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10 WAYS TO MAKE YOUR HOME LOOK MORE ORGANIZED // Simple Steps To A More Organized Home

Jun 09, 2021
If you feel like you're short on time and you're overwhelmed by all the organizing advice you hear and all the different spaces you could organize in



, I'll give you the top 10 things you need to do to get








Hello everyone, my name is Sophie from sophisticated organization, welcome back to my channel or welcome if you are new here, in today's video I am going to share with you 10 things you can do to


your home




. Now these tips are pretty easy I promise and they will have a big impact on your home if you are ready for it, let's move on to the first thing and that is that transparent countertops having clean and clear countertops


s a big difference when you walk into someone's house, One of the main areas you'll want to look at is your kitchen countertops now, if you're like me you like to have a bit of decor, maybe you have limited space in the kitchen so you feel like you need it. to have your utensils out there, you have a big toaster like I do, I have a toaster oven, so stay outside whatever it is, try to limit that number of appliances if we're talking about kitchen counters or any other flat surface or countertops you may have, keep it as limited as possible because the


you add, the more crowded it will look and the more messy it will look, next is containment, containment is key when you think about organizing and I.
10 ways to make your home look more organized simple steps to a more organized home
I'm sure we can all relate when thinking about our favorite organization photos, there's probably some type of containment involved, whether it's baskets, bins, or drawer organizers. Containment can really mean a lot of different things, but when you have loose items everywhere, just floating around whether in a drawer, a cabinet or a closet, that's when you're going to have a disorganized look, containing where you can is key and also I like to think about how far you should take those containment levels, even if I have like a big container, I make sure that the items that are in that container can float freely or I try to think at a deeper level.
10 ways to make your home look more organized simple steps to a more organized home

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10 ways to make your home look more organized simple steps to a more organized home...

Do I need a smaller container to go inside that container? Now you don't want to have like a box. in a box in a box situation, but a great example is under my bathroom sink. I added some bin storage drawers, but even within those drawers I added drawer organizers, so it's containment within containment just because you have that first level of containment, no. I mean you're done and I don't want you to feel like you have to go out and buy a bunch of products and spend a lot of money, but while you're thinking about the things you want to organize, just make sure you're doing the job right and not just getting a big bin. and throwing everything in there because then you're defeating the purpose.
10 ways to make your home look more organized simple steps to a more organized home
This is one of my favorites and organizing by color is the first thing I think about when I think about organizing by color or in rainbow order is organizing the closet, which is actually quite functional for most people. Organizing your closets by color not only when you subcategorize by short sleeve and long sleeve dresses, whatever that is, and then also by color, can you find exactly what you're looking for? You're looking to make that perfect outfit but it's also visually appealing, so think beyond the closet and when you want your home to look organized, let's be honest, a lot of organization is the visual aspect of things and making them aesthetically pleasing to the eye, which is better. instead of organizing something by color and I use it everywhere if you haven't tried organizing your bookshelf in rainbow order which can look really beautiful if you have a huge collection and are an avid book reader and like to organize by Alphabetical order, genre, author or something like that, by all means, do that, but if you have a smaller collection and can probably find what you're looking for, try organizing by color.
10 ways to make your home look more organized simple steps to a more organized home
I organize my spices by color. I am the one who cooks. So I know where everything is and I like how it looks organized by color. Play with that and see if you can make your space more visually appealing and look more organized by organizing it by color, the next thing that will make a big difference. is uniformity, this can happen throughout the house. I have a great example in my kitchen. I organize my kitchen cabinets by type of material. The first cabinet I have is all of our white plates. The next cabinet is all of our glass dishes.
So I know where things are, so it's functional for me, but it's also aesthetically pleasing and beautiful, and it looks very organized, even if those things are combined around all those white plates together and all the clear plates together they just look organized. and you can take it anywhere you want in your house, another good example is decanting products and some people are quite doubtful about this topic because it requires a lot of extra work, sometimes it is necessary to buy a lot of products, but it makes the space really look. organized if you think about those Pinterest-worthy spaces, having those consistent containers and having all your pantry items decanted or I even go so far as to decant my board games.
I have shared that before having that uniform look it makes everything look really organized so try and bring uniformity wherever you can, the next step is labels and if you know me you will know that I am a lover of labeling things, although I admit you can go too far away labeling items in your home, I wouldn't label absolutely everything there. It will actually create a more cluttered look, but having a selected number of labels will actually make your space look more organized, but you will also be more organized because you will make sure you put things in the right place that matches that label. , you will know where to find things and where to store them, and a great added benefit is that your family members will also know where to find things and where to store them, so there will hardly be any more. excuses for the rest of your family to ask where to find something or where to keep something because it's labeled and I've had some spaces that I've played with unlabeled for a while, I honestly even forgot what was in each container or basket, especially if they have a lid and they are closed, I think they are all uniform and I can't remember which ones, especially if you are taking the previous advice of uniformity, labeling things so you know exactly where everything is stored can be really difficult and that is keeping similar items together, so which the reason I say it can be difficult is because a lot of times we like to put things where we use them most often and I think that's a great organizing tip. and a tip that I give quite often I like to put things where I use them, it makes sense, so I like to put my cups next to my coffee maker and buy my coffee, so every morning when I go to make my coffee I'm not running in circles, everything is there in this little coffee station with cups and coffee, that's fine because you only want to keep them in one place, but think about other types of items that you could use in multiple areas that can create the problem with the products cleaning. are a great example of this, there's kind of a debate that a lot of people have: do you have a central location where you keep all your cleaning supplies or do you keep bathroom cleaners in each bathroom? kitchen cleaners in your kitchen and saves everything everywhere.
I like to keep most of my cleaners in one place and store bathroom cleaners in a cart so I can carry them around. There are some exceptions for kitchen cleaners because I'm there cleaning all the time. I have a multiple surface. a cleaner and a glass cleaner and then the kitchen products will be there, as will the laundry products, but if you have a house with four bathrooms, for example, you don't want to put bathroom cleaners in each bathroom, that will just be multiply. the amount of products you have and creating clutter in multiple different spaces, so using a cart that you can take with you is a great solution.
Another example that comes to mind is that I like essential oils and I have a couple of diffusers. I have one in my office and one in my room and I used to have essential oils everywhere and since then I decided to put them all in one place. I can take them and fill my diffusers in the morning or at night whenever I want. I'm doing it, but I don't need to have those products in every specific place because, again, you'll buy more and it'll just make your space look more cluttered. One of my biggest pet peeves that causes visual clutter is cables.
Now my husband thinks I go a little overboard with cable management, but I think it's really something that can destroy the look of a space, especially a living room or an office, those tend to be the two places where we have a lot of it. of cables, of course, because of our televisions and other electronic devices that you have in the living room or family room and then in your office you have printers and computers and so many electronic devices that you can get a lot of cables very quickly and find what you can do to fix them. cables and making sure you don't see them when you're looking into those spaces will really help elevate the look of your space and decrease the clutter you'll see in both rooms or anywhere else in your home now.
You don't have to go as far as drilling a hole in the wall and run the cables through there. I live in an apartment right now so I can't really do that, but I think of creative solutions using zip ties to keep the cables together there. There are many different products that will help feed cables into different places and hide them. You can even use command hooks and fix the command hooks in a little line and put that wire on the command hooks and keep it organized that way so there are plenty of workarounds, but again, anything you can do to hide those wires, It will really make your home look more organized.
The next step is decoration and if you are a decoration lover, this may be really difficult for you, but the phrase less is more is very true. When it comes to decor and organization, the more decor you add to your home, the messier it will look. I know that is contradictory again for decoration lovers. You think incorporating decor will make your space look even more beautiful, but many times the more you bring will do the exact opposite, it kind of goes back to that first tip of clean countertops and surfaces, the more you have, the messier it will look. limiting things like family photos is really huge in this category for most. part, you are the family that lives there, you don't need every photo printed on your walls or on your desk and in your bedroom and everywhere we like to have a bookshelf where we honestly have a good amount of decoration and a good number of other photos Other than that, we don't have any other family photos in our apartment, my husband has one of us in our office from our engagement that I gave him, I think for his birthday, but other than that, they aren't scattered throughout the rooms and it's a very limited number, the other thing that can really help reduce the cluttered look of your decor is grouping small items together, so if you have a bunch of little knick-knacks and they're all scattered everywhere, it's going to look like an absolute mess if you put them together. you find In a small tray and put all those items together, you keep all those things that you love and the decor items that you want to display, but by putting them together you almost trick the eye into thinking it's one item, of course it's not. but grouping them together will make your space look less cluttered and more organized, so if you're not willing to reduce the amount of decor you have, that's a great tip to implement.
It's easier said than done, but you need to do it. make a rule to save the piles, I'm talking about all those piles, when you first walk in the door you throw everything together and leave it in a pile, maybe on your kitchen island, like I do when I walk in or nail . piles of papers, many of us are terrible when it comes to organizing paper and mail and we simply have a thick stack of papers that we must go through doing things right the first time when you walk in the door hanging your jacket putting away your shoes putting away putting away keys in your bag, whatever it is, will make a big difference, same with stacks of paper and creating a mail sorting system so that when you get the mail you sort it right away.
I think it's okay to have a pile of action or a bunch of things to do, but keeping things on your desk and making them grow and grow and grow is exactly what I'm talking about, that will cause visual clutter and make your house look pretty messy if you think of someone walking. in your house right now and you have those pallets, those are probably some of the first things you're going to want to clean and hide quickly and the fact that you want to clean and hide them quickly is your cue to know that it's making your house look messy, whatever. thing you can do to eliminate those piles and create a rule for you and yourfamily that they won't accumulate piles and sit around, it will make your home look much more organized.
The last tip. It is putting effort in the most visible places, that means making the bed every morning, our living room is another. I think about fluffing up the couch cushions and putting them away after a night of lying on the couch, if you have a kitchen where maybe you have some glass cabinets and you can see into them, those are the ones you'll want to prioritize and make sure Make sure they look nice and tidy, of course, you want the rest of your kitchen cabinets to look clean too, but if you have spaces that are more open than others, that's where you'll want to focus your time because when you walk around and look at your house and those main areas that you can see with the naked eye without lifting something or opening something that will make your space look messy.
I know it sounds obvious, but focusing on those areas will make a big difference in organizing your home. Those are the 10 things I think you should do to make your home look more organized. Let me know if there is anything you do that I didn't mention that you think makes your space look really organized or if you had one of these. that was your favorite like this video if you enjoyed it subscribe to my channel if you haven't already it would really mean a lot to me and until next time I'll see you later

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