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10 ways to organize your home without buying a storage box | Zero-waste starting from home

May 19, 2024
Cleaning and organizing often happens unexpectedly. This morning, while he was watering my plants, I opened my husband's project drawer. I never really understood his organization system (maybe he had some magical method) but today, when I saw the overflowing drawer, I couldn't ignore it anymore. Instead of




rs, I'm going to reuse items we already have at


today. During the holidays we received some cakes and gift boxes. These boxes are usually bright and strong colors. However, it is not 100% recyclable because it has a plastic coating. Can you see how it is


d? because I can not.
10 ways to organize your home without buying a storage box zero waste starting from home
I decided to keep the battery packaging because batteries must be stored constantly to avoid fire hazards. It can be placed on top of batteries to save space. This section stores all educational manuals and books. A while ago I made a video about clutter in the


. Although we now use cloth shopping bags, we still occasionally receive plastic bags from stores. Reuse empty tissue boxes as holders for those extra plastic bags, making them especially useful for lining


compost bin. Are you too lazy to get up and throw the trash in the trash while you're in bed?
10 ways to organize your home without buying a storage box zero waste starting from home

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10 ways to organize your home without buying a storage box zero waste starting from home...

Reuse empty tissue boxes to get rid of used tissue


. Another way to reuse an empty tissue box is to turn it into something useful. By adding empty toilet paper rolls in the middle, you can create a pencil case to store extra markers. We also keep small plastic containers like these. They are extremely durable and completely sealed, preventing moisture and leaks. Metal hooks are sharp (they are curtain hooks) and keeping them in a container will prevent accidentally piercing


finger. Today's children al


have their own water bottles, whether they are going to school or the park.
10 ways to organize your home without buying a storage box zero waste starting from home
But with so many bottles out there, finding the right one can be difficult. So I came up with a simple solution: use cardboard boxes to create organized sections for each bottle. Now it's easier to get the bottle we need because each bottle has its own designated place. Cardboard boxes are great for organizing small medications. Although they work well when the box is full, they tend to allow items to move around a lot when the box is not full. The best way I have found is to use rubber bands around the box to create a grid. Now they won't change much when they move.
10 ways to organize your home without buying a storage box zero waste starting from home
Younger children have tiny gloves that often get lost in a standard-sized drawer, and with toilet paper rolls, I can easily place them in a designated area after doing laundry. Small cardboard boxes like these are often thrown away because they do not serve as organizers. However, it can be reused to hold small kitchen and bathroom items such as rice spoons, food bag clips, hair brushes and razors. The trick is to stick a magnet on the back of the box. Alternatively, if you don't have a metal area in your bathroom or kitchen, you can attach some adhesive tape or a hook.
You can also turn any box into a compartmentalized organizer by cutting it along the lid. Cut the lid in half and use the sides as dividers in the organizer.

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