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10 Things Gamers WISH Every Game Company Did

Jun 04, 2021


developers just blatantly do the right thing Hello friends, it's Falcon today in the


rings Ten







would do or learn from number ten Titanfall two is a huge improvement over Titanfall one, So that's not what I'm talking about. but I love Titanfall 2, I think it deserved a lot more attention than it received and particularly for the reason it's on this list, although despite being highly criticized and very well received by those who played it, it was sort of sandwiched between a couple of bigger games. releases and didn't sell as much as it could have and yet Respawn just gave away a ton of DLC for this game, not like a t-shirt here or a silly little edition, but full Maps maps that basically


other game would charge for matte packs .
10 things gamers wish every game company did
It usually cost money and the comeback was like neon, oh, that's enough. How was it six map packs for months after the game came out, they were just giving them away and also when Respawn announced they were giving all of this away? DLC, it wasn't just hey this is a good thing, they also said we're against the season pass model. The editors heard comeback number nine. Warframe developers removed a microtransaction because a player used it too much. It was essentially a 67 cent virtual pet. randomizer and while that may sound pretty benign, especially considering that Warframe is a free-to-play game that, frankly, is much more justified and includes microtransactions, they got a little anxious when a single player used it like 200 times, it's essentially a slot machine When If you look at it that way, it's a lever that you pull and it may give you something you want, it may not, and I think you realize that when someone did it 200 times, I mean, that's a lot to sit there in just 67 cents 67 cents 67 cents, I mean, it's a hundred and thirty-four dollars, that's a lot of money if you spend that kind of money pulling a lever to maybe have a nice virtual pet, maybe it's something that you have some kind of propensity for to abuse, perhaps like gambling without knowing it. nothing about it and maybe it was irresponsible of them to tell them that we want to treat each other like people and not like slot machines and I think that was basically the reasoning behind removing this micro transaction after we realized what it was and thank you.
10 things gamers wish every game company did

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10 things gamers wish every game company did...

Seriously, you could have made so much money doing this. I mean, it sounds pretty clear, like they had a conscience and didn't realize what they did and when they saw what they had done, it disappeared. Good job. Digital Extremes number eight, dying light. a game that was three years old when this happened was releasing free content packs that actually had a significant impact on the gameplay of the game, for example they added a silencer which may not seem like a big deal, but a silencer changes the dynamics of the game quite a bit. game. Kinda also added a number of weapons and another ten pieces of free DLC throughout 2017 and 2018, which is a lot for a game where old tripwire number seven, the creators of Rising Storm to Vietnam have been giving away modding money. their game instead of making people pay for DLC, in fact the DLC they created they just gave away, they're like you know what you paid for a product and that's good.
10 things gamers wish every game company did
Number six, a game called Fey, Awakening was a standalone title. that worked pretty well when it launched, so they decided they were going to make all the DLC for free. They didn't expect it to go so well, so they thought as a thank you, we'll do this. They also thought the free DLC model would work. sell a lot more copies of their game because India is an ever-expanding market and of course the first DLC didn't set the world on fire in terms of sales of their game, but the second one they timed very well and it came close.
10 things gamers wish every game company did
At the time of a Steam sale and combined with a lot of goodwill from the first DLC, the second DLC became something very big. First they added multiplayer and there was all the goodwill and they saw an increase of fifteen hundred and seventy-two percent a month. this month thanks to that DLC, which, to be clear, is starting to look like maybe free DLC is a good business model number five, probably the most requested thing in the PS Spider-Man game was the Spider-Man suit. Spider-Man from the first Spider-Man movie anyone cared about, Sam Raimi's 2002 one, and even though it was planned to happen before anyone started freaking out over the request, and let's be clear, they went very crazy, they had planned to give the suit away. free, but it turns out the stars pretty much aligned in that sense, everyone was very interested in getting that suit and I will say that with the requests that came in as they were, I'm sure they would have added it without a plan, but it was a plan, so it was kind of fortuitous, but you can't really argue with that kind of fan satisfaction, something that was highly sought after, given away, like they could have gone the other way too, where they saw all the demand and I've been like If you knew we could charge for this and they didn't help you.
The number of sleepless games for the Resident Evil 2 remake is fucking great, let's go ahead and say it, kudos to Capcom, now they could certainly use this as a platform for any number. interesting and when I say interesting I mean bad microtransactions, they are not doing that, in fact they announced in a live stream that they have a lot of post-launch content, now we don't know for sure if all the post-launch content will be free, but We know that pretty much everything they've announced is free, they're adding a ghost survivors mode which is like a completely different mech mode, it's basically going to include a lot of random locations of


for enemies' ammo, etc., and it'll give you a chance to play as different characters, they will also add classic skins.
These skins are the costumes from the original Resident Evil 2 game and again, that's free, currently these things only happen in Japan, we don't know when it's coming. the western market, but that's cool, that kind of thing, the new modes and skins, that kind of thing can easily end up as a micro transaction because it's very tempting to make as much money as you can with everything, so good job, Capcom , for resisting that temptation. I can't wait to see it in the West. Number three is the No Man's Sky Foundation update and I can't imagine a more appropriate name for that update.
Foundation brought so much more to the game that we had to go ahead and make a video. about how he had done a lot to redeem No Man's Sky because No Man's Sky, let's be completely honest, was released as some kind of shit that weighs more than promised and weighs less delivered and the base update brings it pretty close to what they promised, I mean, it really improved the game a little bit in terms of quality, the visuals got a major improvement, water added two planets, it was cool and all the buildings, just everything was updated to a point where it's like, oh , this. it's a triple a game now which is good very good as it laid the groundwork for making bigger updates like adding multiplayer which they did and that's basically what redeemed no man sky and no man sky It's really cool now, the lesson here is not only to do good for your customers, but to not give up, number two, a 21-year-old Super Smash Brothers fan who was dying of cancer was worried he would never be able to play Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, he tweeted about it and there was a huge outpouring of support on social media: Nintendo sent a couple of representatives to his house with a copy of the game and he was able to play it for three hours, which is not a lot of time, but yes.
You consider how little time he had left, he died. a couple of days later he really made it happy he thanked everyone and when you see things like this it's like people create these games because the world can be hard and bad and games can bring us joy even in the worst of times and finally , The Witcher 3 is a free DLC, now The Witcher expansions cost money and were practically the length of the game alone, but other smaller updates, like small quests, different outfits, various good things that are cool and in other games probably cost money, didn't cost a dime, and they also released them at a breakneck pace almost all the time, among the best of course being New Game+ and a couple of new missions that really tie it. with the rest of the morning, which is great, free, can you remember a time when he just did something and you said why doesn't everyone do that and then you said no money cuts, leave us a comment. let us know we want to encourage developers and publishers to do better, please like if you liked this video and if you are not subscribed, now is a good time to do so.
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