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107 Wander Over Yonder Facts You Should Know! | Channel Frederator

Jun 05, 2021
What do you do when you and your best friend have massive enemies defending the galaxy? Of course, at least that's what Wander and Sylvia do in the Disney XD animated series. They


there, traveling from planet to planet to defend themselves from Lord Hater and prevent him from conquering. the universe hello, I'm JD from Channel Frederator and we're here to tell all the optimistic details of this space adventure, so prepare Steve and fight your enemies because haters gonna hate, and also because it's 107




ing around there. start number one walk over there was created by Craig McCracken, who was also behind The Powerpuff Girls and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
107 wander over yonder facts you should know channel frederator
This is extremely evident in all three shows with an animation style where the characters have a similar design with thick outlines and bright colors. Number two by Craig McCracken. First job in animation was as an art director, he was part of their now wonderfully nostalgic creative staff, two stupid dogs, number three, Craig McCracken, worked with Cartoon Network for 17 years before doing the transitional business, Wanderer Yonder's, the first show we worked on for Disney, where he was given almost total creative freedom number four cartoons like walking around there Powerpuff Girls and my life is a teenage robot are all connected craig mccracken genndy tartakovsky a thief and the city were roommates after college this combined with the tropes of that era of cartoons could explain why their jobs are a similar field number five the Krakens favorite cartoon is a boy one of the minor influences the tall ones wander around there, they were the underdogs, cartoons like Bad and Mickey Mouse were influences on the show's design due to the importance of iconography.
107 wander over yonder facts you should know channel frederator

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107 wander over yonder facts you should know channel frederator...

Rihanna's 6th Wonder has a little more in common with McCracken's other shows, like the others. It is an Annie Award for best animated television production for children. The number 7 one beyond was created around the Wonders character rather than the concept of a space cartoon. Greg agreed that Warner's character came before any general idea he wanted the show to be about. Wandering around with plots and ideas from secondary memory. The Kraken wanted to make a character who was eternally optimistic because he was too tired of the dark, brooding, mean or cynical character. archetypes that are saturating the media number 9 the cookie character was originally a random doodle that he kept coming back to during his time working on Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
107 wander over yonder facts you should know channel frederator
I didn't


what to do with the doodle at the time, but I enjoyed playing with it. the characters designed Wander's original kitchens had him with fur or fur, a different hat, and a number 10 cane. The wife of animator Lauren Faust Craig McCracken and showrunner of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and fellow producer of the show, McCracken has specifically noted that he and his team wanted to return to the roots of animation for traveling further using plastics fast-paced humor number 12 it takes a year or three months to complete an episode of Wandering Over There this is due to the many teams of the show ghostwriters producers animators editors cast members directors production team storyboard and designers number 13 That being said, it takes a creative team two days to come up with just the story for any episode.
107 wander over yonder facts you should know channel frederator
My character says that he is a mix of stars. It takes a long time because each episode has to have a specific tone that has to be determined before animated number 14. There are 60 people. McCracken said that when he was developing the show there was something missing in the process, which he soon realizes is that a 15th team of collaborators, the show's animation is not handled by Disney, it is handled by Mercury Film Works. . They are based in Canada and have worked with Disney on numerous projects. The wonderful 16th honor was earned in 11 minutes. Eggman due to network commands and Tran Hammond, according to McCracken, realized that the cartoons did not rate as highly in independent cartoon repeats and he initially wanted to. to do wander in a longer, interconnected format, but was told no, however, he was allowed to add some elements of depth in the second season number 17, The Water Beyond for the first season has between 1,500 and 2,000 panels of storyboarding, this is due to the fact that digital animators and traditional animators work on the show and they all constantly add more and more new poses to the panel to make the jokes work better.
Number 8, the second season has a greater emphasis on continuity first on McCracken's blog. different features in individual 11-minute episodes served the overall story versus the 22 minutes two partners even say that the 22 can be played as a movie number 19 1 beyond is animated using the program to increase harmony, the process is done with finished drawings and computer animations that render pieces digitally so everything looks like hand-drawn illustrations number 20 the show's sets and designs are heavily inspired by the science fiction genre and have a backlight, ask for fuel McCracken said he was trying to create a sci-fi aura that feels pre-Star Wars its inspirations include Terry Gilliam's animation the old sci-fi novel Congress the final art design for the show was aptly dubbed lava lamp aesthetic number 21 another inspiration for the The show's unique aesthetic was the Muppets.
McCracken was inspired by the simplicity of Henson's puppets and wanted to incorporate those designs into his characters for the 22nd show. Another inspiration for the show's style is a Croatian television show called Professor Balthazar McCracken. He said he and the art director asked Irwin to discover the show two years later. before and have used it as a touchstone for wandering around there, the animation, particularly for Lord Hater's appearance, the show's 23rd style, particularly for the characters, has been called Lava Theory and A Practical Director's Guide The program's art director, Alex Kerwin, notes. that the characters


have a somber feel and


flow naturally when they move rather than being rigid or rigid number 24 the world of wandering out there is not from our universe the Kraken says that the surrealism and brilliance of the plans to wander our visits are not tied to the earth and are inspired by media such as Yellow Submarine number 25 wonderful at the door high sighs the inspirations did not remain just an aspiration their thanks to Star Wars in many episodes and the season 1 episode, the Mascot is an 11-minute homage to Ridley Scott's 70s extraterrestrial thriller in the 26s, most of Wander Over Yonder is Music was created by a New York City duo called the Two-Man Gentleman Band.
The group made up of a bassist and a banjo player began on the New York City subway and have since released seven albums, their silly songs capturing the essence of the show perfectly, such as number 27. The show uses a wide variety of instruments and musical styles, from kazoos to banjos to blown water jugs. Those types of sounds help give the show a silliness, but for more serious episodes, sounds like pianos, bagpipes, and choirs are used to provide a bit of gravity. We're at number 28. The show's very varied environments mean that each episode has a different color palette, called color script in production, this also carries over. to characters who gain a new color palette to match that of the stray setting, for example using a variety of teal, purple, magenta and gray, while the lyre uses yellow, gray and orange number 29, the which is why my commander peepers and any other guard dogs are different in colors.
In certain scenes it is due to leadership, normally the purchases are black, but if they were black inside the ship they would not show correctly, so the creative team makes them purple for those themes. The 30th comic book writer and artist, Noelle Stevenson, became part of the writing team for the second season. He was at his most famous for his creation of the webcomic Nimona and the Lumberjack comic series. His writing style and his style of humor fit together fantastically without his vagabond humor back in issue #31 Stephen One was supposed to be about Sylvie. They wandered to learn to like each other, but Disney rejected the idea according to McCracken, Disney's superiors one of the two of these Frenchmen begins with the ease of telling stories number 32 more tears movements and dances during the song here the best of The Mifare episode Haiti was inspired by Michelle Pfeiffer, specifically Lord Haters, advertised as singing on the piano, were taken from Piper's baby roll in The Fabulous Baker Boys issue 33.
The season 2 episode, The Wanders, was partly written by a boy, a young fan named Charlie. Inspired by the show and wrote an original idea for the episode, his father submitted the idea to the creative team of "Wandering That Place" and Charlie was able to help with the production of the 34th episode, Dominator's menacing theme song when he was partly inspired by the sound. of walking atat from Star Wars for inspiration McCracken sent wonders to each composer Andy Bean an hour-long YouTube video of the sound of 8080 walking the song and the sound has a lot in common, including a fairly sounding number 35 bass industrial, the original final tag for the gift was longer than what was actually transmitted.
Disney Channel allows a 30 second ending, while Disney XD only allows 15 seconds. The final 30-second tag features stunners totally sweating a treat in Tim's bed and giving him a kiss on the forehead beforehand. Episode number 36, The Liar, was inspired by a real-life news story after watching an interview on ABC with a banker who saved a group of ducklings from supposed repentance, took the condom and added lava to the states and that's it. , an episode wanders. there number 37 was born almost all the episode titles follow a very particular naming convention the name inserted religion the plot here this has only been broken in one episode which was season 2 it's my beautiful hey that title is a reference to the famous musical my fair lady About that, according to the show's creator, the black 38 was too good to pass up, so you can choose to have the cartoon covered in dog hair.
The episode's storyboard was written by Ben Ballas Terry, who unfortunately fools the dog. The beaker spewed out ridiculous amounts of hair. This person spread throughout the world. by the ballast area and his wife and even appeared in one of the background scenes of cartoon number 39. Craig McCracken joked about doing an episode called The Patients. This is a reference to wonder, everything understands that it ends in patience when waiting for a new episode number. 40 The version of Lord Hater that appears in the hae erv commercial looks different from the animated Lord Hater due to legal restrictions. The cartoon is very heavy but not polished.
The version made by a stupid friend looks jet black because FCC rules say it can't be seen. As a real toy that can be made, water number 41 was going to be significantly older than the version we see him in the show, based on the old storyboards and the wonder of the design, he had a much rougher and scruffier look, or Looking like he had a long beard and a cane displaying images reminiscent of a similar wanderer, Gandalf, the gray wonder from Ford of the Rings #42, was originally inspired by 1960s underground comics and card illustrations. congratulatory 1970s hippies on his blog regretted revealing his old wandering artwork from 2003 that shows him with a body-sized beard reminiscent of his cousin from The Addams Family and rainbow stripes, however , the floppy green hat was already the president's 43rd, the washing age is still ambiguous, it certainly looks ageless and could well be a thousand years old. craig mccracken Tumbler said wondering might not be that old, though especially since he gained a fake beard before to mimic aging number 44, no one really


s what the hobo is, the fandom calls them furry space nomads and when asked in an interview .
In this regard Jack McBrayer joked that one during an intergalactic space Nomad with a green cowboy hat number 45 wonder was designed in part to be drawn easily in an interview with geek father Craig McCracken noted that he likes characters that children can draw and that inform the appearance of the Powerpuff Girls blue and now roam the 46 Sylvia and wander were created to be opposites when talking about the creation of Sylvia, McCracken noted that the ideaFor her, it came from the desire to give Wonder a partner who would contrast her by being The number 47, confrontational and pragmatic from a design point of view, Sylvia and Wanda are also designed to complement each other.
The wandering is heavy while Sylvia is down and they fit together like a yin-yang symbol. Ours on the shore specifically recommended finding instances where we can hug each other because we stand close together to show this even the colors orange and blue are complementary number 48 the name is Sylvia the species is Zbornak the name sounds quite strange and made up but in reality is a reference to the character Dorothy Zbornak from the popular comedy The Golden Girls Northy is named after the show's stage manager Kent, born in the year 49. The color of the top of Sylvia's head changes shape according to our motion.
According to the art style guide created by art director Alex Car. I want the coat to excite Ashita and it should be drawn. specifically to reflect that number 50, well Susie, an unpleasant past, Heba, came out of nowhere, actually, there is quite a bit of foreshadowing in the previous episode before the writer Silvia showed herself to be an expert in stealth and weapons of fire and also knows how to hotwire a ship number 51 Sylvia knows about mixed martial arts voice actors April Winchell joked that it was one of her defining attributes besides walking on two legs number 52 here because Winchell was more inspired by Sylvia's expressions than in her appearance in a mixed media area who said she was able to see photos of her character before acting in Sylvia's crossed-armed pose. inspired her vocal characterizations number 53 White Jack McBrayer April Winchell also voiced Disney characters before being best known for her roles as Miss Finster in Recess and especially the cow Clarabelle in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse number 50 to wash shoes are extremely similar to those used by Will the imaginary friend who plays basketball with one arm in Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, well, not exactly the same clothes, characters, we are comparable, converse like sneakers number 55 in that note towards the shoes that hate Lord, in fact, the speakers are exactly the same as Wilton Wanders number 56.
Lord Hater is inspired by the legendary 1980s movie Flash Gordon directed by Dino De Laurentiis. This can't be an over-the-top flavor of the movie was his big inspiration for the villain, especially since he had fun with the bad guys instead of making them one-dimensional evils #57 Lord Hater and Wonder didn't originally exist in the same universe. Craig McCracken has said that he created the two characters separately and that early conceptualizations of Lord Hater were younger and skinnier than the villain and wandered off to rearrange. once it was realized that they would contrast each other, heater well started in the show, the cape design of water heater number 58 should look like blood dripping, this fits the role of a villainous character when contrasted with the eternal ink.
I want design number 59. Lord Hades' cape is not completely symmetrical. Art director Alice Carruth has specified that the design of the blood dripping on the enemy's body should be somewhat symmetrical but not tight. The 60th water heater ship is based on the fantasy plan of the 1933 cartoon animated by Terry Gilliam. and with psychedelic and strange regret 61 has noted that Lord Hater is a kind of protagonist of the show according to him here as the most alert and with the most room to grow, especially compared to the more mature vagabond who seems to have everything figured out already in the number 62.
Lord Hater has a lot of different names depending on each country, he is known as a heartless general and friends mark phobia in Spain Mr. Hater in Japanese Lord Terror in Italy Lord Impulsive Dutch Mr. sinister in Russia and best of all unpleasant in Romania other characters and they nicknamed him telephone head Oh daddy and hey number 63 water also has more than one name in the alternative time travel universe in the loss of time Soviet and witness of water alternative wandering is referred to as tumbleweed, it is also implied in the laundromats that wandering is not his real name number 64, some of the characters have trademarks such as favorite food, water, and Lord Hater as cake of cream with triple pickles, well, Sylvia loves jellyfish cake, not even 65 wonder if Sylvia and Lord Hater are based on specific elements that these elements had for their shape and movement according to the art director of the program the marvel floats like a balloon Sylvia is on the ground like a sack of flour and the hater is daunting and heavy like a boxing glove number 66 Those who hate the Soviet Lord are the same height, but when looking at a height chart drawn by the director from art Alex Croix, it's clear that the two are about the same size, even if Lord Haters' hat could add a few extra inches.
Issue 67 Lord Dominator was introduced to the show because of Lord Hater. After Lord Hater was revealed to be more of a goofy and sympathetic character than a real threat, the more imposing and evil Dominator was created to shake things up for the 68th main cast. Lord Dominator has two different voice actors/masked version , tall, imposing and terrifying. voiced by veteran voice actor Fred Ted, a moment while the unmasked version of him is played by Noel Wells. The introduction of the 69th red bases of a massive version of Lord Dominator in Noah Wells is the performance of the Dominator unmasked rather than acting separately or in a vacuum.
He reads each of the dominators lines well and then the temperature imitates their nuances and dubs on the same four masked dominators make sure they match properly with the number 70 style Dominator does not see Sylvia Lord wandering around who hates and looks like briolettes at his powers, they are more like mild annoyances or flies to be swatted according to McCracken wandering around the gang they are toys she can throw around like a cat playing with a mouse number 71 Dominator was created to be an evil mirror of all the other characters McCracken said this, she is in charge of Silvia older than those who hate and as evil as Wanderers, the good number 72, the characters wander is voiced by Jack McBrayer and this is not the first time he voices an animated role.
The biggest voice of a similar short and brave character in Disney's Wreck-It Ralph, the feelings that make McBrayer. the character shares an optimistic outlook on life number 73 talking about Jack McBrayer, the exact one, a big fan of the other McCracken, McCracken stated in an interview that McBrayer is Lola Foster's home for imaginary friends. We went straight to the project, the creator and the actor had lunch together. with fellow animator Lauren Faust and immediately discovered that real-life Hobo Number 7 was a poor writer and hobo, but on screen together, before his voice actors Will Arnett and Jack McBrayer, we co-star in the hit NBC show 31 X number 75 James.
Marvin, best known as Cyclops in the x-men franchise, has been a marvel of a guest star. The show has many high-profile guest stars and Marcin entered the club providing the voice with a heroic under-76 Brad Starlight, another guest star. Hunter with Jon Hamm, most famously, played advertising executive Don Draper on AMC's Mad Men. Here he plays the cartoon Lord Hater in the episode, click on our tune number 77. Weird Al has played the villain singing banana. The character was named Miss TV is Dr. Screwball Jones which is truly an amazing name and was a villain in Wanders Past issue 78 and luckily the great Jennifer Hale also had a guest role in Wand Over There, she plays the role of Princess Tamara number 79, Tom Kenny voices Commander Mirones, but he is also famous. for playing the well-known animator cartoon character SpongeBob SquarePants, his voice is very recognizable as the yellow sponge bunny, something like a vocal chameleon, he points to so many supporting characters and wanders around that it is difficult to know that it is actually him number 80 , tom kenny and craig.
McCracken have worked together before, which isn't all that surprising since Kenny is such a prolific voice actor that he voiced the mayor of Townsville in Powerpuff Girls issue #81, the group members wander over there to be the gentleman Andy Bean. and the guest of the most complete condom. they star in the season 2 episode, the waste of time, they play the role of Time Machine Adventures horrible and Wilma is right, and I don't need to tell you that the names are a pun on airplane pioneers Orville and Wilbur Wright, the number 82, all writers. I've had cameos on the show, typically Krakken, Noelle Stevenson, Time Hazy, Amy J Higgins and Fake and Gona all appeared in season 2 episodes, beat up and bad neighbor number 83, the main threat being an accidental reference from Jeff Bridges who painted the program.
Notice the similarities between the villain and the guy in the big house and posted on his blog about craig mccracken another ISM once, in response, they express their sadness at not having intentionally walked our way to reference number 84 despite which happened in an alternate timeline. Silvia was a reward. Hunter and her wandering met because of that, the Kraken has confirmed that what is shown in the time wasting is true and that wandering eventually brings Silvia to his side, which is eternal optimal number 85. Craig McCracken is very involved with his fan. You have a tumblr. and Twitter account where he calls himself crack the Kragen and frequently answers questions from fans.
Of particular note is the fact that a fan tweeted a screenshot of an episode in which he approved assuming it had a second ghost head and craig mccracken explained that it was due to an 86th animation technique, there was a fan theory floating around that a monkey who appeared briefly in season 2 was actually more of an enemy, however, the story enters the bonus Franken debunks by saying that the enemy chimpanzee is actually an unused character named monkey boy who was me during a hypothetical season. It's always cool, if you look closely at Sylvia's blanket, the threads on it spell out the letters CMCC.
This no doubt means craig mccracken number 88, which are the many references hidden in awe there. There's also a shout out to Rosie the gap riveter. and the polka dot scarf made famous by the World War II icon is imitated by Sylvia in the episodes, the 89th ball, which is almost a Star Wars joke in the second season, is a waste of time according to the Damn Go Nez, okay, let's say. about the time machine, who is my most recent invention, the orb transporter, we wanted to call them Skywalker, but we couldn't for legal reasons, that joke was obviously removed for legal reasons, the river number 91 over there and the gravity falls, the kind of crossover in the cartoon episode. the Gravity Falls voice cast, including creator Alex Hirsch, lent their voices to the characters in Wander Over Yonder number 91, the individual episodes, a show, we will have posters dedicated to them representing what each plot would be about according to McCracken.
I wanted to create posters for the episode, but working on the actual show was much more important. However, a poster on the black cube exists and can be found on his blog number 92. Iger Winchell's favorite aspect of the show is the positivity of it. She said that because of the comments. Often oriented toward mockery, it can be difficult to be funny in an optimistic way and is delighted that the show achieves this number 23. Jeffrey Brayer and April Winchell's favorite episode is Bathtub Deafness Involves Wandering and Sylvia Finds a Giant Boy in a shopping center and has to return it. for his parents it's their favorite because of the stuffing it's numbered 94 a member of the fandom has created a life-sized Lord Hater plush it's completely accurate to the show and stands almost six feet tall Jamie McCracken reposted the truly impressive photos The creation of fans express their gratitude for the number 95, thanks to the program, make all kinds of hearts and products to express devotion, including graffiti and Copenhagen Denmark, there is a beautiful piece of street art depicting commander peepers in another watchdog number 96, every honor is asked, there is a reference to the popular internet meme video of He-man singing the song from 1993, what's up?
There is a fully animated clip of Lord Hater and Wander dancing and watching similar to the meme at the end of the season 2 episode 2 cartoon, the correction is highlighted. clip on his blog and it's 15 seconds of his 97th time well spent, Wonder Rionda cuts the air: the prelude season to form a single 11-minute episode as they launch a standalone cartoon vehicle here in the story when the order is seen Chronological issue #98 There's Happy for One: Beyond which takes place before the show where Kraken was originally going to release a Marvel-focused graphic novel covering his and Sylvia's misadventures.before the show's timeline, but then began working for Disney to make cartoons and the graphic novel was shelf number 99 While Sylvia repeatedly opens and closes a door in season 2 episodes, the void because tons of Images placed there by the creative team include images of awe and Sylvia's old designs, photos of Kraven smashing Jack McBrayer, the two-man. general preview this free train bonus upsets all measures of the Kraken thanking fans for taking the time to capture all the images of the 100th door thank you: Lord Haters amazing bands from season 2 episodes the funk well, not one full size, but you can buy a beautiful paper craft or the killer car that is an exact copy of the van that appears in the 101st show, although it is a term for fans, but the free star Nomad is used to describe wandering in the program.
The chips are talked about in season 2. The emergency frog failed and it is said that the Kraken was carried as a nod to the fan and he also really likes the number 102. Lord Haters' ship was designed to be parallel to his own design and to make it look like a nightmarish pinball machine that goes with darkness and neon is austere. In contrast to the bright and whimsical world number 103, Lord Eater was never supposed to be a villain, he was designed to be dimwitted and insecure, and while he starts the show acting menacing and frightening, the actors quickly see that he is actually more an idiot number 104.
The voice of Heath Ferguson's Lord Hater worked with Craig McCracken before playing the role of blue in Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends number 105, he is in two. Mifare haiti was inspired by other disney musicals, specifically mary poppins in the jungle book number 106 in just two. Seasons Wonder, all honors have been nominated for E and E Awards, in 2014, 6 and 2016 1, for outstanding achievement in character animation and character designs for outstanding achievement. The show was also nominated for an Emmy in 2015 for the episode The Gift to the Giffany. Despite all these achievements, marvel over there ended x2 season number 107 David Ragan realizes that the episode he is most proud of in the second season is empty, in fact on Twitter he said that it was one of his favorite cartoons of his entire career thanks for watching 107


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