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10 Things Offset Can't Live Without | GQ

Jun 25, 2024
Do you ever like to leave your phone at home by accident? Forget it. I never leave my phone at home. I have a wife, I can't do that, dude, what's up? GQ, it's your son who is outside and these are the 10


I can't. I


without my babies right here you see these here these about 85 you don't have them and then the condition that I bought them in is so perfect and beautiful the reason I love these shoes is that they don't even have a match you can throw them away because it's just an 85, what someone is going to tell you, how many do you have over 200, probably for sure, how many 85 do I have, I probably have like I have black fingers, I have these, I have Three pairs of these, I actually bought one in size nine and I'm N9 and a half 10, but they were so clean I had to buy them, so I probably bought like four pairs, five pairs, I'll never have them.
10 things offset can t live without gq
I didn't find anything on eBay. I'm a little scared too. They're not going to catch me for anything. I don't have everything I want. I just want everything. You know what I've been looking for although me and my boy A- Rod has been looking for all the old barys, I can't find them, I can't find them at all and I like it, I like the 15, so you must really know what you're doing, you like 15, who do you think is your collection, Riv PJ Tucker, to show. Fat Joe Fat Joe is a maniac and then the mayor can have about three orange based ones.
10 things offset can t live without gq

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10 things offset can t live without gq...

I'm not going to lie too nasty, although he gets mean about it because he wears old school Nikes like that, everyone doesn't know anything about that. current rap ain't nobody with you no my next essential the petw chrs look the reason I love these is because I've been there look what I say like I've been there I like to see the growth of when I wear something and then I see it everywhere these pants right here my pair is one of one so I make mine custom so it's not on the market and then if you ever see the resale value on Chrome it'll be like 20 30,000 for the jeans, so it's like you can't really go to the store and buy them, so it's not accessible to everyone.
10 things offset can t live without gq
I did a mic look for M


Miami and I got a custom one from chromart and that's my people so you gotta have the trading cards and everyone doesn't have these, you also gotta look at the crosses because the guys are C, see the crosses no They are together, the crosses are peeling and they are one Shadee, they will have a cap chome heart, you are not deceiving. I don't use a Mir, nothing against Michir, greetings to him, you are a great designer, but I don't use microphone mirrors. I used them in 2017 in the Bad and Boie video.
10 things offset can t live without gq
You can go check the receipts. I'm just trying to be. A lot of times I'm ahead of the curve with the


I do, mannequin challenge, a lot of these cats look like mannequins, but I'm going to stay in my lane. I like the pieces, that's all I'm saying, I just like the pieces, it's a piece because it's not what everyone else is, you can't, not everyone can access it and it's like understanding the brand and what you love. and you like the brand, stay away from what everyone else got right, so the right gloves are always a good accessory. for an attack or something, especially when I'm acting, I always like to have gloves on here, of course, inspired by Mike.
I'm just falling into the character of improving myself as a solo artist and taking it there as a performer creatively. wise and I make it about me first and foremost, he is my favorite artist of all time, I got tattooed twice. I got like a baby photo, like when we were so broke that we had like books on the TV to hold the TV up and myself. I like standing in front of it with an unbuttoned shirt and a glove on, like when I was probably five or six or something, he was always with my favorite artist.
I appreciated the art he put into himself, it's like he didn't do it. I don't care about anything else, he's just getting better and it's like my story of how I feel and like his album is out of place, the name of my album highlights that. I am representing the character of my album. I'm not going. to talk too much about it, but I have these custom gloves, these ones here are Chrome custom ones, it's crazy, you can't get them. I like a lot of gloves, they will be like worker gloves, like with the little Knuckles or like this one.
It's a worker's glove, but it looks crazy, it will just be a nice accessory to the outfit. If I put these gloves on right now they'll look good with what I'm wearing and if I need to knock someone out just playing around look what I'm saying right here just look closely just a good accessory my next essential will have to be glasses let me put these on to show you how good I look with them on I like how mysterious you don't see my eyes that's why I always get LS. I like glasses here and there, it depends on the outfit, but for the most part I like dark glasses, it's just a necessity.
I'm in the club 24 hours a day with my glasses on for the interview. in the bathroom I like the older Versace lenses, those are always the best because I understand them from watching Masterpie for a long time and I'm like one of the guys that influences me on the product, they got these specific lenses that I love, I still wear them . On the Octavio side, they fit my face perfectly. I like thin glasses. I don't really like big glasses with wide lenses because they don't fit my face. I lose glasses all the time and sometimes I get mad because sometimes you can't find them like the products they didn't find, they didn't restock them for a month and a half, two months, so I would just wear them without them.
I always make glasses though that's going to happen so my next essential item bring the treasure chests outside this isn't all up but these are the jewelry it's my jewelry box flip it over for you I'm big on my Jesus is the rose pieces go with the big emerald sets on your head you gotta catch that right there shout Meet my jeweler Elliott, the best jeweler in the game. You'll see how he put the pink stones with the blue stones and the cross on the head like he was making fine jewelry and it stands out like this piece here like why?
I have the yellow flower sets in there with the pink and the blue like a different string and it just hits like you just hit different you'll get your money's worth this is the early Elliott that's Ric FL woo this Bando piece here same, you know, big doll and she stands up, look at this, Ellie, she put screws in the back, the details, she has spray paint in the house, they say Migo gang back because this is the B, this is the Bando house here, then check out this piece here, this is the gold version. That everything is destroyed is like gold with the diamond and the bells, this is something that Tiffany would do, how they have the style that they would not be so destroyed and just the pair of shapes inside the flowers is heavy, you can, you can hear it.
So even as I'm talking right now, my chains don't rattle because he put the heavy weight on them and of course we have the three-headed monster gang for life, that's what it is at the end of the day. he put the emeralds you put our face our real faces we have diamonds in our glasses earrings we have chains on the chain it's just disrespectful this costs a lot of money if I'm going to spend my money I want my money to be sacred and Then so does he Elliot will teach you about the jew so it will teach you and give you the game on what diamonds are and what you should pay attention to even when you buy outside of it, that's why I follow it like I can call it. and he'll say: hey, he won't convince you not to do it and he'll say he can't think of it, he'll say: take this one, don't understand the other one, that other one doesn't look like it's woo woo woo or like the cut it or how they indicate or diamond setting is not really what they say it is and if you do that to most other jewelers they will hate and be like and come right to me we arrive like they are wearing a ring. each finger, when it was just gold before it was diamonds, we had mul mul chains and then like the length of the chain, it made it shorter and more presentable, so it would hang and go everywhere, we definitely influenced the game, the Double watches were a thing at one time.
I know what I'm saying, we were just flooding it and like we had two clocks, two Downs buses on, but now I've changed everything, I don't even use Downs buses, it's simple Jane or nothing. I want my wife to be worth it. something I'm not trying to lose value on this this guy IET on on the Rocks yes sir my bad I guess this was also on the Rocks mi n central my phone and my headphones you know the phone I can never lose this phone because I have my music unpublished there and a certain file on the phone that is super important, you know, family, my children could contact me.
I asked my brother to take it on the back of my screen, always reminding me that we do it for him. I like Apple headphones. because it's also like a fashion statement. I'm not going to lie, like you can put them on with a fit and they look good with the fit and also like you can, you can block out all the noise with these so that's why I have to have that phone with headphones. I feel like a lot of people do that because they also talk. Look, I never talk with headphones. I just listen to my music and I like my mixes and I like the production with headphones because I would.
I want to know how someone who might be exercising put on headphones. It's always for music. For me, I could make a voice note. If a producer sends me something in the car and I play it very quickly. I could make a voice note. just to get an idea for reference, but other than that it's just in the studio, though anyone I listen to, I'm rocking with my boy TR right now, his album Dr you toia hard Don, tried to record the album was difficult, Pluto , you will be going crazy. Even though the album was difficult, yeah, same old, same old, so I've been focusing a lot on my sound and I like to try to master it to make sure it's that pressure, you know?
Do you ever like to leave your phone at home by accident? Forget it. I never leave my phone at home I have a wife I can't do that buddy I need to be able to answer it I have kids I have too many imports It's too much business to handle I never leave my phone You need that phone Real wife though, so my next essential will have to be my big bag where I carry the essentials. It's so big that I can put a whole outfit, shoes, I can put my glasses, my gloves, everything and it's also a military fatigue bag.
So whatever outfit I wear, Go With It, black, white, green, purple, whatever, go with everything in here, I have an essential item inside the essential bag, B, wash your butt, Boy, oh, I think it was like 30,000, but the thing is, with the bags here, all of them. they are pricing so right now there are probably 60,000 or 70,000 on the market, they only give two bags a year to the customer no matter who it is so you have to see the bags allocated so yeah it's rare that you can catch it, then I go. Buy it for sure because I know it's a piece and its value is also going to go up, so I'm never going to sell it, but it's also like it's a piece that we were talking about before, it's like it's a piece.
The bag inside this bag is also one piece. I'll show you this, the Chrome. I think it's from the '90s. If you're going to have a bag, it has to be one piece. It has to be one piece. The next essential lighter has to be one piece. I have a lighter and my brother took it. You know, my son loves gas and blows one every time he lights one. It's like he's blowing my son away. So I want to say that you have a great will never let you down. I know what I'm saying, but I like this specific lighter because it's personalized and I have his picture on a lot of lighters like this, oh yeah, I like Gro, I like it, I grab a leaf, I act on the leaf and I wrap it in it.
Paper too because look at me, I'm a chain smoker so I like my blunch to KI, it's healthier of course paper but I prefer a Grable, my next hygiene essential, friends, you have to be clean. I wash my face with stex because I. I have oily skin. I hit my face with stex. I don't use lotion, I just use oil because I'm soft like that. You see what I'm saying. I have beautiful dark chocolate skin so I like my skin to be hydrated. and look good, so I don't feel very good with the lotion, it's too thick for me personally.
Sometimes I use deodorant spray to clean the deodorant so it looks like all my clothes. I'm not into all that Aqua, like I said. I don't play with my skin, so if I don't have oil, I'm going to put some water and I'm going to put some on right now, so the skin is tight here, so I get like bumps when I shave my hair, so when I short, I have to tighten the skin, dissolve and close my pores to be nice and clean, and that's it for hygiene, my next essential Wild Clippers, you can never go wrong with the Wild Clippers and I personally can get it. it's INR if my hair grows too long my hair gets curly so I always have to cut my beard facial hair let's go old school my grandpa used to cut me with these you see what I'm saying these are never fair. you make sure to clean them, you clean them all, you loosen the screw when you need to get under thatblade, keep the F clean and that's how we go man.
I wear them probably like 3 days every 3 days because I don't want inrs or bumps so I just go and cut it off. GQ, thanks for having me. Now I could go look for it.

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