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102 YEARS LATER... Granny Mom and Grandpa Dad turn old! Family Snowball Fight & Heart Sticker Pox

May 14, 2024
my idea, I think I was using it, I had tied it with our ideas. Honey, oh you want a jacket, the snow jackets, there's no warmer, warmer clothes, it's cold out there, oh hey little one, don't pressure me, okay, I need to help these kids get ready vlog, you You sit here, that's how dirty you must remember to wash. your lens after filming stinks up here you have washed his feet we have to wash his feet tonight you need to remember a lot of your feet no, you broke your back again no, it's okay oh no no again oh, we put them on backwards That's not the front, how do you put this on?
102 years later granny mom and grandpa dad turn old family snowball fight heart sticker pox
You got them wrong, no, it was you, I'm not wrong, when will you finally learn? You're not always right, you're changing me like a baby, you're just a baby compared to me girl eat your vegetables no, you don't eat your vegetables you never eat them you're going to grow you don't need your vegetables thank you lucky you have these snow pants, they're all buttoned up, she fell on me again, get her off of me. You better not post that on TV, yeah, he has no hair, he's just swearing, you send them to TV, stop it, you come back here.
102 years later granny mom and grandpa dad turn old family snowball fight heart sticker pox

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102 years later granny mom and grandpa dad turn old family snowball fight heart sticker pox...

You will send that to television How do I delete this? We're ready to go. I found my keys. Where did you get them from? Why does it have a key? It is the key to your


. I'm supposed to have it. OK come. in one two where is the youngest one he is here there are three oh she is taking a nap you always forget about the third jennifer because she is always in diapers wait she doesn't know if everyone is ready okay please I froze you are that's a mistake out of respect for the old man don't freeze them she's under me oh koopa you're still alive cooper how old are you in dog


now he's like 200


old probably that was a cool trip that was brandon play that again that was really cool watch out there are stairs here let's go slow okay I made it so she guys she's running look at this trampoline it's covered in snow whoa boom I'm breaking this egg good job girl oh you guys are making a doll of snow, what did they get?
102 years later granny mom and grandpa dad turn old family snowball fight heart sticker pox
You put them here, the main girl, I'm doing the middle, could you help me? Yes you rolled up dog poop where good job Niko he saved us. You're a good boy, good boy, mom raised her eyes, thank you, Nico, your dad raised his right. your mom raised your dad she sure didn't teach you to be a gentleman there's another dog there's another dog this is a bad idea nico get that jennifer you've always had a weak stomach i do when it comes to snowmen and dog poop yeah Oh Adley, your


is getting pretty big here, he wants a snowman right here, I like that idea, let's build the snowman right where it belongs, okay, let's put this up here, come on, don't break up, let the adults take care of this.
102 years later granny mom and grandpa dad turn old family snowball fight heart sticker pox
Well here we go, who dropped this camera in the snow right here, that's not where it goes? Unfortunately, when you're done with things, you have to put them in their place, they don't belong in the snow, young lady, and fun things, and snow is funny, okay, I agree with that, this snowman looks great, Sean , what happened, he lost his body, I just went to get some gloves and you already lost this, wait, this will be a good head, oh, what are you doing, honey, what are you doing? Okay, okay, show me the body and this will be the head.
Can you be the head? Nico, you are the head of this snowman. Oh, okay, that's the best snowman we've ever had. So real it needs some buttons. Wow, it'll fly down. Hamley. They are fine? We need a new body guys. I had that idea and you guys pushed me and I


ed. It's a great idea. Yes, the pusher rolls towards the ball. Girl, you move, let's see if it collects some snow that it doesn't collect. lots of snow, that's a good idea, funnily enough, there's no snow stuck to you, there's a piece here, okay, it had dog poop in it, we should go fill it with snow, all I have to do is make you sleep, oh wait, why didn't we do it?
That, oh, that's so good, good job, okay, oh, you gotta do it right, girl, like that, no, okay, well, that feels better, oh my God, both of you don't put that on the TV, put that on on television, don't do it. My back feels better oh, there you go, okay, you


ed into a bird, what are you doing in the burger? Hey, summer, hey, look, there's nana, how is she younger than you? vitamins, I don't eat vitamins, I just eat, do you take a lot of vitamins, so you came, oh my gosh, that's so much fun, that's good, it's good to see you, you're in, Navy is sleeping, but she might be waking up, you're so mean to your mom, oh, those are snowballs of love, okay?
I need to get you, don't understand your mom, let's put this hood up there now, you know, I can't see, you got my flashlight, she's trying, yeah, she did this to me, I'll get you, girl, I'm sorry about that snowball. I love you though, where did Nico go? You walked away from me, Jennifer, where is Nico really? I found him, he's behind the shed, like what are you doing? Oh, he made a fire that's so clever, it stays warm, we're all here playing. the snow and he stays warm oh you're a good boy oh light it up i think we should probably go inside my bones are getting brittle it sure has been fun building that valentine box for a hundred years and playing in the snow chocolate for all of us we should drink some hot chocolate do you want some hot chocolate let's give me some hot chocolate come on let's have fun with me I also have niko gloves these kids need to remember to pick up their gloves leave the gloves outside it's just going to get colder and it's just going to cause problems for what takes it off look at her she needs to go through the chimney that goes inside I drop the dough the same with the jackets that go inside or else they freeze I just saw my reflection we are old, this is crazy, you still have that shine in your hair now we can't monetize this on youtube because it was disgusting oh take a seat buddy we'll be right back what are you doing?
Okay, put on my slippers. They are ready? Yeah, yeah, okay, it's like a hot spring in your backyard when I was a kid, we used to heat the water on the stove and pour it into the bathtub and those were our hot tubs, you kids are lucky to have hot water. bathtubs in the back you're so lucky girl hey you forgot your walker oh give me my walker I put my towels there oh you always fall off the handle it fell off does everyone have a towel yeah yeah what's it called? this i don't have that's my towel no one has towels just me buddy guys plan ahead girls always forget their towels i almost fell down the stairs go get your towels go get two towels young lady braxton don't put any of those shots on me without my hair on the tv it's brandon it's brandon you know I'm brandon don't put any of my hairless shots on this tv show oops oh good job we have matching towels I love matching this camera here you look at the towels holding the towels it snowed here we are sure we want to do this tell me the jacuzzi was green sure i just bought the jacuzzi what oh sorry nico I was just going to let you put it in there yeah oh it's over there I can barely see my hair it's getting so long you need your glasses i don't need glass yes you need it you've been saying that for years it has gas i think it's electric baby it's not working it's working why doesn't this work all that steam makes me so cozy oh guys this is abuse it'll make you younger oh always They say she said something about her tooth this is your source teeth source wait, they said something, who said something, is it there? something in my eye, oh my god, you scared me, wow, nico, sorry, alright buddy, okay kid, put those floaties on, okay, wait, don't you need your clothes?
Oh, this is amazing, wait, I don't even have your swimsuit on, honey. my swimsuit is here this is cool why I came in with my jacket your hair is not old you have hair again I'm younger what I am I'm not a hotel in the chat oh I'm not old anymore leave those, leave them right here, oh come on, take it, I don't want my hair cut, you have to put on slippers, put it in, mom, you're back, oh my god, she's young again, your hair is back to normal. red hair again no it's not even curly I hope the hair doesn't


curly when I wait why is there a dog in the jacuzzi get this out of here where is my hair? someone pick up my hair nico my hair is down there don't you don't need those glasses anymore, hey, I wore some shoes in the jacuzzi, okay, get the other shoe, okay, another shoe, thanks, you don't need them, hey mom, the You'll get it, you're so sexy.
She looks good when she's young, come on guys, she's fine, Navy is taking a nap, it's a miracle, my mom is taking care of her and now the


can swim. You have another dog in the pool. This jacket if you are like an observer of the best days of your life. I admit this, I found it deep in the closet. I haven't used it for years. This thing has been all over the world. I gave my Ted Talk using it. He has been to so many countries. I love it. He has 10 years. Neff says. She's back when.
I used to work for Neff right when I started Snapchat, so she's eight. I actually left him in Norway after visiting him and I know I'm a very young man and grab my shoes. She will have a snow baby. Oh no, snow babies are coming. in the jacuzzi she is not going to like that that snow baby is not going to like the jacuzzi good job friend hello

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