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10 Unusual People Who Took Plastic Surgery Too Far...

Jun 09, 2024
Well um I had bad



, there is nothing wrong with the occasional



or even the Brazilian butt lift which is becoming quite popular but there are some


who have taken plastic surgery too far to transform themselves into animals to take. Improve the look of inanimate objects, here are 10 of the most impressive before we dive into this list. Make sure to leave a like on this video too if you want to join this month's Star 5 giveaway for a new iPhone 12 and then everything. What you have to do is subscribe to our channel and watch this video until the end to find and comment on the hidden message good luck number 10 ethan ethan became obsessed with tattoos at the tender age of 11.
10 unusual people who took plastic surgery too far
I am the most modified young man in the world at least. By the time he had already started stretching his ears with plugs although this was not so


for the time as it was quite fashionable yet this handsome boy became more interested in modifying his body because he wanted to be different by experimenting with different tattoos, Ethan had already undergone 40 body modification surgeries by the time he was 22 years old. Among his many surgeries were cutting out his tongue, removing his navel and tattooing his eyeballs. Every inch of his skin is covered in tattoos and he is one of the most modified young men alive with hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram.
10 unusual people who took plastic surgery too far

More Interesting Facts About,

10 unusual people who took plastic surgery too far...

No further proof is needed to know how captivated


are by this unique look. Of course, Ethan Ran the great risk of going blind when he wanted to get his eyes tattooed, but finished. going well number 9 pixie pixie pixie wanted to have the smallest waist possible in 2015. To achieve this, she started wearing a corset every day at first, this came to about 18 inches, which is really not bad, but she wanted more pixie decided it was best to have six ribs removed before that surgery. He had already undergone several other cosmetic procedures, including a Brazilian butt lift liposuction on his inner and outer thighs, four nose jobs, cheek fillers, four breast surgeries, lip fillers, a mini. eyebrow lift permanent makeup and botox surgeries that's a big list the surgery


about four hours and she plans to have more modifications to her body my name is paulina and i spent over two hundred thousand pounds on a number eight plastic that rodrigo alves had rodrigo alvas i always had the dream of looking exactly like the ken doll, we can rodrigo alves, it's a full time job that involves a lot of hair removal, laser, bleach and makeup, not only the face but even the shiny, plastic-like skin, so he was.
10 unusual people who took plastic surgery too far
He was ahead of spending over nine hundred thousand dollars on plastic surgeries to make this Dalek look possible. His desire to change his body began in high school, where he was bullied a lot for his appearance. Rodrigo suffered from abnormal hormonal fluctuations when he was 16 and this caused his breasts to grow, he was also continually picked on for his potato-like nose, so it's no surprise that he fell in love with surgeries after his parents told him to. led to breast removal surgery at age 17. Rodrigo was able to achieve glowing skin thanks to countless skins. graft surgeries, he also had about 10 surgeries before he was able to get the right nose, unfortunately he got an infection in the 6th surgery which almost


his life, but he survived even though his nose was not working as it should, he breathes through his mouth and can't.
10 unusual people who took plastic surgery too far
He even took incense later, he underwent another surgery on his arms to make them more muscular, but he ended up paralyzed despite the very real threat of having his arms cut off, he survived and was able to make them work again. Number seven, Toby Sheldon, we have enough. of people with favorite celebrities they would love to look like, but no one has really tried to make an exact copy of their idols, well that was until Toby Sheldon was so in love with Justin Bieber that he decided he wanted to look exactly like his famous idol when justin bieber became famous i was so jealous of his good looks he had that baby face that i really liked so toby went to see a plastic surgeon with a photo of bieber and told him to make me exactly like this, this cost him over a hundred thousand dollars as he had his lips, nose, eyes, hair, and face done repeatedly until he felt he looked perfect when it became public knowledge that Toby had gone under the knife countless times to be like Justin.
They made fun of him a lot. He later appeared in 2014 on Botched, which is a show for people who went through terrible plastic surgeries, but this is not where the story ends. Toby tried to launch his musical career at the expense of being a double for Justin Bieber, but it was a great failure. In 2015 he disappeared and was later found dead in a motel after taking some harmful substances number six cindy jackson at first glance cindy jackson looks like any normal person and you wouldn't think there was anything


about her appearance but that is until she discovered that it took more than 45 non-surgical procedures and 14 surgeries to achieve that look.
His list of surgeries so far includes a chin reduction, two eyelid liposuctions, two nose jobs and three facelifts. He also had chemical peels with semi-permanent makeup and botox fillers. This all started when her father died when she was 21 and Cindy began using money from her inheritance to have some minor surgeries. She never liked the way he looked, so this was a great opportunity to change his appearance to something she preferred. Little by little this became an obsession. that Cindy started undergoing body modifications just a few months apart, in fact she at one point held a record for having had the most plastic surgeries performed on her body after she lost that record, she still had a necklace made, Cindy later opened her plastic surgery consulting service. where the youthful looking lady advises celebrities how they can get natural results from their surgeries number five vanilla shamu it is not unusual to see people undergoing eyelid surgery in Japan because they want to look more western, in fact it is a trend that is has become quite popular.
Over the years, but Vanilla Shamu decided to take this a little further in 2013, the Japanese model began her journey to transform her body into a French doll. She first started bleaching her skin to look Caucasian and then had work done on her hair to turn it. she to ginger before working on her face, lips and nose, this all started in her teenage years when she also enlarged her breasts and changed her chin, of course, this would not be complete without the popular eyelid surgery . Vanilla spent over a hundred thousand dollars on approximately 30 plastic surgeries and she's not done yet, she even plans to undergo the dangerous height enlargement surgery that would chill anyone to the bone number four dennis for someone who believed stronger in the power of spirit animals dennis decided to take it a step further by transforming into what he believed to be his own spirit animal the tiger my first name is stalking cat his transformation began when he was 23 years old and it all started with a tiger stripe tattoo since then, Dennis continued to add more tattoos and undergo several surgeries to do so.
Feline in appearance, his surgeries included eyebrow lengthening and nose flattening implants. Dennis also wears synthetic mustaches that pass through holes in his lips. However, body modifications are illegal in the United States if they are not normal by society's standards, which is why he had them done. Independent artists without anesthesia, one can only imagine the pain he went through to make this happen, but he believes it is worth it. Number three, undergoing plastic surgery to look younger is quite common, but have you ever heard of surgeries to make you look older? Ann, who became a grandmother at the age of 47, was unhappy with the way her son was often mistaken for her boyfriend.
Additionally, she had younger men in their 20s flirting with her and this marriage ruined her into two long-term relationships, fed up with this and the jealousy of her friends and decided it would be better to look much older. She felt that the attention from younger boys was boring and she received the opposite of botox, which would add some wrinkles to her face. Number two Eric Sprog, we call this the lizard man and it took him over 700 hours of tattoo sessions to get to this point, all he wanted to do was become the spitting image of a lizard and the tattoos gave him scales realistic looking reptile.
He also got eyebrow implants and a split tongue. to make his face look exactly like a lizard's, so why would anyone go to such lengths with crazy modifications and get used to being watched while touring the world in freak shows? Well, he believed that he is a mythological creature and that is how this number reflects. a herbert chavez we all had crazy wishes when we were five years old, especially those who grew up watching superheroes like spider-man and superman on television, but one man decided to turn this dream into reality, herbert always wanted to be superman and while we thought he was so simple as entering a phone booth and leaving transformed Herbert went under the knife to make this happen this man spent more than eight thousand dollars which were around 19 surgeries from 1995 to 2012.
He talks about a man dedicated to the course that his surgeries included. ab implants lip liposuction skin whitening and nose surgery he was barely able to achieve the look he wanted a day would not go by without herbert dressing up as superman and even going out into the street because he should not open up I admire superman because he is such a good man, he is handsome and helped people and with that we finish today's video. Do you think he really took plastic surgery too far? Are there any other plastic surgery enthusiasts who you think should have made the list?
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