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100 LAYERS FOOD CHALLENGE vs 100 Mystery Buttons

May 15, 2024
we're doing the 100





s what's up ninjas we're doing the 100





when do I start you've started daniel can't hear us now these


will tell us what we have to try daniel hit a button what choose a button I'm going let's choose this turkey dinner with vegetables baby food oh, that's good stop eating daniel it's not coming yet it's not ready oh dear oh now daniel you have to guess what it is that's something disgusting that tastes good write it down the person with the most correct guesses wins a special break and the person with the most wrong guesses walks the board you better learn to swim b well you better learn to walk the board regina because your sense of taste is what they do in my face i will do it to the camera friends family colleagues gather around no doubt it's baby food you are disgusting you were right daniel oh yes yes daniel is one step closer to winning that fabulous prize and not walking around the planet wide open don't kiss him , eat it open, open, oh I know what this is, it's the oscar sausage, it's d-o-l-a-n-g-h, the right thing, pick a button, I think he said navel, you got me green olives, what is it, yeah. boy here you go Chad open your mouth oh this is disgusting welcome to the world you think it is I hate them I know what they are but you had to put two in my mouth that was your wife oh man the I hate sometimes, these end. on top of my pizza and I say, yes, that's two olives, the answer was two, one step closer to winning that fabulous prize and not closing the plane, mom, you stink, yes, coffee and coke, your article is here in front to us and leaves. so they can serve it to you if we make noises asmr so you can take that out horde swallow the first thing that catches my attention is the artificiality sparta it's like there are so many flavors it's almost like there are 23 flavors really wow whoa diet dr pepper, go ahead and Take off the blindfold, is it diet?
100 layers food challenge vs 100 mystery buttons
However, this was not what you would drink, what you drank, does it taste bad, disgusting, but am I wrong, wait, not everyone is gone yet, well, well, oh No, yes, I'm sorry, I can't here, no. No, I'm sorry, you can't open, open your mouth, why are you vomiting? Oh my god, I don't think she guesses it correctly because she hasn't even tried it yet. I tried it. I'm getting a little. spicy, oh okay, not too spicy, it's like uh spicy for Chad, yeah, that's true, so let's look at sriracha sriracha mayonnaise, you were halfway there sriracha that was so close, okay, that was the first round, the second round will be even more difficult, okay, the first round.
100 layers food challenge vs 100 mystery buttons

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100 layers food challenge vs 100 mystery buttons...

It was one layer, the second round will be two layers, what two foods in your mouth at the same time, can you guess? This is where it gets really awesome strawberry sauce and spam first button oh oh okay it's a canned meat I don't know. You know what, but then it's like a strawberry sauce, pork with strawberry sauce, pork is like ham, but now, if you were to make a word with the word strawberry and ham, you would put them together, what would you get? ? Hambury, okay? a delicious spam berry that was so much fun, are you serious?
100 layers food challenge vs 100 mystery buttons
Yeah, okay, canned meat and strawberry sauce. He understands it. He really is a master of flavor, but can't he serve? Your turn, Chad Wild Clay, it's my turn. Can you beat me? We will find out. Guys make sure to subscribe to my channel right now, take your phone, turn it this way and under this video there is a red subscribe button, maybe if it's red it means you are not subscribed yet, you should click on it if you are gray, they already are. subscribed that's amazing I don't know that's cute throw out the picture of the guy going that's cute these are cute bring the victim I present to you the victim such a unique combination that none of you have had that we have invented wait what' did you really say regina are you going to hold the camera regina I don't know you're dying regina I can hear you feel good oh my god how am I supposed to do it? oh you already put it in your mouth I ate it whole thing you don't hate it no no I don't hate it it's actually quite unique oh my god I need my wife's support look at me eat it I need a kiss, our first on-screen kiss, you're not even going. to wine and dine first chad, I will I identified a vanilla pudding a little extra kick like a hot sauce it was spicy maybe for you it was it's vanilla pudding yes and ketchup ketchup I have to fail that means you and I are tied on The last place Melvin but the next one is where is he going? mini hot dogs marshmallow let's work things in the shape of a blanket there's a little trick stick the knife in like this oh chad that's dangerous I've got beautiful brave eyes ready oh yeah oh yeah oh, she got it, she got it right, I'm chewing on something very marshmallow campfire type, okay, the DJ, I'm very happy, I was like what, oh, I get it, my right side is a sausage of some kind, it was marshmallows and little smokes, little smokes. that could be like my rap name, little smoky 'cause I'm on fire two layers of food for melbourne pickle juice oh this one yeah swiss chocolate roll oh bruh floats ew what do you think he's chewing so slowly you look so happy being the first flavor the strongest, the most, you know, effervescent and matte arrow, oh you know what, throw me on the floor, chad and james, hey, the two flavors I choose, super crazy because I don't want to lose, I took the smell and this is what I can.
100 layers food challenge vs 100 mystery buttons
Tell me, I think it's pickle juice and the other one is pretty sweet, but I don't know which one to rap to the beat, Thinking about all the food we have to eat, I wonder: what could it be? It was a little crumbly. a little sweet a little soft and it mixed well with the juice so I'm going to go with it was some kind of chocolate batter that wasn't very good go ahead open your eyes ingredient number one pickle juice oh yeah ingredient number two. swiss chocolate puff bad there's so much fat in this oh regina you're next please give me a good one please i have this mashed potatoes instant ramen oh my god you're going to make that smell you smell i smell ax body spray bravery oh god don't throw up, they're like real bodily functions that regina is going through it's delicious it's delicious there you have the touch clue it's her hair it's a noodle we have noodles here we have nudes I think we have a ramen noodle plus a little bit of fluff do you want to try another bite maybe here come on the more you try it the better you will get it I think it's like very smooth mashed potatoes and ramen noodles that's how it was yeah thanks Bruce thanks if you look On the scoreboard you'll notice that Melvin and Chad are tied for last place.
We have to have a loser, so there will be a tiebreaker. Five stainless steel items in one meal. Whoever can guess the most items is not the loser. Oh God, I don't want to. Will you ever drink this or chew this? You see, good luck to you because I'm not going to make it easy for you and I'm not going to do my best three two one open uh that's five elements, yeah, that's amazing. give me my slate, I'm quite surprised too, that's really delicious, right, yes, you enjoyed it, yes, it's okay, yes, wow, because we're at the beginning, I think it was very good, that's pretty good, turn around, Guys, turn around, write your answers. on the board we are looking for five different foods please turn around and reveal your answers give me a star next to what I got correctly yes you have good beans that means they have beans she makes she is making beans you get half a point for nacho cheese why because it wasn't nacho cheese it was a different type of cheese it was parmesan cheese yes yes crispy cabbage oh it was, it's melting good yes yes yes you have good vegetable juice you have two and a half stars but I have three stars no they are losers oh that's what we ate but when they blindfolded me it tastes really good that's really delicious you didn't even get the main part captain crunchy oh wait who performed better today with their taste because they win a special


product daniel and v1 first place is a tie you will win a special


prize an oculus quest 2 virtual reality don't you already have one?
We've been playing beat saber together right, in fact I already have one of these and it's my channel and I'd like to do an act of kindness to show everyone how kind I am oh I'm giving you this award oh my god where are you going , Melvin, it's time for you to walk the plank, I have to walk the plank. It's a good time to show off our matching gallows, skull and crossbones, you got it brother, I've crossed these planks many times, however we only have two planks left that are like four inches, oh my god, it looks really hard, this it's thinner than the balance beam at the olympic games well done very well melvin come on melvin oh my god melvin fantastic job I know right, sting still undefeated on the board I feel like one of those foods found its way into my appendix wait wait wait a second guys it hurts with a youtube notification Oh who is uploading the Magic Zorgle video today right now?
Yeah, I'm building a tick-tock army, spy, losers, dude, he's talking about building an army. There is a clock, what the hell is this clock? Clock again, it's counting down to what, what do we do. I don't know how far the countdown is. Well, it's never a good thing if it's anything like the previous Project Zorgo. It could be a new end of the world date or the date they do something bad. An army of new Project Zorgo members from Asia. Peters. This is not good. Where are they? these hackers come from spy ninjas thanks for letting us know oh ah oh what do you know tomorrow we're going to hunt down agent peters and find out where he's been filming all these videos yeah chad's channel tomorrow we can find the watch we can find peters and we can close it, no more hacker recruiting, i think it's about time we put an end to this agent peters, eh, yes, that's true, yes, shout out to all the notification ninjas, I'm choosing my favorite comments for today, yes, thanks , it's your channel, but I love doing it. it's time for uh you

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