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10 Controversial Theories About Harry Potter CONFIRMED By JK Rowling

Jun 01, 2021
The original Harry Potter book series may be over, but the Wizarding World is still going strong. The Crimes of Grindelwald will be released in theaters soon. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is a smash hit on stage. All of this means that Potter's heads won. Don't stop coming up with




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10 controversial theories about harry potter confirmed by jk rowling
Have you ever seen our friends at Crafty Hackers? They'll teach you how to make homemade crafts that are so good they'll seem like they were made with magic. Now, without further ado, let's explore. Some


Harry Potter fan theories: Luna is Draco's sister. We will start with the most extravagant and also the least probable. It's not entirely clear if this is a long-standing fan theory. Still, we found some fan fiction featuring Luna Lovegood, the Ravenclaw space case. in Ginny Weasley's year she is Draco Malfoy's long lost sister according to the books Luna Lovegood was raised by her father who is an affiliate after her mother died when she was young, it is one of the reasons she can see the thestrals in order of the Phoenix. but we know that Luna's mother, Pandora, died in 1991 in a strange magical accident, one of her spells backfired on her and killed her when Luna was 9 years old.
10 controversial theories about harry potter confirmed by jk rowling

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10 controversial theories about harry potter confirmed by jk rowling...

The story we heard from Luna is that there is no established technology for love goods. is it for the Weasleys or even the Potters, we know that the Malfoy family is related to many of the pureblood families, such as the blacks, we know that the Potters are related to the Peverils, an ancient wizarding family that figures prominently in the legend of the deathly hallows, but we have no genealogy. For Luna that goes back further than her immediate parents so could Luna be Draco's long lost sister? Did Z Nephal have an affair with Narcissa Malfoy? Did Pandora cheat on Luna's father with Lucius Malfoy?
10 controversial theories about harry potter confirmed by jk rowling
They don't seem like each other's type, but the fact is that Xena Phyllis publishes the Quibbler, a magical newspaper similar to the Muggle tabloids that claimed that aliens exist. The line between outright fraud and wishful thinking is sinful and confusing for Luna's father, hiding Luna's true parentage and then believing that lying is something the Zee necklace is definitely capable of. let the party begin Perris's class size Hogwarts is a large school that accepts at least a thousand wizards in its wizarding halls, however we only know about 10 Gryffindors in Harry's class, according to mathematics there should be at least 35 in his year.
10 controversial theories about harry potter confirmed by jk rowling
Just, maybe JK Rowling wanted to keep things simple by only introducing us to the students who are relevant to Harry's time at Hogwarts or maybe there's an even creepier reason, according to some fans, Harry's class is so small because the children in it were born during the magical period. war which was a dark time when Voldemort was killing hundreds of wizards at once in an already small magical community, this means there would be fewer magical parents in the early 80s to give birth to wizard children, ensuring that Harry's class is smaller than it normally would be.
Look, if there's one thing that's a little off about Harry Potter it's the sense of scale: the Wizarding World is small enough that everyone seems to know each other at the same time, yet they still have a huge bureaucratic state that's the big enough to govern millions of people. The Ministry of Magic is too big for a society that only has a thousand children at a time, so we will never know for sure how big Harry's class is, but the theory is very convincing, believe me, Ron is Dumbledore. Ron Weasley seems like the opposite of Dumbledore.
Ron is street smart at times, but not very wise. Dumbledore seems like the complete opposite, but some fans think Ron is just a time-traveling Albus Dumbledore. This theory also called the night of the King theory emerged in 2004 and is based on the game of wizard chess. Played near the end of the first book, Ron takes on the role of both knight and king, metaphorically this represents the roles that both Ron and Dumbledore play in the books in general. Ron is a knight in wizarding war and Dumbledore is a leader or king if you will, but the theory gets even more far-fetched;
Some believe that Dumbledore's ideal Christmas gift: warm socks, comes from bad memories of second-hand clothes that Ron experienced when he was a child. Lastly, maybe Dumbledore has so much knowledge because he keeps jumping back and forth in time. Of course, that doesn't quite explain how a child comes to seem like when he travels to Harry's current scratch beneath the surface and this theory is really just grasping at straws. The Potter series are essentially mystery books disguised as children's fantasy that They leave red herrings and clues to keep you guessing until the end, it's no wonder fans have so many theories like this, ultimately JK Rowling herself shot down this particular theory in 2005, she greeted death like an old friend. and gladly accompanied him to spend this life as an equal to the spirit of death in the Deathly Hallows Dumbledore tries to help Harry Ron and Hermione from beyond the grave by giving Hermione the tales of Beedle the bard in his will.
This tells the story of the Peveril brothers who met their deaths while traveling home one night after failing to drown them in the death of a river he tricked them into receiving three gifts, the Deathly Hallows, the Elder Wand was extremely powerful. , tended to invite deadly confrontations from other wizards who loved her, that's how the first brother died, the second brother received the resurrection stone which he used to bring back his dead wife, but she was a mere shadow of what which was before and that brother committed suicide to join her in the afterlife, only the third brother survived asking death to give him an invisibility cloak which he used to hide from death until old age, the theory is that Dumbledore is the spirit of death from the story, the theory also says that the equivalent of the three brothers are Harry Snape and Balder.
Mort Snape and Baldy die like the first two brothers, but Harry and his wisdom survive and Dumbledore, who is the only one. besides Harry once possessing each of the Hallows, his death played the same game he played so many centuries ago when the story of Peveril was written, why am I always the wrong wand before the order of the Phoenix and Neville Longbottom Is he the black sheep in Gryffindor? The family is always forgetful and lacks trust. He constantly fails to perform magic correctly. Dori Neville. It happens to all kids from time to time. People even think he might be a squib.
A son of wizards who can't do magic. It's only after we learn how. Bellatrix Lestrange tortured her parents into madness and Neville's trauma becomes more understandable. He is also an Order of the Phoenix when he recovers and begins to show real abilities in magic during the DA's meetings. Well, it was around this time that we learned that Neville never bought. an Ollivander wand, as most magical children do, instead he inherited his from his father, but serious fans know from wand lore that the wand chooses the wizard, so an Antonin de l'eau of a Death Eater destroys Neville's wand during the battle in the Department. of mysteries it is logical to conclude that he would need to buy a new magic wand at Ollivanders.
The book doesn't say it directly, but Neville's spell work is never questioned in books 6 and 7, making this theory highly plausible. Horcruxes are even worse in book six half-blood prince we finally learned the secret of Voldemort's immortality Horcruxes are an ingenious device in which a Dark Wizard preserves part of his soul thus cheating death according to Horace Slughorn in whose memory we learn about Horcruxes through which evil devices must be created an active evil here is thunder and lightning, but the details of how they actually work remain obscure and for a reason, in a 2007 podcast it was said that the details of the methods Horcrux manufacturing processes are, quote, too horrible to go into detail about what this is.
The fan theory describes how that process is a word cannibalism, plus thunder and lightning, many fans think that you have to eat the murder victim in order to use that murder to create a Horcrux. Murder simply destroys the soul, you still have to prepare some kind of vessel to accept. that piece of soul and becoming a Horcrux is that second step that is apparently so horrible, which is why cannibalism is a plausible part of finishing a Horcrux Cruikshank is serious black regulus Harry's godfather was an animagus who is a wizard who can transform in an animal with him with James Potter and Peter Pettigrew secretly learned to become anime boys so they could keep their werewolf friend Remus Lupine company during his transformations every full moon.
In the order of the Phoenix, we get a better idea of ​​the seriousness of the family tree by looking at the genealogy of the black family. embroidered on the API tree at number 12 Grimmauld placed his childhood home in London his brother Regulus Black never rebelled against the family's reactionary pureblood philosophy like Sirius did, but regretted it after joining you-know-who and he was the only one, besides Dumbledore, to discover it. Voldemort's Horcruxes according to the creature Regulus died while trying to recover the Slytherin locket from the island in the lake in that cave, so many have wondered if Sirius was an Animagus and Regulus was his brother, perhaps Regulus was also an Animagus. animagus and if so, what better animal to transform? in which Hermione's cat Crookshanks Kirk Shanks helped expose Ron Scabbers' rat has Peter Pettigrew, the man who betrayed Harry's parents to Voldemort Regulus is also named after a star in the Leo constellation last time that we review a small lion is a type of cat and the rumors of Regulus being satiated from time to time after his supposed death gives more credibility to this theory is it you, we don't know JK Rowling is rita skeeter rita skeeter could be the character most annoying of the Harry Potter universe she is a pirate journalist who writes for The Daily Prophet and she has something against Harry, Skeeter's saga begins when she falsely reports on Harry during the Triwizard Tournament.
She implies that Harry deliberately tricked the Goblet of Fire into honor of his dead parents. She also falsely claimed that she is dating Hermione in order of Phoenix, she becomes one of Harry's main enemies by writing pro-Ministry propaganda. The cast area is Dumbledore's lying puppet and a threat to deceive. We here at CB strongly condemn Olive Skeeters' work as fake news and hope you two want to monetize anything. Content that reinforces her twisted agenda or would we accept what if JK Rowling is just Skeeter in disguise? You really have to be obsessed with Potter to buy into this fan theory.
You have to believe that the Wizarding World is real. The claim here is that Rowling is real. just Rita Skeeter writing another tell-all book after losing all credibility in the Wizarding World if the Wizarding World was actually real this theory might have some weight co-primary puppies don't stay away for too long Mary Poppins went to Hogwarts once It was hard doing British things in films that depended on American audiences; you couldn't have stars like Daniel Radcliffe or Emma Watson being popular and British at the same time. Vivien Leigh played Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind, but otherwise British roles in big films.
The films were generally quite typecast, such roles were reserved for Shakespeare, evil Roman centurions, bumbling bankers or wise old Jedi Masters. For a long time, the only recognizable character in British cinema who was a clumsy or old evil man was Mary Poppins, well, You can guess where this is going. Mary Poppins displays so much magical ability that it's no surprise that Harry Potter fans think she must be a Hogwarts graduate, and while she would probably get in trouble with the Ministry for doing magic in front of Muggles, she only seems to reveal her powers in front of Smith. family and Bert, who could be a classic squib, Bert.
I suspect you now realize that if you own Baltimore, you've been connected by more than just fate. Harry is now immortal in the order of the Phoenix. We finally learn why Voldemort killed Harry's parents. A prophecy that foretold the coming. of the one who can defeat the Dark Lord among the details of the prophecy a crucial line stands out and either must die at the hands of neither can live while the other survives password a book 7 relics of theDeath Harry finally manages to kill Voldemort crucially the prophecy does not say and he must die at the hands of the other or grow old.
The prophecy never says that life will return to normal for either of them if the conditions of the prophecy are met, meaning that if taken literally, the prophecy could imply that Harry is now immortal in the epilogue of book seven. Harry's scar no longer hurts and in The Cursed Child we learned that he lost the ability to speak and understand Parseltongue, so what could Voldemort unto death have added to Harry's magical makeup that could allow him to live forever? It is unclear if he learned the lessons from the book series. Harry would avoid trying for immortality, but what if he had to drink some Philosopher's Stone as part of his duties as head of magical law enforcement?
Maybe some evil immortal force threatens the world and only Harry can fight it. Upon achieving immortality - that couldn't happen if Moldy had killed him first - you probably won't be able to create your own Broken Sorceress or Horcrux, but if you want to get DIY replicas of your favorite Potter artifacts, you should definitely check out Crafty. Hackers, you have this amazing video on how to create a DIY Harry Potter wand with a pencil. Maybe if Neville had watched that video, he could have gotten a better one before book 6. Be sure to check them out and give them a like. in the corner to look and there you have it, which of these fan theories do you think are the most credible?
Are there any we have missed? Let us know in the comments section below and don't forget to subscribe to CBR for more videos like this, thanks for watching.

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