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10 BIGGEST Mistakes First Time Gamers Make

Jun 09, 2021
Video games as a thing are always growing and there are often newcomers of all ages, not every gamer grew up with a Super Nintendo or even a Nintendo 64 and people who jump back in can


some really dumb


as well. that today we are having fun. Talking about ten of the



new players can


, starting at number 10, writing off a game because of the way it looks graphically now. I think this is harder to do now because there are a lot of games with unique art styles that could be perceived as bad graphics, which I guess is your problem depending on how you look at it, but let's look at Minecraft for example, someone who is new to gaming might look at Minecraft and think, "Oh, this game has really bad graphics and looks like a baby game." They don't play that, but what they don't realize is that they are missing out on this giant creative and fantastic game.
10 biggest mistakes first time gamers make
If you like survival games you would be missing out on a pretty good one because I think Minecraft is still a great survival game and you would be missing out on the creative mode where you can build literally anything. Another example of a bigger game would be tonight. You know, when you


watch it, you might see a cartoon that seems gratuitous. The game, at its core, is a really good shooter that requires some real skill to play Pub G. You know it's definitely not the most enjoyable game to look at, but man, is it fun?
10 biggest mistakes first time gamers make

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10 biggest mistakes first time gamers make...

The same can be said for more independent titles like Undertale Shovel Knight West. to hate Bastion, these all have very specific and deliberate art styles, they are not and I quote bad graphics, it may not be for you but you should still try it anyway, you never know you might end up loving it and move on. to number 9, although something extremely important is missing during a tutorial, this one is easy and it's pretty sure it's happened to everyone, at least the tutorials just aren't there for you to sit on your phone until it's over, they're there to teach you literally how to do it. play the game, so pay attention, some


s there are some really important things that teach weird little mechanics that you might not think are a big deal, but they actually are and can be very important to the main game or just stuff later on .
10 biggest mistakes first time gamers make
There are a few


s when I've been playing for a few hours and something seemed strange or strange to me and I realized I missed an important detail in the tutorial because I didn't pay it the attention I should have so that even the most experienced players can do it. you miss things and make mistakes so beginners should pay attention, do yourself a favor and always pay attention to a tutorial and you won't regret it. Next up at number eight, a mistake a beginner player can make is not realizing that a game does not have autosave, this is not something you will find frequently in newer games as it is a matter of game quality.
10 biggest mistakes first time gamers make
Pretty average life right now, but if you go back and play some older games you'll definitely want to. keep in mind whether or not that game supports autosave, trust me, you really don't want to find out the hard way, go through a difficult area and beat that boss that took you forever and then you die, or turn off the game only to realize . that he didn't save, he is so defeated and depending on the situation it can be such a hard hit that you may not even want to turn the game back on and just throw it in the trash, so be careful, be aware of the saving in the new or old game you're playing because you don't want to have to redo a difficult boss or replay over an hour just because you forgot to save every game has a different save system and it's smart to educate yourself Before moving on to number seven now , another mistake a beginner can make is thinking that you can get by without learning a parrying system in a combat game.
Now some games have mechanics that you don't necessarily have to use and that you could get away with. ignore, but there are certain mechanics and certain types of games where you really can't ignore it, parrying and blocking in most cases in action or fighting games is one of those mechanics that you must use and also master to survive, think in something. like Sakura or Dark Souls, you know, can you imagine playing one of those games without locking or matching at least most of the time? Sakura, in particular, parrying is literally how you'll win by deflecting an enemy to give them a quick hit or drain their stun meter.
It's essential to the game and ignoring it or figuring out these mechanics later is also important to how you'll have fun, honestly the same goes for fighting games, you have to know how to block, you'll always fall victim to a long rope combo if you don't do something. to break it, yes, playing offense and just attacking your opponent is a viable strategy, but it's safe to assume that your opponent does know how to block it and parry it and all that, and they don't. we're going to work all the time sometimes the timing can be really hard to pin down, but with a little patience and practice you'll figure it out no problem, so patients are young padawans, let's move on to number six, just racing games in general, jumping into a race.
I play thinking you can drive, you know you played Mario Kart, you got this, but wow, if it's a simulation game, highly realistic racing games with tight, deep mechanics and an emphasis on physics and real track racing, you're screwed, You know how bad it could be there? You know cars work if you drive one every day. Maybe that's not the case. In most cases, you will most likely be all over the road. Turning and cornering is much more complicated than simply turning. It is not so simple. A perfect example. I got into gaming early, but a lot of kids I knew at school maybe got their


gaming console with the PlayStation 2, and the launch package with Gran Turismo 3 was very common in North America.
All the kids on the playground hated Gran Turismo 3 and thought it was bad. because they kept crashing or had to drive slow and didn't have fun games like that, even to this day modern Forza games learned the technique, that's where the fun is with simulation games and many intense racing games or Well, just don't even bother playing an arcade racing game because those are great too, they're a little more accessible and it's a different kind of fun, but it's even less fun, it's something we see beginning


with fight and it's really fun. This game is stupid, it doesn't work, why can't I spin?
We've heard it all, man, now next up at number 5, one mistake a beginning player could make, especially if he has some expendable income, is buying cheats. This one is really nice. I guess it's a personal opinion, but the act of paying for what is essentially cheating in a game like, say, Resident Evil 2, now we won't tell you how to spend your money and if you don't like this, then good for you, Alright. I'm glad you like it, but paying a few bucks to unlock all the extra modes, outfits, and infinite ammo weapons like Resident Evil 2 is a little silly because you rob yourself of the true game experience, think about it Resident Evil. 2 is about inventory management, not having enough ammo, healing items and knowing that you can't really take out every enemy you see and throwing ammo at Mr. , all of that is essential to the core mechanics and how the game is essentially fun and when you run around with, say, the samurai edge or a rocket launcher with infinite ammo on your first playthrough, you're missing all of that, you're missing out on how the game works. game and what really is the charm.
Now doing it after two runs or so is different, at that point you go for a faster run or Regardless of how much you know how the game works, you've experienced it as intended, but unlocking additional modes and cool weapons has always been part of it. of games like Resident Evil from the beginning and paying for it seems strange and direct. I'm not doing the game any favors, but like I said, we're not your parent, we won't tell you what to do, but it's just food for thought for beginner players if you're capable and up to the task, consider experiencing the game as it was. it was originally designed the way it was meant to be played, you know, up until number four, a common mistake we've seen is being fooled by an ADD into thinking that CGI, you know, computer generated trailers are actually games.
Now, this is a huge rookie mistake. but it absolutely fools people, especially in the early days, like when the internet was less important and TV commercials with pre-rendered sequences were super common, so you often knew it was in the TV room and it had a father. or a brother look at me and know the resident user of the video game and say, "Wow, that's really the game, uh, no, sorry, grandpa, it's not, that's not the game." Sorry, I still resent Killzone. the PlayStation 3 first came out, they had a pre-rendered trailer that said look at this amazing game, this is the gameplay, no, no, it's not likely that with video games, like modern innovations, things have become cool , video games look amazing now that people work so hard to create them.
They look a little bit, but at the end of the day, the most important rule is if it seems too good to be true many times, yes, it is too good to be true. Fortunately, things are getting better and better and consumers are becoming more informed these days. so they know what's real and what's not in general, but if you're just starting out in gaming, it's an easy mistake to make now up to number three thinking that you're good enough to beat the best players in a particular game. Oh man, then you might have some great careers.
You know you might have a great KD ratio. You know you could get a higher combo than anyone else. You know you could be the best player out of all your friends by far, but you've seen competitive gaming, you know esports, the fighting game community, I'm sorry, but these people are on another level. I think it's great and healthy to aim for greatness, but you have to know the playing field, you have to know who is on top. The leaderboards these people play every day are a full time job for years and we think new beginning players just don't realize what it really takes, it's definitely humbling but now in 2020, the way video games work might appeal to you.
You're the best of everyone you know, but it's a whole different world out there and you know, if we're talking about mistakes like that, let's go to number two with some people who think you know how to play the game in one go. the single player campaign will actually prepare you for online battles, sorry most of the time, I'd say nine times out of ten it just doesn't matter, man multiplayer is a completely different beast, playing against humans is always different to play against AI Bots, there are some games, especially like in the 90s, there were some games with some really good boxes, but the human element is always the most unpredictable and the video game can't really train you to participate in the competition, what?
TRUE? I know it's a perfect example. Let's take a more modern example. You play through the Modern Warfare campaign, a Modern Warfare 20-19 campaign which is a pretty good campaign. Now you might think you are the best soldier and can jump into multiplayer and do well. Son, just no, there's a lot more going on, you know, learning the meta, the way games develop, they become different things in the multiplayer realm and beginners often don't know that and have their wannabe come in, so that's what we. We are here to discuss, just keeping you posted if any newbies are actually seeing this.
Consider that most people who watch these videos are pretty hardcore, but I digress, let's move on to number one and talk about one of my favorites. themes and that's playing a game that has a puzzle and you overlook the simplest thing. This is a beginner's mistake but honestly, it's even an expert's mistake. Still, sometimes you can be playing anything from the original Resident Evil Mansion to something more modern in terms of puzzle games like the witness and you crash into a brick wall and are left stumped for hours, walking around a room, ya whether in real life or in the digital world, looking for clues, looking for the solution, simply poring over everything you have tracked well on each rock.
The one thing that beginning players often don't make, the


mistake they make is forgetting to breathe deeply and maybe even considering walking away from the game the number of times I've beaten a puzzle or even just a difficult a game turning it off and playing 6 hours later or a day later or two days later when I have a fresh brain and fresh fingers that makes all the difference some people try to brute force these games and if I've been playing for a long time you know that sometimes you just can't do that, you gotta know your limits buddy, knowing your limits is honestly one of the most important things you can learn regardless of whether we're talking about beginner players and those are some. mistakes we think you've definitely made now you all play video games, you know the deal, you also probably met some beginners, you probably introduced some people to video games, so let us know in the comments some mistakes you've made. seen people make or some mistakes that you yourselves have made maybe it's your first foray into video games maybe it's your first foray or your first attempt at a certain genre of game, a type of game, let us know something like this in the comments .
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