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10 Cursed LEGO Minifigures Vs Natural Disasters...

Jun 04, 2024
In this video I will be killing 10 Lego






. Unfortunately, it's a normal nice sunny day, so I'm forced to create all the



myself. Natural disasters caused by man. I used to live in a flood zone at my house. It used to flood every year, it was a nightmare. I'm pretty sure I sounded what happens, so today, to pay it forward, I'll subject my damn Lego


to equally treacherous natural disasters. I've done some pretty random things. In the past it was like making fidget toys with just a Lego brick separator and trapping things in 100 layers of hot wax.
10 cursed lego minifigures vs natural disasters
Today I plan to surpass myself, it will be a challenge, but I think I am prepared for it as I push my curse. Lego minifigures on the edge keep an eye out for these decapitated Lego heads that are hidden somewhere throughout this video. I went to Target, they have a nice collection of cubes and they looked very attractive, so I grabbed one. I think I found an online website that sells I think the custom minifigure parts are particularly


even more than my usual variety so of course I had to buy everything, yes it was very painful but it was also worth it and I was excited for them to arrive so I could appreciate their beauty. person talking about who's here right now, I'm going to mix and match all their body parts with some Lego corpses I have lying around, the goal is to make them look as damned as possible, which is my specialty.
10 cursed lego minifigures vs natural disasters

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10 cursed lego minifigures vs natural disasters...

We will be victims of today's natural disasters. This is Tina and today is her birthday. Her mom, dad, and little brother are throwing her a sweet 16th birthday party. It's a big deal. Dad is spending a lot of money on this, maybe too much. money, if we are honest, he even sold the shirt that was on his back just to be able to pay for this party, so please excuse his indecency. He normally dresses with more respect. He's a banker by profession, huh, and wait, what is this? A tattoo. Apparently he's a mama's boy. How wholesome, but enough about the Turners, they live in a small, quaint house with a flower garden and a white picket fence, it's a very idealistic life, how everyone thinks their life will be, but then reality hits and the clouds begin.
10 cursed lego minifigures vs natural disasters
Let's roll, there's a light drizzle over the sky, nothing too crazy, there's still plenty of room to party and you know things are about to get crazy on Tina's sweet 16. Yes, sir, it's not every day a 41-year-old man turns 16. So obviously she's doing her best, he thought. she would be partying like it was 1989, but what Tina and her family didn't know is that they live in a flood zone, eh, okay, not that bad, luckily the Flying Dutchman floated in to save the day and didn't put nobody. board, but his mere presence raised morale at the aquarium, so that's something the flood slowed things down, but nothing it can't erase.
10 cursed lego minifigures vs natural disasters
The only thing that matters is that the birthday girl is safe and sound, but not for long. a very premonitory forecast for today rain hail water Earth fire air all of the above and much more we could be seeing a whole cemetery of loons at the end of this video stay tuned to see who didn't make it next on today's list The cursed minifigures They are Mr. and Mrs. Shadow of Bones, they are part of a local underground black metal book club. None of the minifigure wigs would fit on her giant head, so she decided to embrace her pig head in addition to being huge black metal fans.
To be very interested in acid rain for this experiment, I'm going to simulate a good rain. After searching for some acidic things in my pantry, I found vinegar, lemon juice, and Coca-Cola, all of which are considered acidic liquids, at least according to Google it, so I poured a little bit of each, a little vinegar here, a little lemon juice there and a little coke to top it off. I heard you can clean Lego with lemon juice. I don't know if that's true or not, but I have to admit that these Legos are just getting started. To seem squeaky clean, this black metal gang gives off a strange smell, but I don't care, it smells very aromatic, it actually smells quite good like vinegar and all that, yes, it smells good.
These experiments are mainly for entertainment, but I want to achieve Enlightenment. today, so I took out 100 acetone, this is like acid rain on acid, say goodbye to Mrs. Bone Shadow. I'm going to restrain her while her husband watches from her side. I'm going to give it a little acetone bath and I'm going to let it soak in it for a moment a few moments later come look at this, it looks like sand, it's completely disintegrated, it's turned into dust. I liked it, it was fun, unfortunately Mrs. Bone Shadow didn't come today, but oh well, it seems.
There's a new Bachelor on the market so ladies feel free to hit him up yes sir okay I'm turning up the heat with this tiny nugget face he's got a tiny face he may be lacking in the face department but he does Prepare where necessary I have a hair dryer on hand to simulate a heat wave in action. I don't know if this is how heat waves work. It looks pretty windy but I'm not a geologist so I'm going to go with it's foreign I guess that's the last we'll see of Babyface he lived a short life with a short face I want more heat and less wind so I head for my trusty Dusty microwave This is the only microwave my dad bought it for when I moved here, so if anything happens to this, it's going to be a bad day.
I use it a lot, so if this happens, I go. I have Mickey and Minnie here, my cursed duo of Disney minifigures, they are one of the happiest. place on earth maybe a little too happy, so I feel like I need to take them down a couple of pegs to my level by roasting these rodents alive. I'm putting them in the microwave just to experiment and see what happens. This is to simulate a real heat wave, as the hair dryer was a slight let down, this has the potential to blow up my microwave, but rather anti-climatically, it didn't do much, just warmed the rats up a bit, but It didn't cause any real damage.
Minnie's hat has like a radioactive bubble. I don't think that was there. I made a video where I dipped random things in 100 layers of hot wax. Many of you really loved that video, but there was one complaint that was apparently very important to you. to witness me dipping a Lego minifigure in hot wax. Sorry, I didn't do that in the video. I just didn't want to damage my precious minifigures. They're like my kids, so I get a little protective sometimes, I hope. You get it, but since you insisted, I'm going to make up for that huge oversight by torturing a random minifigure in 100 layers of hot lava, who's the lucky duckling eeny meeny miny mo catch a tiger by the toe?
Chewbacca. I paid a couple of dollars for Chewbacca. one of my prized collectibles, so this is going to be a little difficult for me. I didn't want to do this, but I feel like I'm being pressured by my peers. It's almost as if my honor has been questioned, so here you go. Murder lies solely on your conscience. I take no responsibility for this stranger, so here he is, 100 layers of hot lava later, he looks like a pepper, let's see the damage we've done to him personally. He wouldn't have done this to Chewbacca. I think it's disrespectful I don't know what lasting effects this will have on them on the outside they seem fine but on the inside I'm not so sure about their mental state anymore for my next natural disaster I want to simulate a cyclone I have a bucket and I'm using a spoon to create a very pathetic looking cyclone.
I've got Marty the mechanic on hand to throw it here, but I'm not even going to bother because that's how impressed I am with how I feel about this cyclone. I think I could do better, so I got in my car and went to Home Depot. Home Depot. I have a drill and I want my Cyclone to come to life with it, but I need a very specific accessory to make everything go as planned. no, no, beep, beep, no, yes, it looks like Marty is ready to swim. I started slow, I wanted to set the mood and then suddenly out of nowhere I got bored and blurted out the nature eruption, this Vortex looks really good.
It's nice to see Marty wandering around, it's peaceful in a way. I have another bucket and things are about to get complicated. I am inviting Mother Earth into my apartment and by that I mean I am accumulating some land, a lot of land, more land than my landlord. It'll let me dig in, but I'll take it anyway. This will be our little secret. I'm installing the Hoover Dam on one side, it's my apartment complex, that's right. I live right next to the Hoover Dam today. Make sure you subscribe and my neighbor is chilling out of an accurate representation should at least get points for accuracy for this on the other side I'm pouring buckets and buckets of water let's see what it takes to break the stem and flood my entire apartment complex Hoping to eradicate my neighbor, I will do whatever it takes to get rid of him.
It's like slowly moving towards it. Finally, some things are not the same as they were a year ago. To be fair, I feel there hasn't been enough naturalness. disasters in this video there have been some interesting events but I want to suffer more and I know you do too, plus I have more cursed Lego minifigures begging to be eliminated so I'll do a quick little natural disaster race starting with A forest fire it will be better that you be careful.

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