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$1000 Seafood Challenge in Vietnam!! Asia’s Exotic Shellfish!!

May 12, 2024
In this video, oh look, I'm going to try to spend that gigantic US$




here in Vietnam. Will I be able to eat that much? I lived in Vietnam for about seven years and during that time. I have shown you so many different types of


that this place has to offer. Vietnam has a long and beautiful coastline, so fishing is a major industry here at the moment. I'm at a restaurant called Rand Liam and this place is famous for the great selection of live seafood they have now, when you come to a place like this there's a lot of imported seafood you can buy and it's definitely expensive but I'm not going to spend money on that.
1000 seafood challenge in vietnam asia s exotic shellfish
I will try to reach a thousand dollars eating only what is mainly local. There are some new seafood that you guys have never seen on this channel that we are going to try today. The first thing we're going to do is do a quick tour and show you some of the dozens of species of seafood that you can order fresh, come on, so this is what normal people can sit down, open a menu and decide what to eat, but I prefer to look staring into the eyes of the creature I'm about to eat, so first all you clams be careful not to stick your finger in if it opens a little don't trust here they have a beautiful orange grouper and there is a grouper over here that is a little more camouflage, let's say here this is abalone, let's see if I can get one of these out, maybe a small one, oh god, they have the strongest grip ever, how do you get it off?
1000 seafood challenge in vietnam asia s exotic shellfish

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1000 seafood challenge in vietnam asia s exotic shellfish...

They just have like a big spatula and they cut it off oh wow okay so he actually climbs into the aquarium and just uses his hand turns out you just need some manly strength that's it look this thing is so big it has other abalones attached look that's the whole picture my video is probably being demonetized YouTube AI just threw up some red flags and said what the hell is that? I've never seen one so big. I'm curious if the taste will be better. Would it be softer or harder since it is so big that it weighs 0.5 kilograms? around 37 we will see this prepared for him, but first I will get other seafood.
1000 seafood challenge in vietnam asia s exotic shellfish
Take a look at this guy, so this is a Kong, also known as a sea snail, oh my gosh, you can see these are his eyes and This is a teal, it's very hard, like a nail, but all of this It's just meaty muscle. I think I'm going to buy this one because it's huge because it's impressive, but we have to weigh it first before we weigh it. we have to have one more p P lose weight lose weight wow 2.78 kilograms that's going to be 135 dollars it doesn't seem so bad to me it's a lot of meat I'm curious how they're going to get the meat and how they're going to cook it but we'll find out soon I'll check the preparation cooking has started right here for our giant snail, he's just put the scissors on the side here to keep the meat from coming out and right now he's going to make a small hole in the shelf while he puts it in, that should free up the grip he the snail has in the shell.
1000 seafood challenge in vietnam asia s exotic shellfish
It's like I'm giving him a lobotomy. Look at that, so this is the meat here and all the organs down here. I can see that compared to the shell, the meat is much less today we are going to prepare this conch in two ways: the first is sashimi, okay the chef is making quick work of this thing by cutting off the parts that people don't do you really want to eat or maybe you're just going to steam that separately oh they cut off the heel and then this is the main meat mask that's left. One thing you may not realize is that this meat is super dense and very tough, so if it's going to make good sashimi, you're going to have to cut it very thin, oh, that looks beautiful, the process of removing the abalone has started, it gets a brief steam and then this guy literally rips it out of its shell, oh my gosh, pull some out. of the organs from below and there is only a large portion of meat left from here, it is going to mark the meat.
I think we're going to roast this today. Okay, the meat is put in a good meat and then that's it. They're going to go grill, they have an outdoor fire pit right here where you can see all the other seafood, they also have shrimp, squid, oysters and then of course our fucking giant abalone. I'm not sure how long it will last. take it because it's pretty thick, but maybe in 10 or 15 minutes we'll see it come off, we have our first meal, it looks amazing and here's the abalone, so my man is going to finish cutting this, I was just told.
This is one of the biggest abalone they have ever seen and it took them so long to cook it that they had to put it back on the grill. Now that we have our abalone cut, let's take a tour of the table. We have this one. conch prepared in two ways first of all this is the sashimi look at that very decorative and beautiful I think it is even a radish now this is also sashimi over here but the first intended destination of this sashimi is not my mouth it is over here this is a plate large filled with fermented rice broth, we will try it later first.
I really want to see this abalone. Come and take a look. Usually a whole abalone would have so much meat and it seems like it's only a small portion. everything was coated with Vietnam's famous green onion oil and then some peanuts too for a bit of texture. Try it, OMG it doesn't disappoint at all. Salty, has a little smoked onion flavor and then a little. of peanuts and is otherwise packed with sweet natural seafood juices, it has an amazing texture, sure it's a little dense, but it's still soft, that's amazing, it's going to be hard to beat today, but we'll try it here with a fucking giant snail. this is the sashimi conch, it's on a bed of ice right now so it's staying really cold, let's see, yeah, it's very crunchy, it's almost like the texture of a sea cucumber and I know that maybe that's not helping many of you who have never tried it. sea ​​cucumbers, but it's the only kind of cucumber I'll eat and it's thin and cold and then it's like eating pig's ear cartilage, so it's a sashimi, but what you're supposed to do here is put it in a broth and cook it.
It's going to absorb some of that fermented rice flavor in this broth and let's see what difference that made when cooking it. You can see now that it's no longer translucent, it's kind of white and opaque at this point, so let's try it, oh yeah, it is. I picked up a delicious Savory which is from that broth, another texture still a little hard but a different feel, it's not as snappy, it's a completely different experience, so in the first round we collected so many dollars that are on the screen right now. I have two rounds left.
I'm going to go back to the aquarium and see what else I can find for the first round. These were shelled creatures for two. I'm going for lobster, but not the lobsters you'd traditionally think of like this bunny. Lobster. or the Alaskan lobster here we have the slipper lobster take a look at this guy it's about 35 or 40 a pound which is pretty expensive but these other slipper lobsters are actually a little bit smaller and they're about half the price per pound, so what I'm going to do now is sort each one of them and see how they compare to each other, like when your parents compared you to your older brother or sister, they'll love it, it's time for the extraction that I told him to give it to him.
I, the four largest lobsters you can find in each color and that's what you're looking for right now. This guy is a professional, he knows exactly how to handle his meats and these are not that small, they seemed much smaller, but in his hand they are. It's still a very respectable size, well, and there are four of them, let's weigh it well, so first we have the red ones that weigh 2.98 kilograms and then these ones here weigh 1.7 kilograms and they actually weigh a lot more than me. I expected them to be bigger than I expected, it's about eight pounds of food, the total price together is about $526 just for this round of food which is crazy, right here we have the boiled lobsters when you look at it like that. it looks like a spider that has been killed until all its legs come back together its a little creepy but definitely absolutely delicious right now we have the red lobster completely ready to grill it took about 20-25 minutes between boiling and grilling and right now He's cutting it in half to reveal the beautiful meat inside, oh look at the meat inside, you can see the head butter right here, you can see this crazy juicy tail meat.
I can't wait to try that. Alright, here we have lobster cooked in two different ways. ways it's so beautiful on this side we have the velvet lobster sautéed with garlic now this was the one with a little more camouflage, they have a lot more meat than I expected, you can see that garlic crust around it. I'm going to try to really dig into the top and then see if the rest comes out, boom, take a look at that, it's some succulent looking lobster meat, we've got these garlic flakes stuck in there, let's try it, oh dear lord.
I've gone all out, I think the lobsters found in Alaska, some call them Canadian lobsters, some call them Alaskan lobsters, they have big claws, but the tail is a little overrated, sometimes it can be a little stringy, but here They have a wonderful consistency. It has texture, it has a bite but it's not too chewy. You see the different sections of the muscle separate a little bit, so it's a beautiful color and that crunchy garlic has a nice flavor. Additions here they gave me a nice micro dish of fish sauce, let's give it a try. a little sauce, oh yeah.
Seafood bathed in a sauce made from other seafood, it doesn't get any better than that and then here we have the red lobster. Now it has simply been boiled and then grilled if only roasted. It may get a little harsh and you may notice this here. At first I thought it might have been the head butter, but no, I think it's eggs. I'm going to try just a bite of egg. Oh, it smells so fishy. Let's hit. with just a little bit of fish sauce, definitely raw and salted eggs, but I think putting a little bit of fish sauce on it gives it a new dimension of flavor, so it really works very well and what makes it even better is it's very weird because we have four lobsters here and only that one had these beautiful orange eggs inside.
I'm going to try this lobster because it looks like it has the most lobster meat in its little body, oh my goodness, that's it. gigantic, okay, here's a green seafood and chili sauce, it's like one of the favorite condiments in Vietnam, let's see, oh, this one could be a little juicier, it's a little sweeter, this sauce is amazing, my tongue is Like on fire right now. I'm super salty and savory, but you have to keep in mind that there's a reason this one costs almost twice as much and I think it's because they're harder to find, so this is dish number two.
I only have one plate left. We're more than half a thousand away, but I want to get the rest of the way there. I want to see if it can be made in just three courses at a seafood restaurant in Vietnam. I showed you the central aquarium of this place, but here they are. have the most dangerous creatures in this restaurant first of all take a look at these These are the eels They told me that these eels bite you they emit a fluid that prevents you from stopping bleeding that means bleeding a lot it's not good right here a damn shark Well, Now I'm not here for the eels or the sharks.
I came here to try a fish I had never tried before. The fish with the most kissable fat lips in the ocean. I'm talking about parrotfish. That's what they told me. Parrotfish can be quite expensive. I'm going to try to get a really big one. Let's now see if the fish costs us more than a thousand dollars. We will find out. Boom, this is our brave fisherman here, so he's going to be the best. right here with the Nets, he drops it and nothing so far, nothing, jumps yes, he has one, oh this is the big wet sacred cow, look at this thing, okay, he puts it on and it weighs those 3.3 kilograms with the ones they actually start with.
Cutting the fish almost in half. I'm here. He's going to peel away some of the organs and intestines. Do you think they are going to throw them away? It's not very likely that all those different organs, clippings, and foreign body parts will come together. together in a hot pot we have three different dishes that will be prepared with this fish and we will see it soon on the table. We have our final dish right here. Parrotfish have been turned into three different foods. I want to talk about this first here, take a look at all these different ornaments.
It looks like a liver. There are other organs here, but what I really want to point out to you is that this is the mouth and then inside, you can see the teeth moving. nothing here will be wasted, every cut is inside. I'm going to put about half of this in the hot pot that just slides in there, so we'll let it cook completely while we have this. right here, this is a beautiful stir fry, here we go mmm, the seasoning is delicious, it's a little sweet, a little savory, crispy on the outside, a little chickeny, it's not flaky, it's a little mush, the texture of the meat is very delicious so far.
I'm very impressed, let's look at this, this is the grilled portion of our fish. Oh, take a look at it's roasted on this side, it's gotten a little charred and brown and then here it turned all white. Still very soft, I mean it had a unique look when it was raw because it was just red and white. It seems that many fish are one or the otherNow that it is fully cooked, it is very white and looks slightly flaky. Test it. Wow, that's texture like no other, it's not like it's a little soft and crumbly. Pollock or tilapia really have some body to them, there's no fishiness to them at all and some parts are even a little tough, but not tough in a bad way, just tough like they are. a little bite here's the red part now I'm curious so it's going to be different oh it's so different it's like dark chicken meat this is a very dynamic fish it had a lot going for it until you know we killed it here our the fish is boiling , oh, so these are all those organs, small intestines, maybe kidneys, fish has kidneys, so it's there, oh my God, that's a mouth that looks like a nightmare.
I'm going to put it back right here, we have all the organs. this part may be very very fishy, ​​it's going to be difficult, it could be some other fish, part no one knows about, try it abroad, it doesn't have much fish yet, although I'm so confused right now that the first bite really makes me It took your breath away in a way that I can't say it was good, it was traumatic, you know? I think this is what people like about the Hot Pot here. If you're going to get a fish as big as this, you have to get the hot pot because yes, of course, you can grill it. and of course you can take the meat and sauté it, but what are you going to do with all those random cuts?
What are you going to do with the heads with the eyebrows with this part of the elbow? All of that has to come together in one. pot and boil and that's what you've done here guys, that's the end of this video. I couldn't eat more. All the extra food in this episode was saved and not wasted. Now the only thing left to do is catabulate all the food. food I ate today and see if I spend more than a thousand dollars on seafood here in Vietnam. It's the end of the video, but I still haven't revealed if I spent more or less than a thousand dollars.
Now we have five different foods that we need to add at this time we have the Abalone we have the giant sea snail we have the Velvet Slipper Lobster we have the Red Slipper Lobster and then we have the Giant Parrotfish now I have not yet revealed the price of the fish pair, it turns out Since the parrot fish was $120, a little less than I thought, so if you add it all up we come to $818, I can now say that I'm incredibly disappointed that I didn't spend more. my own money, but here we are, that's it for this guys, thanks so much for watching, I'll see you next time, sorry, I'm going to chime in, just kidding, I need to choke up though, I spent too much. a lot of money, welcome to the best merch store where you can see our new designs, the best bandanas in black, white and red, send us naked hoodies, soft fabric with a quality custom graphic inlay and our street food graphic tea on everyone.
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