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1000 mile European Road Trip - Portugal, Spain, Gibraltar & Morocco

May 06, 2024
I'm dad I recorded you like this it looks great I have an omelet on toast okay we're going to walk down the mountain and visit some places along the way little baby monkeys yes it's biting your head a little bit it's just biting your head , that's great, thank you, look at that because we're not going down this way, that's Gibraltar.Skywalk, well, I'm Luke and since I went up to the Skywalk that makes me see Skywalker, the force is strong, the guardhouse up here plus there's a prison cell here I hate stairs, yeah I think these are the bathrooms, there's a monkey, oh I see.
1000 mile european road trip   portugal spain gibraltar morocco
What is it about? That monkey just grabbed under my bag and tried to open it. I saw him do it to a couple of people to try to get food out of his bags, yes, from 1789 to 1897. Hey, look, the mountain has a nipple. There are lots of caves here in Gibraltar and one of them is St. Michael's Cave. They call it St. Michael's Cave because that giant loot-like formation looks like an angel with wings. Becca, do you love family photos? I even do the headless floating Tommy. one like the green jacket was a little cheesy and short, but you know, it came free with the package, it was fun, so the lady came over and took a selfie with the monkey, the monkey jumped on her shoulder like Peter grabbed his cellphone. phone, look, caution, rabbits, five batteries, buddy, be slow, there are small legless birds here, it's an old machine gun bunker, foreign exhibit, there are many different exhibits, things to see along this


, but we have We have to be very selective because we are running out of time. wearing helmets during the war, they excavated them to fill them with supplies, men and barracks to be able to resist against Italy and Germany.
1000 mile european road trip   portugal spain gibraltar morocco

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1000 mile european road trip portugal spain gibraltar morocco...

I'm not sure why they make us wear helmets for Anderson Scotland on May 11, 1959. Look, that goes back a long time. there toxic the hospital look at these rock formations oh, this is where the kitchen was Hudson fighter-bomber oh, this one is running out hey Tom, did you like it? That was cool, yes it means this is an old Arab fort from when the mowers controlled this part of the world it has withstood 10 sieges these days Too high, too high, there is an old fortress courtyard, there is the wall that goes down and There are more gates down there, check it out, you have a great view of the runway that is the border between Spain and Gibraltar. a plane crossing the


and they cut the road, a nice cemetery, oh we made it, oh that was quite the walk, well we had a great time in Gibraltar, but we have to follow the path north to the Spanish city.
1000 mile european road trip   portugal spain gibraltar morocco
From Seville everyone I think they make holy cigarettes, how beautiful wow, okay guys, we are in Seville Spain and we have rented a small palace oh my God, this is huge, this is huge, this is substantial, stop playing. I love how it's like a life. room between the bedroom and the bathroom just know this um this is bedroom number four oh yeah there's a washer and a dryer you can do your laundry while sitting on the toilet that's amazing people with folded poop I realize Realize we've lost naked in here, there's like a kitchen table between all the rooms where Nathan is oh wow this is huge oh this must be the kitchen oh geez yeah oh it's another bathroom whoa hello guys look come here you know what it is this?
1000 mile european road trip   portugal spain gibraltar morocco
This is a bidet. to wash your butt Oh, I thought it was a urinal, no, you guys are excited to wash your butt, yeah, another bathroom down here, more bidets, bedroom number six, open the door, well, it's about 5:30, so nap just ended and I think it's time for us to go. do some sports in the city have something to eat I was thinking about taking a taxi then I realized there were five of us because Spaniards take a nap in the afternoon they tend to stay up late and restaurants and businesses open late, I think we'll take advantage of the Spanish nightlife and we will try to see the city tonight.
Okay guys, this is María de Luisa park. Those are all orange trees in this park. Well, Nathan, this is all like decorated tiles. This whole thing is apparently called El. Plaza de España, this place is amazing, it's full of foreign people who we didn't even know were here. Really excited to explore Seville. Something more foreign is ice cream, better than ice cream. Yes, Nathan is the only one of my children who has eaten ice cream. Guys, here's one for you and uh, and you've got the creme brulee. Guys, you like ice cream more than ice cream.
Guys, are you having a good time in Seville? Here, get in the back, okay, Becca, I'll see you at home. Be good to mom and I'm going to go ahead and walk home just see the city a little bit okay get ready for bed buddy well we get the kids to bed and it's just me and Becca and our little one Spanish palace, but it's late, so let's go ahead and set up the camera and I'll see you in the morning. Well, good morning everyone, Tom and I will head out before everyone wakes up. Let's go buy some baked goods and bring them back to the family, are you ready to go hunting with your dad, sir, okay, Nathan and I had those last time we were in Spain, look at that, I love it how he wrote wrapped, which maybe look like croissants or something like an automatic juice machine. you like that holy smoke or something okay breakfast okay oh that's delicious this umberical ham is amazing it's made by taking this special breed of pig feeding it only acorns and then taking the hind legs and curing them in salt for a year and a half to three years old and it's just delicious this croissant it's full of Nutella no Tom wouldn't you like it you hate Nutella now that we've taken away breakfast I think we're going to go see Seville a little bit we're going to do a little carriage ride or something guys ah , taxis are so cheap here that we still have to pay more than five dollars for one, yes, hello, should we go horseback riding?
Yes, when Becca and I got married, we had a horse-drawn carriage that took us to our honeymoon suite and a lady with very few teeth drove the carriage and played Led Zeppelin very loudly, so this is the park which we walked through last night and it's absolutely beautiful South America. This is a Plaza de España that we visited last night and it is really beautiful during the day. The kids are excited because here's a little bit of Star Wars Episode 2. The people you serve thought you did a good job. Look. They have a Taco Bell.
We can get authentic Mexican food. How about? Guys you have to try paella, okay I know this is fast food paella but that's what we need. We'll be leaving in about 20 minutes, so daddy, well, that was delicious, but too fast, once again. Another place we have to go. Come back to try a Spanish deal. Yes I like it. You don't feel like you're going to get cancer when you eat it, so welcome to Portugal. Do you think this looks good, buddy, not bad, okay, let's see what's upstairs, we've got some more beds. and more bubble washers, are you guys going swimming?
Yes, I'm here, Jacob, I'll help you swim. Oh, it's so nice to be out of that car and relax here in the sun. Okay, let's go look. dinner, oh that's a perfect sunset, what a beautiful beach, that's why I love coming to the Mediterranean during the Thanksgiving holidays, the weather is nice and there are no crowds, okay, the view is lovely, oh Look, it's a fancy hot chocolate, Jake, are you putting in more sugar? In your hot chocolate this is a salad we have cheese ham fruits vegetables underneath there is ranch with citrus you better go with ham and melon Did you enjoy your hot chocolate?
Yes, but I appreciate it. Well, good morning, it's a beautiful day and time for some breakfast I'm going to put a little balsamic vinegar on this okay okay just a touch of pity pity it's a bit like Tabasco sauce thank you ah we should have breakfast no that's what I say well today me and the kids are going fishing now originally we were going to take a boat to a hidden beach with this amazing cave, but the waves are a little strong today and the captain said we can't do that, just We can go fishing, so mom will stay.
Back with Jacob and I and the boys are going fishing bye bye babe, what's your name? difficult relationship, so yeah, beautiful beach there. Portugal has amazing beaches and fantastic surf. We have some knives. We have some clams. We have shrimp. It's good. bait anywhere in the ocean now, who is going to catch the most fish is constantly checking if you have any bait that is not foreign, what are these called, does this look, uh, its kind of bream, here we go, it's coming back Let's go down, okay, oh, here we go, no, s


es. bream, eh, holy mackerel, it's a mackerel micro, a little bit Breen, but this one's a little small to keep it right, it's a little small, we'll throw them back, look what we've got, oh, I've got a herd of trevally, look what you've got, let's see what I've got Tom, oh look at that bazooka, that's a great name, you've caught a bazooka, a bazooka, put it in the bazooka bucket, oh, there's a little jack mackerel, that was like ago 10 years, look at that, it's not that bad, so, uh, we.
Let's go ahead and light up the grill, tell me we're not going to go hungry today, ribs here and that's it, hello, charcoal on the beach, on the ball, to the easy bus. Okay, we'll look at the technique here. Very good. Are you ready. ready to try the bazooka, he is smiling at me, what do you think of the bazooka? Yes, there is a lot of fresh fish on a boat and a beautiful day. Oh, I'll take one of those, thanks, it's very strange because it's pretty calm here in the ocean, but those are great breaks.
I think they are about eight and ten feet tall. These cliffs are beautiful and there are lots of beautiful little caves and secluded beaches that you can see, but the waves are very strong right on the shore, so we can't. take the boat to the cave oh those cliffs are beautiful you got this yeah oh we watch it go over if you want to come here and fish with oras cruiser or do any of the things you see in this video check out the video description a below for all the links to your websites guys have a great day thank you so much oh see some mullets look at this look at the bullet here all the restaurants on the streets tuned in to the world cup game on Portugal playing the World Cup today, well while we were apparently gone mom found a secret staircase oh my god this is nice Rebecca, it's been a fun


, what a great trip.
Happy Thanksgiving, it's Thanksgiving and we have to go find a place to eat a very Portuguese Thanksgiving. Dinner sounds good or you have melted cheese with honey and nuts honey, we have a lot to be thankful for this season, right? Oh, that looks good, thank you very much, look at that black pig, you better go eat a not-so-bad steak for Thanksgiving and All the kids have gone to play with the neighborhood kids in the little park behind us and they're having fun, so it's turning out to be a great day. This has been a lovely home, but today it's time to head back to Lisbon, OH. here we go, okay, whoever's with mom, come on up, okay, how do you like your egg tart?
I love the way it is spoken, are you hungry or do you already have dinner covered? I must confess that we are a little tired and it feels so good to just sit down. and get some food there you have dates wrapped in bacon. I had never tried this before. This is my new favorite thing to wrap in bacon. I think we're about to get a little taste of fado music. Here we will die. Oh, excellent, thanks Tommy. you like your food and Nathan has some chicken and I have octopus oh okay guys you're all full okay yeah I think it's time to go back to the hotel okay okay guys we're back at our hotel and I've got to put these guys to bed because we're getting up at 3 a.m. m. to catch our flight the next morning, okay, Tom up and down, but hey, Nathan, what do I think?
How does it make me feel to write this song for you two hours a day five? months in a year oh, I loved you too much goodbye, it's been a long day, but did you have fun? Yeah, yeah, well listen guys, if you had fun too, be sure to check out our Travel and Adventure playlist, we have dozens of Travel Videos both domestic and foreign and we think you'll love them. I'll put a link in the video description below and don't forget to click subscribe because we post new videos every Saturday morning. Click subscribe.

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