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10 Amazing Facts About Ghostbusters

May 02, 2020
Ghostbusters Well, what can be said about Ghostbusters that hasn't already been said? It is one of those movies that defines the 1980s. Everyone seems to love this movie and everyone always quotes the movie and expresses their love for this movie as it tells the story. story of three unlucky scientists who start a ghost hunting business we are like scientific exterminators they capture all the pesky ghosts that plague new york city peter venkman ray stantz egon spengler and new recruit winston zeddemore must also fight the evil being known as enjoy along with a packet of official EPA water, this man has no penis.
10 amazing facts about ghostbusters
What I personally love about this movie, we see these three struggling scientists as people who are looked down upon and not accepted by the upper class or hierarchy. seriously and start their ghost hunting organization simply to get money, but as the movie goes on they become heroes and beacons of hope to me, it's like the message of the movie is that anyone can step up and save the world. world, even if you are a normal Joe who is oppressed by society, you still have a lot of importance and a lot to offer and in that the movie is a celebration and brings people together no matter what their social status is and well, maybe that's it the reason why the Ghostbusters fandom has been a phenomenon.
10 amazing facts about ghostbusters

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10 amazing facts about ghostbusters...

Since then, but even though Ghostbusters is a much loved and praised film, do we really know everything there is to know about it? There are many questions that fans may want to know the answers to, such as what was the inspiration for Dan Aykroyd and Harold. Ramis to write the script and what the original script was, where that famous logo and the water came from. In fact, Peck doesn't have a penis. Well today I'll try to find the answers as I dive into a list of 10 surprising


about Ghostbusters where hopefully everything will be answered except whether or not Walter Peck has genitals as that would actually involve taking off his pants and taking a look , and I really don't want to do that, let's look at it.
10 amazing facts about ghostbusters
I'm crazy. Logos three when someone asks you if you're a god you say yes number 10 the idea came from Dan Aykroyd's real life interest in ghosts in fact Ghostbusters came from Dan Aykroyd's love and fascination with ghosts ghosts Everything in Kreutz's life has been interested in the afterlife and he has been seeking to prove to the world that ghosts exist, Aykroyd has said that his grandfather even invented a radio monitor device to communicate with ghosts, so, with his lifelong fascination with the afterlife in the early '80s, Dan Aykroyd and his comedian and actor John Belushi emerged. with the Ghostbusters draft while Aykroyd and Howell Ramos were writing the script also in that scene where we see the Ghostbusters in a jail cell with a scene that was actually filmed in a real jail which Aykroyd claims was haunted and something else that I think is worth mentioning that a few years ago I watched an episode of celebrity ghost stories where actress Beverly D'Angelo claimed that many years ago she moved into a house where Dan Aykroyd had previously lived and that she believes that the house was haunted by mom's ghosts. and Papas band member Cass Elliot and D'Angelo further explains that she believes the ghostly house was the final push to motivate Aykroyd to work on Ghostbusters.
10 amazing facts about ghostbusters
The number 9 casting possibilities in the history of the making of Ghostbusters, originally there are many setbacks and failures in casting. Dad Aykroyd envisioned himself John Belushi and Eddie Murphy to play the roles of the Ghostbusters, but unfortunately Belushi passed away in 1982 and Murphy left the project to work on Beverly Hills Cop, so with Belushi's passing, he was going to play the smart one. mouth of Peter Bateman's character, other possibilities for the role included Michael Keaton and Chevy Chase, but luckily Bill Murray took the role and played the sarcastic ladies' man and wise man perfectly, and many fans claim that Murray's performance alone carries the movie.
Is this a trick question? John Candy was originally cast as the hapless nerd Lewis Tully, but he abandoned the project and so Rick Moranis was subsequently cast as the socially awkward and practical scientist Egon Spengler. Actors considered for that role included Christopher Walken. John let Christopher go. Lloyd and Jeff Goldblum, but since Ramos had written the script, he felt that he completely understood the character and insisted on playing him, which he did perfectly. Ray has overlooked, sorry, Beckman, and as for the main villain, that's the Aryans, Grace Jones. She was offered the role, but she turned it down, and Serbian actress and model Salvete saw Jovan rise to the position of being the Ghostbusters' enemy number one, enemy number eight.
Ghostbusters was originally set in the future, believe it or not, but early drafts are drastically different than What Ghostbusters eventually became was originally set in the future and Ghostbusters themselves weren't just made up of four similar guys. that they were looking for work, but in fact the Ghostbusters organization was a global enterprise like a global ghost police force with many factions, so to speak. Look at the early storyboard sketches for the film, you can see the Ghostbusters look more futuristic, what were their helmets compared to their more high tech basement scene in the film? Additionally, in the original script, the Ghostbusters had the ability to even cross into other dimensions with their be a big company but rather a small company that, in my opinion, really grounds the Ghostbusters in reality and speaking of storyboards I love this first sketch of a possessed Louis Tully in the form of John Candy throwing up on the Ghostbusters yeah , it's a shame that scene never happened number 7 Sigourney Weaver is barking like crazy ah Sigourney Weaver I actually really liked Sigourney Weaver, believe it or not, but Weaver had a very interesting audition while trying out for the role of Dana Barrett.
At her audition, she behaved like a dog, growling and walking on all fours. I assume this was done because in the movie. We see Dana become possessed by a dog beast creature named Zul. Now this kind of behavior may scare some people, but not director Ivan Reitman. He was so impressed with her strange behavior at her audition that she instantly chose her, so yeah, she didn't just choose us. Got some alien kick in the butt, but it also seems like she's pretty good at barking, also that creepy scene where Peter tries to talk to a possessed Dana.
We're in a fierce, growling voice, she says there's no Dana, just Zuul, well, that demonic voice. it was actually provided by none other than director Ivan Reitman himself. Slimers legacy number 6 despite the tragedy of John Belushi's death, Aykroyd still managed to keep it in the movie somewhat in spirit, at least in slime form, ah, the nasty hungry green ghost scene in the movie Aykroyd saw this ectoplasmic demon as the spirit of his former friend and co-worker and if you watch the movie Animal House you will totally understand why, as Belushi's character, Bluto is actually very slime-like, ah, in the sense of which is self-indulgent, nasty, destructive and a bit of a pig, get it, in fact the Animal House cafeteria scene where we see Bluto stuffing his face is actually very similar to the thinner scene in which he is Stuffing your face in a hotel, so what do you do?
The boys think that Slimer could be the ghost of Bluto from Animal House also in the first Ghostbusters movie. Slimer doesn't even have a name which he refers to as, quote, a disgusting stain. It was only after the movie that the animated series was released. The Real Ghostbusters and the sequel Ghostbusters, but Slimer officially got the name from him, which he obviously got from the famous scene where he slimes Peter Venkman. Originally, slowly, the production team called the mischievous ghost an onion head to put emphasis on the ghost's foul stench, but fortunately. Onion has never been popularized because that just doesn't sound right.
Number 5, there was an Atari 2600 game and it was horrible. The awfulness of the Atari game Ghostbusters 2600 has become legendary in the cybergeek community. There's no shortage of stories about just I've seen how horrible this game really is, that'll keep you waiting, you see, we've got Ghostbusters being the hit that everyone was getting in on the action and releasing Ghostbusters memorabilia like this vinyl record and of course Of course, Atari also wanted a piece of this pie to make money, beginners only look at how ugly and uninteresting this game looks, so in the Ghostbusters game you are the Ghostbusters logo that stays in the neighborhood waiting for ghosts attack, so when you are notified of something strange in the neighborhood you can finally move forward and capture a ghost, but you also have to frequently visit a Ghostbusters store to buy your Ghostbusters gear.
Here you remember in the movie when the Ghostbusters had to keep visiting the Ghostbusters store to buy all their equipment and you have to use your earnings from catching ghosts to buy traps and other tools to hunt ghosts, but there are also driving scenes in which you have to pay for fuel and once again your ghost hunting earnings have to pay for it, ok if I play a game called Ghostbusters I want the main emphasis is to catch ghosts, buying your equipment and fuel shouldn't be a part of the game. You also have this vacuum cleaner in your car to suck up ghosts, but I don't know, it's more like a banana and in the Nintendo version, once you've been through this abominable game, you're rewarded with end credits that say congratulations because yeah, al hell with proofreading, I guess I mean, look at all the spelling mistakes here, the grammar in this game is worse than mine number four in real life. abuse of Water Peck in Ghostbusters there is a sort of main human antagonist called Water Peck who works for the EPA and who is not very impressed with the Ghostbusters' handling of radioactive materials and does everything he can to shut down the Ghostbusters and the do it. unleashes a pack of ghosts on the town and to top it all off, he even has the Ghostbusters arrested and imprisoned and if the character wasn't unpleasant enough, the character was played by William Atherton who played the role with such villainous brilliance in his eye, in other words this was the character you love to hate, however it seems that people took their hatred for this character too far as after Ghostbusters, Albertan was abused by people everywhere he went and people He vented his hatred for the water packet towards the poor.
The actor, in fact, was once allegedly even attacked in a bar. Yes, when the time comes when people start using physical violence, you know he has gotten out of control. Well, guys, calm down, leave the poor guy alone. Very sorry. William Opportunies had to enjoy this abuse simply for being good at playing a character guys if you ever see Patton out there please don't hit him it's okay it's not like our own Patton is trying to take down the Ghostbusters and the Ghostbusters. they're not even real, it was a character he played, oh my god, I can't believe he's doing a public work to make people leave this poor guy alone, the controversy of song number three, one of the most identifiable from not only the movie but the entire Ghostbusters franchise in general is Ray Parker Jr.'s catchiest and funniest health theme. kind of strange, I swear this song never goes out of style and it still sounds as catchy and fresh as it did in 1984 and I love how it gets the listeners into the song by shouting Ghostbusters, however the song caused quite a few problems.
The lawsuits show when Ghostbusters was in production Huey Lewis was asked to the news if they would submit a song to help promote the film, but they declined the offer probably because at the time they were working on making songs for Back to the . Future pop singer Ray Parker Jr. was brought in to create a funky song to help sell the movie about the weather and produced the great song we all know and Larva, however, Huey Lewis called it disgusting when he heard the song and claimed that the Ghostbusters background music was totally scammed. his song I want a new drag and yes, the two rhythms sound very similar and maybe Ray Parker jr.
I found out that Huey Lewis and the News were originally approached to produce the song and therefore wanted to create something that sounded similar, but that's just my own speculation, so a court case ensued and Ray Parker Jr. . Huey Lewis was ordered to pay aundisclosed amount of money for copying his song, however, years later, Huey Lewis revealed in an interview how much money Parker Jr. gave him. He paid him to have Parker Jr. He then took Lewis to court and Lewis paid Parker Jr. a lot of money alright Lewis short but useless Jesus holy fool these two really don't like each other and can't seem to stop suing each other let's just say I don't think they invite each other over to their houses for Christmas hey I love Huey Lewis and the news, but at the end of the day I think Ghostbusters was the best song, even if it wasn't a rip-off, the number two title antics, which is in a name in the data, although you'd think that something as simple as the title of a movie wouldn't lead to problems or even lasting controversies, that wasn't the case with the Ghostbusters you see in the early days of Ghostbusters production, the movie was called Ghosts Smashes, which doesn't really ring a bell to me, the project was then called


, ghosts and


being two different words, but Along Came Filmation said, wait a minute, you can't use that title, it belongs to us on the account that in the 1970s filming brought a series of live-action comedy called Ghostbusters, so to use the title Ghostbusters dan Aykroyd had to remove the word dark from the title and combine ghosts and hunters into one word and pay a fee to Filmation;
However, after the film's mega success, an animated series would surely be assured and Filmation asked if they could produce the animated film. series, but they were rejected because the Dick cartoon company came on board to produce an animated series, so Filmation thought screw you guys, we'll make our own Ghostbusters animated series, for which they made an animated series based on their live action television show, title only. it was just a word like in the movie and of course the word that was removed from the title like the movie, which was their legal right to do so, but obviously this was done to cash in on the fame of the new Ghostbusters name thanks to the movie to inform viewers that his cartoon was the legit deal, the Dick cartoon that was based on the movie was called Real Ghostbusters basically, the moment Dan Aykroyd decided to call the movie Ghostbusters, he started a chain of events that were still unfolding many years later, number one, the story behind the logo, the strongest piece of imagery associated with Ghostbusters is without a doubt the iconic logo, something that has become a staple of the pop culture because of how recognizable it is, it needs a don't sign. and incorporates a ghost almost immediately, showing the comedic nature of the film.
It's simple but very effective, but where did the Ghostbusters logo come from? Well, the logo was created by none other than associate producer Michael C Gross, who had previously been an art. consultant for John Lennon, the Rolling Stones, National Lampoon's, and the Muppets, so yeah, it's a pretty random resume to go from John Lennon to the Muppets to the Ghostbusters, but it's just another fun fact that makes the Ghostbusters experience A little funnier, unfortunately, though, is Michael Seagrass. He passed away in 2015, just a year after Harold Ramis sadly passed away, but the works and talents of Michael Grass will always live on through the incredibly iconic logo he created, just as Harald Ramos will always be remembered for co-creating this wonderful movie, well guys that was my look at Ghostbusters.
I feel like in the last year there has been a lot of negativity surrounding the Ghostbusters brand due to the remake with a battle between those who are for the remake and those who are against the remake. and in my opinion, both sides have been better behaved, Pauling Lee, with the bad behavior and name-calling, so this once positive and fun piece of pop culture has more or less been ruined and turned into something negative. Well, I think it's time to make Ghostbusters fun. again and say hello despite the recent negativity, it's okay to reflect on the original Ghostbusters and enjoy them for their positivity and joy along with their wonder and fun and even hope that it's time to make Ghostbusters something positive again and leave everything recent .
Negativity in the past anyway, I'm ink stained and if someone asks you if you're a god, you say yes, yes.

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