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100 Phrases Every Italian Beginner Must-Know

Jun 01, 2021
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italian hello guys, I'm Desiree and today we are going to make the 25 best Italian


that mean useful words in Italian ciao hello ciao is the first and it's a really useful word because you can use it with your friends to say ciao ciao but not with people you don't really


buon giorno good morning that means good morning and you can use it with friends or even with people you don't


so buongiorno buon giorno and people can even answer you ciao which is fine but use bonjourno with


one and you will be safe good night so good night you can use it of course at night but it is a word that we are not really used to people we don't know, so it's like ciao, if people say ciao to say goodbye, you can say good night, but only if you know they're really going to sleep, otherwise it's goodnight. means I am, you can use it with your nationality, so I am Italian, I am Italian or with your name, soydesiree sono de zire mi chiamodesire my name is michamodesire it means my name esdesiree and you can use it to introduce yourself to people you may know not you know it's okay because it's formal and informal at the same time it's okay so what's your name nice to meet you you'll always use that means how are you but it's something you use with your friends, not really with people you don't know because in that case it would be something like that comes then we have a very useful word which is perfora which means please so you can put it at the end of any sentence and it will give you a nice way to ask even if you don't know how to say may or can just add perfavora and it will help you thank you and to say thank you you will say grazia grazia prego you're welcome and to answer you're welcome I have prego so if you ask something and add perfect at the end and then people will do something, you can say grazia and the other will answer prego yes yes yes that means yes, of course it is very useful because you would like to eat something if yes no no and if you manage to say no because it is difficult to say no to an Italian who offers you some food, then you can say no, which is the same Italian and English. you want this you can say baby so okay scusi excuse me scusi means excuse me but for people you don't really know it would be like excuse me do you know where the station is scusa said scusa am I?
100 phrases every italian beginner must know
I'm sorry if you know the people you're talking to you should use scuzza that means sorry what time is it that means what time is it you can use it formally or informally it's the same so you can say it's kuza or it's the same where it is the station when you want to know where some place is, then where is the location you will say that it is, for example, the station. Can I use the bathroom? When you need to ask permission for something, you will use the word posso that. it means that I can, in this case, posu el bano, I can use the bathroom and I would add, please, so perfect and the answer would be yes, sure, if I prego grazia vor re quécosa da manjar, I would like to eat something when you need something that you can wear. the word beret which means I would like to then vorrei manjare I would like to eat very very I would like to drink sleep I would like to sleep and we can go on forever but still very and then add the verb you need can I get? the bill when you finish eating and you want to check you can say posover el conto that means can I have the bill and if you want to be more polite you can say posover el conto perfavora that means can I have the bill please a ready see you soon when you say goodbye to your friends and you don't really know when you will see them again you will say apresto that means see you soon adopo see you later if you know you will meet them later you can say adopo which means see you later pizza which means where can I eat a pizza if you really want to know where you can eat a good one pizza you can add bon which means good then it will be paloma so I will manjare a bona pizza from Of course, you can't use pizza but another type of food that you really want to eat and it would be maybe lasagna or maybe ice cream, so you can say ice cream.
100 phrases every italian beginner must know

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100 phrases every italian beginner must know...

We learned to ask how you are and to respond. I'm fine, thanks, but what if? you are not really well then you can say cozy cozy which means more or less or masculine which means bad very bad that's all for today we finished the 25 best


in Italian and which was your favorite mine is cozy cozy which if remember means not so well but anyway remember to subscribe bye people what is that hello guys here we are today with the top 25 Italian verbs let's see them essere to be to be or not to be one esre is just the simple form that We're going to change for each person that we use so in the case of me I can say I sono, that means I am the zere, but the verb is still to be to have avere means to have, but be careful because in Italian it is not the same as in English, for example, to say that I'm 20 years old, you don't say esre, so you didn't used to be, but you say I'm 20 years old.
100 phrases every italian beginner must know
I venti ani far to do, basically, tariff, it's a general verb like you. We can use it with a lot of things, we have specific verbs, but if you go for fare, it's safe, you can use it anytime, fare a cake, uh, discuss


thing that's weird to say about Thierry, there's a funny phrase we use or maybe our grandmothers anyway and she says like treldir el fara di mezzo mar which means from saying to doing there is a sea in the middle so the meaning is that it is not so easy to go from saying to doing things potere can potere means power and it is really useful because I can use it to ask for permission so I can use the bathroom potere as a verb means can but potere with the previous article is il potere means the power puepos army lo zucchero means can you pass me the sugar please sugar because I like sweet things voler want volere It means to want, but it is a strong way of saying things, so if you want to say I, I would like is voire, there is a famous phrase with volere which is volere e potere and it means that if you really want to do something, you can do it.
100 phrases every italian beginner must know
You can somehow manage to know when you're wrong and tell people that you know you're wrong somehow, they're happy, so if you're in Italy and you're late, it always happens to me at least. you can say I know, I know, I know I'm late and that will calm things down, like people will say: okay, okay, okay, I'm waiting, but anyway for us it's normal to be late, so don't worry too much if you're late you started staying and you can use it with a location or on a condition you want to go out tonight will you stay? you can say no, I'm staying at home no, it's a house but it can also mean a condition so if people ask you hey how are you stay stomatal it means I'm not well I feel bad you can also use that to say you're doing something you're in the process of doing something I'm studying now something that is right now it


be like this if you have to work or if you have to do homework and people ask you hey again do you want to go out tonight no I can't I


study I must work I have to study I have to work prendere take prenderen means take you can take a bus at the prender and pullman take the underground trend be careful because we don't use prendere for example with a bath or a shower we don't shower but we shower so far to see means Look, and it's something that you can see, that you can detect, but you can also use it as a meeting as a quecos officer, what are you doing tonight?
Oh I'm hanging out with my mom, oh vedo mya mamma, that means I'll meet her, probably have dinner. together but it is something planned it is something that I already know that I am going to do and I am going so in case you really want to go to the sea you can say I want to go to the sea do you want to come with me in my case it would be I would really like to go to Australia do you want come with me to australia come actually venera means come and when you invite someone you can say do you want to come tonight veneers can you give me some advice? please or when a baby is crying and you are like here look what I'm giving you then that's a way to give parlare to speak we don't have the verb speak so we use parlare for both I'm talking to you or I speak Japanese I speak to them Japanese Italians like to talk a lot can you say trovare to find trevaren means to find so can you say something like this book seems really interesting to me or I can't find my pen anymore or For me, I never find my passport in front of the chicken doors anymore and I mean, can you please help me? and then I find it again, so yeah, listening like I can hear people shouting sento gente, but it's not the same as saying listening. to the music for example that would be ascoltare the music the share to live leave a comment there are also some teenagers who say a lot of time the chatelier space that means leaving my space save to look means to look and it would be like hey look look at me while I'm talking to you so I'll talk to you or you can take a look at this if you want to ask for some advice or even maybe watch TV we would say save TV or even a movie save like I really like watching horror movies so I save filmore to put matter that means put so you can put your bag on the table or can you put those games away please, to think, I think that horror movie wasn't scary at all, so can you pass me? salt or oh, I passed the test to believe credit means believe, but in Italian we don't use much to believe like oh, I think I can do that, of course, you can say it and people will understand you, but I think that's more.
I can do it like this pencil output more than creed de facto believe so credit has more to do with a religious meaning bring means bring so if I invite you to my party tonight and I ask you, can you bring the wine, bring the ice cream? bring the ice cream manjare to eat manjar which means to eat so you can't go to Italy and not eat anything so you need to know this verb yeah that's it for the top 25 Italian verbs remember to subscribe and see you soon hello guys. I'm looking forward to it and today we're going to do the top 25 Italian nouns.
Let's start with the first one becausecosa coza means thing so you can use it to ask about something whose name you don't really know, like quecos, what is that thing, but? in Italian it's really useful because you can use it when you don't understand what someone said as a cause, what can you repeat? That is the meaning of cause. You can also use it to say in different situations, like what are you doing tonight. a fara esta sera ocosati pecha delicacy what do you like to eat ano ano means ear and you can use it to ask how old you are so quanti and me woman man who is that man that man is my father necko father giorno daily means day and you can use it to know what day of the week you are on, like what day is today Monday or you can say buongiorno which means good morning or good morning volta time volta means time like let me pay this time or once upon a time time we also have a way to use that which It's a bit scary as I remember my teacher telling me questa volta passi mala prossima and this is not a good sign anyway so it means this time it's okay but next time it's not.
I don't finish the sentence which is the scariest thing but be careful not to use volta when asking what time it is because that is a different word and it would be horesono casa home a house can be big or small but the best thing is when people tell you that your house is a colleen that means they feel at home even if it's not so you can say you want to come to my house tonight part part means part so it can be the first part of a movie a cousin of um or when you participate in something like that some kind of event means life life is beautiful vitamia bella or if you say vitamia it will be like you are my life tempo time tempo means time but be careful because tempo also means time but in this case it means weather so it means that the weather is good today does mean woman and what kind of woman would you like to be that I could don navor this is talking about me I am the type of woman who likes shoes so there is no advice hand my my hand is big or my hand is small piccola in Italian you can ask for a girl's hand, that means if she wants to marry you, then see la tuamano, can I have your hand? it means that my eyes are blue, so they are not blue, but we also use it to say care, so if you are on the street and a car comes and people say okio, that means be careful hora time ora means time and you use it to ask what time it is or you can also hear people say oresono then in plural but the meaning is the same time also means now something that is happening right now so come on yes it is a strong way of saying right now now come on sir sir ma'am means sir so you use that with people who I really don't know, maybe you can say miss cusi Signore, excuse me sir and then add the information you need to know, even if it's not the same in English in Italian, if you see sir written with a big s, it can refer to country god. paise means country and when people ask you where are you from, even if they don't mention the word paese, it still means where are you from, what country are you from, we also have a way of saying that it is paisa kevai uzan saketrovi, it means country. you go tradition thatyou find basically it means every country has its own culture moment moment moment means moment so can you wait a moment please like what's the best way to get a promotion which in modamino and it's a good question my advice is just be yourself so as not to stress too much if you do well it's fine, otherwise you didn't lose anything parola word parolameans word so how do you say this word comedici questa parola also in Italian if someone no longer speaks you can ask him if you lost the words hypersola parola father father father means father, for example, my father is a judo teacher my judo parents it's fun to play sports with my father a fun foreigner if you're talking to your dad you would say dad father is a bit formal dot dot dot means dot but for us it's more as a period because we refer to what you put at the end of the sentence but if you are discussing something you can say the point is in point and when you would say that we finished in English in Italian it can be a period that's it, enough I don't want to talk anymore that's work lavoro navorro means work, so what is your job?
Cuadel to Allah. I work at the airport. So, state. State. State. That means that State has two meanings. The first may be Sony Uno. Stato Pietozo. That means I'm in a really bad state. Do not look. I just finished my daily jog and just don't stay near me the second is where do you come from then what state are you from el miostat el italy so my state is italy case case case means case and here we also have different meanings the first one can be by accident so by chance we met by chance I found it by case or case like it depends case by case it depends case by case and the last one that could be I didn't pay attention to that nunchofatokazu I'm not sure about that I don't know chitta town chitta it means town which town you come from or also la miachita italy my city is in the north of italy animale animal animale means animal what is your favorite animal my favorite is a panda for that it is today guys with the top 25


nouns and remember to subscribe ciao hello guys I'm Desiree and I'm here with the top 25 Italian adjectives come on big big my hand is big amano e big the word is big is a big word big mondo big molto montegrande small piccolo I have a small dog in piccolo but it's not true do you have some animals dolce dulce oh there is no sweet now gelato molto ice cream is very sweet you can also use this adjective with people you are a sweet person different people should respect different ways of thinking legendary respect in italian when you are arguing and you just want to say no it's not so you can say no to different no, it's different first cousin, I was the first in my class and that's why no I don't have friends, no, it's not true, last last like English, last, but not least, in Italian we have last manume important, that means but not least, remember that the last will be first, oh my God, old man, this word really not.
It means old because the word old is vecchio but you can't say that referring to people, so if you are talking about someone who is older than you you would say old man, we should respect older people, give your seat to that old person giovane. young the important thing verono Spirito jovan the important thing is to have a young spirit he is a young poet and a poet oh that child is so pretty what do you think of this dress? Yes, it's nice because it doesn't really mean that something is fabulous but it's still not bad down beautiful that's something you really like that beautiful dress quebel little dress that beautiful woman that belladonna but be careful when you address something plural because it's bae capelli beautiful hair or belliocchi beautiful eyes ugly brute is something you don't like, but in reality it doesn't have to be just a question of appearance, like with an ugly dress, what a gross little dress, but I also got a bad grade, it would be oppresumbruttovotto buono, well , you can use it as food of course it's really good it's really buono buonisimo it's the best or even for other things for example I got my accent back and they're really good bad the service was great but the food was bad or something like katibo dog bad dog bravo capable, that means you are really capable of doing something, maybe it's a little childish, but still everyone likes it.
New new, oh, you have a new car, oh, I remember, nova, how much do you pay for that cheap guanta? I would really like a new laptop on the computer, novel, but yeah, maybe for Christmas and after Christmas. can you say happy new year fedica no nuovo alto alto my brother is very tall but it also means hi la mia voce molto alta my voice is very high maybe bass bass mario gets angry if you call him bass mario bass also means bass so again my mine's voice is low voce elsa volume can you turn up the volume?
It's too quiet I can't hear anything I see true means that something is not false, of course, but you can also use it as an interjection to say yes, yes, if people are. talking to you because you know people how they do yes through that's the way to use them open open business is the store open today you can also use to say open minded then open mentally wanted closed is the restaurant closed today restaurant expensive expensive do you want to go to that store when that bargain no, it's too expensive no, it is too, but you can also use it to say dear like oh dear oh karo or to say oh puri oh yes, there are many ways, it depends on your intonation economical chip oh , then let's go to the other store yes, I like it that way better it's very cheap to see the teacher it's difficult sometimes learning a new language can be difficult maybe more than sometimes but don't give up, it's easier than it seems, I hope So be it for me.
It's very easy to make new friends, but I know that for someone it may seem very difficult, so yes, it's easier than it seems fun. I thought the movie was very funny. I hope this is a fun video for you. Well, guys, that's the end. Thank you. you for looking at me with the top 25 Italian adjectives see you soon ciao ciao it's like whoa can I put our eyes out hello guys you

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