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10 FRIENDS on one ROYAL BLOCK in Minecraft!

Jul 03, 2024
It was dark there and I have this thing that wait, wait, you know, do you have any powers or something? Maybe clean up the mess around here, clean power says. so do it, do it so we don't have to keep this up, clean up your own mess, let's clean up, so we're going home guys, so you owe me, let me go, oh yeah, here we go, we got rid of a lot of The dirt. a lot, literally, you really did very well, hold on okay, let me bring the rest here and then we can leave and never talk about this again, okay, we'll make sure to get back to I'm not using myPO so you can have a snack but we have hungry Zane is a bunch of pigs I'm so hungry I can eat a horse uh oh Kim you're his girl not me okay Ian do you have any jewelry or something? that I can have what that's mine, oh H, we know if you don't give me the gym, we might have to talk about the outfit, clean, well, take it, just, take it, well, thank you, it's for everyone, it I'm sorry, and your outfit is actually it's adorable, okay, so let's see, we have a lot here and, oh, okay guys, the portal is ready, I'm leaving, I'm done, I'm done.
10 friends on one royal block in minecraft
I won't give you anything, guys. I'm going to uhoh, come back here. Here, okay, ooh, good luck, job, it's those two. F would like to be you, okay, I have to go in and see them in bed, oh, it's just the three of us. Okay, now we have to figure out who we're saving. Stay. concentrated, good, go to your friend to free him, he is a dragon, we have to fight a dragon. I didn't think we made that delicious, Zane, he's a, he's a chicken. Dragon, it's chicken. It's okay, I'm sorry, bye, oh, it's still here, leave me alone. just, oh, okay, here, okay, let's go here and, oh, I got it, you got it, oh, a golden egg, okay, it's in my head, um, shall we do it? ready for Kimmy okay let's see how we start it oh oh oh it's actually working it's working oh oh finally what's stuck on the viewer all the time for a Aon you ruined my breakfast.
10 friends on one royal block in minecraft

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10 friends on one royal block in minecraft...

I don't even care, oh, which one is your brother, no, wait. wait, where am I? You wouldn't believe what we've been through. We are trying to save people. We're


ty and I think you're a real dragon or something. Are you like poop or something? Sorry thanks. You look at me a lot, my delicious self, yes, she is a horse, but we really need you. She's fine, we need you to build a house. Yes, in fact, I have been doing it for you. I have tried a lot. Still people are so ungrateful. I don't know how you do it, it's just that we need help B no, no, I'm not going to build any house, okay, build it, please, no, no, I'm not going to build any stupid house, why are you on top of the other?
10 friends on one royal block in minecraft
What's going on here? It's my secret power look, it's all I have power sucks and I'm not building he said it oh my god, what am I looking at here? What do you mean? Come on, I have these in my inventory too, they look the same, Zaye. you told me at the beginning, oh you have two gems, it looks like they're for this thing, probably because you're dragging, let's see, here we go, hey, there's another portal, that's how you've been rescuing us all, yeah, we have to do it. Go save Casey, the last Why am I here?
10 friends on one royal block in minecraft
I didn't jump either. Why did I teleport? Where are you? Oh, that's why it's okay, I like this, oh no, watch out for the TNT, stay away from me, my God, my God. Please, come on, I'm a layman, I know how explosions don't, don't, don't, don't, oh, be careful, guys, go, go, go, run and run and run, try to survive and come on, oh, how do you know? Are we supposed to save KY? I don't know, but that's it, don't die, don't die either. I guess we're not taking a super hit, it doesn't matter save casc wait casy casy I see her wait where I see her I see her I see her it's over when we get out of there guys, she's gone down a level, okay, this is great, how do we save her?
Hey, there's a key, I have to get the key, I have to save it, let's go this way. Y/N, be careful, I'm just doing the best I can, die. I got it, I got it, come on, come on, come on, it's okay Casey, you're free, just open the door, let's get out of here. Oh my gosh, thank you, you're a magician, a magician, wait, wait, do you have magic? I'm sorry. I'm not very good, yeah Kadabra, do something, come on, oh okay, you know it was shit. I don't want to do that again. Is anyone here still ringing from the explosions?
What explosion? Sorry, I can't hear you, Casey, do you have the gem? we're trying to put this portal together oh yeah oh wait if you only have one then we won't finish the portal in time man or I'm a wizard so let me use my powers really what the hell oh oh there you go girl I could have used this power before, it's that easy , good job Casey, oh my gosh, okay, let's see, come on, let's see what the final portal brings us, okay, let's jump in, maybe there's like an extra real castle at the end, oh, okay, if you get it. this out of here okay oh oh oh uhoh um okay come on we have to fight before they eat us apparently whole without you protect me ff come here I'm here what's up?
I have my dragon power it's time to teach this strange dragon to do something give me a second oh W come on keep going he goes dragon and I have a duster yeah sorry at least you have a duster. I have PS: I have to take care of this. I spread out and get it right, I have an idea, oh heh, little dragon, how do you cook my friend, come on, yeah, I'm here, I'm here, well, you got that first one, okay, nevermind, come on, get off, I'm out of .


s I can't go higher I guess no one else has secret dragon powers.
I've got it great and I'm going to need you to catch me, okay, who's waiting?, okay, pretty, I'm not just your dragon B, okay, oh. wait and then let's see what's left. I don't know, I feel like everyone is dealing with I Got One. Wait, our


already did all that? Yes, I'm as surprised as you. I'm on awesome guys, good job.


ty let's stick together, okay let's get it, sorry Dragon, we can't keep dragging our feet there let's get it, oh wait, wait, what do I have, wait, cute, what's that? Oh look, it's just a little dragon, is that you? oh my queen you have earned the honor of being my beautiful girlfriend what you um I think I'm fine I'm a queen I understand why you're so happy I'm a horse um no thanks I'm sorry here you go come here yes it's nice, but I'm not interested, I guess that means you want me to get you out of here, please take me away, please, thank you, come on, go ahead, okay, PE, see you later. we have a ride we have to go back to the CH see you bye see you later bye ok I need a nap now

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