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10 Things Every Pokemon Player Hates

Jun 05, 2021
Bluefins michael from Gouri Jing here and we've all played Pokémon at some point in our lives, whether it's a game from the main Pokémon Go series or even some of the spin-offs, but while Pokémon is a wonderful story franchise that has brought me to me and most likely a lot of joy over the years, there are some aspects that suck. I thought it would be fun to talk about some of those aspects, so without further ado, here are 10 Things Every Pokémon Player Hates. The first thing




. What the



is having to deal with full storage, whether in a main series game or in Pokémon Go, at some point you have definitely run out of space for items or maybe even Pokémon, currently in the games of the main series you can't have a full storage. bag you have infinite storage, but that wasn't always the case in gen 1, 2 and 3 games, your bag could fill up, forcing you to store additional games on the PC, this is exceptionally annoying, especially if you realize that your bag is full in the middle. of a route, you are forced to throw some items in your bag or go back to the PC, put some


on that PC and then go back to the middle of the route where that item was a big inconvenience and in Pokémon go, a bag full It's a perpetual problem, how many times have you tried to swipe a stop or open a gift only for your bag to be full?
10 things every pokemon player hates
A pop-up window appears requiring you to remove some items from your bag or go to the store. and improve your bag storage for me, it probably has been at least a thousand times and no matter how much I improve my bag storage, I always seem to be full. Full storage of Pokémon is also an issue, but it tends to happen less frequently in my experience. Pokemon go I've definitely filled up my Pokemon storage before, but it happens much less often than a full bag as I tend to transfer most Pokemon as soon as I catch them and it takes me like a minute to catch a Pokemon, whereas with just swipe a stop you like three or four items and in the main series games if your


storage fills up I'm honestly impressed.
10 things every pokemon player hates

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10 things every pokemon player hates...

The next thing that all Pokémon


s hate is Pokémon running away from a Pokémon that comes out of a Pokeball, it's definitely annoying, but it's usually not that bad. because you still have a better chance of catching it and sometimes it can even be desirable in Pokémon Go if you're trying to make three excellent throws in a row on a big, easy-to-hit Pokémon, but a runaway Pokémon instantly ends your chances of catching it . It never stops being frustrating Abra is one of the most famous Pokémon to immediately run away from a battle, but its high catch rate usually doesn't make it a big deal.
10 things every pokemon player hates
The Safari Zone in the main series games is the real sticking point, although the Safari Zone and all the different games can be really frustrating because most of them include Pokémon that you can't catch anywhere else and those Pokémon tend to be Very rare, so it will take you a long time to find one and then once you do, it will probably be difficult. Run away as Safari balls are just cool balls and if you're trying to catch a Pokemon with a low catch rate and full health with just one big ball it probably won't work, it's worse in Pokemon Go as if a Really rare Pokémon runs away.
10 things every pokemon player hates
For your part, you have no idea when you will see it again, if you miss an opportunity in the Safari zone, it may take you a while to find another one, but you know that you can find it there, eventually you will find another one. In Pokémon Go, if there's a chance it will run away from you, you'd better hope you hatch one. Something related but much more serious that all Pokémon players hate is failing a shiny Pokémon, which, if you don't know, means that you will encounter a catchable shiny Pokémon and not catch it.


shiny hunter has at some point or another failed a shiny Pokémon, it's almost like a rite of passage, but even if you're not someone who spends time specifically searching for a shiny Pokémon, chances are that at some point or another you've encountered it. You encounter one at random and due to an unfortunate mistake or just plain bad luck, that shiny Pokémon ran away, it could happen because the Pokémon running away from you ran out of pokeballs, you don't realize it's a shiny Kay and it runs away. escapes due to an accident. or it's Kaling himself and every time he fails as a shiny, it's always a big disappointment, since shiny Pokémon are so rare that you have no idea when you're going to find another one, unless it's an ultra wormhole shiny, those They are more common than chips and salsa at a Mexican restaurant. restaurant the next thing all


players hate is missing an attack, this is a problem unique to the main series but it's a big one, there's something mainly irritating about having your turn completely wasted, hitting and doing just a little bit of damage It sucks, but missing completely is horrible, it's even worse if that hit was going to knock you out and because it missed you didn't get knocked out, it's even worse than that if the move is 95% accurate and it misses, why even have moves with a 95? % accuracy just make them 100% something I like What I can say about Pokémon moves is that if it's not 100 percent accurate it's fifty percent accurate so I'll choose accuracy over power basically every time and like missing attacks is very frustrating if my Pokémon's accuracy decreases, I will change it as soon as On the other hand, it is possible if my opponent increases his evasion well, huh?
The next entry on this list is something that is different from the previous entry but hated for the same reasons which are immobilizing status conditions. Remember how I said there is something exceptional. It's irritating when your turn is completely wasted and your Pokémon just sits there and does nothing while your opponent can do something. Immobilized state conditions exponentially increase the likelihood of that happening. Paralysis, sleep freezing, confusion, and falling in love are all status conditions that are either guaranteed or not. a chance to prevent your Pokémon from attacking, meaning you're sitting there with no idea when or if your Pokémon is going to attack again, and of course, if the opposing Pokémon gets any of these status conditions, their chance of not being able to move is less than half of yours, trust me on this, that's how it works, I definitely have empirical and unbiased evidence of that.
I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that I would rather be poisoned, burned, or cursed and only take some damage each turn. Instead of having the chance of my Pokémon being completely useless, the next entry is everyone's least favorite Pokémon drought biome. Caves, every square in a cave is an encounter square, which means if you're outside, repel zubats from those geodude and all the other nasty cave Pokémon. won't leave you alone, plus if you need to get out of there quickly you can't fly because you're underground, so your only options are to dig or teleport, neither of which are as prevalent outside of battle moves as flying or you .
I need to use an escape rope which while you can find them I don't like spending money on them, most are also very Mazie which makes them difficult and annoying to navigate especially if it is one of the worst types of caves that require more flash. useless move outside of battle because it's the most useless move inside of battle, speaking of moves outside of battle, that's the next thing every pokemon player hates. H ends, thank goodness they got rid of these in the generation 7 games because when they were present in the main series games they were always a pain.
I understand that the game designers needed a creative way to prevent players from progressing too far through the game too quickly, which would cause them to encounter Pokémon that are too strong for them, however, having that progression method negatively affect your fighting was a mistake the old moves were always a big hindrance to your pokemon's move sets because most of the time they are pretty weak, sure surf is a great move but the slash based power is only 50, the hits of rock is only 40 and before gen 4 it was only 20 and the worst of all is flash, it doesn't do any damage, so to handle this you are stuck either taking away a useful movement slot from one of your Pokémon, decreasing the overall count of your team to 5 so you can have a space for an HM. slave or go back to the PC to search for a hm using Pokémon every time you need that specific hm, all three options are incredibly annoying and inconvenient.
Also, as an added hurdle, you can't remove hm moves unless you're moving, remove er oh you. You flashed your Combusken slice by mistake right after the first gym badge in Hoenn, well it sucks to be you because you can't remove the slice until you've beaten gym six. I don't know a single Pokémon fan who doesn't hate H-ends and isn't. I'm not grateful for his departure, right. Pokémon are much more convenient and, honestly, much cooler. Next, we have surprise rival battles. Newer Pokémon games tend to be kinder to you about this, but in the past, these rival battles could be brutal and are always noticeably more difficult. than any normal trainer battle, so after you've done several regular trainer battles, trudging down a route with your half-dead Pokémon, being surprised by a rival battle can be very difficult.
I'll never forget being ambushed by my opponent in my first game of Kanto and LeafGreen. I just passed by Mount Moon and I had a defeat team and I ran into him before entering the Pokémon center. Did not go well. Some people might complain that the newer rivals are too nice and friendly and make them less interesting. but I must say that I appreciate that you don't challenge me in a difficult situation. The penultimate entry on this list is something that every Pokémon player hates along with every other person on the planet and that is that money problems are limited to how many potions or Pokeballs you can buy because you have very little money it really sucks because you never You know when you're going to need more.
I'm sure all of you at some point have been in a very close battle but ran out of potions because you couldn't afford to buy more and that could be the difference between winning and losing. Fortunately, money problems tend to become less severe the further you progress in the Pokémon game, but they can really make the early game more difficult. They are also frustrating in Pokémon. go especially if you are someone who doesn't like spending real money on the game, which by the way, I congratulate you, you have much more willpower than me. Pokemon go limits the amount of coins you can get per day to only fifty, so even if you constantly defend and put pokemon in gyms all the time, it will take you a month to do it every day to be able to buy an ultra box and since those They're only available for a limited time, missing them sucks, and finally, The last thing that every Pokémon player hates at least one Pokémon, every Pokémon player has a favorite Pokémon, several Pokémon that they really like, and a ton of Pokémon that they like. which are totally neutral, but that also means they have at least one Pokémon that they completely despise.
Whether it's because Pokémon cost you a super frustrating experience or you just think it's ugly for every person, there are one or more Pokémon that they would prefer never to be in the series, also if you're one of those people who says you don't hate any Pokémon , you are lying, there is at least one you hate, at least one you don't like, it's the same as hating it. This entry is very general and doesn't name a specific Pokémon because the Pokémon people don't like vary. wildly since everyone has their own opinion, for example, the Pokémon I hate the most is miltank for you, it could be miltank for your friend, it is certainly miltank and for everyone else it should be miltank.
Hopefully you like a lot more Pokémon than you hate, but no matter how many Pokémon there are, there's bound to be at least one bad apple in the orchard, so there we have it, those are 10


every Pokémon player hates right now, obviously. Pokémon is a series that we love very much, but it's fun to keep going. For the parts we hate, let me know in the comments below if you agree with my list and if there's something about Pokémon you hate that I didn't mention, let me know too if you liked it.
Don't forget to like this video, it helps me a lot and if you are new here you should fully subscribe. I make lots of fun Pokémon videos all the time that I'm sure you'll enjoy, that's all I have for Now, so don't do it next time you shake hands to catch mom.

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