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10 Nasty Ways Video Game Cheaters Were Punished

Jun 05, 2021


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. We all hate


. We deal with them every day, so here are 10 of the best examples of cheaters getting a taste of our own medicine at number 10. We have a notorious case in Guild Wars 2. The player character would teleport and run and kill random players and a


reign slaughtered hundreds of people, even if you killed him, he would reappear ten seconds later. This is cheating at its finest, making one of the security bosses in Guild Wars. 2 managed to take control of this player, stripped him of all his items and clothing and took him to the highest point in one of the game's hubs and then proceeded to jump and plummet to his death and recorded everything while everyone watched . after that of course he was permanently banned forever and all his characters were eliminated, that's just sweet sweet justice at number nine we have a rock star dealing with Grand Theft Auto cheaters the only way you know, being nasty and blowing up Grand Theft.
10 nasty ways video game cheaters were punished
Online car players found an exploit where they could bring really cool single-player cars into multiplayer, which gave them a really unfair advantage, so Rockstar discovered it and made it so that every time someone entered one of these cars, it automatically exploded and killed them. and destroyed his car permanently there was no way to escape this explosion you were dead let's just say there were a lot of cars that randomly exploded in GTA online for a while at number eight we have a really cool community safety system and Counter Strike global Offensive or A CS co foul came up with a program called oversight that gives certain players the special ability to oversee matches that were flagged as apparently unfair and then have the power to watch replays of the matches and make their own decision on whether or not to ban certain players. a lot of power, but so far the system seemed to have been working, it's great and definitely the litmus test at its most effective is number 7.
10 nasty ways video game cheaters were punished

More Interesting Facts About,

10 nasty ways video game cheaters were punished...

We have players being hit with criminal charges just for cheating in an online game from the famous Japanese company Nexon. For their games, the Sunnat attack has been criticizing players who use cheats and cheats in the game with real legal action. The first people charged by this company were seventeen-year-old college students. Do you think this is too harsh or just appropriate? 6 that we have when Gears of War 2 was released, players were actually hacking the game to automatically unlock all the game's achievements. Microsoft was able to find and hunt down these people and completely reset their gamer score, which is just slash and burn and really tough but kind. of appropriate, you know if you're going to cheat to increase your score, your score isn't much so maybe you should start from scratch, you're punks and Titanfall issue five definitely caused some waves upon being released for the first time thanks to its cheating. politics their cheaters policy was absolutely incredible.
10 nasty ways video game cheaters were punished
If you cheat or hack the game you can still play, but you are placed in special matches where you can only play with other cheaters, it's almost like no man's land or being an outcast. of the city, so if you cheat in Titanfall you are destined to be stuck with your own kind, whether you like it or not, in number four we have some words of wisdom if you are a professional player, don't get caught cheating because you will fuck riot actually fan of League of Legends cheaters $30,000.00 Riot Games really takes cheating seriously, especially when it's on a national scale and especially in the case of the Korean team Abzu Forest, this $30,000 they were fined was actually twenty percent of the team's current tournament.
10 nasty ways video game cheaters were punished
The profits, the bright side is tough as Riot Games has a charity in Korea and they donated everything to that so be a good team player in a good sport and this won't happen to you. I would cry if I lost. that amount of money in number three, the players playing Red Dead Redemption online who were bullies are actually marked as player killers in the game, the players who were bullied were given the opportunity and chance to return to the Being able to teleport to any part of the world. instantly and the bullies themselves had a very hard time because not only were they marked as player killers, but they were also constantly wanted by law enforcement in the game, so if you mess with people in Red Dead Redemption, you will have a bad moment. time number two, don't cheat in Monster Hunter 3 or you will be banned for 7000 years.
Capcom's message to the cheater shown during the game says that because you use modified data to go online you are now banned, the ban will be lifted on December 12. 9999 in the future, if you violate the Terms of Service you might get banned for good, yeah, so 7,000 years is apparently just the first strike, if you mess up again you'll be banned forever, don't screw it up. Monster Hunter players at number one, we have cheaters in the new open world survival game h1z1. Cheaters in this game are of course permanently banned, but they could actually get back into the game if they publicly apologize, yes, completely embarrass themselves by creating an entire youtube.


with a sincere apology and sending it to one of the Sony bosses online, that's the only way you can get back in this game, so you act like an idiot by cheating and then act even more like an idiot by publicly apologizing . like a fool if you really want to play the game and that's what you want to do to get freed maybe you shouldn't get it in the first place so those were 10 harsh punishments for


game cheaters have you ever been a victim ? to one of these, let us know what treatments you think should be adopted by a lot of games, if some of them are too hard and crazy or are they correct and of course, if you had a good time, you definitely liked this video because we really liked it. aid.
You know that the exercise of subscribing is also good. If you're new, you can also follow me and yell at me about gaming on Twitter at Jake Baldino, but thanks for watching and I'll see you next time.

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