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10 Exercises to Avoid With Sciatica (Bulging or Herniated Disc) or Back Pain.

Jun 18, 2024
Hello friends, I'm Bob show physical therapist Brad hanok physical therapy is we have the most famous physical therapist on the Internet in our opinion, of course Bob Oh, leave me there, let's go well today Brad, we're going to talk about the top 10




if you have


, some of these are probably even good for people who just have old, habitual



, right, yes, many times you know that



can lead to society, right, it's often a kind of precursor, so these are good. things to think about with both conditions and in general I think you want to allude to Brenda the general rule of thumb is if it starts if you're doing something and as you're doing it the pain starts to get worse yeah I'm just that's an activity or a posture, I mean, I'm a Pasha guy, I mean, if you're sitting in a car and that constantly creates back pain or leg pain, you need to change the way you sit in that car, yes, you have. to make a proper adjustment, you know this is kind of a battle to find the things that decrease the pain and find the things that make the pain worse and you have to want more of one and less of the other, right, more of the things to decrease obviously well and less than the things you know, that seems very simple but it is very true and it is very, very effective, that is how some people do not think about things like we are going to go through these 10 activities that often irritate


, what irritates. you have your back to the right, but this is all a small list of a big concept, so this only includes 10 of them, although we believe that many people ignored the important things because they are not aware of it, so we should do it if you are new to this. our channel we look at Bob, they are coming, even more people use it nor the people who came in and you ignored I don't know what, please take a second to subscribe, we provide videos on how to stay healthy, fit, pain free and We upload all the days, also check out Facebook and Facebook and make sure you like us there because Brad and I are cute teddy bears, are we okay?
10 exercises to avoid with sciatica bulging or herniated disc or back pain
We're working on it, yeah, so try it, you know, number one. What is not a respite? Okay, big deal. Many people have back pain. You think they need to stretch their muscles. Oh yeah. I've seen this many times, so I'll start with this stretch. Yes, and more times I would say that Most sciatica is due to a


problem, a



and that will most of the time get worse, it stretches the muscles, it's true, but it's not good for that


disc. In the end we will have time, maybe we will prove it, if not.
10 exercises to avoid with sciatica bulging or herniated disc or back pain

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10 exercises to avoid with sciatica bulging or herniated disc or back pain...

I haven't had another video, could you give me the cane and spread it. Yes, I do. I just saw a golfer. He was an older guy. He wanted to flirt with me playing golf. Yes, he took the stick from him. This is the stretch he was doing well. For example, don't do that it's terrible for your back in the other direction, yes exactly, stretch this way, so don't stretch them all the way to the tip,


the one and the next, this one is very popular people, I could do stretching fences. Yeah, and this not only bends your back forward, but it also twists your pelvis into place, so you put a little bit more tension and you rotate a little bit, yeah, so you get over-rotation and over-flexion. with a locked pelvis, it's true. you're stretching your hamstrings but you're damaging and making your back worse, you're putting a lot of stress on it oh what do you want Bob?
10 exercises to avoid with sciatica bulging or herniated disc or back pain
So Mr. Hynix, so you're saying I should never do this, it's probably not right, there's a lot better for waves to stretch your hamstrings this way if you're a hurdler, maybe this is a good thing to do, but if you are, if not, there are many better ways to do it. I'm not a hurdles coach. I don't know about that, I mean, one of the best ways to stretch your hamstring when you have back problems is to just lay down like this and use like a stretch strap or a pound or a sheet and I want to hook it on my foot, yeah, This little no-strap stretch really works well for this hamstring.
10 exercises to avoid with sciatica bulging or herniated disc or back pain
I heard some people said they can use their dog's collar to do the same thing but here is a way and then you can also push down and relax, push down and back is a natural position down here stay safe yeah , a great way to stretch without putting any stress on your back, then next Bible, I want to talk about some of the weightlifters. I have a number, we have a number. of comments by the way, we read your comments, we no longer have time to answer them all because there are so many, yes, we are scanning them all, but there is no time, but you know people who lift weights and simply ask Back to my weight lifting with sciatica , this lift here we call it good good morning, so when you're doing this one, I would take that lift and throw it in the trash and never throw it all away, yeah, okay. that one is very hard on the disc in the lower back, it's true, it works some muscles, it works the hamstrings, but it's really putting stress on that lower back, so good morning, forget about it, good morning night to good morning, yes, exactly, okay. squats now I would even put this on hold until your back is completely fine, you won't have sciatica anymore because even if you do perfect posture with this you are putting a good amount of stress on it, it is too much compression force exactly now we are I'm not saying you should never do squats, right, squats are fine for your back, in fact I would recommend them to strengthen your back, I'm sure you know that, but no, if you have back pain, any fan of back pain is especially pain in the leg. that's a big red flag, stop squatting, go back to sitting, if you start squatting again after having back pain.
I would start by doing very shallow squats, in very good form because the further you go down the more you find out your background, you have to get that strong and weak Yapp that way, there is controversy about that, but we are pretty firm, we think it's not pretty, we're strong believers now, we don't want to get into it, but weak, it really emphasizes it. I'm just sorry, but people argue that I've seen it online like no, no, this is really good for your back, you know, after I had my back injury, I came back, it's like, you have a back injury. the back because you were doing this when they overlook that lifting fact that they want to live I know they would understand well next is the deadlift this is even this was hard on your back yeah I mean it's a great exercise that's really good about the whole body, the hips are supported and it will strengthen your back, but not when you have sciatica, we have back pain, it is too much compression force.
I've seen a lot of people deadlift anyway and their back is all full and you know that's probably created the back pain, so if you're going to deadlift, really work on your form, but make a big hole, always You talk about the three points of contact, make no mistake, he is certainly doing it. correctly, you know, yeah, right there point of contact point of contact point of contact and if you're doing it incorrectly a point of contact how come it's a high school weightlifting tournament? And I felt so bad for all those kids that it's like they're going to have back problems if they keep going all out with really poor form, yeah literally Brad and I can watch people do things and we know they're going to have this problem eventually. , yeah, they'll probably continue with that, yeah, the way the mechanics work, I mean, it's just the body will give in if you do things incorrectly, okay, number six, and this is something that I'm very dear to the cyclist if you're a cyclist. and you have back pain, especially if you have a road bike.
When you really slouch, it will take a toll on you and I know you know it, including me. I have to work on my posture, the higher you are on your bike, the less stress on your lower back, the slower you will be. For you there is a lot more resistance, so if you are worried about that and change your posture or just take a break from the bike for a while, then I have the upright handlebars, Brad and I even know that. If I feel a little bit of back pain, I don't really go through that, it's that upward movement, it's like putting yourself in a little push-up, right, yeah, if your seats are too long, yeah, my seats are not too long, okay, Yeah. especially for your seats, so riding a bike is definitely, you know it's also a red flag, walking if walking if you make your back feel good, your leg feels good, that's a good thing, wonderful, but walking costs At the top you have to lean forward just to keep your balance, that will put stress on your lower back, so if you are going to walk and not go up hills, if you can avoid it, walk on flat areas.
The other thing I would say about walking with Brad with sciatica, sometimes it helps to take shorter strides. If so, it's pulling on that side, ik nerve, if you're taking longer strides, then if you're getting back to walking because walking is really good for your back, especially, we can take about 20 minutes and try to take shorter strides and see if we can do it well without pain, so okay, the next burpees, you know, this is one of those


, in general, a good increase in your heart rate, you are working your legs, your hips, you are a good part of your body, but small. what it does when you go from the bottom to here, you're putting your back into maximum flexion with everything curled up in that fetal position that really emphasizes that lower back, you're putting maximum flexion there, it's really going to be necessary that people maybe don't I don't know. what's a Burpee Brad oh go ahead joy I don't know if I can do it so you go down here you kick like this and then you step back like this and then you go up like this yeah but and then. who and you go to one of these classes and you know that everyone thinks that if an exercise is really difficult it's really good for you, sometimes that's true, in this case it could cause that if you had some back problems, it could be good for you. to propose a modification on that, but you are absolutely right, there are two points there where your back really hurts, one is here, then you come back and here again.
I'm showing it right in flex right there and violently. right dynamic exercise, so again, great exercise for aerobics and you know, strength in that area, but it stresses the back quite well. Next up is crunches, predator time, you know, we have a lot of videos on how bad crunches are for how to do them. Do good crunches, right, we have back pain, but if you have sciatica, you might want to leave the crunches alone for a while because when you do it, if this is coming from I don't know, Bob, I saw it. a rope in front of you is a fishing line or something, yeah, well, you know if you're doing this kind of setup that's terrible?
Forget those little traditional outfits we made at school. Could you get off the line? Intriguing me, it seems like it's connected to, let's do crunches, okay or if you're doing these things, great, yeah, it's not good for the lower back at all, so avoid those crunches I'm not going to get into, but There are sit-ups that you can do with the ball, so that can greatly reduce the tension on your back. Not us, that's not it. I'll do one of those next week Brad, oh okay, that ball thing, ball exercise for your back that has to do with the ball, okay, okay.
I just saw a whole article about it, it was something new and very profound and the last one is one that no one thinks about. No one should say it, but many people don't think about it after running or walking or doing something that strains you a little, what do you do? you bend over like this to catch your breath or to get your rhythm back when you make your stomach run out he talks about this he said that many times people feel pain after sports activities it's because they are very warmed up, they sit down and do this slow story slouched and very slouched because they're overheated and overstretched and they're tired and they're tired, it's really bad for your back, so when you're done with your workouts you need to stay in good posture.
Yes, sorry, there is no time for you to take them off. Have good posture. This is one when I do my pull-ups a lot. I'm tired and I want to lean down I think oh then I'll correct myself. I'm breaking my habit of leaning forward. Same thing we're talking about here, so here we go, that's ten things, but remember there are others and if it makes your leg pain or back pain worse while you're doing it or afterward. That's an activity or posture to keep you away from good luck with your sciatica and remember Bob, we can fix this from anything except a broken heart. working itself, we're just there, it's just that I read a book about something I didn't do, I just made it up, okay, good liar.

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