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10 Foods That May Help Prevent Dementia

May 23, 2024
It's something that starts in the brain long before symptoms present and that's why I truly believe that you're never too young or too old to start thinking about


ion. How are you all doing? My name is Max Lucca vir I' I'm the author of the New York Times bestselling book, Great Foods, which is about how to optimize your cognition, your brain health, your brain function with food and today what we're going to talk about is the 10 best


you can use. to potentially




I became obsessed with this topic when about eight years ago my own mother began showing the first symptoms of a very rare form of


and that sent me down the rabbit hole.
10 foods that may help prevent dementia
I became obsessed with trying to understand until the end. As best I could, the types of


and lifestyle modifications that I could integrate into my life to


minimize my risk of developing any type of dementia, so what I did was stumble upon 10 foods that essentially give your brain not only the building blocks you require to create healthy new brain cells for a lifetime, but also gives your brain the tools it can use to defend itself from everyday stresses that can accelerate aging and potentially instigate or exacerbate neurological conditions, a of which is Alzheimer's disease dementia is a category of memory disorders that includes Alzheimer's disease, which is the most common of them and is also the most common neurodegenerative condition, but then there are other types of dementia such as Parkinson's disease dementia, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, so it's a general term.
10 foods that may help prevent dementia

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10 foods that may help prevent dementia...

But at the end of the day, all dementia czar and memory disorders affect people of different ages, although dementia primarily affects the older end of the age spectrum, broadly speaking, Alzheimer's disease, which is the most common form of dementia, it affects your working memory it affects your processing speed and it affects your executive function which includes your ability to concentrate, pay attention, tune out distractions and every case of dementia is different once you have seen a case of dementia, have seen a case of dementia Alzheimer's disease has no cure and the available treatments are minimally effective.
10 foods that may help prevent dementia
I mean, one amazing thing about Alzheimer's disease is that drug trials to find viable treatments for the condition have a 9.6 percent failure rate and that's why I firmly believe that an ounce of prevention is worth an ounce. pound of cure. Many people around the world suffer from dementia. In the United States alone, an estimated five million people suffer from Alzheimer's disease, and that number is expected to skyrocket by the year 2050, when around 15 million people are expected to suffer from the disease. has Alzheimer's disease, one in three people today over the age of 85 has Alzheimer's disease and in the future, if you reach the age of 85, your risk could increase to one and two, it is something that begins in the brain long before the presentation. symptoms and that's why I truly believe that you're never too young or too old to start thinking about prevention, if you exercise regularly, if you get a good night's sleep, if you find a way to manage stress, then You'll have a good chance, based on the best available evidence, there are even some foods we can eat that can help protect the brain as it ages, so these are all the foods I've discovered in my research that give the brain the what do you need. requires what you crave here we can start with almonds now really all nuts are healthy, but almonds in particular I have highlighted because they are a main source of magnesium in the diet.
10 foods that may help prevent dementia
Almonds are also a very rich source of vitamin E. There is a good relationship between vitamin E consumption and a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease when you eat almonds you should make sure they are raw or dry roasted raw almonds or what about here, we have blueberries, blueberries are tremendous, they are rich in anthocyanins, which gives them their You can also find a beautiful blue color and anthocyanins in blue corn, purple potatoes and red onions, but these compounds have been validated in observational studies in humans to help protect the brain as you age. Everyone tends to rejoice when I mention dark chocolate.
Dark chocolate is a sweet. but it also has a powerful health impact and that's because dark chocolate again is a very good source of dietary magnesium and it's also full of what are called cocoa flavanols, which have been shown to benefit health. cardiovascular. What I can do is buy dark chocolate at 85% or higher. We have broccoli here, so I'm a big fan of cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables are important for several reasons, but for one thing they give the body the compounds it needs to create its own. endogenous meaning created in the body anti-accident and detoxifying compounds.
The other thing that cruciferous vegetables do is that in addition to giving the body the ingredients it needs to create those detoxifying compounds, it stimulates them, it actually contains chemicals that stimulate the body's own detoxification machinery. Next we have the avocado. Avocado is an all-in-one brain food and the reason is that it contains the highest concentration of fat-protecting antioxidants of any fruit or vegetable and is full of carotenoids, which are essentially plant pigments. found in avocados are lutein and zeaxanthin, which have actually been shown in a study at the University of Georgia to help increase processing speed in the brain in young, healthy people by 20%, which actually It's pretty surprising because it's already believed that young, healthy people are at the peak of their cognitive ability, so if you eat more avocados, you could in turn develop a faster-functioning brain.
Next, we have wild salmon, so wild salmon provides omega-3 fatty acids that are already in their plug-and-play format. So when you eat a piece of wild salmon, it gets absorbed into the brain and your brain uses those compounds to basically create new healthy brain cells and there also seems to be a protective effect for people who eat fatty fish like salmon regularly. play a role in mitigating the risk of Alzheimer's disease when part of a Mediterranean dietary pattern Now grass-fed beef is one of my most controversial recommendations, but I'm a big fan of grass-fed beef for several reasons, not only because it is the most bioavailable source of iron, but it provides a non-trivial source of omega-3 fatty acids which again the brain needs for good health and also contains a compound called creatine which is very important for energy production in the brain.
Very good source of vitamin E, in fact, grass-fed beef has three times more vitamin E than grain-fed beef. When buying red meat you really want to go for grass fed beef, not only is it the kindest option in terms of the animal but it is definitely the most sustainable option for the planet and moving on we have eggs so the Egg yolk is literally designed by nature to contain everything necessary to develop a healthy brain. In fact, it's no wonder many people refer to egg yolks as nature's multivitamins. I'm a big fan of leafy greens in general, but here we have kale.
You can substitute spinach or arugula, but research from Rush University has found that people who eat a large bowl of leafy greens every day have brains that tend to look younger by up to 11 years on cognitive tests and skin, last but not least, we have extra virgin olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil is now a staple of the Mediterranean dietary pattern, compliance with which is associated with robust risk reduction. for Alzheimer's disease by up to 65 percent according to research from Rush University. Today, many chronic diseases are characterized in part by having excessive chronic low-grade inflammation, and extra virgin olive oil contains a compound that has been shown to be anti-inflammatory. like low-dose ibuprofen, so if you're vegan or vegetarian, I mean one of the most obvious things you should do is supplement with vitamin B12, which is the only essential nutrient found exclusively in animal products, other than vitamin B12. and overall I would say that probably the strongest evidence is in favor of supplementing with seaweed aljalja h.a, which is a replacement for the preformed fats epa and DHA that you will find in wild salmon or grest and beef or even in omega-3 enriched eggs for For example, look to prioritize choline in your diet, which is found in several different vegetables, you just have to eat a lot of them to get adequate choline intake and you would probably also consider supplementing with a little of creatine, those are the forms. that would probably try to compensate if I'm either vegan or vegetarian, so preventing Alzheimer's is obviously more than just eating an almond or a blueberry here and there, it's about really embracing the lifestyle and that's optimize sleep, exercise more and eat food.
Like what I have here in front of me, you know again we're just at the tip of the iceberg in terms of understanding what causes Alzheimer's disease for each person, what we might find in the future, and what I hope is the case. that there could be a different cause of Alzheimer's disease for each individual patient, each of us has different genes, different genders, different fitness levels, different ages and I think that as we move forward in this incredible and important line of research, we will find answers. to some of these questions, so I'm very excited and if you want to support that process more than Joe eating these foods, which I hope you do, click the link below to support the Alzheimer's Prevention Clinic and the Alzheimer's Universe And if you'd like, I'd like to go even deeper with more practical tips you can use to optimize the way your brain works today and for decades into the future.
Don't forget to read my New York Times bestselling book "Genius Foods," which is available everywhere books are found. sold IMAX Eluga vire forever completely protects your brain, it's worth it

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