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10 FRIENDS on ONE MINI EARTH In Minecraft!

Apr 03, 2024
ten Minecraft players are trapped on this planet now we have to survive in Minecraft using new planets that appear to expand our world guys do you want to go on a trip around the world oh I like stars like noises oh no that's the moon ? so we're on planet


, okay and we need to expand the galaxy, touch the moon, awesome, okay baby you gotta do it, what I'm going to do is jump and then launch, you're ready okay? sacrifice okay, what is this, oh I'm going to grab it, did it do this, this is a moonstone orb, what does that do?
10 friends on one mini earth in minecraft
I'm going to write cookie, oh that's idiotic, I can't see, we got bigger, okay, so we have to try. to make this biggest


in the biggest galaxy and I think if there's a block here we can use this guys guys guys I'm going to make the world's first craft bench look at this here because everyone knows Australia isn't real yeah come on expand australia be careful with that that is very important we need food yes, we need food that is the first chicken in the world okay why do we trust? We better keep it sacred okay, everything's fine I'm only five years old and I'm here hello come and see Yo guys, at some point I want to come back.
10 friends on one mini earth in minecraft

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10 friends on one mini earth in minecraft...

I want a cow to jump over the moon. No, you better catch this power or it will be very bad. We landed a cow on the moon. No, the one in the back is gold. The better. the back is poison, that one is gold, that one is good, okay, we need some guys to stay back to make sure everything is working properly. Okay, I got it. I'll keep hitting those things. I have the moon covered. all safe in my hands yeah that's cool I gotta go to get to that gold bar and not push push oh I can't wait to get to this gold bottle step for man giant jump for


, uh, um, get in there, that's how it will be. big brother was boring you died with a golden bottle that is a pirate bottle let's go to the pirate bottle? yeah pirates are cool let's go there I don't know if that's for pirates okay ken go check the pirate box I read that in a book it looks like a pirate flag you know what's good pirates have treasure They also have treasure maps, fire, parrots, swords and other cool stuff, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, but they also have gold and treasure.
10 friends on one mini earth in minecraft
I think we're almost there, why? That doesn't work like that, do you want help? No, I don't need help. Look at me, I'm very strong. Yes, you are definitely strong, but not that big. I have you. What if everyone goes at the same time? I your teamwork oh yeah oh it's breaking it's broken it's okay wait a minute this skull is upside down this is not for pirates um I don't have diamonds I have one how can you guys get diamonds and when I try to go to the bottle of gold it hurts because gold is useless ian yes I'm waiting remember me it's just a theory if this is our spaceship everyone is doing this haha ​​you're stuck I'm out of here no if we stay on the spaceship we'll be fine what's waiting you're on a stick, I'm outta here, no, no, if we stay here, we should be fine, come on, I got you, oh, okay, we gotta take the leap, jump, go, okay, come on.
10 friends on one mini earth in minecraft
Come on, come on, oh guys, look at my ship, my ship live, if you would just listen to me, I think you're a good pirate, thanks, okay, this is fantastic progress, I've been working really hard, wait, wow, wow, what's going on. zombies, oh, it's okay, I'm sorry, I got it, I tried my best we should really stop putting the chest so close to all this, it's all good, I'm still describing I'm here, let's touch it, it's okay, it's okay, I want to touch it, I want to touch it. I want to touch it, it looks nice and tall.
Hey, where did all our supplies go? Where could they have gone? Other things, ah Pierce, get out of here, I have to go to the cold new planet. I can go this time, geez, that's it, guys. Guys guys, I want to put my name on it 'cause I'm hot, that's okay, that's okay, I'm here for everything, here I go, here I go, here we go, oh, here, take a look, a path, there's a generator down there, but I don't have crazy weapons I have a sword I have a controlled action no problem I'll go yes second let me check my inventory the sword is here sorry okay a little help please I have some stone tools and oh the house looks beautiful what Listen, I built the house, so I can decide who can enter the house, can I come in?
Oh, read the sign, there's your name on the sign, that's half my name, so I could have gotten in, so look, I don't know, I should tear it down. Yeah, wait, what do you mean tear it down? How do you wake up in the water? Oh, check it, we're fine, are you going to eat it? We have to eat the cakes before it disappears. My body is ready. Oh. Uh, he's friendly no, he's not friendly, a monster, what are you talking about? Ian is here oh no I'm sure it's delicious I'm trying to eat it guys you'll never see her again please tell them to reply hey I'm back here oh. wait there she is she's there she's gone forever I never know what happened to her she's here she's here I'm back here it's like we can still hear her voice in the window erin oh oh I see what's happening here I don't know lets Aaron come in less loud, yeah, you should tell him that part is awesome, look at the moon, that's cool.
I thought Derp Garth will make a pretty nice moon base. Oh, that's good, it looks pretty comfortable. Here, I will help you build your house for a long time. While he stands there, there you go, he was playing with my sign. No, I don't like that sign. It is a good signal. I like that sign. That's the good sign. What are you doing? And uh, I'm going to live here very happily. Here, goodbye, I already have my own place, don't worry man, look, everyone is doing their thing in my house, oh, nature is healing, soon we will have cow trees, a new new planet is approaching another one alone if you have been good this year.
You can go? Yes, I have been good this year. Hurry up. Alright. He continues to work with me. Go faster. I can't go on the right Christmas. There are more gifts. It's going to be one here. Obviously for me. You have to go back. Wait. Yeah. Wait, this is like an ugly light blue color. I do not know what I have. This must be noise. Did you get cold? An iron sword like that pumpkin. Don't know. I don't like. Don't know. if this is yours or the guards i want it oh garth i found casey oh it's a cookie i love christmas open the presents hey i got a brewing stand just what i needed what is it guys that means we survived , I think so, guys, do we have to get it? until the end of this, okay, look, I've got this behind you, everyone be smart, only smart people can come this way, all caps come, yeah, we're almost there, we're getting there, guys, look at this, we are doing. working together as a team maybe I'll take the leap now let's see oh gravity is so crazy do you see the ender dragon uh I don't see anything one one kmkc okay yolo a little stem is so cute we should take it back with us, let's take care of it, I mean, eggs don't really do anything, it's so cute, okay, it's time to get out of here, yeah, that sounds like a plan, okay, I brought it, get involved here when the bell rings, well, it's time to go, Oh.
I missed it I'm going to make it I'm going to make it I'm going to make it I'm going to make it I made it I didn't make it would you bring the dragon back here we can't let the dragon attack land we live there it might be too late hey jeff , guys, come back here, live underground, one or two, just and give me some of that tnt too, just to be safe, thanks, you know why they're useful, oh, look at that look. You are doing such a good job. Everything, yes, it seems to get there, yes, drill, what do you think?
Yes, not bad, although the equipment is strange. Touch my second house, the wall of your house, I think we are going to attack the baby dragon. Alright? No no no no.

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