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10 BMX Life Hacks that will Change Your LIFE!

Jun 04, 2021
Hi guys, my name is Adam LZ and today I'm going to show you absolutely nothing. I originally wanted to do a how-to video today, but I decided it would be better to do something a little different and make one of those. Videos of tricks that everyone does I have been doing BMX for quite some time and over the years I have accumulated many little tips and tricks that I think





much easier and help you in a variety of situations. The most classic problem of all: all


bars moved. This isn't really a solution to the problem, but if you're riding Street, you're in a skate park, you don't have an Allen wrench and you want to be able to.
10 bmx life hacks that will change your life
At least he rides a bike. I have a little trick that


help you. It's not really rocket science, but if you take the handlebars and put it on the ground, you can just kick here and you'll be able to get there. your bar straight again look it may take a couple of tries but it's a quick and easy way to make your bike at least rideable again. Many people always ask how they can fix their bars so they don't move, instead of just showing you how to do it. If I'd like to do a quick fix, I want to show you a more long-term solution: Generally, when people have problems with their bars moving, nine times out of ten they have to buy a new bike or a new rack or new bars and that's because there is usually fresh paint on the inside of the stem or on the inside of the rod, if you look you can see that the paint dust is wearing off on the inside of the stem and because of that new paint, the rods tend to move and turn. a lot, you can ask your dad or macho uncle to tighten the bolts as hard as they can, but chances are it won't work or they'll remove the bolts and you'll be left worse off than before. so my solution that works nine times out of ten is to simply take some coarse sandpaper and roughen the surface that contacts the bars that way it has more to hold on to than just smoothing out the surfaces, in theory you should make horizontal marks, but I don't I really don't think it makes a difference if you can feel the little bumps on the nail, that's good, look how shiny and smooth it is, so we're going to do the same thing with this.
10 bmx life hacks that will change your life

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10 bmx life hacks that will change your life...

Well, if you want to go crazy you can also sand the bars, although I don't think it's that necessary since it comes with these little grooves. Even so, you can see where the paint has already been worn away by contact with the power. Go ahead and clean all the dust. , reassemble it and it should be as good as new. Well, he already removed the stem. Another thing you should probably pay attention to is the spacing when you're squeezing, make sure you have an even spacing both here and here because if they're not even you're going to have an uneven and clamping load and your bars could move, just think if you have difficulties aligning your bar to force one more tip that I will give you is to use your forks as a kind of guide to align your bars.
10 bmx life hacks that will change your life
I usually wear mine parallel to the forks or slightly forward because I'm a tall guy, but it makes it much easier to find the right spot. I know next we're going to move on to something much simpler and this is one of my biggest pet peeves. Throttle Grips The number of people whose bikes I've written about like skate parts and things that have a throttle grip but don't fix it for some. The reason completely baffled me. There's no mystical little genie down there to spin your grips. The solution is extremely, extremely, extremely easy, just take your grip and twist it back.
10 bmx life hacks that will change your life
You will most likely find sand because you fell onto the ground or into the water. because you're driving in the rain, take off your shirt, wipe it off, turn the grip back and just like that, no more throttle grips, it's that easy. One of my goals as President of the United States is to take the throttle off completely in 2017. However, I'm going to need your help, so grab a friend's grip, twist it back, and clean it up for me. There is absolutely no reason for so many people to suffer. A common myth I've seen is that you can soften your grips by boiling.
You soak them in hot water before putting them on your bike. I feel like someone just said that just to catch a trend that they catch on and just mess with the kids and laugh because I tried it when I was younger and it worked and I cried. It didn't make my cuffs softer and I mean my mom was really upset so I'm going to show you my way to stretch my cuffs and make them feel softer. It doesn't really matter if you use the compressor message or the wd-40. The first step is to get a little surf on the end of the grip.
Once you're a little hungover, we'll use some channel locks and lock them into the grip to keep them from moving. Now just use your wd- 40 or your compressor and stretch the grips if you are using a compressor, be careful because you could burst the grip so it might be helpful to have something you can make a small hole with so it doesn't compress the air over there. So look at how wide we stretch this grip now and if you feel a springy grip, it will be much softer because all the rubbers stretch out and you have a wider area to grip when you take the grip off.
It will match the retraction a bit and that's why we leave it hanging there, as long as the bottom of the grips and bars are clean you should never have to use any type of glue or a gzip to keep the grips from moving , but not? I know that when you have stretched grips, they can move and be more susceptible to throttle grip, so if a grip is compressed, remember to keep them clean. I use this next trick all the time. What's another thing we absolutely hate happening to our bike? that would be a loose chain and often what happens is we brush against a ledge, hit it hard and the rear wheel will move resulting in a loose chain, the noise may bother you or the rear wheel.
It can skid because it rubs against the frame. So I'm going to show you a very easy way to tension the chain again without having to use any tools, line up the rear peg with something hard like a post or the edge of a ledge and then just give it a good whack and now it will usually work long enough. so that you can pass. You usually have to hit it pretty hard if it was enough to move the rear wheel, so you usually have to hit it pretty hard to get the wheel to move. back up and it won't really move unless you land hard on a ledge or something.
Another very common problem that people have is when they try to tighten the rear wheel and keep the chain tight it moves because when you turn it a small nut will sit on the frame and move the wheel forward or backward so I'll show you a little trick for that too. You could have a friend like pull the wheel while you try to tie yourself up. each side, but that never really works, start with both sides loose, then take the non-drive side and move it so it's almost like touching the frame or as much as you can while pushing it back slightly, tighten that side and then while you're by squeezing the other side instead of having to push the wheel back you can just push the wheel to one side and then tighten the other side that way you are just working the wheel back it may take a while It's a bit of a write-up to find a method that works for you, but the side-by-side method always works and saves me a lot of time and hassle, so next time your friend has a loose chain, show it to them and help them out. them and let them understand how to do it, otherwise you will do it every time for them like I always do with my friends, those when I was nice, now I just say I don't know how to play another common thing.
What I've seen is people don't ride or people complain because they took off the compression cap or they don't have it so they can't adjust their heads talking about this right here, but if there's a will, there's a way, but the way this works, all it really does is put the work and stem together to keep it tight and then these pinch bulbs do all the work after that, you don't really even need one, it can look a little ugly but It's okay to ride like this, so if your friends are complaining that they can't ride because they have a loose headset and don't have a compression cap, what you can do is take yours off your bike and lend it to them so they can. tighten your headphones, tighten the bolts and then they can send it back to you.
They can ride without a cap and you can put the cap back on and now everyone is happy if none of your friends have a compression cap that you can borrow or if you're like stranded in a park and want to tighten your headphones, there's a way to do it without one, but it's a bit difficult, it goes hand in hand with the same concept of not wearing a cap instead of wearing someone else's cap. You could turn the bike over and try to put pressure on the fork by maybe standing on it or something, but it's a little hard to get the pressure even, so you still end up with a little gap that still has that better than nothing.
In fact I found the best way I could do this was with the bike on my back in my dining room, I stood on the handlebars and pushed my hands against the ceiling to compress everything down and a friend squeezed it, obviously not ideal , but if you need to adjust your headphones to be able to ride and you don't have the right tools or a compression cap, this is one way to do it, the next one is incredibly simple, you got sweaty. sweaty hands, hands don't go well with the grips because then you can't be really good because your hands are sweaty, so you could take off your shirt and dry this one of your grips, but it's still going to happen because your body is still producing. sweat, so you have to find a way to absorb that sweat.
I have seen people use baby powder. I've seen people use chalk, but no one really wants to carry that stuff with them, so if you're on the street and you need your hands to dry from all that sweat or if you're at a skate park or something, one of the best things you can do is just take some sand rub it on your hand and it will soak up the floor now if you're using sweaty hands that's an excuse not to do a trick on your friend act like you've never seen this video because that A little bit of dirt or sand on your hands will help incredibly with the next light package I want to show you.
I'm not actually going to show you because I'm lazy, I don't want to and I have no reason to, but I will explain it if you ever get a flat tire and need to get home. a trick where you basically remove both sides of the bead of the tire so that the rim is like it's inside the tire and you can go home with that thin layer of rubber underneath because it's much easier than having the rim actually be on the bead and has like a tire sponge underneath, a tire normally looks like this when it's on the rim, but when you get a flat, this piece sponges down and then wobbles to the side if you try to get back home.
So the trick is basically to remove the tire from the bead that way, you just have this flat piece of rubber that allows you to get home last but not least. I have a little trick that will help you with something cosmetic, but it won't really help you. with your riding or anything, but it's a solution to a real problem, you just spent a ton of money on a new fork and you bumped into something and got a big scratch, but that's okay because I'm going to show you. you know how to fix it real quick, go to the cabinet for some supplies, you're going to want some primer, you're going to want some sandpaper, some black spray paint and we'll grab some clear coat, but let's be real every time.
You've painted something on your bike, done a not-so-great job, and it ends up chipping worse than it looked in the first place. I have another solution, it's a little more expensive but it's a lot easier the short job people get very popular in automotive culture, you'll take the cap off the marker and then take the tip and rub it all over the area where the scratches are . If you live on the edge, like me, you can take your thumb and rub it to really absorb it, but it's not necessary and just like that, your scratch is now invisible.
I wanted to do something different today. I wanted to do something useful, so here you go, these are my BMX tricks if you ever have a friend. that wins over a problem that I gave you a solution to, make sure you share this video with them and tell them to stop being idiots. I don't know, tell them to watch my video, if some of the things were helpful, make sure you leave. Give me a like and let me know in the comments what you would like me to do in the next video, you guys are amazing.
I hope you had a great weekend and I'll see you tomorrow like this, love me.

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