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10 singles blind date by body | vs 1

May 30, 2024
how are you? I thought we'll wait waiting for something listen, you don't need my permission to get along to say Hi, listen, do you guys do it right? Let's find out which girl you chose based solely on her personality, let's bring her out oh there she is there she is she is thisexactly what you expected, does she surprise you at all? I couldn't really tell this time. I couldn't really tell. But yeah, I'm happy with my choice, for sure. Hi, friend. My little ballet dancer, how are you? I am good how are you? Well, there you have it, are you ready to meet the guy you chose based on your


10 singles blind date by body vs 1
Yes I am. Hi! Nice to meet you. Pleased to meet you. Okay, you are ready to meet the guy you chose based on your personality. Yeah come on. Bring it Hi Tyler, how's she doing? Incredible, how do you feel? I attracted you to these two boys. I really liked what you said about chocolate getting you out of hives because when I eat pineapple, I get out of Hive, so I thought, oh. that's cute and I feel like you're silly, I feel like you can make me laugh, um and then I just liked your tattoos and I feel like you're usually what I'm looking for as far as


type, love, well I know.
10 singles blind date by body vs 1

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10 singles blind date by body vs 1...

It's hard to choose, but if you had to choose just one guy to


, I'd choose Tyler. Hello Friend how are you? Luke, you are ready to meet the girl you chose based on your body, let's make it amazing, let's take her out. Hello, nice to meet you, nice to meet you, how are you? I'm fine, I'm great and now let's bring out the girl you chose based on her personality, Janelle, oh amazing, hello, hello, personality wise, you're very bubbly and I can tell you that. You are very genuine and you were one of the only ones who talked a little about family and that is extremely important.
10 singles blind date by body vs 1
Well, would you like to go on a


with Janelle? I think I know the answer, but I love you. I'll think about it too oh I'm back oh my god hello are you ready to meet the guy you chose based on your body? Yes, incredible, well, let's get it out. Hello, great, I'm back, yes, we know each other. you before Luke, we go back to like 30 seconds ago, well you ready to meet the guy who chose according to the amazing person, let's bring it up hi, hi, J. J., name Janelle. I really like the accent.
10 singles blind date by body vs 1
I traveled a bit last summer. in England, Italy, like France, Netherlands, amazing, well I know it's very, very difficult, but if you had to pick one of these guys to go on another date with, who would it be Jaylen or Luke? I think I would choose Luke, really cool, yeah, amazing. I appreciate that he values ​​family too. I think that's very nice and you seem very passionate about what you want to do. Yes, thanks. Yes. Hello friend. What's going on? How are we? I'm great. I'm great. Are you ready to meet the girl? you chose according to the body.
I'm amazing, well let's bring it up Christy, how are you? Pleased to meet you. I'm sorry to hug you, right now, let's bring out the girl you chose based on personality. Come on, Christe. There we go, you loved it Christe. personality what did you connect with the most um I think she's very vibrant like very cheerful I'm not super extroverted I'm an introvert so opposites attract for me I think we'll be together Hi chasy, how are you? Hello how are you? You, I'm so good, okay, let's take out the first guy based solely on body type, let's do it hello again, Tyler, hello, how are you?
I'm fine, I'm fine and now let's see who you chose based solely on your personality, hello. Nice to meet you, what's your name? CH, if you had to choose one of these guys to date, who would you choose? I know I said I like tall guys, but I really like Jaylen. I like the drip doll. I like Tooth Jam. I like it Hi Trevor, how are you doing well? How are you, good? It's good to see you again. You are ready to meet the girl you chose according to the body. I'm amazing, well let's get her out.
I did, you and I are ready to meet the girl. you chose according to your personality. I'm hi, well I'm curious to meet Trevor, why did you choose Christe? What caught your attention about her? First of all, I'm a calmer person and I feel like you enjoy an energetic conversation, so that makes it easier for me to listen and on the other hand, you seem very empathetic and that's what I look for the most in a person, so that those two things combined are what I'm looking for. Thank you, well I know you are both beautiful, amazing, lovely people. but if you have to choose one to go on a date with who would you choose is definitely close but Christy oh thank you of course hello again I saw you Christy how are you?
How are you? I'm doing so well. You're doing amazing, oh my god, thank you so much, amazing, well let's bring out the number one guy you picked based on your amazing body. Hi, hi Trevor, I see you looking good and are you ready to meet the number two guy you picked based on your personality? Mhm, incredible, let's bring it. He came out, yeah, nice to see you again, hello JC, well I know it's hard, but do you have a decision in mind about who you want to go on a date with? Yes, I felt really connected to you because money is your thing. and also your physical condition and, in general, I feel that our lifestyles match and our personalities yes, no, I would love it if you wanted to go out with you.
I love it, I'm sure it was a difficult decision, although true, you are great too. Well, thank you both very much, I will see you soon, okay, we have two lovely couples who chose each other. How are you all feeling? It feels good? I feel amazing, amazing, did we totally learn something? m I'm a big believer that personality simply increases attraction. I agree that's what keeps a relationship going. I think I love it, yeah, because we're all going to get fat someday, so exactly our personalities, hopefully, won't change, yeah. so I think I know y'all's answer to this, but does this make me feel more vulnerable than normal dating?
No, Christie, tell me more, tell me more. I just feel very comfortable in less clothes, I don't know why and I always wear things that It's like showing off my figure, so I'm living in this. I love that this is just another little Tuesday for you. Yeah, what about you guys? Do you know? Yes Yes. I feel so vulnerable. I'm not the one to do this type. If anything, I'm the opposite of Christy, if anything, I was a little vulnerable, but you know, one of the main reasons I wanted to do this is because I finally got to the point where I can feel comfortable with my body.
I have stretch marks a little bit like on my chest and stuff, so it's kind of a trophy for me in the sense that it shows that I'm working towards a goal and I thought, you know what a good guy would be? like an obstacle or a wall to go through to get to the next level of incredible confidence. I think that's beautiful. Thank you all so much for doing this with us today. I know it's not easy being here in just your underwear. Day with lots of love for all of you, thank you guys, thank you and you are a great host, thank you all, amazing, well, what will the first date be?
I like a guy who can plan well, the referee's dinner, where, here in Los Angeles, I know. The uh lettos is Frog Town thinking like throwing an axe. Yeah, I was hoping you would say in activity because I don't want to, I don't want to sit down to dinner, it's a little awkward, yeah.

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