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10 WAYS TO SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE ✨ Easy Steps To Make Your Life Easier

Jun 05, 2021
hello friends and welcome back my name is callie bransport if you are new here and in today's video I want to talk about


because sometimes


can be complicated, it can be busy, messy, exhausting and frustrating, and in recent years I have found myself wanting to simply


my life more and more, and although many of the complicated and messy parts of life cannot be avoided, I have also discovered that there are many things I can do to keep things


, simpler and less exhausting. in the life. And I wanted to share with you some of what I discovered today in case you too are looking for






life, so let's do this right, number one, start doing one thing tonight and tomorrow you will thank


10 ways to simplify your life easy steps to make your life easier
One of my favorite things I have learned is to start doing something every day that I will thank myself for tomorrow. This started about four or five years ago when I started doing my thing about never going to bed with a dirty sink in my house. I started making sure that no matter how tired I was, I al


made sure to clean the kitchen sink because there was nothing worse than waking up in the morning to a dirty kitchen sink, so it was this little thing that tomorrow I I would appreciate it because I wouldn't have to wake up to a dirty sink and the way I adopted it was to remind myself how much tomorrow Cali would appreciate the clean sink and then each morning when I came downstairs I took a moment to appreciate the fact. that the kitchen was tidy and how happy I was that I had taken a few minutes the night before to clean it up and


my morning


10 ways to simplify your life easy steps to make your life easier

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10 ways to simplify your life easy steps to make your life easier...

Hell yeah it's nice and clean in here thanks yesterday Callie and I know it sounds like some kind of Dumb Concept but it seriously works so well I'll just say to myself "Think about how much Cali will appreciate this tomorrow" or " how much easier this will


things for you tomorrow if you do this right now," so some other examples are like putting out the clothes for my outfit for the next day putting away a load of clothes really quickly taking the trash out to the trash can outside another way how i use this is even to do something in the morning afternoon cali will thank me for starting i'm getting really good at emptying my dishwasher in the morning because we use it every night and i used to wait until the next night after dinner to unload it because I had to wash the dinner dishes that night and it was an extra hassle and a lot more work when I was already exhausted at the end of the day and then of course the dishes were always piled higher because I hadn't put them in the dishwasher at all the day, so now I started emptying the dishwasher before lunch.
10 ways to simplify your life easy steps to make your life easier
I can just load dishes in the dishwasher all day and when dinner comes around, the dishes are much more minimal, easier and faster. Well, my next way to simplify is to unplug and I know this seems like such a basic and overused phrase, but really unplug. It can really help simplify your life. We are bombarded with so much information, news and photos about other people's lives all the time that we don't always stop to think about how much it is impacting our lives and our mental and emotional health. the perfect mood and more content and then scrolling through Instagram and feeling inferior, we could be having a really good day and then check the news and suddenly feel activated.
10 ways to simplify your life easy steps to make your life easier
I'm not saying to eliminate your devices, but simply consider them. trying to reduce your use on a daily basis, I have personally done this and have a whole video on how to use your phone less. He has some tips on how to stop picking up your phone so much that would just allow you to be a little less connected to everything all the time to allow you to slow down and simplify and get off the topic of disconnecting. I'm also a big advocate of unfollowing accounts on social media, so we often follow accounts we started following years ago.
Maybe someone we met once at an event or someone we like started following us, we're not even sure why, whatever the case, I make a conscious effort to check who I follow, like once a month, If there is someone on your feed that makes you feel bad about yourself it makes you feel jealous or guilty or ashamed or upset or less than any bad feeling just stop following them there is no reason for these people on your feed to interrupt your life and your thoughts like that. than just click the unfollow button and my little trick is if there's someone posting that gets you down but you don't want to follow them because maybe you know them in real life or whatever then you can mute the accounts this means You still follow it but not its content. appears in your feed and in that note a little trick to bring more positivity and happiness to your social media feed because I actually get questions about this every Monday on Instagram, if you don't follow me, I share posts that I love. the week before and I always get a couple messages from people saying, where do you find these great, happy, uplifting posts? and where do you find these accounts?
I feel like I don't follow these types of people, so my trick Obviously, one is to unfollow accounts that don't make you feel good, but two accounts that make you feel really cool or that you love seeing their stuff is to interact with them, so always like those posts, save those posts, comment on those posts. I'll tell Instagram, hey, this person likes this type of content and then you'll get more of that type of content, so that's another little bonus trick, and then say no to things that aren't who you really are. Listen, there's a lot of value in saying yes, don't get me wrong, but there's also value in saying no and I think very often we want to be yes people because we tend to be natural people pleasers as human beings, we love other people.
To be liked, we want to fit in, we want to be valued and this leads us to be a yes person and often being a yes person can also lead you to be less than you really are and more than you think other people want you to be. be It's taken me quite a while in my life to really learn the lesson that not everyone will like me and that's okay and honestly, once you actually get that message and really believe it, it's so liberating that I used to put a lot of things down. of effort to try to please each person to make sure that each person would like me and that left me saying yes a lot more than necessary and yes to things that weren't really me and that at the end of the day were still there.
There were people who didn't like me and there was nothing I could do about it, so an example of what I mean to contextualize this is that one time I was at a networking event making small talk which, by the way, I hate. small talk with anyone else, just not for me anyway, I was in a group making small talk and somehow the topic of camping came up and everyone started talking about wilderness camping and everyone seemed to be talking about how They really love camping and being outdoors and I finally thought, yeah, I don't really like camping, I like being outside but I don't need to sleep on the ground and then one by one the other people said, yeah, I don't really like camping. like.
He also didn't and it was really funny because this group of people were literally pretending to give the impression that they liked camping because they assumed that everyone else around them in this little circle thought that camping was really cool and awesome, but in reality it was We all prefer to sleep in beds than sleep with mosquitoes. Either way, it helps simplify your life because you're not trying to be someone or not, you're literally being true to who you are. I feel like this is turning into some kind of like a pep talk, but that's not what it is, it's just that life is simpler when you're not trying to pretend who you're not, you know, okay, next tip is organize and minimize your closet.
Now I talk about this a lot in my Tidy Up Your Wardrobe video which I'll link below for you, but I've found that my life is considerably easier since I minimized my closet a bit, not only am I getting dressed much quicker and easier, but now I have less clothes to wash. It is very common that our closets end up not really reflecting what we do every day, we end up with a lot more clothes of one type or another that we don't really need, so an example is that we have like 10 formal dresses and a handful of pretty clothes.
We choose outfits like eight different fancy high-heeled shoes, but we only really attend nice events like a couple of times a year. I'd bet most of us only wear 20 from our wardrobe eighty percent of the time, so the goal is to mix them up. numbers, you want eighty percent of your wardrobe to be what you wear eighty percent of the time, it takes a little work, like I said, I have that video below, it will help you, but you will find that this makes your life a lot easier. it's much easier to get dressed it's much simpler just open your closet and have things that you use every day, you don't have to think about it and washing less clothes is always a plus while we're on the topic of streamlining your closet.
Let's also declutter other aspects of our life, this will generate big waves to make your life feel simpler. Extra things often feel really overwhelming and heavy, so getting rid of extra things you don't need is really free and even if you choose just one or two things to declutter, it will make a big difference. Now I'll link my full decluttering secrets video below, but my best decluttering tip is that I always suggest choosing just one thing per week to declutter. It has to be something so huge, you don't need to be decluttering your entire attic every week, just pick one thing to do each week, do the drunk drawer this week, do the office shelf next week, just get into the habit of decluttering. constantly looking for things in your life that you don't need and you'll find that not having all these extra things around you will make you feel like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders and it'll make life feel a little bit easier, okay?
My next trick is to try to wake up 15 minutes earlier. Ah, the old phrase about waking up earlier, you knew it was coming. It's been in motivational speeches and how-to guides for years and you want to know why, because it works. That's why people always talk. about it now most of us set our alarms to wake up just when we need to, it gives us enough time to do what we need to do, maybe you leave for work at seven, so you get up at 6 15, it's time enough to get there. dressed to walk out the door maybe you have kids and you just let them be your alarm or maybe you work from home and then you set your alarm 10 minutes before you need to log in to work, long enough to brush your teeth and maybe it takes a coffee if you're lucky now, why do we do this?
Because we value sleep. Sleep is amazing and wonderful and we all need it and 99% of people don't hear the alarm in the morning and wake up feeling like they wake up instantly and jump. They get out of bed and say: "let's face the day when the alarm goes off, wakes us up from a deep sleep and we still feel tired and say: no, I'm not going to do this, give me 15 more minutes, I think." what is it". a common misconception that morning people literally like to jump out of bed. I am a morning person. 5 30 is the normal time for me to get up in the morning, but not only do I like to jump out of bed, very often alone.
As tired as everyone else, my alarm goes off, but after years of being a morning person, I have learned the benefit of waking up a little earlier. I've found that mornings usually set our tone for the entire day, so waking up with just enough time, we don't even have a second to check in, look at our to-do list, make a to-do list, have a quiet moment, We immediately rush through the day, so, instead, if you give yourself just a little extra time in the morning set your alarm 15 minutes early, it will give you just a couple of minutes to check in, set the tone for the day and you will find that your days go much better.
My next tip is to slow down and get started. enjoying being at home more, I feel like with our constant access to social media and our little windows and everyone's lives, our generation has this growing fear of missing out like fomo, you know, we all have this feeling that we need to be in constant states of movement we have to go out we have to go to the new restaurant we have to go on day trips we need to be constantly traveling and in general we have to be busy all the time this bombardment of other people's lives and our social networks their constant travels Outings nights of adventures and so on make us feel that our own lives are inferior if we do not do the same, so we get the impression that we are not living up to the maximum that we can live in our lives.
It is this feeling that drives us all to want to packevery minute of every day and listen. I'm all for living life to the fullest. You have one life to do everything you are going to do well, but does that mean that enjoying simple moments means that you are? Not living life to the fullest means that choosing to stay in on a Saturday night playing board games instead of trying a fancy new restaurant means you're missing out. Are you falling short if you spend Sunday at home working? a DIY project that you really wanted to do instead of brunch with friends followed by a trip to the beach followed by happy hour in 2017, my husband and I decided to bite the bullet and pay off our debt and over the next 12 months I paid almost 70,000 debt and I'll link a blog post below on how, but when we started reviewing our budget to do this, we quickly realized how much money we spent each month and each year when we were busy, so we cut back on time, swapped debt Thursday nights with Thursday nights at home, where we cooked like it was our own food and listened to music at home.
We stopped making impromptu trips to goals and household items. We gave up weekend trips and splurges and subsequently started staying home a lot more and after a few weeks of doing this we actually realized that we liked it more than being busy and over the next few months we started to love every once again be at home. and the more we stayed at home, the simpler our lives began to feel and we found new joy in simple aspects of our time we began to take long walks together we began to eat dinner at the table instead of watching a new television show it simply diminished speed, we talk more when you're not always going, it gives you a chance to slow down, it takes less to be impressed and you may find yourself appreciating little moments that you used to take for granted or just didn't even like. give yourself time to enjoy yourself because you were too busy being busy, you know what I mean, so think about trying to stay home a little more, swapping one thing you would normally do to keep yourself busy with something simpler, more at home and you'll discover that you're actually able to slow down a little and appreciate those slow moments a little more.
Well, next I think one of the easiest ways to simplify is to use to-do lists, they seem really simple and basic. but honestly, they could help a lot, we all tend to have about 800 tabs open in our heads at any given time and think about things like work, our family, what's for dinner, home repairs, all these looming tasks keep us busy. They will make you feel really overwhelmed and insecure. Where we're going to start makes life feel complicated and difficult to tackle, so I'm a big believer in the to-do list. Instead, take all those tabs and write all these tasks down on a piece of paper if it's a big task.
Write it down and write down all the little tasks you'll need to complete it, or use an app right now. I am very interested in the todoist app, it only takes me a few minutes to type everything, it allows you to visually see everything at once. Instead of trying to organize it in your head and once you have it down on paper, it's much easier to take your to-do list, prioritize it, and start scheduling it when you want to tackle which gets you started. you feel like you have more control over your list and situation and that makes it feel much more manageable and achievable.
Alright, the next step is to use routines. Human beings are creatures of habit. We have many habits that we formulate in our lives and that we hardly have. "You don't even realize we're doing it, I bet when you go to bed every night your body just goes on autopilot in the bathroom because you're going to brush your teeth and wash your face, you don't even think about it." ". You've brushed your teeth before bed every day since you were a child, so your brain almost does it without you thinking about it. Routines and habits can be really powerful in this way and they can also be powerful in negative and positive ways, so if you want to use your routines and habits for good, you can set small routines of things that you want to complete daily so that they start happen more on autopilot, when these things start to happen naturally on their own, you no longer need to think about them.
You'll just do them naturally, so habits and routines will give you a framework to improve and simplify your daily life. Now talking about how to establish good routines and habits is definitely a whole video in itself, there are entire books dedicated to this material and two books that I highly recommend if you want to start using habits to your advantage are a little more the power of habits by Charles Duhigg and the Atomic Habits by James Clear, but in general think about some tasks that if you completed them all The day would make your life easier, for example, we talk about putting out tomorrow's clothes the night before or always cleaning the kitchen before to go to bed Your morning starts easier.
Here you have an example. I recently started using it. I'm not sure I'm not alone. 2020 has left me with a lot more online shopping than usual because lockdown means you don't go to the shops as much and this has of course left me with a lot more boxes of online shopping. I have found that these boxes would pile up. The corners of my house would make it feel cluttered, definitely not more stripped down, so I started creating a habit that when I bring in a new box I open it as soon as I have a free minute and then layer on extra layers.
Also, I have a habit that when I open the box, I take out the contents, put it back and break the box, then I take that broken box and put it in the trunk of my car instead of leaving it there to hang out. . for a few more days before I think about recycling and the reason I put it in my trunk is because once my trunk is full of cardboard, I'm basically forced to make a stop at the landfill to drop it off instead of if I put. It's like it's in my basement, I could forget about it for weeks or months.
I have created this as a habit to the point that when I open a new package, I almost immediately start tearing up the box and carrying it to my trunk without even thinking about it and it has helped me control the package problem in my house, okay , my friends, that does it, those are my 10 things you can do to make your life a little simpler, a little easier, I hope you enjoyed this video. I hope you took advantage of at least some of it to make your life a little easier and a little simpler as always.
Thank you very much for stopping by and looking. I hope you're having a fantastic day. I'll see you all in my next video.

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