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10 Best Character Introductions of All Time

May 30, 2021
You only get a first impression and that goes more in movies, the way we meet a


can define how we feel about them throughout the entire movie, so we break down all the different ways


s appear with our picks for the top 10 character


. Of all


, at its finest, the character introduction is a revelation, a sequence with its own setup, its own suspense, building its own anticipation towards the moment we meet our hero and one of the most classic examples of this type of revelation is what we like to call the introduction by parts we see his hands, his feet, his clothes, his morning routine, everything except his face, it is a small montage of stripes of details towards the taking of money, which is our hero's mug, while giving us a front-seat tour of all the important details that make our character who he is thanks to Oscar Schindler and Jesus from the great Labowski Patton Patrick Baitman and even strangers on a train;
10 best character introductions of all time
However, for our first pick, we tried the only Indie from Raiders of the Lost AR. This is pure genius, not only do we see his hands, his feet, his hat and his whip, all of whom were previously given the privilege, that is, the pleasure of Harrison Ford's Grizzly Visage, we also see these little parts of him telling us the story. story, all we see are the small details, but they tell the whole story, creating suspense for our mysterious hero before his reveal, of course, it's not always about the immediate, some


s characters appear fully formed in the narrative of abrupt and surprising ways that grab us by the throat and growl at us. us as a bad Christian Bale Batman impression, think Quint from Jaws or Ruby Rod from The Fifth Element, the Joker from The Dark Knight Dr.
10 best character introductions of all time

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10 best character introductions of all time...

Strange Love from bien dror Strange Love and our number nine pick, John Doe from Seven, did you know? I would follow you, hey, we're great here. Your wife called earlier. Get yourself an answering machine. After this, I'm not a big surprise. You're About to Ruin Your Day, You're Looking for Me 7 is 95 minutes long and 120 minutes long with the detectives and Freeman not much closer to their serial killer than when they started, when he simply shows up at the police station covered in blood and it's Kevin spacy you go to the movies the sign says Brad Pit Gwyneth paltro and Kevin spacy and in 95 minutes you haven't seen Kevin spacy who do you think it will be Kevin spacy doesn't need a detective but Kevin spacy Basically, he gave the studio an ultimatum and told them that he would only do it if they didn't give him the


Billet and then he went completely Ninja in the press.
10 best character introductions of all time
It shows up 80% of the way through and we never see it coming, and damn it. works next in number eight, sometimes a character is presented with a singular moment, a singular image that so perfectly exemplifies the Essence of him that in that moment you know them down to the Soul of him. This is Jack Sparrow, a proud pirate atop the sinking Mast or Renton. smiling like a madman as he hits the hood of the car that almost crushes him or Rick Blaine sitting between a cigarette, a drink, a checkbook and a chest, it's Bronson telling the camera that he always wanted to be famous Holly eating his titular breakfast Luke smiling at his decapitated meters Alex drinking his malocco plus and the guy trying half and half of all these movies managed to take a thousand words about their characters and distill them into one image, but we believe that none did it better than The Good, the Bad and the Ugly with Tuco.
10 best character introductions of all time
Let's count all the things we learn about the rat in about 2 seconds. He is a glutton, a drunk, a wanted man, armed, creative and a huge jester combined into almost two fun groups of hand accessories with a, shall we say, creative method of entry and buttoning. Follow the iconic good, bad and ugly Freeze Frame music combo and you get the makings of a legend. Other characters are presented not with an image but with an action. It's like the almost now clichéd advice of writing a strong character by showing your hero save the cat, you show your audience that he is kind, active and heroic at the same time and they fall in love with, of course, Frank from Once Upon a Time in the West It does the complete opposite, but it's still an honorable mention on our list. with the harmonica the same with Angel Eyes the same with the man with no name turns out that Sergio León is quite good at these types of


The Maran Ravenwood drinking contest The victory is another great example of this, as is the prospecting vignette Daniel Plan View oil company. during hour number seven, we go with Kay humbly cutting his bun to pose as a peasant to rescue a young man from The Seven Samurai, although we haven't seen every movie out there, we're with Roger Ebert in thinking that This could just be the original example of the now ubiquitous action hero tradition that begins the story with an unrelated act of heroism, perhaps even the cat's first saving.
It's probably also where Leone got the idea for all the iconic character introductions of that color. The spaghetti western beginnings of him, as he was so inspired by Kuawa in almost every other way, is a brief foray that speaks to both his capabilities and his moral character. It combines cunning compassion, sacrifice and violence to quickly teach us about and make us like it and it works perfectly. K is a badass for the ages and it takes us 2 minutes to know it. Our next two spots go to those iconic star moments where a character enters the story with a wink and a smile. and all the charm and charisma in the world and we see how incredible they are, the kind of unforgettable entry that is essentially classic Hollywood and we are dividing this category into two SLs because we are dividing it along genre lines so that we can see.
What kind of difference is it? See if you can spot the pattern. Male stars are consistently presented this way, while female stars are presented this way. Are you decent? Men are objects of admiration and ability. The public is supposed to want to be them while Women are objects of well-being, the public must want to possess them. Men hold weapons, tools, pistols, while women use towels. We believe that the clearest example of this type of presentation belongs to James Bond in Dr. No and Lisa Fremont in South Carolina Rear Window. praise I need a thousand I admire your courage miss uh trench sovia trench I admire your luck Mr.
Bond James Bond this is a classic example where the spectator ship theory is useful to see the gender differences notice how Bond looks as we look at Lisa in the The Visual link is shown over the shoulders, while Lisa is shown live. James Bond is effortlessly cool, while Lisa makes us fall in love. Now we don't condemn the use of men as cool objects or the use of women as romantic objects. happens in the world all the time both are natural and normal things, they just aren't the only natural and normal things, the problem is that in movies women are almost exclusively objects of romance, while men fill many varied roles, but Even they are often pigeonholed into the masculine Uber Suave action fantasy archetype;
In fact, almost all women with a notable character presentation are in this category of our list, which should speak significantly to the role of women in classic cinema at number four, sometimes it comes with a character presentation. a serious Doom feel, these are usually reserved for the big bads in a big reveal that immediately says shit is about to drop, think sexy beasts, Don Logan, a new hope, Darth Vader and Tim Burton's Joker However, come on, who does this better than Fritz Lang? his killer in m Beckman appears as a shadow on a wanted poster for himself, we don't even see him, but he is presented in the most evil, most terrifying way possible, the bouncing ball, The Lean dialogue, the cut to his mother H, what a villain. what an entrance, what an introduction, next at number three we are seeing the arrival, which in itself is a tension filler where the character's approach to the screen fills us with apprehension, not a terrifying revelation but a long entrance and slow motion that gets worse and worse the closer we get, think Henry V Silva from Skyfall and the original Dracula, they are all larger than life characters who start small in the frame and then walk towards us filling it with their height, for Of course, no one has ever done slow axial focusing. better than David Lee, so we really have no choice but to give this spot to Lawrence of Arabia Tex's Sharie Ali, who makes the wide expanse of the desert as claustrophobic as a cafe and Lean's iconic cinematography makes it emerge as of a shining mirage.
In the heat of the distance and getting closer and closer for what seems like ages and then when he feels it can't get any more unbearable, his Bedan guide lunges for his gun and is felled with a single shot and then, more silently, Ali decelerates. and only then he speaks he's dead yeah why this is my well he's a bad man A good man a righteous man an enemy we don't know but we do know you probably shouldn't with his well approaching number two we have the long awaited reveal the character whose reputation precedes the one who has been talked about, rumored, pursued and searched for who is now more of a myth and a legend in our minds than a face a symbol of something more than the thing itself this is Bill of Kill off Bill Oberhauser from Specter Superman and Colonel Curts, definitely Hannibal Lecor, however, if you know us, you already know who we're going for.
Harry Lima of the third man. What kind of spy do you think you are? Satchel Foot, what are you following? I as a cat stuck my tongue out at you, come out, come out, come out, whoever you are, come out into the light and let's take a look at you, who is your boss. If you accused our list maker of having a boner with Harry, file, you wouldn't do it. I'm not far wrong with so much time spent on rumors about his notoriety, how could the real man measure up? But that's the magic of cinema, sometimes the man on the screen can be larger than life and I don't think that happens anywhere. better than here, first of all, it's Orson Wells at his most mischievous and that face, maybe it's our rose-tinted Nostalgia glasses talking here, but for our money, we've never seen a face that gives us a Glee More infinite and limitless, combine it with the lighting tail. the music, the camera moves and the classic third man can't and somehow Orson Wells makes the rumors seem small and finally in number one we are seeing the introduction that comes with a change of expectations, maybe we hear one thing or We anticipate something more. but the person we meet surprises us, all together, often played for comic effect, this is Inspector Cluso from Pink Panther or Mozart from Beloved or Bella Lugosi from Edwood, but today our number one is none other than Willie Wonka .
There may be no better time to remember our greetings than when we say goodbye, so here's Mr. Wilder and all the entries he made thanks for the laughs Heh, so what do you think? Don't you agree with some of our photos? Did we skip any of your favorite performances? Let us know in the comments below, come check out our biweekly Talkback movie lineup on Facebook live on Thursdays at 3:00 p.m. This after each episode where we answer your questions and respond to your comments and be sure to subscribe for more cix movies lists.

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