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100 Players Simulate Civilization in Ark Ascended

Jun 24, 2024
In the first experiment of Ark Survival Ascend, 100


were stranded on a single island and separated into three teams, each on the opposite side of the island, we have the north, the southeast and the southwest, the


would have to search for food, collect resources, tame dinosaurs. They chose a leader and forged their


in hopes of surviving whatever war was coming. Players were given complete freedom with no instructions, all help, and just like in real life, when a player dies in this event, they will stay dead forever. This event was by far the best. Have I ever done it, so grab some food, sit back and relax because you are about to see the first 100 player


experiment in Ark Survival


and the players had spawned 33 people on each side of the map, immediately the people He started looking for others. in the area to group up Up Wait jump fat monster on the beach jump many of these players began to farm resources so they could be better prepared to survive the dangers when traveling around this island, come on guys, we win in the North and those in the North they could.
100 players simulate civilization in ark ascended
To meet at a nearby lake, they set up a small wooden cabin where they could gather their members and fight the cold. The North was by far the most dangerous spawn, so one player decided to give a little speech to all the other tribes. They, they are just villagers from a tribe, but we are warriors, yes, the team that emerged in the southeast had been busy sending members from the continent far away from me, these members were being sent to a nearby island called Herbivore Island, like You can see from the name, in fact there were only herbivores, this made the area a great place to establish a base and it was also packed with rich resources, which made it really easy to establish two builders named Logan and Safar began to Build some bases spread throughout the island.
100 players simulate civilization in ark ascended

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100 players simulate civilization in ark ascended...

We need to get some fortifications up and running and then we need to get everyone into armor as soon as possible, like at least Kiten. Now we head to our last civilization, the southwest. These guys had already established a name and called themselves. Byzantine gum, a player named Fat Albert was grouping everyone up, very good guys, the coordinates of the base are latitude 82.7 longitude 25.8, everyone understands that yes sir, please sir, why is everyone Are they referring to Fat Albert, sir? Well, he is actually the dictator monarch of this tribe and he had done so by gathering a group of henchmen and forcing leadership on them.
100 players simulate civilization in ark ascended
Anyway, returning to the northern tribe was very peaceful and they had decided to set up a pole for the location of their base. Can we have a vote for Snow? Mountain Eastern Mountain and Carnival and the survey results came out 41% Carnival Island 33 Snow Mountain and 25 East Mountain it was decided that they would go to Carno Island, however, for now only one player went to Carno Island because it was very dangerous. short for Carnival Island, so this player had a slight advantage in some defense dinosaurs for the rest of the team in the southeastern civilization, everything was going perfectly well, they didn't have to worry about any defense problems in the slightest.
100 players simulate civilization in ark ascended
Okay, so what we're going to do is set up the main base at the top like Gates or Sumit Down Below, have that as a little tame area with what I know is a greenhouse and I feel good about this, we have a good location in this southeast . There were two main builders on the team, Logan and Safara. Logan was planning to build the base itself and safario was entirely aimed at defenses like surrounding the island with gates, but now we get a look at the Byzantine gum these guys had been working very, very hard and under Fat.
Albert's government had been building it very effectively, but I soon discovered that the word Byzantine did not come out of nowhere. Albert had been very smart with his game plans and wanted to do an interview with him. Hello, Albert, how are you? I'm fine. So what's your game plan? Well, if you look at the area we're building, it looks exactly like Constantinople. Constantinople was a city that held out against impossible odds against an infinite number of sieges and we hope to rebuild some of that glory. Today, if you've never heard of the Byzantines, I suggest you look them up.
I thought it was really interesting that a genuine team was basing what they were doing on a real place, but Fat Albert had something to tell you. his mind and it was very, very important, listen to everyone. I want you to go to the description right now and download War Thunder without exceptions because if you like Ark you will love War Thunder, it is the most detailed vehicle combat game ever created with 4K Resolution and the craziest collection of more than 2000 tanks, planes , helicopters and boats. Now you will find yourself glued to the screen. I love War Thunder not only for the vehicles but also for the mental customization system.
You can apply hundreds of camouflages, historical markings and even 3D decorators. such as bushes and Equipment Plus. I have to mention the incredibly detailed vehicle damage models. No more generic hit points. Your vehicles will suffer real damage to their components and crew. You'll even get a damage x-ray that shows exactly what's happening. Believe me, King Albert. Don't lie, this x-ray adds a whole new level of realism to the game for free on PC, Xbox, PlayStation and claim your huge bonus pack that is waiting for all new players, plus those returning after 6 months, log in to the description right now and download it.
War Thunder today, after Albert finished his little talk, let's go to the northern civilization, these guys were preparing to travel on boats to Carnivore Island and they had tamed some dinosaurs, so they were going to have to pack them on the bow. Take out both rafts, let's go. I'm having a lot of fun with this. It's so funny when they moved. I'm going to let you take a look at the amazing Ark Survival Shipper graphics these guys had secured on Caro Island. I killed all the dangerous teams of the time and now they had a small metal smelting base that they established.
Their main goal was to go out to their high level taming area and try to get as many good rexes and UTS as possible. more f for still i have three forges down well well well back near the southeast safario has started building a watchtower this watchtower would be incredibly useful using it they could see the enemies on the way and they could shout for the rest of his team, Logan was in charge of building the main base, since he had huge plans to build a castle, who is the main builder, although is it Logan or someone else, yes, I will take control of that, that's a lot that Logan was building.
This powerful base, the members of Byzantine Gum were working very very hard, many of the members also wanted Albert to give a speech and this was his response, yes Alber come on brother get out of here please don't be shy, friend. I'm already a leader, there's no need for a speech, it seems Albert loves sponsoring War Thunder but he hates giving speeches for his tribe. Now I'll show you what a proper speech looks like. We're going to northern civilization and these. You guys had the perfect election, it was the pinnacle of all the elections I've ever seen, get ready for the burger, yeah, don't let anything do the talking but your actions, let's court.
I like this guy, so the northern tribe was now under the theocracy led by hamburger. Man, they called themselves the Hamburgers, this was a great tribe, now let's look at the southeastern civilization where Logan and Safario had done very, very well. I'll give you a little time just to take a look at the design of this base and how amazing the ASA graphics are. These guys had also decided to organize their own elections, they chose a more democratic approach and there were two candidates, Logan and Karma. Logan was the builder, as you know, and Karma was a man of the people, Logan. he was the first to give the speech of he good night man, look, look what we have, look what we have achieved together as a team, as a tribe, as a family.
Guys, we can do this, we can win, we have this. I love them. Logan, yes, let's go after that incredible speech, now let's move on to Karma Logan's opposition, now for the other side, some of you know me, my name is Kore, you have seen me working alongside you helped organize the construction of the base, making sure things. They were happening in the correct order. I built that beautiful battleship. We see the SS Hyperion down there, pride of our Empire. I can promise you that we will do it smartly. I will elect a construction minister, the proud Logan has done an outstanding job in building this.
Castle I will appoint Dro my Minister of War. I will finally elect a supreme tamer to be in charge of the dinosaurs with this policy. I believe we can move forward and be successful. Take this game. My name is carore, yes, carore, go after. both speeches amazing, it was time for the votes to be counted, each player would support their leader you have 1 2 three 4 5 6 you have eight victories C, let's continue Karma GG now karma was chosen they wanted to call themselves the Atlanteans and they would control the waters of the lower left part going towards the Byzantine gum.
Albert was making sure his base looked good. The fls are rising after seeing this glorious moment, oh my plan, Lord Byzantine, was to practically sit inside their base and defend with snipers, they had also built a second base, meaning that when the enemies arrived they wouldn't even know who to attack The Byzantines had also built sniper towers for higher positions to shoot from, they had also made ocean walls, meaning that anyone who came to attack the rafts, which was the only weak point that is now blocked on the Atlanteans. Karma had arranged for four members and himself to go out to a cave on the continent, inside this cave were bats and they could cement Pace by killing those.
Karma and his men were also talking about maybe attacking Gum, yes, let's have a plan at least if we want to launch an attack from the beginning before they expect it, which team do we attack? Although we should attack the lower left. one of the red H team we should go after them, they are going to have the worst teams. I guess the first thing we should do is reconnaissance and check it out before we go and attack, yes we will reconnaissance first before we do that. anything and that was the plan. Karma would stay at the base with the majority of the tribe while only a few members went out and did a small reconnaissance mission.
The Atlanteans in the cave now left with many resources. Unfortunately they lost two members. We moved to Hamburg and civilization, their base looked reasonably good, they had gates around them, they had spikes and some sniper towers, but I knew the main goal of these guys was to focus on the offensive and try to get as many rexes. and Utes as possible in Byzantine Gum there was a lurking in the bushes this scout was in fact one of the members of the Atlantans and Karma had sent him here to try to gather as much information as possible guys compared to our base his base It's like four four times bigger 86 29 than what you're saying is that a little monster was camping bro when Byzantine realized there was a scout in their base, the number one priority was to kill them, this thing is as weak as around here the atlantic member started running towards the trees as he started to crouch and his Flack was failing him, don't lose it, don't lose it, don't lose it, buddy, no, right here, right here, above me, you see the green, yeah , we can get this. boy yeah im dead bro yeah i got it got it let's go after the fools byzantines killed this atlantan now they were on high alert and had people manning the walls and towers the leader of Anan Karma too He had been making some plans, he ordered three of his best pvps to pick up their xenosaurus and head to the S Hyperion.
They were going to the Byzantine base and their plan was to surround the back of the base, so Byzantine had no idea they would be coming soon. The three players docked at the back of the Byzantine base and all they had to do now was get on their Theos and race towards the back entrance of Byzantine. Now we know that Byzantine Cerium doesn't have big tames like rexes or UTS or anything like that, so they would really need to use the base to their advantage, as long as they stayed inside the base they should be fine, yeah, come at me guys, We have two enemies, these alone, they are on me, they catch everyone they can. tell me right now I'm trying I'm coming Fat Albert himself was cultivating a professional cat and now he was being attacked by them.
Albert was running back to the base asking for as much help as possible and hoping that he would recover. to him in time I'm going to die that's so idiotic there are so many like them we have one we have a baby and that was the end of theFat Albert rain okay guys I'm signing off RT leader good luck good Yeah good luck thank you. The Atlanteans began running towards Byzantine as their hopes were now high. They simply killed the leader. attacking, they are attacking, they are attacking, the few people on the front lines had bionics and frogs that stood no chance against you, however on the base wall they had runners, these runners were running towards the therizinosaurs and could cause something Of damage. but they couldn't do the damage themselves, oh they have people on the defenses, yes they are waiting on me, just back off a little.
Yes, my theory is about to die, these runners managed to hold on long enough for Gans. to knock Theos xenosaurus off his base and finally push the back of the Atlantic oh yeah, throw me, throw me, throw me, yes, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm completely dead, I'm dead, no, this was the second member that the Byzantines had managed to kill off the Atlantean attacks, the Byzantines now began to return to their base to sit in their outposts and were preparing for another raid because they sensed that the Atlanteans would come, but it was not Atlantean that the Byzantines needed to worry about because the burgers were on going.
Unfortunately the burger man died on the way, I have no idea how honestly, but WR interrupted commentary for him anyway, in the Byzantine space, the members started getting attacked and they had no idea who from By now you might be wondering how the burgers were. Did they know when to leave the base and how did they know where Byzantine was? Was it a coincidence or was there a man named Champer sitting on Gillie outside Byzantine? In fact it was the latter and Champa had been giving communications for the last hour. The Hamburgs also had Another Scout at the Atlant base, however, it was more difficult to give communications because the Atlantans had such a great distance that someone could turn and someone would jump to the Wat tower for a minute.
Now both tribes knew they were being watched, but they also knew that nothing could happen. It was an army of one against an army, now Byzantine had full understanding that he was seriously just a gilly guy, there was no raid coming, so what they did was they took their rifles and just started shooting into the grass trying to scare at the sniper, Champa finally moved. a little bit and this meant that the Byzantines knew where it was also yes, we also need someone in the ud and someone in need of help I need help whoever is here I need help help they found well let's go, let's go in the second The Byzantines knew where Champa was there, they whistled at a bird of prey to jam it and then a player came out on a therizinosaur.
At that time, Champa was running to save his life shouting to his tribe to come and save him. I'm dead, I'm dead. Yes, not this one, we lost champions from this moment on, every person who stood in the Byzantine path was massacred. The hamburgers weren't going to allow it. They arrived with rexes. Oh, uh. North, North, North, the northern triers are attacking us, oh there is so much. many sacred rexes enter the base grab grab grab the back retreat retreat retreat retreat the peran forces instantly retreated as there were so many rex Retreat Retreat enter enter enter enter this is bad this is bad oh they were fighting to get in their own door and the hamburgs They were completely surrounding the castle, these Hamburg had a UT and that was increasing the damage of all their rexes, it wasn't long before Hamburg started throwing grenades and they managed to break the Gate of the Byzantine wall, the members of the Byzantines got their few rex, his few tees and his mammoth and tried to defend for their lives, they just needed to hold that door before they could repair it.
Oh oh shit, unfortunately for the Byzantines, the burgers were rushing towards the base they had breached. this door and they had two too many rex to count the byzantine members began to surface from the war with grappling hooks and soon behind them were the huran members these burgers were on the walls and byzantine was not going to let them stay this wall It was their main point of defense and if they lost this, they would be completely finished, okay, jump I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, the Byzantine forces had managed to secure the wall, however, their leader Robert or RBZ had died, this now it meant that the Byzantine Gans were in Anarchy, they had no leader, no one to take orders from and without orders no organization comes.
Hamburg began to charge the base and there was absolutely nothing anyone could do to defend themselves from this attack. All they could do is sit on the walls and continue. snipers, but surprisingly their hopes were high, oh guys see, it's still okay, we're alive, it doesn't matter if they take our base, they can't really defeat us, their main goal for now was to simply defend these two with their lives. He actually managed to kill some of the burgers by shooting with his incredibly good aim, but the burgers were in no way ready to retreat, they had hundreds and hundreds of grenades and there's no way for them to turn around unless of course , there would be a third. -party team the atlantans had fought their way in hopes of revenge, now it was a race between the hamburgs storming the byzantine base or the atlantans arrived and a third party killed them while the hamburgs blew up the byzantine base, they had no idea which The Atlantans were outside and preparing to attack, but soon the Byzantines themselves gave them the clue.
The Byzantines had been using long necks. The Eastern tribes here, the Eastern tribes here, oh guys, maybe we should hide, they're all I almost ran out of. ammo, yeah, everyone's leaving, everyone's gone, one of the Hamburg members realized that Byzantine wasn't shooting at them, they were shooting at someone else and when they went to look, it was the Atlantans goopers, just stay strong, attendees, stay strong, the hamburgers had left in fear. From being third divided by the Atlantans, however, the Byzantine members of Gan were trapped, they were completely trapped inside a single Tower and only three of them remained, the Atlantans began to surround the floor of the Tower and planned to hold on, but the Atlantans garans had a plan.
It's okay, no, we're all okay here in the tower. Okay, there's a sniper the way he hit me there, so I'm a little bummed. They decided that they are going to send one of their members out of the tower to try and run towards the base if he could get in maybe he could grab some tames if he managed to grab even one tame game it could cause a big enough distraction for the others to escape it seemed. that the time had come for this scopan to go. He began parachuting in hoping to get past this, but snipers were scattered around and the Atlanteans had finished him off.
Now there were only two Gan left because of the hole that guy had made in the tower, one of the Atlantean members was able to come to the surface. With grappling hooks and entering, he was now approaching a gupan who did not notice his entrance, this meant that there was only one Byzantine gum left and his name was Palander. He had just placed two stone ceilings to make it look like that was the background. from the tower, this meant that the Atlanteans had no idea that Palander was there because of this, the Atlantean leader Karma simply decided that they must all be dead, so they jumped onto the raft and headed back to Atlantis.
This meant that Palander had survived only one business. he was alive somehow, Palander had managed to sneak past all the Atlantans. I also want to point out that look at the damage on that door, one more grenade from Hamburg and this base would be stormed. Palander had decided that he needed to honor Fat Albert. Robert and the rest of his men, his objective from now on was to go to Atlantis and defeat them, so Palander used the resources left in the Byzantine base and began to arm himself for a final fight. Because Palander played so well, I asked him to go. to the front of the base and give a little speech to you.
I am the last defender of the Byzantine Empire. I have seen the death of all my friends. I will see all our tames die. The Byzantine Empire and Sweden are calling for this victory. I will do that. my duty to the end I am palander I will fight for Sweden and the Byzantines I didn't like that I didn't like the amount of Swedish conversations hip hip hooray it was time for the final fight the final position the final decider of who is Victorious would be the army of the atlantans would it be the hamburg army or would it be palader the atlantans stayed put in their legendary castle and waited for a ship from hamburg to arrive yes they probably have some serious equipment while considering their best right yes caral island they have all that, so the hamburgers had arrived with a Rex canister, two canisters of grenades, it would be a very interesting fight.
Hit the wall. Hit the wall. They know they hit some walls. These Hamburgs had grenades on top of grenades. They were arming their Rex, getting ready to charge, and then the doors closed. Their strategy was to run as fast as possible and try and Bard, the Atlantic forces, would be a tough fight. The Atlanteans had strong positions and were preparing to fire. The long-necked Hamburgs continued to throw grenade after grenade trying to break down the main doors, but it's not easy to throw grenades when the Atlantic members are attacking you. Finally, the first door was closed and soon the second one arrived.
How are those in Hamburg so coordinated? In their attack they had a shadow leader named Snake who is an experienced player and he ordered them again to charge the rex through the night grenade gate they were going to, they were going to break through our main gate guys the front door. was being blown to pieces and it wouldn't be long before these burgers entered the Atlanta base, once the main gate was blown up they walked straight in with their burger rexes going from left to right trying to throw grenades if they could, the Atlanteans got into their sniper. positions and tried to pick out anyone who was on foot, the entire base was being bombed with grenades from Hamburg and the Atlantans had to head to the top of the castle because they were throwing grenades at them, watch out, they're throwing grenades above, no.
Don't let them hit you because the Atlanteans had to retreat to a higher floor in the castle, this gave the Hamburgers a chance to run in when the Hamburgers finally breached the base, it was time to blow everything to pieces, the entire tribe Atlantic was getting trapped in a staircase no, no, be careful, look through the wall, their last option was to go to the top floor of the castle, where they could easily be attacked or even grabbed. Both teams were losing members left and right, there were dead bodies everywhere. With few members left from each Empire, it was really the last fight as the Atlanteans remained in their Mighty Castle as the Hamburgers began to fight, guys, by the time they managed to get up, a player named Rape had managed to kill one of the Atlanteans. and now Serent had killed the other one, yeah, no problem, no problem, go, go, go, I pass this guy on, I pass him on.
They have killed me. Come down, come down, come down, come down, I killed it, oh man, what the hell we didn't even do it. one Atlantean member left this was the woman with the beard and her name was horn 4 five I'll miss it get up he broke his legs he broke his legs after Wraith broke his legs he tried to get more but he couldn't bro he just broke he stood there one one one, completely stressed and ended up running out of the castle. I him twice, this guy was running to save his life, if Honk could find a way to get out of here, that would be one of the best plays ever.
I don't know about the stupid crocodile, he is running, he opened the door and managed to find a raft to escape. He's on a raft, he's taking a raft out of here. honk, he actually managed to escape from this base and by the way, if you don't. Listening to him talk is because this guy was completely silent the entire time he was obsessed with blowing his best horn and ended up retreating on this boat, but that was only so he could put on his second pair of bulletproof armor, he would soon return and it seemed like Palander had arrived. to the Atlantic base.
Palander began shooting at the burgers, causing them to attack. Palander was outnumbered and was in a really bad area for cover. He needed to run back and get into a covered area to stay safe. Palander began. Running to save his life, he was shot in the back by these Hamburgs and just hoped his armor would stay strong. Paland was running around drinking Med Bru to save his life. He needed to find cover. The Hamburgs managed to break Pal's chest piece. He managed to find the cover to put on his spare piece in thechest and get back into the fight at this point it was a 1 V one the other Hamburg player was way behind now Palander was out of single pistol ammo but he still had a long neck if he could make that shot count he could still win and that was the end of the Byzantine Empire.
Palander had fought bravely now there were only three people left, wraith and serpent with the burgers and honking with the Atlantans. Leave a comment below saying: "hamburgs for wraith" and snake or atlantans for horn I will be watching who predicts the winner of this fight, it was time for the last stand, a 2 against horn started fighting until safario T a horn was trying to get the best possible sniper position while having incredibly good aim, however, in the meantime, the two Hamburg wraiths and snakes had seen him fighting, now it was a sniper showdown, but wraiths and snakes had a plan, wraiths He would distract him by staying on the Rock shooting him and snakes would go from behind with grenades.
The snake had arrived and began throwing its grenades to take down Honk once and for all. Now something unfortunate happened, there was a technical problem and the grenades that were thrown at this door did not cause any damage, so much as a specter. he had been writing in the global chat informing honk of the situation and honk decided to do something that is almost never seen, honk was going down the stairs to do a final 2 on 1 melee fight, absolute respect to honk for this incredible move, now Wraith was still really far away so right now it was just horn vs snake, let's go fishing tonight guys, the horn was doing a lot of damage to the Snake and the snake was going down a lot, but soon the wraith appeared, this it meant it was now a 2v1 horn focused on one at a time.
It's time to try to kill them individually. Snake and Wraith managed to break Honk's boots and this clearly indicated that his armor was running out and that was the end of the honk. Come on finally yes, well done, come on, this means that Hamburg had secured the victory. Wraith and Serpent fought incredibly well and now it was time for them to give their final speech. Well, this is Serpent and I have Wraith with me here with the high perseverance and high kills. Here we are the body of the enemy on the ground and We are still standing.
I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who participated in this event. It was absolutely amazing too if you want to play in these events yourself it's completely crossover. I host these events about once a month and if you participate you can actually be featured in the video. I should also mention my long term Arc server, this Arc server is absolutely amazing, we have 10x High taming speeds and it is a 6 man tribe cap. I play on the server myself with some friends and it's great, join Discord in the description, quick reminder, don't miss War Thunder.
Fat Albert didn't die. For nothing, this game offers all player styles, from fastpac action to realistic tactical fights. You can get your huge bonus package with premium vehicles and perks. Play for free now on PC, PlayStation or X box and thanks again to War Thunder for sponsoring this video.

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