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$100,000 Secret Underwater Gaming Base

Apr 20, 2024
storage and looks quite normal, but it is no ordinary storage unit. I have converted this container to become the entrance to a




, welcome. to the




guys come in you newbies have about an hour to find me otherwise you will face the ultimate punishment oh god let's find them. I see, the boys now have an hour to find me, but let me give you a tour of our secret storage unit game base we have an Xbox and a PC we have Bruce here just in case I get a little bored no game base is not complete without a wall of snacks if somehow which is not possible but if somehow they run into the storage unit on the other side we're just going to stick Bruce in there, look there we go now, we can't even get out.
100 000 secret underwater gaming base
Oh, first location to find the shaded area of ​​Nathan's greenhouse, probably nice and cool, a little isolated from the road, but below. some trees watch out for the ditch Batman I just said watch out for the ditch hello hello I smell you you'll never find me you'll never smell me no I'll never see me I'm going to smell that boy as strong as I can when I find him alright guys we're about of running. I'm going to try to get to the top of the tallest mountain I can find and that's a tree and then I'm going to get the car out of there if he was around we definitely would have heard him we should check the bunker maybe this store I'll give him a good shake first, although no, he's not under there rock, paper, scissors for everything Rock, paper, scissors Shoot, oh my God, look at that mountain up there. that's where we're going oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no it's not here nothing nothing yet hey Dan, yeah, no back here, it's not there, bro, there's no way I'm driving to here, it's just a dry rock, alright guys, let's go to the lake, oh yeah, just another day driving across a lake, we're going to take a little detour, but you gotta check it out, damn, A for the effort, even though he doesn't It's there, oh brother, look at this. let don't hit a tree don't hit a tree don't hit a tree didn't I hit a tree?
100 000 secret underwater gaming base

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100 000 secret underwater gaming base...

How am I still doing? Oh, you know, I think that's enough racing games for me, let's see how the boys do. Yeah guys, you made some progress, but I noticed your Trail Young Blood. I know where you could be, brother. The only thing you know is how many toes you have, that's all the knowledge you got in that Noggin. You know who was the last person you saw driving. the new vehicle I don't know what you're talking about you were the last person to drive the vehicle so now we're investigating the vehicle you better not be inside that white car boy I'm definitely not inside a white car he said I'm definitely not inside from a white car I think I'm in a white car I mean I'm sure that's how I got here but I'm not in it anymore honey he left his water here they're here no no I don't even want to check the bins bro , there isn't one, it's in a container, where do we go now?
100 000 secret underwater gaming base
We didn't check the forest back there, but you said it sounds like an echo, yeah, like it's on something. I think they left, well, back to I guess it's all a spider web sweeping the area, ask for a clue, hey brother, listen, okay, I know you're hiding, but you want to give us a clue. I'll give you a clue your mom was waiting for. He is so smart today. I'm going to build giant juice blocks in Minecraft oh oh I think you guys just walked past me, we're not kidding about you, nice try, oh oh, I think someone just walked past me.
100 000 secret underwater gaming base
I had jokes on you guys, we're not going to drive either, I just want to let you know that the clock is ticking, you have less than 30 minutes or you're screwed. It is in a sturdy place with many screws. Oh, the ramp is sturdy and has lots of screws. Give it a little tap. Don't think he's there, he probably would have yelled, you think so, yeah, definitely, okay, someone walks by really fast, come on, put your hands up, so that's our juice box. Any other clue besides your mom, what she's going to say, your dad. Your dad, I'm telling you we should check those containers, okay, that's ugly, but go get your juice today before the kids find me YouTube, no, he's here, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Wait, oh, okay, I'll go the other way.
What's up, what's up, oh oh, is he up here? Merry Christmas, hello, you found me, you win. I think I still want this video to be honest. Oh, they make that garbage their hiding place. It's time to put our final foundation in the ultimate challenge. Let's see if it can measure up, this is a bridge and I just turned it into a secret play base, here we go guys, see you later, so I'm currently under the bridge and we're playing hide and seek with the guys . 130. is counting down. I am about to dominate this competition because I have the best place.
I'll hide in a shed. I've been to the shed a couple of times, but last time there were some big spiders in there, oh my. there's a wasp in here bro oh no oh no there's a huge fucking wasp in there which I don't think you can hide very well in that James I have no idea what his plan is but it's not going to end well it's like six six five six four? What happens if I crouch down and use this bush as camouflage? I'm going in. I have a shirt. I'm going to try to crush it.
Oh God, I have to do it quickly. Oh God, where is it? I am literally so scared right now. There's a whole nest here bro I can't find the wasp I really don't know where to look I've never looked and hidden with the boys so it's going to be interesting I picked the wrong day to wear a bright yellow and before the wasp comes back let me give you a little tour of the base, this here is our entrance, that's the hatch to get out and we have all these windows looking out. I am suspended above the water we have. soundproof on the walls so I have to lower my voice a little bit, we have our bean bag chair and we have our whole


setup, headphones, everything you need, we even have a mini generator in case we need to charge my phone or something .
I hit Nathan, there's a lot of cones here, I'm bored, it's time to explore the car a little, back to safety, and there's no one here, bro, empty fish, there's a power cord running up here, though You I have any clue, brother, you know, I think I'm going to go see what James is not too far away. Can I go higher than this? Hey, Gabe, I'm just bored. What happened brother? I'm trying to climb the tree. I do not do it. even see him, so we're good, okay, because my hiding place sucks, if I can't see him, he can't see us, oh wow.
I love how there is a giant tractor right next to where I'm hiding. I will go. Look at the Red Shed, that's where James hit last game. I have a feeling you know, that's a lot of boxes, bro, there's no one there, shoot, bro, I don't even know, unfortunately they're not allowed on the island. house, right, no, no, someone just walked all over me. I'm scared as hell right now, bro, okay, should I start playing Minecraft? Yes, of course, it's okay. Gabe is wearing a brightly colored shirt, so if he is in the woods, I think he should be able to do it. see it maybe I love your hiding place you'll never find me I need you to like leave a comment below and where should I hide next time we hide because this isn't working I feel like we're I'll be here for a while You might want to take a seat.
I mean, at this point I'll just sit here. You have to figure out your excavator thing. Oh, there's WASP. Oh God, oh brother. I'm just trying to play Minecraft. It just appeared. right there I'm really terrified right now, okay, you know, everything's fine, everything's fine, everything's fine, oh, this is the best video ever, it's getting close, that's Cedric Gabe, oh yeah, he definitely has there must be someone there. Don't know. I know why Cedric would just be at the front of the property for the tractor. It sucks that they come. I am relaxing. Gabe, don't make a move.
The cube is face up. He does not see me. Hey. bro, your shiny clothes don't help you, you know, I tried, man, I looked like a Sprite bottle here hiding in a tree, that's my bottle in a tree, I tried, am I the first? Yes, you are the first. I couldn't. find Gabe or Nathan, you didn't find Gabe, no, my God, she's in the most obvious place. I literally walked right past him, he has to be in the woods, so bro, okay, no way he said he drove the tractor here and passed Gabe. We, we walked next to him, Gabe, you're good, should I drive with you right there?
I was thinking the same thing, just park in the shade. Turns out guys, I don't have internet right now, so I'm playing The Best of the. Better, oh yeah, I lost, no, no, no, unless I'm in a tree, we could pass them without saying it, maybe, oh, buddy, I don't even see you, bro, you didn't stop. I'm starting to think he gave me false information. Earth, no, no, Gabe, oh, there are a lot of ants, although am I blind or something? No way, no way, you have to check everywhere. I've been here for a long time, so I'm the last one.
No, oh, I'm the second. yeah bro it literally found me okay I didn't know if you found Nathan oh my god oh my god that's a bird when did they add birds in ah 472? I swear it's on like scuba gear like


. the boat or something like that. The bridge begins to grow vines. Oh, what the hell, those vines have never been there on the bridge. Who is going to suspect that he is looking under a bridge? Actually, most people might look under a bridge if they're playing. It's still a good place, okay? What the hell?
No way we walked there. Wait, why is he looking at me? look what the hell oh no oh no what is that thing oh no there's no way oh I think it sees me that's never been there please don't tell me I was the first to be found there's no way I was the first to be found bro I walked right over this thing, oh what's up buddy? Am I the first to find? No, you're the last one, oh, I won, yeah, you won, oh, let's go. I'm so glad you saved me. I almost got attacked by a wasp, oh yeah.
Hello, but I won and you are not a winner yet unless you subscribe. We had the idea to build the craziest base we've ever made, an


gaming base, but to do that, one of us would have to go down with the base, luckily. We decided to try it first because it failed badly, not all the ideas we have work and it was extremely frustrating to see weeks and weeks of preparation and a final failure, but that won't stop us, we are now more motivated than ever to build the craziest gaming base that no one has ever created.
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