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$100million in diamonds!

May 31, 2021
for that and you know how sad I feel for those people, they always will. They exist, they live lives where they don't believe in themselves and believe that they can do something for themselves and every time they see someone who is successful they hate them and that would be very sad if they changed that energy to believing in themselves and doing something with your lives maybe you could walk in here buy something yeah so to all the haters, you all are great people. I wish you the best.something you can do give yourself some empowerment go out and make a good living you can do this this this I acquired through hard work I have been working since I was 14 I never inherited a penny I never took a nickel anyone's cents, this is all hard work, tell them what you used to do.
100million in diamonds
I started in New York cleaning labs at age 14 for a jewelry company in Manhattan, so let's talk about starting from the bottle, from cleaning bathrooms to dusting and vacuuming. and then be a messenger and then ascend and that shows you that it can be done. I washed dishes for the British Army in a very, very unpleasant way when I was 19 and saved every penny I earned. I put it in my education is worth it so again anything is possible here is living proof two guys who literally had nothing and we can have anything through hard work you can achieve it.
100million in diamonds

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100million in diamonds...

Oh, so we show you these things so that you know that these beautiful things can be obtained. I can't afford everything on this tray, maybe a couple of pieces, but going back in time, I couldn't afford a burger. I worked hard to do this, he cleaned toilets, he couldn't afford it either, he worked hard. and we can all do that you just have to believe in yourself you have to set an achievable goal and grow from there guys we can all do this so go out there put all the effort in the world into it make it happen.
100million in diamonds
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100million in diamonds

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