a form four in a timeout, okay, most people can do that. I wouldn't especially if you own a pair individually and then $200 times the amount you own starts to add up pretty quickly, sure sounds like an excuse to buy another B suppressor.
Yeah, that's where my head goes too. I would also say that there are a couple different styles of trust specifically in the store, you're going right to where I wanted to go here, it's almost like I've done this before, I don't know, so traditional NFA gun trust is, um, if you've been around NFA Articles that NFA Articles, sorry, I use a lot of industry jargon acronyms. The NFA articles would be the National Firearms Act, basically, short barreled shotguns, short barreled rifles, machine guns, suppressors, they allow those types of things that require additional registration and continue with nrtr, we'll cross that. acronym when we get to that, um, but basically, if you're doing that process, that's an element of the NFA, right? and, uh, if you've been in that NFA world, you're probably familiar with the concept of a traditional NFA gun trust.
Let's say today I set up a new gun trust, it's just me I buy a new silencer The silencer store sends my documents and it comes back approved I'm going to pick up that silencer. I had to send all my fingerprints and a passport photo and all that. things that the silencer shop did for me listen well, let's say that within six months I added you to my trust because we are field companions Hunting companions, whatever we do, so you can use the item with or without me, so yes I want to use that escrow to go back and buy another silencer.
Now you are included in my trust so that trust goes back to the ATF for the next silencer I buy and the ATF looks at this paperwork and sees, oh hey, Ruben is in my trust now. Tyler is in my trust now you need to get fingerprinted, just like me, for some people, there is no problem, the guys that you have in your trust may already be in our system or they may live in California because he is your brother-in-law and when he comes, wants to use your stuff, whatever it is, oh I get you, yeah, if they've already gone through that process it's probably a little more streamlined, but if they don't have another step, which again isn't the end of the world, I just need to walk into one of our kiosks and fill out all the paperwork and we'll send all your stuff to the ATF, but for some people, I've now added 15 people to that trust over the course of the last six years of ownership. silencers or whatever the case may be, I have so many people there that including them all and having everyone submit passport style photos on our mobile app and all their demographic information is a huge pain.
Enter the single shot. Trust this. it's a trust where the name of the trust is the serial number of the item you purchased, that trust is only good for that NFA item, whether it's a short bear rifle or silencer or whatever, it shoots the ATF only with me . again approved, now I can add any responsible party I want to add to that trust, they will never need to do that passport photo with fingerprints, all that good stuff because that trust never goes back to the ATF with them in it, does that make sense? So for a lot of people, the $25 single-use confidence is kind of a no-brainer, because again it's not a one-size-fits-all fit, but for a lot of people it's just the easiest way to go. it goes to the ATF with only one person in it.
It is also fair to point out the difference between an individual and a trust. Typically, there will be different wait times for each clearance at ATF. Right now, people are processing a little faster than trusts. It is thought of from the ATF's point of view, which is a difficult thing for some people to do, but putting yourself in the shoes of the ATF if an individual registers, there is no additional trust documentation to review so one can move further. fast compared to a trust with There are 15 people in it and I reviewed the trust document,I made sure all the eyes are dotted, the boys' names crossed and teas are spelled correctly, the wives' names are spelled correctly, all of that, the kids' names are spelled correctly, all of that and then I checked all of them.
The additional information is going to take longer to process well and then you know, I guess a good thing too is that you don't have to have the forethought of ultimately knowing who you're going to add to that trust, like when you create the Trust the Most that you can, you can add someone in the future so you're not like when you make that trust. I guess I just don't do it. Maybe I just want to clarify what you already said, but I just found out. as a benefit just because you know you don't know who you might want to add or subtract from, so it's another one-shot benefit, which is why I personally use them now.
I have a very nice traditional NFA pistol, I trust that one. of our corporate lawyers wrote many years ago. I don't use it anymore because now, with just one shot, I get a lightweight hunting silencer for a 30 cal Magnum cartridge. I can add and remove my Hunting Buddies to that trust, but my home defense nightstand silencer my wife is the only one in that trust mhm no one else has access to that one and I have a bit to use the industry buzzword modularity on who's on what is a little more to keep track of again not the best for everyone you have to be a little more office and a little more organized to keep track of all the extra trusts but I really like that one U skill, my brother's in all of these, my hunting buddies are in all of these, my wife's in all of these, so yeah, you. you can really customize it as you go and that kind of thing folds into my next question is like oh man because from what I hear you buy a suppressor and no you don't it won't be your last yes and then I could see to a person saying, man, I want 15 confidence, you know, and the answer sounds like maybe yes, it could be yes, and that's because people always come to me and ask me what I should do right.
Again, it's a lot like how the Optics guy comes in and says I need a scope for what the hell, yeah, that's a great question, you asked the wrong person, exactly, um, for a lot of people, yeah, a single shooting is the way to go. I'll also mention that we have a one-shot unlimited option, our traditional NFA. The trust weapon at the time of recording is $130. We'll round up a nice round number and our single shot is 25. For $130, you can get our unlimited single shot, which is basically a one-time subscription fee for life and every time you purchase an NFA item. any of our distributors across the country will just add a single store to it every time you do it oh interesting in perpetuity yeah no joke eh MH that's cool again the point of the trust is not for us let's make fun of each other. about your eyes and make money from it, the goal of the trust is to create as many ways as possible to simplify this for as many people as possible because, as we were talking about before, there are barriers to entry and obstacles and I have to understand all these different things and at some point we started to dilute that by adding too many options, um, but we've tried to match it up so that it's basically three traditional NFA single shots and unlimited single shots, which is pretty much the same as single shots, I mean.
What I love about your company and the services that you offer, and you know essentially, for lack of words, the products that you have created here with trust. I mean, it's really simplified and streamlined the process as I can think of 15 years ago when uh, you talk to someone about saying yeah, I had to visit, you know, I visited my attorney, they drafted a Tru, I think you even mentioned it right and it's like Man, even just that, I really want to, I don't want to. I don't have a lawyer, you know what I mean? I'd have to go find a guy I don't know again, like he's one of those things we like.
I don't want to think about that now. do it later and then you don't like it 10 10 years ago that's what I went through, I got a lawyer, I built a trust and then you also have all the maintenance, so who do I contact when this changes? Who do you know? simple, we send you an email with a PDF body of the trust and then all the other things you will need in the future are in that same email, the addendums to add and delete people, all that good stuff is included in that email , so you just need to keep track of that, we missed something that seems too simple, well maybe that was part of the plan, yeah, the truck is running, let's head out.
We encounter this every day, people saying I've been thinking about buying a silencer and I just haven't pulled the trigger yet because there was too much or this sounds like a gigantic pain in the butt. There is a pain in the butt, it is not big. although we mitigate that as much as humanly possible and are there answering phones and emails all day, as are all of our distributors in the wild, if I can say something that's not too cliché, the longer you wait, the longer Wait, yes, the longer The longer you wait to pull the trigger, the longer you'll wait before you get a silence, yeah, I'm figuring it out, yeah, and you'll be back for a second.
Everyone always does it as soon as you get one. If you've never shot suppressed before, it's a different game and I tell people that all the time, they think I'm trying to sell them something that's fair, I am, but I'm not lying to you either, it's different for everyone. You already know that and I have shot with suppression before. I'm always very grateful when I'm around someone else who is suppressed shooting, and frankly, for a long time I've been part of the problem and not part of the solution. As far as that goes, but, man, it's just a pleasure and you have to be careful because very quickly you become kind of a jaded shooting range snob, where you show up at the shooting range and this person sitting next to you.
It doesn't have a muffler and you roll your eyes at them like, come on, man, what are you doing? Why are you shooting 5.56 with a muzzle brake right next to me? I don't want to be that guy anymore, rub, don't be that nobody. you like that guy, well now I have the tools, yeah, to solve this problem, so man, I'm going to have to start down the road. I said it last time, but I mean it this time, you said it. Last time, yes, it was three years ago, yes, think how many suppressants I could have now.
A couple of several to many. I have bad words to say about you. Can we do it off air? Yes, we will wait. Okay, well, calm down, guys. That wraps up this entire episode of The Vortex Nation Podcast. I figure if anyone else has any more questions or additional questions or wants to chat with you guys, Tyler, how do you make compatible with or our phone number? appears on the website I won't bark at you, reach out, reach out to them, call them, they'll help you like they helped me, take care, we'll see you next time, bye everyone, bye, thank you.

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